On His Terms

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On His Terms Page 4

by Rachel Masters

  “After you,” he said, allowing her to enter first. She walked through his entry doors and into the dimly lit grand foyer. She had no idea what she was doing in this man’s house. Suddenly a sinking feeling had begun to take her over, and the thrilling sensations seemed to escape her.

  What am I doing here?

  She had worked so hard for so many years. She couldn’t risk losing everything that her efforts were leading up to. And if she did pursue things with Hale, there was too much about her that he didn’t know. Things that almost nobody knew.

  His deep, soft voice crept up from behind and made it’s way into her ear. “Make yourself at home.” It was clear from the tone in his voice that he was getting hungry for her. And she was completely trapped.

  “There are things I need you to understand before we move forward, Ms. Shore.” He moved in behind her and gently grabbed her wrists, pulling them backwards. Her head arched back towards him.

  “I have very particular needs,” he said, slowly bringing each wrist behind her back and pressing them into each other. She hadn’t let a man constrain her like this before.

  Hell, she hadn’t even been with a man in years. And she wasn’t sure tonight was the time to start.

  Maybe it was the wine. Or maybe it was the fact that Hale Westbrook was one of the most attractive men she had ever imagined. Regardless, she found herself unable to move. Or at least that’s what she told herself.

  “You’re an incredible woman, Ally Shore. You deserve the world,” he whispered into her ear, still refusing to release her wrists. “And I deserve you,” he said. She let out the quietest moan, still not ready to surrender to what she knew she wanted, but getting weaker by the second.

  It didn’t help matters knowing that Hale Westbrook was now working on taking his belt off, from the sound of things.

  Part of her knew exactly what she should have done—run away, fast. But the other part of her was tired of running. Tired of ignoring her innermost desires.

  At first his belt’s leather felt cold and hard as he wrapped it around her wrists, tightly binding her hands behind her back. But the tighter he made the belt, the warmer and softer the leather felt around her tender skin. And the warmer the leather felt, the warmer she began to feel below.

  “Don’t deny yourself, Ally.” His voice had become even more sinful. She was confused and a little scared, but a bigger part of her knew that she was exactly where she wanted to be. Her nipples stiffened against her dress.

  “I don’t know how much longer I can resist you,” he said, grazing the edge of her ear with his tongue.

  One thing had become abundantly clear to her. It drove her wild inside just knowing how badly he wanted her.

  She had always told herself she would never let herself get in a situation like this, a situation where she was alone with a strange man…not after everything that had happened to her.

  And yet here she was, and the truth of it was that she didn’t want it to stop anytime soon.

  Hale held her from behind and worked his hand into her cleavage, massaging her breast as he whispered into her ear, “You are such a beautiful woman. I need to make you mine, Ally Shore.” He slid his finger under her bra and gently pinched her nipple, sending her just the right mix of pleasure and pain.

  “What are we doing?” she said, barely able to get the words out.

  “I’m doing what I’ve been wanting to do since the moment I first laid eyes on you.” His tongue worked its way down the side of her neck as he began to lift her dress up and slide his hand over the front of her panties.

  She couldn’t believe this was happening to her, whatever this was. Just days ago she never even heard of Hale Westbrook. Now here she was, alone with the billionaire himself, letting him ravage her body completely.

  Ally moaned despite her misgivings.

  Hale turned her around and then pinned her back against the wall, trapping her bound hands between her back and the wall itself. He pushed her shoulders firmly into the wall, diving into her mouth with his tongue. She moaned again as she tasted him, felt his need for her growing stronger.

  “In time, Ally, I’ll release you, but not until you’re ready to follow my rules,” he said, toying with her erect nipple through the thin fabric of her dress.

  Without warning, he drove his hips into her crotch, forcing her body against the wall. She could feel how hard he was, which only made her juices flow more. She couldn’t believe how badly she wanted him, and how badly he wanted her.

  But then another part of her was still resisting.

  Only little sluts do that, Ally. Do you want to be just another little slut?

  The old self-doubt was familiar and intense.

  Meanwhile, Hale had buried his face into her breasts and slowly, methodically, worked his mouth over the top of her dress and down towards her private space.

  Oh god. Just the idea of Hale Westbrook going down on her like this was practically enough to make her climax. She knew she wasn’t ready to allow him to enter her, no way. But she wasn’t exactly taking any steps to put a stop to Hale and whatever devious plans he had with her.

  He peeled her panties slightly to the side, dragging his tongue across her inner thigh. Her crotch was nearly dripping wet with anticipation.

  But that voice, the one that has protected her for so many years, was back.

  Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...

  “Stop! I can’t do this.” She pulled herself away from him awkwardly, her hands still bound behind her back.

  “What? What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Just take me home,” she said. Her voice unable to mask the meltdown she was having inside.

  “Okay, okay. Relax,” he said.

  “I need to go to home. I’m sorry,” she said.

  He stood frozen for a few moments. “I’ll take you home,” he said, shaking his head.

  “I’m really sorry, I just…”

  “It’s okay, really,” he said. But she could tell from his voice that it wasn’t okay. He untied the belt that constrained her wrists.

  Ally was a complete mess. Too scared to move forward with Hale, and too scared not to.

  What did I just do?

  The ride home was painfully quiet. With smudged lipstick and disheveled hair, she was crawling in her skin. She would have killed to magically appear in her bedroom, alone and hidden under her covers. And there was no chance in hell that she was going to look him in the eyes.

  He glanced over at her with a sympathetic expression. “Look, I’m sorry if I made you nervous back there,” he said.

  Ally kept her eyes forward. “It wasn’t you, Hale,” she paused. “I don’t know what to say.” But she knew exactly what to say. She was just too afraid to let him into her world.

  “It’s okay, I understand,” he said. He gripped the leather steering wheel of his Porsche with both hands, tapping his large finger against its surface. She studied his eyes for a moment as he aimed them towards the road ahead. She had only just met this man, but there was no mistaking his disappointment.

  The sports car pulled up to the front of Ally’s sister’s apartment. It was late, thankfully, so she knew her sister was asleep.

  She turned to look at Hale. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let things go that far,” she said.

  He pressed his lips hard into one another, seemingly oblivious to her apology. “Good night, Ally.”

  “Good night,” she said. She slid out of the Porsche’s passenger seat, wondering if she’d ever see Hale Westbrook again.

  * * *

  The next couple of days dragged, and Ally dragged with them. Not a word from Hale. She could only imagine what was going through his mind. She tortured herself with thoughts of regret.

  I blew it. I had my chance, and I blew it. She paced around the apartment, replaying her mini freak-out scene in Hale’s house.

  What was the point of all of this self-torture though? She knew things between her and Hale Wes
tbrook were nothing more than a dead end street. And she wasn’t exactly ready to go on some joy ride with a man only to end up crashing into a brick wall.

  I did the right thing, she tried to tell herself.

  The last time she had been with another man was when she was just sixteen years old. She was a junior in high school, while he was an eighteen-year-old local whom she grew up adoring from afar. And that relationship left scars on her heart that still lingered to this day. Scars that she’d been working so incredibly hard to heal.

  Damnit though! No call? No email?

  She shook her head, still trying to register the fact that Hale was now ignoring her.

  She sat, bounced her foot up and down for a few minutes as she tried to maintain her sanity. The nerve of him not to call. She opened up her laptop and Googled his next public appearance. Bakersfield, CA. Tonight at 6 o’clock.

  * * *

  She spent the two-hour drive to Bakersfield’s Town Hall, Hale’s next public speaking destination, planning a little speech of her own. Sure, it was she who’d put an end to their romantic interlude when the heat became too much for her.

  But that didn’t give him the right to just abandon her altogether, did it? Wasn’t she worth at least a phone call? Or was that kind of thing reserved only for sluts that put out?

  When she arrived at the campaign stop, the town hall scene was a mad house, as was every event that he spoke at. But she was determined to track him down, regardless of the crowd of hundreds that stood between her and him.

  She could just barely make out the top of his gorgeous head of hair, standing on her tippy toes as the speakers began to crackle.

  “Excuse me sir. Excuse me?” She tapped a rather tall gentleman who blocked her view on the shoulder.

  “You should have got here sooner lady,” the gentleman said, stepping aside after all. Just in time.

  “Good people of Bakersfield,” Hale looked out at the large mass of men, women, and their children, “you know what it means to struggle.” He paused, “And you know what it means to prevail.” The crowd erupted in applause at the politician’s opening words.

  She knew he would never spot her, trapped in the back of a massive human buffet.

  “Now, I know you’ve still got your challenges ahead. And I’m here to tell you that I will be there with you every step of the way,” he said. He raised his hand, signaling to the crowd that he had more to say. “If there’s one thing that Hale Westbrook doesn’t relate to, it’s quitting. And as governor of California I will not stop until this great American town of Bakersfield is in the shape it deserves to be in.”

  The applause from the crowd was deafening. The audience had lost its collective mind from all of the energy in the air that night.

  For a brief moment, Ally found herself getting swept up in his candor, almost forgetting why she had driven all that way. She felt herself losing ground by the minute. Even if she was furious with him, what made her think she would actually have a chance to talk to him here?

  How ridiculous, she thought. She knew what had to be done- she needed to go home. And she knew she’d probably never see Hale again.

  As his speech ended, she was determined to at least do one thing right tonight and beat the rush of people heading for their cars. She bobbed and weaved her way through the countless strands of people.

  “Ally!” A strong, familiar hand grabbed her wrist from behind and urged her through the crowd. She was whisked away in a flash and found herself suddenly amidst a silent brick alley tucked conveniently behind the town hall.


  “Come with me,” he said, not waiting for her consent.

  “What are you doing?” she said. “I don’t want to come with you.”

  “Ally, please. It’s too crowded out there to argue. Stick with me,” he said, pulling her through the alleyway. She found herself running with the billionaire, clueless as to their destination.

  “Get in,” he said, opening the door to the back of his limo.

  She refused. “I can’t believe you didn’t call me. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten involved in any of this,” she said.

  “Ally, you knew the deal. We had a business agreement. Don’t make things more complicated than they have to be.”

  “A deal? Did that include telling me how beautiful I am and feeling me up in your house?” she replied.

  He looked down, averting her eyes for a moment as he rubbed his forehead. “You’re right, Ally. I’m sorry for confusing things.” He paused and looked up at her. “I guess I kind of got confused myself after being with you,” he said.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked.

  “I don’t know,” he said, lifting her chin gently with his large fingers. “I guess I didn’t know what to do after you put a stop to things the other night.”

  “I said I was sorry about that,” she said.

  “You never had to apologize in the first place,” he said. “I’m just not used to being turned down like that,” he smirked.

  Hale Westbrook, hurt? She thought to herself.

  “But I have a way of recovering very quickly. And you didn’t drive all the way up here for no good reason,” he said.

  “Oh, there was a good reason- it’s called me losing my mind for a minute there,” she laughed.

  “You couldn’t help yourself, could you? You had to see me,” he said teasing her. He caressed the side her neck, just under her ear, sending chills throughout her body. Then he urged her toward the backseat of the limo.

  “This time I’ll say when you can stop,” Ally told him, climbing inside.

  He reached down and grabbed her backside, sliding her towards him to lay her flat on her back.

  And this time, she was more than ready. He scooped his hands under her shoulders to bring her breasts towards him. He gazed at her breasts for a moment and dove his tongue wildly into her mouth. She could feel the heat emanate from his chest. He was starving for her, and this time she wouldn’t make the same mistake with Hale Westbrook.

  His tongue melded perfectly with hers, while his hands wasted no time and began to unbutton her pants.

  “Oh god.” She moaned even louder, letting him know she would take almost anything he was willing to give her. He slid her jeans down and off her legs, pausing to claw his nails down the side of her thigh. He worked his way over to her panties, feverishly sliding those off as well.

  There she lay, her legs spread open before him. She had never felt so good making herself this vulnerable. She was on fire, yearning for more of him.

  He placed his hands under her back for leverage as he began to gently nip at the area around her opening.

  Damn… She never knew she could get this wet. She arched her back out as his tongue began to ravage her sacred space. This time her hands weren’t tied, and she intended on taking advantage of this fact as she pulled his head in deeper towards her.

  He worked her opening harder and faster, synchronizing his speed with the rhythm of her breath. She dug her nails into the back of his head, pulling him yet deeper into her as his tongue worked twice as hard.

  His hand reached up and began to toy with her nipple as he continued to please her below. She couldn’t remember the last time she climaxed.

  He looked up at her and saw the ecstasy written on her face. “Come on baby, I want you to come for me,” he said. She was just about to fall off the edge.

  His tongue explored harder than ever as waves and waves of orgasmic pleasure ripped through her every cell. She lost herself completely with her climax, letting go with every fiber of her soul.

  And when it was over, he wrapped his arms around her and actually held her close.

  Here she was, trapped under his 220 pound frame, in the back of his limo, surrounded by nothing but desolate alley walls. And yet for some strange reason, she felt safer than she ever thought possible.

  “We should get out of here soon,” he smiled. “I’d hate to make the papers in this f
ashion,” he said. He took out his phone and sent out a quick text message. “My driver will be here in a minute.”

  She looked at him and brushed his hair to the side with her fingers, savoring the soft perfect feel of every strand. “You did great up there on the stage tonight,” she said. Of course, he probably could have just stood up on stage and read an excerpt from an accounting textbook and she would have been just as mesmerized.

  “Thanks. It was easy,” he paused, “once I knew you were there with me,” he said, brushing her upper cheek with his thumb.

  “I’m really sorry I freaked out on you,” she said.

  “Ally, I’ve moved on. You’re with me right now, that’s all I need to know.”

  “Are you always this forgiving?” she asked, comforted by the image of herself reflected in his eyes.

  “Are you always this apologetic?” he replied, sitting up and adjusting his navy blue tie sprinkled with hundreds of tiny American flags.

  The billionaire’s driver knocked on the limo’s rear tinted window. “Mr. Westbrook? You all set, sir?”

  “Yeah, Keith. Let’s roll,” Hale said as he checked the time on his phone.

  * * *

  “Ally, Ally, wake up.” Julie continued to shake her from her sleepy coma. “Wake up Ally, seriously. There’s some guy at the door, said he has a meeting with you.” Ally could barely move, let alone get out of bed. Her sister’s words were like background noise at this point.

  “For real, Ally. Get up. He said his name is Charles. He said he works for Hale Westbrook.”

  Shit. Charles. Ally sprang from her bed, nearly landing on her back, still feeling so disoriented from last night’s events. She paused ever-so-briefly, flashing back to her time with Hale in the back of his limo. Could it all have been a dream?

  “You’re a mess,” her sister said. “Here, throw this on.” She threw Ally a fleece sweatshirt to cover her scantly clad self.


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