Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2)

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Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2) Page 7

by Scornavacca, Cleo

  “I’m not sick.”I said without looking at him.

  “What is it, baby? Tell me. Look at me.Whatever it is, we’ll be okay. I promise.”He shook my hands back and forth to get my attention.

  I looked at his beautiful face and then I knew it was going to be fine.

  “Dominick, I’m pregnant.”My voice was soft and my eyes became glassy. I looked down at my hands, still afraid of what his reaction might be.

  When I didn’t hear a response, but felt Dominick’s hands tighten around my wrists, I was prompted to look up at him. What I saw surprised me. Dominick Kane had tears in his eyes. His reaction to my news pulled my heart closer to his, closer than I could have ever imagined. He leaned in and kissed my lips softly and let his mouth stay there.

  “I love you, Angel.”His words kissed my mouth as he remained so close, so intimate.

  “I love you, Dominick.”I said and didn’t move. I needed to stay close to him, to feel him just like this.

  His tears continued to fall down his face. I kissed each one away, just as he had always done for me. I didn’t want to move from him, just yet. This was the closest we had been in our entire relationship.

  Dominick broke our contact first. He leaned back, but didn’t let go of me. He stared down at my nonexistent pregnant belly and smiled. He placed one hand over the area where he knew his child was. He was so happy in that moment. Yet, something told me he was struggling with something he wanted to say.

  He looked up at me and I waited for him to speak first. He appeared conflicted.

  “Rain, you’ve made me the happiest man alive. I really thought it was going to be a very different New Year’s for me. I never could have imagined that you would be back here with me. I definitely wouldn’t have guessed that you’d be pregnant. I love you, baby.”Dominick exhaled softly through his words.

  My heart couldn’t be more full than it was right now. I wrapped my arms around him and held him closed. He latched onto me and buried his face in my neck. I knew that we would have to talk eventually, but not now. Now was for us, just us. Everything else had wait.

  Our‘Somewhere’came first.




  The inevitable had to happen. We broke our embrace, but didn’t let go of each other completely. It was time to talk. I felt like Dominick knew we needed to get this out in the open, so that we could move forward. There weren’t just obstacles in our way, but outside interferences from my family and friends.

  Interestingly, none of this information would really affect anyone except for Dominick and me. It was so ironic. Everyone’s past lies and deceit caused Dominick to kidnap me and ultimately that brought us together, but those same lies and deceit had the potential to tear us apart, but not if I had anything to say about it.

  And I had a lot to say.

  Dominick was a difficult man. There was no denying that, but I was also a very stubborn person. I wasn’t going to let this end between us. I would fight for him, for us. I did hope that with the news of the baby, Dominick’s demeanor would grow calmer. I wasn’t kidding myself, though. I knew he was going to be nuts. I had to be the one to remain calm. I felt that if I remained focused, I could handle Dominick. I knew he was going to be facing one of the most difficult periods of his life and I would never let him go through it alone. I loved him and no matter what my family thought, this was my life. I lived under their house rules for way too long. It was time for me to have a life and make my own decisions; not to constantly look over my shoulder to see who was happy or not happy with my actions. I chose Dominick. I chose creating a new life with him and our baby. How appropriate to start this today of all days......New Year’s Eve.

  I sighed long and deep. I was scared. Once I started to explain everything, there was no turning back. My mind raced with thoughts of what Dominick would think and what his reaction would be. I knew I had to do this. How would I begin? I felt like I was getting a head of myself. Dominick helped to get the conversation started.

  “I have a confession to make.”He stated.

  My brows furrowed. Whoa, where was he going with this?

  He continued.“After we talked earlier and you told me you still loved me, but needed time; I admit I was happy, but couldn’t leave well enough alone. I decided to go to your house and see you. To my surprise you weren’t home. Yet, Marcello opened the door to greet me.”


  “Yeah, baby, that was my reaction. Well, that and holding him up against the wall until he explained what he was doing in my girlfriend’s home. He told me that you were letting him stay there through the New Year. I walked out and decided in that moment that everything you had just told me on the phone was a lie.”

  “Dominick it wasn’t a lie. I did need more time. Well, I thought I did, but now I know I don’t need anymore time away from you. You’re what I need and want.”My eyes were completely focused on him.

  Dominick grinned slightly, but he did’t seem totally convinced.

  “Listen, the truth is that I did tell Marcello he could stay at the apartment through the New Year. His hotel screwed up on the reservations that he had made and he scheduled several business meetings with very important clients in the city. He didn’t have any choice except to ask me.”

  “Baby, he had a choice to reschedule and explain to his clients that his plans were foiled by the hotel system and the holiday. He chose to seek you out and try to get you back. He still wants take you from me. To take what’s mine.”Dominick’s voice became low and lethal.

  I beamed a wide smile. His....I was his.

  Dominick seemed frustrated.“Rain, what the hell are you smiling at?”

  “Being yours.”My smile became even brighter.

  He let out a low deep growl and shook his head.“What am I going to do with you?”

  “I have several sexy ideas, Mr. Kane; but they will have to wait until after we finish this conversation.”There was excitement in my voice.

  “Don’t try to distract me, Rain. What was that piece of shit doing at your home?”Dominick was angry. I needed to explain and get him to calm him down. Well, at least I hoped my confession would calm him down. I wasn’t so sure now.

  “I told you, Marcello was staying because his plans were messed up. I also owed him a favor.”

  “A favor? What kind of fucking favor do you owe that piece of shit? He fucked your sister, Rain! You owe him nothing!”Now Dominick was screaming.

  His voice made me jump, but I continued.“Dominick, settle down and let me finish.”My voice was serious.

  He said nothing, so I knew it was okay to go on with my explanation.

  “When we had our trip to Capri and you were arrested, Marcello didn’t just press charges because he wanted to fuck with you. He did it because like you, he is also an attorney and he had his reputation to protect. He dropped the charges as a favor to me because of what he had put me through during our relationship together. Even so, I shouldn’t have gone to him to have you released. It was inappropriate on so many levels.”

  “You’re damn right it was. I told you that my lawyer would get me out and he would have without interference from you.”He was shouting again.

  “Are you going to continue screaming at me? If you are, I’ll stop this conversation right now and I won’t continue with it until you’re ready to act like a man and not a raving lunatic.” I was beginning to think our talk wouldn’t solve anything.

  “I’m the lunatic? You agreed to let an ex-lover stay with you, because you feel you owe him and I’m the lunatic.”He was starting to calm down now.

  I cocked my head to one side.“Are you done?”

  “Okay, continue.”He was calm, but I knew it would not be for long.

  “Yes, I agreed he could stay. Well, after Tommy had words with him and explained the ground rules. Then once I had gotten back from my appointment with Dr. Roth.............

  Dominick grabbed me m
id-sentence.“Baby, what’s wrong? Why did you go to see Dr. Roth?”He pulled me close and was searching my face for an answer.

  I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him even closer to me, while I whispered in his ear.“Shhh.... Dominick, I’m fine. I went to see Dr. Roth to get a referral for an OB-GYN that deals with difficult pregnancies. And..... before you start in on me; No, I’m not having a difficult pregnancy. I’m just taking precautions because of my medical history. That’s all.”

  He didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. I could tell he was scared. The gravity of me being sick and carrying his child made him seem almost vulnerable. This wasn’t good for Dominick. He required control. Sickness, pregnancy, and my health were all things he couldn’t control. He had to rely on the expertise of others. This was where Dominick had to learn to trust. His first lesson was going to be to trust what I was about to reveal to him. I didn’t know how to start.

  “Rain, just tell what you're thinking. Tell me what has you struggling. I promise I won’t yell. You have my word that we’ll work it all out together.”Dominick was serious.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, that I held in for a short period. I finally released it in a hard exhale.

  “I went to see my dad the week you went to Paris on business. I needed to find out what happened with your father and why he didn’t leave you the business. I wanted answers, so I could give you a beautiful Christmas gift.”I paused.

  “You gave me a beautiful gift, baby. I spent Christmas with you. That frame with our pictures and our song made it even more special. It was perfect,Rain.”He was so genuine.

  “Please understand that I just needed to get you the truth. Maybe I needed to get me the truth, too. Ever since we came together and you told me why you decided to kidnap Raven, something was eating at me. Something didn’t fit.”

  “What do you mean, baby?”He furrowed his brows, waiting for my further explanation.

  “Well, I always had a different picture painted for me of your father. Whenever I saw Mr. Kane or he visited me and my mom in Capri, he was kind and very generous. Then when we met and your identity was revealed, I just didn’t understand how your father never mentioned he had a son. I mean you were his child. It’s not something that just slips a person’s mind. It’s not like forgetting to say that you bought a new car or something. You were his child,Dominick.”As I said the words I was even more convinced that I needed to tell him everything.

  “Rain, where are you going with this? You’re getting upset and I need you and the baby safe. Maybe we need to stop.”He was calm, but concerned.

  “No, Dominick. We need to finish this once and for all. This way we can move forward. Everything needs to be out in the open. I don’t want the past to ruin our future.”I was edgy and Dominick could tell.

  “Rain, you need to calm down. It’s not healthy. Let me get you something to eat.”

  “I don’t need anything to eat, Dominick! I need to tell you what I found out!”Now I was the one getting loud.

  “Okay, baby. We’ll finish this, but first I think I may be the one who needs some coffee, so I can get through this with you.. Let me get you something to drink and get my coffee and I’ll be right back.”He was making sense. I was shaky. Maybe I did need some sugar. Not having coffee was going to be a killer for me, but I had no choice.


  “Why don’t you take a nice hot shower and get into some comfortable clothes and then I promise we’ll talk.”A small smile played on his face as he was searching my face for my decision.

  I smiled back.“You’re right, I could use something to drink and I definitely could use a shower.”

  “That’s my girl.”He grinned.“Whatever you need to discuss with me, no matter how serious, it has waited this long; so it can wait just a little while longer.”

  I closed my eyes and nodded my head in agreement to his suggestion. With that, he kissed my forehead, finished dressing and left the room to make breakfast. I stretched and headed into Dominick’s bathroom. I turned on the shower and stepped in. The water was more than welcoming. It enveloped me in liquid warmth. I took my shower puff and loaded it up with vanilla body-wash. It felt amazing to wash off the worry. I stayed there longer than I had originally planned. Then, I heard the shower door open. I washed the suds out of my eyes and looked to see that a naked Dominick had come to join me.

  I smiled.“I thought you were getting coffee.”

  “It’s not ready yet. I had to make a fresh pot.”He whispered as he curled his body around mine and held me tight.

  My arousal was very apparent. My nipples hardened and my skin was covered in goosebumps. Dominick was already hard. I thought to myself that this was just so easy for us. We were always able to connect sexually. This was never a problem. I wished all the areas of our were relationship were that easy.

  Dominick placed his hands around my neck gently, as he glided his thumbs back and forth across my jawline. He regarded me intently. His jaw tightened, as he took a deep cleansing inhale.

  “I love you, Rain and I’m going to take what I love.”He stated in a soft, but intense whisper.

  My mouth opened slightly and my breath hitched. Before I knew it, he turned me around and placed his one hand between my legs to ease them apart.I slowly closed my eyes and focused fully on Dominick’s actions.

  He held my left hip with his other hand, to keep me still. I placed my hands on the tiles to support myself. I felt the tip of his cock enter me slowly. I was filled by him completely, not just physically, emotionally. So much so, that I couldn’t breathe. I had so much love for this man. My heart was about to burst.

  Dominick began to move, but this time it was totally different than earlier this morning. He was taking special care with me. He was sliding in and out of my body softly. I smiled knowing that he was being extra cautious, because I was pregnant. This made me ache for him even more. I tilted my ass back into him. I wanted and needed more. I needed all of him. He groaned deeply from my actions.

  The sound of his voice next to my ear made my pussy even aroused.

  “Fuck, Rain. You're so wet.”His voice was strained.

  This made me push back even further, as I pressed the palms of my hands harder into the tiled wall. Dominick’s breathing was becoming labored, so I knew he was close. He slowed as he eased in and out of me. He wanted it to last. I wasn’t sure if that were possible for me. He was making me crazy. I started to moan.


  “I know, Rain. Come for me, now.”He was gentle. I braced myself, as I allowed my orgasm to wash over my body. Dominick came moments later. My legs grew weak, so Dominick lifted me up and placed me on the shower bench.

  He then grabbed the nylon sponge that I used earlier and began to slowly wash my exhausted body. He started at my shoulders. Then he slowly circled each breast, causing my nipples to harden once more. He smiled, because he knew that his touch was what I was reacting to. He paused briefly at my belly and then slid the sponge between my legs and washed my swollen pussy.

  I closed my fingers tightly, as he circled my hardened nub. I wasn’t sure why I had become so aroused, so quickly again. I suspected it was due to the pregnancy and my hormones. Whatever the reason, I was happy it was happening. It heightened my senses and made me bolder than usual. I watched with heavy lids as Dominick’s hand carefully worked my sex. I then tilted my chin up and looked at him. He was watching me as he was playing with my clit.

  I moved my eyes to his cock. I knew what I wanted. I slid my hands up his torso, causing him to straighten up, as I took him in my mouth. He groaned in reaction to my lips and tongue on him. I wrapped my hand around his hard-on and began to stroke him gently, but firmly, as I licked and sucked on him even more.

  I was greedy. I wanted him to come in my mouth. I wanted to own his body, like he owned mine. I didn’t want to control him, but I want his body to fully react to my touch, to my mouth and to my tongue. I reac
hed down and played with myself while, getting Dominick off. Our both fingers worked on me together.

  “I going to come, Rain.”Dominick confessed.

  Moments later I felt the warm liquid fill my mouth, as I found my own release. In an instant, Dominick took me by my shoulders, as he prompted me to stand and he took my mouth with his. His kiss was full on hunger. We were both breathing heavy when he pulled away and rested his forehead on mine and his hands at the sides of my cheeks.

  “I love the taste of me on you, Baby.”He looked me and then closed his eyes to collect himself.

  We finished washing off and once out of the shower, we dressed in jeans and warm sweaters. I walked out to find a tray on the table near the couch in Dominick’s bedroom. On the tray with the coffee were croissants and fruit. Then I spied a pale orange colored drink. I looked back at Dominick.


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