Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2)

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Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2) Page 19

by Scornavacca, Cleo

  All of My Love,

  Mom xoxo

  I finished reading the letter. My tears flowed freely and stung cheeks. I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t know what to say. I always believed my mom loved me, but recent events made me doubt it. Now I know I was always right. She did love me. The problem was she was haunted her entire life by the decisions she made. She tortured herself with them. Maybe not in the beginning, but in the end her decisions destroyed her. Her decisions just continued to spiral out of control. She didn’t try to stop them or maybe she just wasn’t strong enough to stop them and she was probably just to proud to ask for help.

  “Baby, talk to me.”Dominick broke the silence.

  I looked up at him. He was unsure of himself and of me. He was bracing himself for my reaction. Yet the letter was as much about him and his family, as it was about me and mine.

  “Are you okay?”I asked.

  “Me? This was about you. Are you okay?”He was surprised by my question.

  “This was about us. Granted my mom didn’t know then that I would be fearlessly in love with another Mr. Kane, but her letter touched on things that affects both of us, Dominick. So you didn’t answer my question. Are you okay?”I was insistent.

  “Fearlessly in love, huh? Yeah, I’m okay. Actually I’m better than okay. I’ve got you and your beautiful body protecting our babies. I’d say I’m more than okay. I’m finally whole.”He leaned in and took my mouth. I pressed myself to him even closer. I put the letter to the side and climbed into his lap. I wrapped my body around his and kissed him. Fearlessly, as my mom would say. I needed Dominick more than ever now.

  I knew that everything in my mom’s letter had opened up many old wounds, but maybe those wounds had never truly closed in the first place and now that everything was out in the open, they finally could heal and the scars would eventually fade away in time. This was my hope. I wasn't kidding myself. Dominick and I had a long road ahead. The letter showed that Dominick’s birth parents were from Italy. More than likely from Palermo. Now at least he and Marcello would have more to go on. Whatever was at the end of that road, whatever they discovered; I knew we could get through it. I hoped it would make his life less complicated and set Dominick free as well.

  “What are you thinking about, Rain?”

  “I’m thinking that although the letter explained a lot of what went on when we were kids, it left you with more questions than it did me. I’m concerned for you.”

  “Baby, don’t worry. If anything it helped give me a new road to follow. Marcello and I went to Rome, but now we know that my mom had family in Palermo.”He seemed okay with this new information.

  “I would have thought you knew where your mom and her family came from.”I was confused.

  “Not exactly.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  “My mother was an only child. She said she grew up in Rome and that’s where she said she met my father. She partially told the truth. She did meet my father there, but she obviously wasn’t from Rome. My next step is to head to Palermo tomorrow.”He revealed.

  “Can I come with you?”I asked.

  “Absolutely not.”

  “Why not? It’s not like I have much to do around here and I thought we were supposed to be looking for your parents together. Now you’re leaving me behind.”

  He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

  “First of all I’m not leaving you behind. I’m going to Palermo. I’ll be back in a day or so. Secondly, after the stunt you pulled back at the vineyard, you’re lucky I’m not suggesting I keep you under lock and key. Rain, you need to take care of yourself and our babies. You’ve discovered so much and this is far from the stress free vacation we described to Dr. White.”

  “Lock and key, huh? Listen Mr Kane, your lock and key threats don’t scare me. The man I love kidnapped me and I got through that, so placing me under lock and key, as you put it, will be no big deal.”I smirked.

  “Well Miss Medici, I’m not sure I like your attitude, but I’m sure I’ll win this little dispute.”He was confident as he teased me.

  “What makes you think I going to let you win, Mr. Kane?”I teased him further.

  “You see Miss Medici, if I don’t get my way then I’ll call Dr. White and let her know that you aren’t following doctor’s orders and I’ll suggest complete bed rest for the remainder of your pregnancy. Oh and one more thing. I’ll also suggest that we forego any sexual relations during that time period as well. Being I’m the concerned father and all.”He grinned, but was dead serious.

  “You wouldn’t dare. You love our sex as much as I do.”

  “Ah, you're absolutely correct, but I can keep myself busy with work and juries and trials. What are you going to do for the rest of your pregnancy, if you're stuck in bed.”He continued to keep up the joke. It just didn’t feel funny anymore.

  “You mean if I were confined again?”I whispered and looked away from him. I knew it was all in fun, but the idea of being stuck would hit me like a ton of bricks.

  “Rain, look at me. I’m sorry. I was kidding. I thought you knew that.”He asked and I ignored him.

  I tried to pull away, but he wasn’t having any of it. He embraced me even more tightly. Then he touched my cheek softly, which prompted me to look at him. His eyes held a deep apology.

  “I’m sorry, too. I think it’s just been a long day with a lot of unexpected surprises. I’ll be fine. I promise.”I tried to reassure him.

  “Okay, but have you eaten today?”

  “I ate earlier this morning.”I said, as I waited for him to lose it for not having more than one meal.

  “You’re going to have bed rest right now and I’m going to get you some dinner.”He said as he went to go downstairs.

  “I won’t say no to the best rest, if you stay here in bed with me.”I smiled.

  “Are you tempting me, baby.”

  “You know it.”I smiled.

  “And you know that I’ll give you anything you want, but I need to feed you first.”He compromised.

  Dominick headed downstairs to get us both something to eat. When he had come back from the vineyard earlier, he came straight upstairs to me without having any dinner either.

  Dominick came back up with a thick stew that Mema made. Dominick even warmed some homemade bread to go with our dinner. We sat on the floor in front of the fireplace in my room. It was so relaxing. We were quiet. We seemed to have talked enough. I didn’t realize how hungry I was and how much better I felt once I was finished. I decided then that I would keep a very close watch on my nutrition and not neglect my meals any further. Dominick returned our plates downstairs. While he was gone there was a knock on the door. It was Anna.

  “Rain, can I come in? I have some dessert for both of you.”She asked.

  “Sure Anna, the door is open.”

  Anna brought in a plate of cookies and some hot chocolate. She placed the tray on the dresser. Then she turned to me and smiled.

  “I’m glad that you're okay and that my actions didn’t cause any problems between you and Dominick.”

  “You’re actions? I’m not sure I understand.”

  “As I had said, I had told everyone about the vineyard house. Your father and Dominick were so upset and Tommy wasn’t sure where you went. I didn’t know for sure that you had actually went there, but I thought it was worth a try to see. So I had explained to them that I was very uncomfortable about divulging any of the information you had told me in confidence, but I felt that if you could possibly hurt or sick that it was important for me to speak up. Again, I hope you aren’t angry with me?”

  “No, of course I’m not angry with you. First of all I’m the one who got so mad that I walked out and didn’t tell anyone where I was going. Secondly, the vineyard house was an escape from my childhood and things that went on in the past, not the here and now. Please don’t blame yourself, Anna. You were concerned and you didn’t do anything wrong.”I embraced her warmly.

  She hug
me back and tenderly touch my cheeks and said,“I’m so glad you’re alright. I’m glad they found you.”She said with a sigh of relief in her voice.

  “I’m fine and I won’t be doing that again.”I grinned.

  “Well sometimes we all need a break from the chaos around us, Rain.”

  “You’re not kidding.”

  “Are you okay, my dear? You still seem a little stressed.”

  “I ran to the vineyard because I had found letters from my mom. They spoke of the past and her relationship or lack thereof with Dominick’s father. It was quite the revelation.”

  “I can see how that can be stressful for you. Did you discuss any of this with Dominick?”She asked.

  “Yes, all of it. I read my mom’s letter that she wrote to me, aloud to Dominick. I’m afraid that although the letter cleared up a great deal for me, it only opened up more questions about Dominick’s past.”I said with continued concern.

  “How so?”

  “Well, there were so many things Dominick didn’t know about his father and mother and now it seems like it’s all just all coming out in the open. I’ll leave it for Dominick to discuss with you and Joseph. I know that some of the information is not my place to talk about without his permission.”

  “I see. Well, if should he like to talk with us, he knows we are always here for him.”

  “I think he knows how much you both love him and I think he may have some questions you both could answer?”

  “We love him very much. If he needs anything, he just has to ask. If there is anything we can help him with, we will do are best to try.”She smiled at me and we said goodnight. Anna left as Dominick returned.

  “What was that all about?”

  “She just wanted to make sure we were okay?”

  “I see. Did you let her know we were more than okay?”I grinned

  “I told her we were fine.”

  “Good. Now that you're fed and rested, it’s time for you and me to reconnect.”He pulled me to him and covered my mouth with his.

  I became aroused quickly. I needed this. I needed him. His kiss was so soft. We were going to make love. It was warm, it was familiar, but there were new feelings, new connections we made tonight. The letter made so many needs rise to the surface. Needs that we could only fulfill for each other. They weren’t sexual, they were beyond the day to day emotions many couples have. He needed the control. He would have that here. I needed to let go of the past. He would take that away for me tonight.

  We undressed each other. Between the removal of each strip of fabric, our kiss remained slow and fluid. We lowered as one to the floor in front of the fireplace. Dominick laid me back on the cluster of throw pillows arranged near the fire. He came over me and covered me with his body. He gently took my wrists and placed my arms over my head. I draped them on the back of the pillows behind me.

  “Don’t move them, Rain.”This wasn’t a request.

  He slid down to my chest and took my right breast in his mouth.

  I groaned.

  “Shhh, baby. Just feel.”He stated as he moved to my other breast and slowly lowered his hands to my hips to hold me in place.

  His attention was focused on each slow deliberate move he made. He was completely in the moment. He took his time and at one point he stopped and rested his forehead and then turn his head and placed his cheek on my belly. He closed his eyes almost in a quiet prayer or reflection. He then lowered himself further and began to kiss my lower belly. His kisses trailed down until he reached what he wanted, my pussy.

  His mouth was hot and ignited my arousal even further. I couldn’t move because his grip on my hips wouldn’t allow it. This was Dominick’s gentle way of keeping control over me. His mouth tasted every part of my wet sex. His tongued dipped inside to connect with me more intimately. My orgasm was beginning to build. His mouth was also becoming greedier with each lick, so I knew Dominick wanted to come as well.

  He inserted one finger inside of me, but still held me firm with his free hand. He deliberately, but fluidly slip his finger in an out of me, while his thumb rubbed my clit, hard. The pressure helped to keep my orgasm in check. I suspected Dominick knew this and he kept his thumb there, as he inserted a second finger. I really want to move, but the pressure of Dominick’s hand told me that I shouldn’t

  He continued his assault on my wet core with his mouth. I was drenched by his actions and craved for his cock to be inside of me. He carefully broke his connection and slowly slid back up my body, kissing and licking my heated skin until he reached my mouth. His eyes were glazed over and he gave me a small, brief smile. My body lit up further, as he looked at me. He wanted to prolong it and so did I.

  “Stay still, baby. I’m going to take you slow.”

  He stroked his cock and pressed it over my wet opening , before burying himself deep inside of me. I gasped at the connection. He slid in and out of me slowly. On each thrust he stopped to kiss me and then broke away to look into my eyes. Another thrust, another kiss, another stare. He repeated this action in a very slow deliberate manner, over and over again.

  “Rain, you’re so wet. I know it’s all for me. I love you, baby.”His voice was heated, but so tender.

  “Dominick, I love you.”I stated through my breath. I went to grab his shoulders and he chastised me for my actions by grabbing my wrists and holding them back over my head.

  “I’m going to make you come very slowly. I love the way your pussy feels around my cock.”

  I tried again to put my hands on his shoulders and he immediately reprimanded me.

  “No way, Rain. Hands over your head.”He grinned.

  I placed them back, even though I wanted to hold him. Then I thought two could play at this game. I arched my back and clinched my sex around his hard-on. He groaned and I knew I had him.

  “Please, Dominick. Let me hold you when I come.”

  “Baby, you're killin’me. Give me those arms.”

  I wrapped my arms around Dominick’s neck and curved my body to meet his thrusts. Our breathing became labored between our kisses.

  “Rain I own this. You're always going to be mine. Nobody will ever have your sweet pussy, but me.”He said as he took his thumb and rubbed my clit again, this time while entering me.

  He kissed me and then turned his attention to his cock sliding in and out of me. Dominick always loved to watch. My eyes followed his down our bodies. He was ready and so was I. Dominick said nothing. He just returned his attention to me and in that moment we both became undone. We never took our eyes off each other, no arching back or looking away. Our eyes were focused, clearly and intensely on each other. Not a word needed to be spoken. Our bodies said everything.

  We were both complete, sated and secure in each others arms. Dominick didn’t pull out. He laid over me and rolled us both to our sides. He brushed my hair away from my face and took my mouth. He was loving. He was gentle. He was mine.




  It was early Friday when Dominick and Marcello headed to Palermo to find Dominick’s adoption records. They took an Alitalia flight from Naples. It was much faster than renting a car. The non-stop flight would get them there in a little under an hour. Dominick said if they had found anything concrete pertaining to the adoption, he would call me immediately.

  I decided to make good use of my day and go into town. I made an appointment with my dad’s real estate agent. He was from Napoli, but agreed to take one of the Hydrofoils out to the island. The seas weren’t rough today, so the Hydrofoils were running and would take less time than the ferry.

  We met in a small cafe near the port. Mr. Campania was an older gentleman. He was semi-retired and his children now ran his family business, but he was kind enough to meet with me after he had found out who I was.

  “Grazie, Mr. Campania.”

  “Ah Grazie, Rain. Good to see you. How is your father, Victor? It’s been a long time since I helped him pur
chase anything out here on the island.”He greeted me with a kiss to both cheeks and an exuberant smile.

  “He’s very well, thank you. Please have a seat. I hope you don’t mind that I took opportunity to order us some Espresso and pastries?”I asked.

  I ordered regular for him, and decaf for me. I hoped he didn’t think I was being too pushy, but I didn’t have a great deal of time. I wasn’t sure how long Dominick would be gone and I didn’t want him to know what I was up to. It was going to be a surprise.


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