Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2)

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Identity: …………..People aren’t always who you believe them to be (Miss Taken Identity Series Book 2) Page 21

by Scornavacca, Cleo

  Once we cleaned ourselves up and returned to bed, we slowly fell asleep in each other’s arms. We were both exhausted. It had been a long couple of days filled with surprises that answered many questions, but also opened up old scars that hadn’t completely healed.

  I woke up early Saturday morning. Dominick was still fast asleep. He looked beautiful curled around the pillow he was hanging onto. He had a hard sexy body. His biceps were flexed as he slept. I could tell he was still tense. I didn’t wake him. Maybe a little more rest could help him unwind. I showered and dressed in sweats. Then headed downstairs to the kitchen.

  Mema was cooking some breakfast. Antonio and my dad were discussing the politics of Italy over their morning coffee. Raven and Tommy were still in Rome. I was assuming they would be back later today. Other than Dominick the only other two people that weren’t present were Joseph and Anna.

  “Good morning, Mema.”I said as I kissed her cheek.

  “Good morning, Rain. Where is Dominick?”She sounded concerned.

  “I let him sleep in. I didn’t want to wake him. He was exhausted when he got back last night.”I stated without revealing where he had been yesterday.

  “Do you want some breakfast?”Mema asked.

  “Not just yet. It’s a little too early for my stomach.”I felt queasy this morning. I wasn’t sure if it was from the pregnancy or from the news Dominick came home with about his mother.

  “Do you want me to make you something that you can heat up later?”

  “No, Mema. I’ll make something when Dominick wakes up. Just take care of Antonio and my dad.”

  “Okay, but tell me if you change your mind.”She was so insistent, but it was only because she loved me and worried about me.

  “Thanks, Mema. I will.”I gave Antonio and my dad a kiss and I headed outside to get some fresh air.

  I went through the door that lead to the outside room. I saw Joseph and Anna there. They were talking about something quietly. Upon second glance, it appeared as if Anna was upset and had been crying. Joseph looked like he was consoling her. I decided to see what happened.

  “Joseph. Anna. I’m sorry to interrupt you both. Is everything okay?”I looked down and saw that on the table were the papers explaining Dominick’s adoption. No wonder why they were upset. They had worked for his family since he was little. This must have come as a great shock to them. They probably never expected their employer to have lied to them. Let alone let them help raise a child that was not even hers.

  I feel bad because I had forgotten to bring the papers upstairs with me. They must have found them when they went into the kitchen this morning.

  “Were you aware that Dominick was checking into his mother’s past?”Joseph spoke first.

  “Yes, it’s a long story.”I told them.

  “Could you tell us what happened?”Anna asked.

  “Of course, but could we go inside? It’s really chilly out here.”

  “Certainly. Let’s find a warm spot and maybe you can clear up for us what exactly happened to make Dominick check on Elise’s past.”Anna stated.

  We went inside and sat down on the sectional in the family room. It was nice and warm in there. My father or Antonio must have started the fireplace this morning. I finally felt the chill leave my body and I explained to both of them what was going on.

  Originally Dominick didn’t want them to know because he felt they may feel hurt or shocked that he was adopted, but now that they appeared visibly worried, I felt I owed it to them to explain what was going on.

  “When Dominick was away in Paris I had decided to speak with my dad about the agreement Dominick and I had made.”

  “You mean when he first took you?”Joseph asked.

  “Yes. Dominick seemed hell bent on getting his father’s share of Kane and Medici. As you know I agreed to help him. When he left for Paris and our relationship was out in the open, I decided to tell my dad how I really met Dominick.”

  “He must have been so upset, Rain.”Anna stated with concern.

  “At first he was, but then when I explained everything. I also felt he was keeping something from me, which I stated to him. Then my dad calmed down.”

  “Why the quick change in direction?”Joseph inquired.

  “Well, my dad had even more shocking news for me. He said that Mr. Kane didn’t leave the business to him. He left it to me. He gave me all of the papers and a letter that explained everything. Among those papers were other legal documents explaining that Dominick was adopted and that Elise Kane created this elaborate smokescreen and wasn’t ever pregnant, but had adopted a child when visiting her family in Rome. Dominick found out that Elise wasn’t from Rome, but in fact from Palermo.”

  “I see. What happened next? I mean you and Dominick broke up before New Years. Didn’t he know the truth then?”Anna seemed confused.

  “No. He didn’t. I was actually on my way down to tell him because I had also discovered that I was pregnant and wanted to speak with him about everything then. I thought the news of the pregnancy would soften the blow for all of the other information I was about to reveal to him, but…”

  “But Dominick was still in the process of trying to destroy your family and as we know you left that day. I’m assuming you said nothing at that point. Joseph interrupted.

  “You’re exactly right. I was so pissed at him that we just argued and I left. In that moment, I never thought Dominick and I would ever work things out, but Anna, when I spoke with you and you told me he was missing; I knew then that I could never be without him. I loved him way too much to give up on us. I had been acting childishly. I realized that and I knew I needed to stop and fix it.”

  “I don’t know if childish would be how I would ever describe you, Rain. You had been through so much in your life and then Dominick takes you and through all of it he falls in love with you. Yet as much as he loves you, he still lied about his intentions for your family. I don’t know if I would have forgiven him and started again, if I were in your shoes.”Anna added.

  “I know to many people this whole thing must seem like madness and perhaps it is, but the truth of the matter is that I love him more than I can even describe to you and with that love comes compassion. I know exactly how he feels and I know we’re good for each other. We understand each other. Not every couple can say that. Anything worth having is worth going after with an indescribable passion and strength. That’s what I’m doing. I’m fighting for him with everything I have inside of me. I know being with him will never be easy, but easy doesn’t always mean it’s good.”I confessed to them my true feelings and intentions for him. I think they understood.

  “So once he found out he was adopted, was he out of control?”Joseph seemed afraid to ask.

  “No. Not at all. In fact, he said that he always had that feeling, but I just confirmed it further.”

  “When did he decide to start looking for his real parents?”Anna asked.

  “He decided to start looking once he found out the truth and that I was pregnant. We actually decided it would be better if there were no more secrets. We could finally move forward with our lives and our new family. Sort of a fresh start.”

  “So that’s why he invited everyone out here to Capri.”Joseph said.

  “Yes. That and the fact that he felt that all of you would keep me distracted while he went to search for the truth.”

  “I thought you knew about this. Why is he keeping you from it now?”Anna was confused.

  “Dr. White wants me to rest and not be stressed during my pregnancy. Dominick feels if I was traveling all over Italy helping him that I could be in danger of losing the babies. He needed all of you to enforce the fact that I needed to stay here in Capri.”I smirked.

  “I see that didn’t sit well with you. Especially since you went missing the other day.”Joseph returned the smirk.

  “I know. I’m sorry, but I’m not sick I’m pregnant. I do realize that for Dominick that is one in the same thing.”

>   “He just loves you and worries about you, my dear.”Anna took my hand.

  Just as I was about to finish the conversation, I heard Dominick come running down the stairs and yelling for Joseph and Anna. This couldn’t be a good thing.

  Dominick found us sitting in the family room. Behind Dominick was my dad and Antonio. Then Mema came in last. Everyone was looking at each other with utter confusion. I myself was wondering what could have made Dominick this angry.

  “Dominick, what’s wrong? Why are you screaming for Anna and Joseph?”I asked.

  “Why don’t you ask them, Rain.”His voice became calm and was eerily quiet in his response to my question, but his face clearly showed an anger that was directed at Anna and Joseph.

  “I don’t understand. What’s wrong, Dominick? Tell me.”I left the couple on the couch and walked over to him. He placed his arms around me and kiss my forehead.

  “You’re the only one I can trust, baby.”He whispered in my ear, so no one else could hear him.

  He turned me around to face them. He had one around wrapped across my shoulders and the other around my belly. Without moving away from me, he directed his questions to Anna and Joseph.

  “Why don’t you both explain to Rain and the rest of us why I’m angry. I’m sure you know why. Go head and explain it.”His words sliced through me. Even though he wasn’t angry with me, I was still frightened.

  “We know who Dominick’s birth parents are.”Anna said as she stood up and nervously brushed her hands across her dress.

  Joseph stood as well and held Anna’s shoulders to keep her steady.

  “You know who they are? Did you know the whole time?”I asked.

  “Of course they did, baby. Why don’t you ask them who my parents are? Go ahead, Rain. Ask them.”He directed me to ask them, but he never took his vicious glare away from Anna or Joseph.

  I moved away from Dominick. He easily released me knowing that I would get the answer he was looking for, but seemed to already have confirmed for him.

  “Anna, Joseph? Can you tell me?”I looked at them and then back at Dominick. I was very unsure of this situation. I was happy that my dad and Antonio were here. I was afraid of how out of hand this may become.

  Anna spoke first.

  “Yes, Rain. We know who Dominick’s real parents are. We’ve known from the very beginning.”Anna started to cry.

  “Oh, Anna. Don’t cry. It’ll be okay. Just tell us who they are.”I tried to console her.

  “Rain, don’t comfort her.”Dominick commanded.

  “Dominick, stop it. Can’t you see she’s very upset?”I snapped back.

  “Let her tell you the truth and then see if you still want to waste your time comforting her.”

  “Anna? Please. Tell me.”I held her hands and asked for the answer I was looking for.

  “Joseph and I are Dominick’s parents.”Her voice was small, but she seemed to be relieved to have spoken the words.

  “What?”I didn’t know what else to say.

  “That’s right, baby. They’re my parents. Marcello just confirmed it. I was raised by them the whole time. Imagine that.”Dominick sounded sinister.

  “You’re Elise’s sister?”I asked Anna.

  “Yes. I am.”

  “Why didn’t you ever say anything? Either of you. Why?”I was lost in all of this.

  “Yes, why is it that you never told me that I was yours? You had plenty of chances. Years, in fact. I’m sure besides me, we would all love to know. Isn’t that right, everyone?”Dominick was condescending and bitter. Of course at this point how else would he be.

  “Maybe we can all just sit down and talk this out. Find out what really happened.”I tried to come up with a better way of handling this, but Dominick wasn’t having it.

  “Rain, come here.”This was not a request.

  “Why? Why can’t we just calmly talk this out? I asked.

  “I love you, but I’m not doing this your way. I’m doing this my way.”Dominick stated.

  “What do you mean?”I asked.

  Dominick turned to Anna and Joseph.

  “I don’t want to hear any of your explanations. You had 40 years to explain and you chose to continually lie. Now I want you both to leave here and get you things out of my home in the States and never come near me or Rain or our children. Do I make myself clear?”

  “You haven’t even given us a chance to tell you what happened all of those years ago.”Joseph spoke up.

  “Dominick, Joseph is right. Let them explain everything. After you hear their story you can make your final judgement.”I suggested.

  “Rain, I said they are to leave. I don’t want to hear their excuses. Don’t interfere, baby.”

  “Kane, this is my house and if Rain wants to hear what they have to say then maybe you should for once take her advice.”My dad intervened.

  “Victor, with all due respect, this is my life and I want them gone.”Dominick wasn’t even listening.

  “No, please Dominick. This is Anna and Joseph we’re talking about here. Please give them a chance to explain.”I pleaded with him.

  He backed away from me and looked at me in disgust. I was hurt by his reaction. He obviously felt betrayed by them, but maybe there was more to their story and once he heard it he may see things in a different light.

  “You’re going against me? Are fucking kidding? You do what I say when it comes to things that concern my past. I will never give them a chance and neither will you, Rain.”Dominick ordered.

  “Kane, don’t you dare talk to my daughter that way. She’s only trying to help.”My dad fired back.

  “Victor, you’re daughter is carrying my children. She’s my concern and she is way too kind for her own good. That stops now!”He yelled back.

  “Get out of my house, Kane. Get away from Rain until you learn how to treat her.”

  “Don’t tell me that I don’t know how to treat Rain. I love Rain. I want here safe. Which means I want her away from my so-called birth parents.”

  “Dominick, please. This isn't doing any of us any good. Especially, Rain.”Mema voiced her opinion.

  “Mema, I know you love Rain. If you want to help her then take her upstairs away from all of this.”He directed Mema to take me to my room. What was I a baby? I wasn't having any of it.

  “Are you serious? You’re ordering me to go to my room? Stop acting crazy and hear them out!”I demanded.

  “Are you going to do what I ask?”Dominick was impatient.

  “No.”I stood my ground.

  “Then I’m leaving.”He stated.

  “Leaving?”I questioned.

  “Yes, leaving. I’m not going to stand here any listen to any more stories or excuses. I going back to the States. I suggest you come with me.”He paused and held his hand out to me.

  I looked at his hand and that at him, but I didn’t move forward.

  “So you're staying? You're going against me?”He acted like I was betraying him.

  “I’m not against you. I’m the one who loves you. I’m the one who wants you whole. You can’t be okay unless you hear them out. You can’t make an informed decision without all of the facts.”I tried to convince him.

  “Don’t quote me legal jargon, Rain. I have all of the facts I need. I’ve made my decision. Are you coming with me or not?”He waited for my answer.

  “No, I’m not coming. You’re not giving this a chance. This is a lifetime decision. It can’t be made without hearing the whole story.”

  “I’ve heard all that I want to hear. I’m done. It’s you’re choice, Rain. You’re either staying here with them or you’re joining me and we’re going home.”This was Dominick’s ultimatum.

  I couldn’t leave. I had to hear what they had to say. This was a life long decision. I wished Dominick would listen, but he was so hurt there was no trying with him right now. I knew he would go home and pout, but he would eventually cool down and make the decision to speak with them. I knew he needed time alone to thin
k. I was going to give that to him.

  “I’m staying Dominick. I can't leave them like this.”

  “So your choosing them over me. I loved you, Rain. Now you’ve betrayed me like everyone else in my life. How could you? Maybe I was all wrong about you.”His angry was not only directed towards Anna and Joseph, but towards me as well.

  I couldn’t speak. He wasn’t wrong. I loved him so much, but I needed to be fair to all parties involved. He wasn’t thinking straight. He was speaking from his undeniable pain. Someone had to have a clear head and that someone had to be me.

  He didn’t understand. I wasn’t trying to hurt him. I was trying to help him see things more clearly and not make decisions now that he may regret in the future. Again, he wasn’t having any of it. He turned away and walked out the front door without looking back.


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