Flawed Professor: A Hero Club Novel

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Flawed Professor: A Hero Club Novel Page 4

by Sarah Stein

“Yeah. No tail here anyway,” Parker said, placing the pool stick in its original spot.

  We paid our tabs and headed to the next place another block down. The night went on like this for another two hours until we made our way to the Hillside Club. We weren’t new to this place. I had secretly expected to land up here by the end of the night, which we did. It was where the women were. There were quite a few people in line, mostly females. It was a popular place to dance, drink, and chill. Many weekends my boys and I would go to the Hillside and have us some fun. I expected this weekend to be just as pleasing.

  We showed our IDs to the bouncer when it was our turn in line. He nodded and let us through. The music blared so loud it could be heard outside. I knew once we entered, I’d have to stuff tiny balls of napkins into my ears to dim the sound or go with the flow. I chose to keep my hearing this time around. It might make me old, but I didn’t care. The last thing I wanted was a pounding headache and ringing ears.

  “Hey, it’s you,” Brian yelled above the noise.

  I glanced to where he looked and saw the waitress from earlier. It looked like our boy was about to be lost for the rest of the night. The waitress, whose name I didn’t catch, sauntered up to Brian and dragged him onto the dance floor. He winked our way and followed the temptation. Who could blame him? It was one of the reasons we were out anyway.

  “Let’s get a drink!” I yelled, trying to be heard.

  Xander answered, “Shots!”

  I knew it was over. The moment we ended up taking shots, something would happen. But I complied anyway.

  “Yes. Let’s do it,” I answered.

  The three of us went over to the bar and ordered shots of Vodka. We had three rounds, knowing it would sneak up on us, especially after the number of beers we’d already ingested. I wasn’t swaying yet but was feeling all sorts of good. I left the guys hanging at the bar and eased my way onto the dance floor.

  Yeah, I was by myself, but who cared. There was always a girl dancing alone who ended up near me. It happened quite a bit. I wasn’t a great dancer but was known to hold my own. All I had to do was move with the girl and let her lead.

  The thumping of the music coursed through my veins along with the alcohol I’d already consumed. Lights from the trellis above played havoc with my senses as I swayed my hips to the beat. Then it happened, the poor soul who ended up my way. I couldn’t see her exact features as the lights dimmed, but I felt the long, wavy tresses brush along my forearms as I placed my hands on her hips. She moved right and then left, shaking her plump ass to the beat. She didn’t have to show me her features to know I was a goner.

  Chapter Six


  I might be a little intoxicated. After working at the daycare, I’d gone home, taken a shower, and scheduled a Lyft to the strip. Going out alone was never good as a girl, but I’d been in these places so many times I wasn’t worried whatsoever. Most of the establishments’ owners knew me, not because I was a daily drinker, but because I enjoyed going out and having a little fun.

  When you worked and attended college, you needed some time to yourself to unwind. That’s what I did the majority of the weekends, and so here I was once again. I’d tipped back the second shot of the evening, a green jolly rancher, and ordered a Sex on the Beach to sip on. There’s no way I’d be able to drive, thanking the Heavens I’d opted for a Lyft. I knew the precautions and taken them.

  “Here you go,” the bartender said, “It’s from the gentleman over there.”

  I lifted the shot in a salute to the guy sitting across the bar, tipped it back and guzzled. He grinned and raised his cup before taking a sip. I wasn’t going to go there and talk to him. I thought it was strange how men showered women with drinks, but if he wanted to spend his money on my drinks, then by all means. It wasn’t like he drugged it since it came from the bartender I’d known and trusted throughout many years.

  “Tell the guy, thanks,” I said to the bartender. He grinned and walked around to the other side to deliver my message.

  I wasn’t out to meet anyone much less get laid. I was out to let loose before the weekday started back up. I figured I was done with this place. Once you get too many looks or prying eyes, it was time to move on and party somewhere else. I emptied the cup, then paid my tab before heading out the door. I was hoping the guy didn’t follow me as I continued walking down the strip.

  Damn, this place was hoppin’. My eyes were everywhere as the lights illuminated the night sky. There were so many options, but I knew where I wanted to go, and that was dancing. I thought I was pretty good at moving my body to the beat. When I had a few drinks in me, that’s what I wanted to do the most. Well, other than belt out some lyrics in a karaoke bar.

  The Hillside Club was extravagant to me. I always had a good time there, dancing and drinking. Not once did I meet anyone and didn’t expect to change that streak. I wanted to be free; to dance the night away, per se. I waltzed up to the bouncer, ready to show my ID, but he waved me on in. I guess you didn’t need proof of age here. I didn’t know the reason but didn’t care, I pocketed my ID.

  Glancing around, I ached to be part of the crowd of people gyrating and dancing to the fast beat. The loud sounds bounced off the walls and vibrated all around me. I had goosebumps from the excitement.

  I walked to the bar, ordered two more shots, and threw them both back before heading out onto the dance floor. The place stayed open until the early morning hours, and I wanted to soak up as much dancing as possible. I swayed my hips to the sounds, letting the music guide my movements. I didn’t care who was around me or what anyone else was doing. I focused on what was important, and that was letting the music speak to my soul.

  Music was my life. I didn’t care what genre played as long as it had a beat to dance to, and a classical rhythm or lyrics that made some sort of sense, I was all for listening. The lights guided my steps on the dance floor, so I didn’t run into anyone. I maneuvered every which way moving my arms above my head and shaking my hips left and right.

  It seemed like this one song lasted forever until another one came on. DJ’s tended to make one song roll into another where people couldn’t tell if it was two separate songs. I could always tell because it’s what I lived for. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a man dancing alone, creating the same movements but much manlier. What the heck? My inner voice whispered to me as I glided toward the unknown figure.

  I didn’t know who he was or what his purpose was tonight. All I knew was that we were two people lost in the same music flowing through our veins. So, I turned around and dropped my body a little low. I then shook the bit of ass I had in front of the man while flinging my hands in the air. He must’ve liked what I did because his hand grabbed onto my hips and swayed with me. It was as if we moved in perfect harmony.

  The songs ran one into the next as we continued dancing together. It was a blast; I enjoyed the heck out of dancing with someone else who seemed to be having just as much fun. I still couldn’t make out his features in the dim lighting, even when the lights from the trellis moved our way. It was as if we weren’t meant to see one another. That was totally fine with me.

  We were in our own world, moving and grinding against one another. Then finally, the beat changed, and a slow song played. The guy turned me around to face him and quickly tucked my head under his neck to rest on his shoulders. He kept his hands on my waist. I thought for sure with the way things were going, he would move his hands to my ass, but he was all gentlemen.

  I hummed along with the words knowing exactly what Adele song graced my ears. We glided on the dance floor as if no one else shared the same space. Out of all the times I’d been out, this one was the best. I felt alive and ready to face the future ahead of me. No, I didn’t know who this guy was but unbeknownst to him; he helped me come alive tonight; keeping the negative thoughts of the unknown at bay. For that, I would have to thank him.

  And then it happened, the hotness of h
is breath against my ear tickled my insides as he asked, “Would you like to go get a drink?”

  I waited a second before answering. I didn’t know what to say. Should I get a drink with this stranger, the guy I’d been dancing all night with, or deny his request and continue dancing? I was having a great time, but I didn’t want the illusion to shatter, the one where I wouldn’t have to know who this guy was.

  He waited patiently, not saying a word. My heart galloped in my chest from the nearness of his body. I was all too aware of the muscles underneath his shirt. Yet, my arms continued to rest around his shoulders and neck. I took the chance and glanced up before answering, but he was swift and caught my lips against his.

  I had no clue who this stranger was, yet my heart threatened to beat out of its chest from the intensity of his touch. What in the absolute fuck? He nipped at my bottom lip with his teeth, trying to coax my mouth open for entrance. All my senses told me I needed to stop the onslaught, but I was too entranced. The feeling brought me to a whole new level. I wanted his lips on me and his arms around me. This was not who I am, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself.

  I opened up to him, allowing his tongue to dance along with mine as our bodies continued the same motions. It was terrific, I yearned for the kiss to go on without ever stopping. His hands trailed up and down my arm, leaving a path of heated flesh behind. I was feverish and hungry for his touch. Deepening the kiss, I let him know I wanted his soft lips everywhere all at once.

  I moaned into his mouth, he picked up the pace lifting me off the floor and forcing my legs to wrap around his torso. I’d forgotten time and space. It was just the two of us. And then it happened, the music changed tempo and the spell had been broken. Our lips parted, and with wide eyes, I looked up into the most beautiful mix of blue and green. I jolted from the stark realization I’d climbed up on one of the professors at the college I’d applied for.

  Never had I lost myself this way. I was embarrassed and grew stiff when the recollection of what I’d done hit me. No amount of alcohol in the world could make me forget about what I’d done. I might have screwed up the only chance I had at gaining my dream job. What if this guy ratted me out? I’d ignored the way he’d opened the door for me, peeped into his classroom, and now took advantage of him on the fucking dance floor. Who does that? Not, Sophie, that’s who. I struggled slightly as he let go of my legs hesitantly.

  I quickly took a step back, redness taking over my cheeks as I fought the humiliation. “I’m so sorry.”

  With those words, I bolted out of the Hillside Club and away from the man who made inexplicable things happen to my body. I didn’t question him; didn’t ask his name and didn’t even get to know him. Instead, I ran like a little girl frightened of the big, bad wolf.

  Chapter Seven


  The best kiss ever. I’ve had many kisses throughout my lifetime, but this one was the icing on the cake. Her lips were smooth and pliant against mine, and I wanted to continue the kiss all night long. The moment the beat changed tempo, the spell fell away, and I felt the shift in her. She looked up into my eyes and I was lost in a sea of blue.

  It was the woman from the college, the one who had no manners and was in a rush. How the hell did I get this lucky? Two times I’d seen her in one day. Honestly, I thought I’d never see her again. But then it happened, she shifted, and I let go of her legs before she bolted into the sea of people. What had I done?

  “Dude!” A hand clapped me on the back, causing me to jerk around.

  “Look at the crazy bastard,” Xander urged, “I knew he’d do something like this tonight. Probably had more drinks than all of us combined.”

  I followed Xander’s finger to the spot he was pointing. Lo and behold, Brian was on top of the bar line-dancing with the waitress he’d met earlier. They were all smiles and out of sync, but it didn’t matter because I could tell Brian was happy. The bartenders didn’t even try to get them off the bar. They stood back and laughed with the rest of the crowd.

  I couldn’t find it in me to laugh. My thoughts were only on the red-headed beauty that left me in a rush. Did she not like the kiss? Was I coming on too strong? I was so confused and wished I could’ve caught up with her to question her. It seemed when the girl ran away; she became an athlete. I couldn’t help but wonder if she won any medals in her life with how fast she ran.

  The night went on as if nothing happened, but something happened to me. I had a taste of the most delectable lips, and I wanted more. It surprised me because I thought Elodie was the one for me years ago, but this stranger beat Elodie. This stranger was heaven in my arms. When her legs wrapped around my torso I was smitten, but when her lips touched mine, I was a goner.

  While Brian continued his escapades with the waitress, I hung out with Xander and Parker. We drank a few more beers, but my heart wasn’t into partying anymore. Had the stranger not shown up, I would still be on the dance floor, making moves on some other girl. It just so happened; the stranger took that from me.

  I was on autopilot, not really hearing what the guys said. By this point, I wanted to go home. I was so out of it I didn’t hear someone talking right to me. Xander kicked my leg under the table to get my attention, he tilted his head up to indicate someone was next to me, talking.

  I zoned into the woman. She was petite with short brown hair. Her eyes were brown, not the blue I’d hope to see again. It sucked when your mind was on a totally different person, but you had a perfectly sexy woman at your disposal. I needed to forget about the stranger; needed to get the striking red hair and blue eyes out of my system. This current girl was interested. I could tell by the way she kept touching my shoulder with each new sentence.

  I nodded, indicating I was listening, although I hadn’t heard a damn word she was saying up until now. Out the corner of my eye, Parker was grinning. Did he know I wasn’t paying attention to the girl? I hadn’t a clue. Maybe he knew the girl was attracted to me and thought it was funny. Who knew the way my boys’ minds ran?

  She switched from talking about some friends at work to asking, “So, do you want to dance?”

  I had to get back into the game. The reason I’d come here was to get laid and have fun. This girl was offering one. Let’s see if she’ll be compliant later in the evening. Then, maybe I could fuck all thoughts of the red head out of my system. Yeah, that seemed like a good idea.

  I answered, “Sure. How about I buy you a drink first?”

  She gushed, “Yeah. I’ll take a shot. That way we can start dancing since you can’t bring drinks on the floor.”

  I nodded and ordered two shots once we arrived at the bar. We clinked glasses and then tipped them back. She quickly sucked on the lemon provided to her, not being able to handle the bitter taste. Then, the girl led me to the dancefloor. I wasn’t in the mood to cut loose with some other broad, but what choice did I have? I had to forget about the most amazing kiss I’d ever had. This petite little thing would help me with my problem.

  I moved behind the girl, leaned down, and rubbed my cheek against her head. She didn’t even remotely smell or feel like the stranger. I closed my eyes and let the music guide us. The petite girl bounced her body in front of me, shaking her ass and singing along to the music. Every now and then she’d turn around and place a kiss on my cheeks and lips. It didn’t turn me on nearly as much as the stranger did.

  Before I could excuse myself and get the hell out of dodge, she leaned back against me and said, “Want to get out of here?”

  I couldn’t thank the Lord quickly enough as I nodded, and this time pulled her along. I didn’t know where she lived and didn’t give a fuck.

  I said, “My place,” then looked down at my phone and scheduled us a ride.

  I didn’t have to tell the boys I was leaving. Shit, the guys knew how it worked. Most of us didn’t stay hanging out together once the night started anyway. Besides, Xander and Parker were more than likely looking to get their own piece o
f tail and wouldn’t be worried about me. The entire walk toward the exit, the girl hung onto me, kissing and touching my body. I didn’t crave her touch; I needed it to forget about everything – especially the red-head. I turned around, pushed her up against the nearest wall, and swooped in for a kiss.

  Her mouth opened greedily, allowing my tongue entrance the instance our lips touched. She gripped my pecs while my hands roamed the top the short skirt she wore. I had no clue who the hell I was kissing. I figured I was on a roll tonight with strangers. She more than likely told me her name earlier when I zoned out. I didn’t care to know her name. She was someone to pass the time with, and then she’d get out of my life. That’s how these weekends worked.

  It felt wrong to kiss this girl. My lips slanted over hers as she yielded into my arms. I didn’t deepen the kiss, not wanting to feel her mouth on mine much longer. Her lips didn’t even feel right against mine. No, not like the other woman’s lips. So, I pulled away and ushered her out the exit nearest us. We arrived outside in time for the Lyft. After getting into the vehicle, I was assaulted with hands all over me.

  The driver pretended he had no clue what was going on in the back, which was weird. If it were my vehicle, I wouldn’t allow some strangers to make out, especially while I was driving. This dude didn’t seem to mind. If I had to guess, it was because he had a front row seat and witnessed the goods under the girl’s skirt. She was oblivious to the amount of skin she showed off.

  We arrived at my place in no time. I tipped the guy, especially for making out on his seats, and guided the girl to the front door. No sooner that I opened the door, she was on me. Her hands lifted the button-down shirt off of me, which she could’ve just unbuttoned. I helped her by sliding my pants down, my cock releasing from its constraint. I wanted this so bad. I needed it, wanting to enjoy my entire night, but thoughts kept screwing it up. Before continuing, I reached into the nightstand, retrieved the packet, and rolled the condom onto my dick.


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