The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3] Page 10

by CJ England

  Lucas glanced in the rear view mirror at the following limousine. “I know, Irish. Danolas was just giving you a hard time."

  She wrinkled her nose. “Does he do that a lot? Give people a hard time?"

  "Actually,” Lucas said with a frown. “No. He's pretty even tempered. Guess you two just rub each other the wrong way."

  "Lucky me."

  "He's not such a bad guy,” Lucas rejoined. “He can be kinda stuffy, but hell ... he's got a lot on his plate. Not a lot of time for messing around."

  "I'm under his authority now."

  The words were so bitter; he turned and stared at her. “And that bothers you?"

  Brianna nodded vigorously. “Oh, aye. I'm Irish. I don't like being under anyone's authority."

  "You were under Aebh's. Why is Danolas so different?"

  She folded her arms across her chest. “I don't know, just ‘tis. There's just something about him that sets me off.” Glancing at the wolfman from under her lashes, she pouted a little. “He's mean to me."

  Lucas turned a bark of laughter into a cough when he saw Brianna's eyes flash a warning. “Ummm,” he managed. “I'd say you started it, but that would probably be a little childish."

  A smile flirted at the corner of her mouth. “It would be ... but,” she said with a sigh, “'tis true."

  He gave up trying not to laugh. Her candid and blunt speaking was enough to raise the High Priest's eyebrows, but Lucas thought she was a breath of fresh air. Other than Kira, he'd never met a woman who didn't play pretend.

  She joined in, laughing at herself as well. “I just hope he and I can come to some sort of an agreement. I hate feeling uncomfortable around him."

  He patted her knee. “As Danolas is so fond of saying ... it will all work out."

  Brianna snorted. “An optimist. Bloody hell. I hate optimists."

  They shared a quick grin, before Lucas turned back to the road again. “Now, tell me what you do for fun back home."

  * * * *

  In the limousine, Danolas brooded as his brothers talked around him about Gallegar, Kira and the wondrous new ring the vampire now wore. He grunted in agreement now and then, but his mind was focused on the Jeep and its passengers. He didn't like what he was seeing. Lucas was just getting over Kira; he didn't have any business starting something up with Brianna. And since she was Danolas’ responsibility now, he had to make sure she was taken care of and Lucas wasn't leading her on just for a physical relationship.

  Fury shot through him. Lucas and Brianna together? Immediately, he cursed himself. What did it matter to him who the stubborn witch slept with? She could take on the whole San Francisco Giant's football team and it wouldn't bother him. He cringed at the untoward thought. That wasn't like him. Just because she was free with her speech and thoughts, didn't mean she was free with her body. And what right did he have to judge her anyway? He was her High Priest. One kiss, no matter how exciting, didn't make him her lover.

  Drumming his long elegant fingers on his staff, he thought of how she'd taken over his thoughts. He'd known her less than a day and his mind was filled with her. He still wasn't sure he liked her. She was too earthy, too loud and not enough of a lady, but he had to be honest to himself and admit the idea of her and Lucas bothered the hell out of him.

  Smiling absently at something Patrick said, he glanced up at the car in front of them. If he was smart, he'd just stay out of it. Let nature take its course and allow Lucas to have some fun. God knows he needed it, and Brianna wasn't some innocent young miss. She could take care of herself, so he wouldn't have to worry about her at all.

  Danolas had plenty of other things to concern him without adding a smart-mouthed witch to the pile. He'd hold his temper, and be what he thought Aebh really wanted him to be ... Brianna's mentor and guide. Deliberately, he put the thought of her delicious lips and soft body out of his mind. From this point on, she would be nothing but his student. Just like the hundreds of other witches in his society ... nothing special.

  While his loins mocked that last statement, he felt the limo jerk violently to the left, almost hitting an oncoming car. The driver—this time it happened to be Jorad, his acolyte—swore loudly as he struggled to get the car back in the correct lane.

  "What the hell is going on?” shouted Benjamin. He held on to the mini fridge with one hand and his seat with the other.

  "I don't know. Jorad,” Danolas called up to the other witch. “What happened?"

  "There is something in the road, High Priest,” Jorad called back. “It appeared out of nowhere and then just disappeared."

  "Could you tell what it was?” Koran yelled.

  The acolyte shook his head. “No. It came and went too fast."

  "I don't like this,” Patrick said, stroking his goatee. “I think I'll go take a look.” Without another word, he popped out of sight.

  "What did it look like?” Danolas asked Jorad. “Could you see anything?"

  "All I got was a quick look. I ... I thought it was a woman."

  * * * *

  "Jesus!” Lucas took a quick look over his shoulder. “They almost ran off the road."

  Her eyes widening, Brianna turned in her seat to look back at the dark green limousine behind them. It was weaving slightly, but it seemed all right. “I don't see anything wrong."

  "I didn't either. Hang on and I'll ask Dano—"

  Suddenly, the car filled with the sounds of a thousand screams. It was like knives in their ears, ripping and tearing through their heads. Brianna cried out in pain at the noise. She pressed her hands over her ears, but the sound didn't diminish. It went on and on, a high-pitched keening sound that made her head ache and tears come to her eyes.

  "What the fuck is that?” snarled Lucas. His eyes were half shut in agony, but he couldn't take his hands off the wheel of the car as he fought to not drive off the road.

  Brianna didn't answer. Her mouth dropped open as she stared out the front of the car window. Tears rolled down her cheeks from the pain. She blinked once to clear her eyes, but that didn't change what she saw.

  Floating above the car was a wraith. Wisp-like and partially transparent, its white figure contrasted sharply with the blackness of the dark night. A cloak that looked like dirty gray-white cobwebs swirled around the entity. Long fingers beckoned on spindly arms that appeared and disappeared, leaving the disembodied hands floating in the air.

  Tendrils of silver-gray hair undulated like dirty seaweed, flowing down over the car hood to the ground below. They caressed a thin face with slashing cheekbones, a long pointed nose and deep-set, bruised eyes that bled a painful crimson from centuries of weeping. The bloodless lips parted in a continuous scream that rose and fell like swells of the sea.

  "Sweet Margaret Mary,” cried Brianna. “It's a banshee!"

  "Is it dangerous?” he asked. “Other than that damned sound?"

  She shook her head, more tears streaming down her face. “In my land, ‘tis a messenger. They foretell death, but they don't hurt anybody."

  "Tell that to my ears."

  The banshee's eyes seemed to glow and it lifted a ghostly hand to point at Brianna. The screams and wails grew louder as it stared deep into the witch's eyes.

  "What do you want?” Brianna screamed back. The pain was so fierce she felt herself losing consciousness. She'd never heard of a banshee acting in such a way before. It was as if it wanted to hurt them. “Tell me why you're doing this!"

  There was no answer from the apparition. It just continued to look at Brianna, its mouth wide and keening, its hands clenching and unclenching. The sorrow and grief in its cry were almost overwhelming. Brianna wanted to go to it, to release it from its years of misery, but she was frozen in her seat, the wailing making her unable to craft the simplest of spells.

  "Son of a bitch.” Lucas could barely think with the agony in his head, but he sent out a quick mind-burst to his brothers. “I need help."

  In the other vehicle, the Chosen were also grimacing in pain.
The mournful cries, worst than those that emanated from the Gate of Hell itself, were close to shattering their eardrums, and only the fact they were further back gave them any help at all.

  Danolas tried a protection spell, but to his surprise, it didn't work. His head ached from the sharp blades of sound cutting through him, but he answered Lucas, his voice faint and weak.

  "What is it? What is that noise?"

  "Brianna says it's a banshee. The screaming is so damn loud, we can't even think. I ... I can barely drive. I'm going to get off the road and ... NO! Son of a bitch, don't do that! I'm trying to pull ... damn it. Nooooooo!"

  They watched in horror as the Jeep swerved violently. It fishtailed, its tires spinning on the pavement and then overcorrecting so severely, the car went up on two wheels. The momentum sent it hurtling though the air, rolling over and over down the hill into a ravine where it crashed against a small tree.

  Now, they all could see the banshee, its ghostly gray dress glowing against the dark of the forest. It screamed again, this time the sound of triumph. It floated down over the side of the embankment to where the car lay on its side.

  "God damn it!” shouted Benjamin. “Stop! Now!"

  Jorad had already slammed on the brakes. A few seconds later, their vehicle screeched to a halt. Everyone poured out of the limo and raced down to where the Jeep rested, a tire still spinning lazily.

  They'd only gotten halfway there when Patrick appeared by the vehicle. Popping in out of thin air, he grabbed the banshee around its skinny throat. The keening cut off with a suddenness that was almost painful. The creature struggled for a long moment, and then with a single piercing wail, it disappeared right out of Patrick's grasp.

  The Ethereal cursed loudly as the other Chosen reached him. “It just faded away. But it said something. Something I don't understand."

  Danolas ignored that as he raced to the Jeep. It was lying on the passenger side, the grill smashed back against the cab, the driver's door flung wide open. He levitated himself up and peered inside. Lucas lay with his head back against the seat, a stream of blood flowing from a deep cut on his temple. The big man's right arm was bent in an unnatural angle. He groaned and opened his silver eyes.

  "Bri ... anna,” he managed. “Seatbelt broke. Held her down ... best I could."

  The High Priest's jaw clenched. No wonder his brother's arm was broken. He'd used it to try and save Brianna. Suddenly terrified at what he'd find, Danolas tried to look over Lucas’ still form. He couldn't see anything ... couldn't even hear her breathing. Lifting his staff, he uttered an incantation. Lucas’ seatbelt snapped open and carefully, minding the hurt limb, Danolas lifted him out of the car and into Benjamin's waiting arms.

  The Suprahuman grunted, and went into extra strength mode. “Jesus, Lucas ... you need to cut down on that French cooking."

  "Har, har,” Lucas groaned weakly. “Everyone's a comedian.” He waited until his brother carried him over and set him down next to another tree before asking, “Brianna?"

  Benjamin looked behind him, as Koran knelt to check Lucas’ wounds. “Don't know yet. Danolas is getting her now."

  Forgetting all caution, Danolas crawled into the Jeep. He could see Brianna now. She lay so still and small, her face turned away from him and pressing against the shattered window. Icy sweat touched his brow as he eased down next to her.

  "Brianna?” He touched her arm gently, then spoke without considering his words. “Leannan? Can you hear me?” He brushed the tangled hair away and carefully turned her face toward him. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was mostly undamaged. A cut marred her lower lip and there was a nasty bruise on her cheek, but no other marks. His eyes glowed briefly, as he used his magick to search her body for any injuries.

  "How is she?” Patrick asked. He floated at the window, ready to lend a helping hand.

  The glow faded from Danolas’ eyes. “She's got a bad bump on the head and it looks as if her ribs are cracked where Lucas held her down, but it could have been much worse.” He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. “She's lucky. That thing could have killed her."

  The Ethereal's face tightened. “We can talk about that later. Let's get her out of there."

  Nodding, Danolas handed his staff to Patrick, and then carefully slid his arms under Brianna's limp body. She moaned quietly, and he felt his heart lurch in response. So much for keeping her safe. His jaw tightened as guilt niggled. He looked down at her, seeing the blood dotting her T-shirt. Something painful raced through him, as if he'd been the one hurt.

  She moaned again as he lifted her, cradling her against his chest. Her eyelids flickered open and he was surprised to see a flash of violet color encircling the dull brown orbs.

  "Dan ... olas?"

  "It is all right, Brianna,” he answered. Without thinking, he dropped a kiss to her forehead. “You're safe now."

  "Ban ... shee."

  "I know. She's gone."

  "Shouldn't have ... happened ... that way."

  "Shhh,” he remonstrated. “There will be time for that later. Now, let's just get out of this Jeep."

  She sighed and closed her eyes, her body snuggling instinctively against his. Unwilling to give her up, even to Patrick, he used the stored energy in his body to levitate himself up and out of the car. A few moments later, he sank down onto the ground next to Lucas, still holding her in his lap.

  "Allow me,” murmured Koran, seeing his brother wasn't going to let loose of the woman in his arms. The faerie sighed worriedly. He could tell Danolas was interested in Brianna whether he wanted to be or not. And it looked like Lucas was too. Would the wolfman be involved in yet another love triangle? All they needed was another problem to deal with while they fought the war.

  "It looks like she cracked three ribs,” the prince stated as he moved his hand gently over Brianna's body with a healing spell. “But I don't sense anything else. Just some all around bruising, and she'll have a black eye if she isn't careful."

  "Knowing Brianna,” Lucas joked, “she'll probably wear it as a badge of honor.” He rotated his newly healed arm, courtesy of the faerie.

  Danolas smoothed her hair back and allowed himself a chuckle. “You're right about that. And her head is so hard; she only has a minor concussion. Easily fixed."

  "Minor, my ... great grand-da's arse,” Brianna said weakly. She opened her eyes and blinked to focus. The first thing she saw was Danolas’ worried face staring down at her. Without thinking, she smiled and trailed an index finger down his cheek. “Am I dead? Sure, and I'm looking at the handsomest of the angels."

  His face went red, but his arms tightened around her. She decided she'd stay there ... for a while. He felt strong and safe and she liked the feeling of being held against him. “What happened with the banshee? Where is she?"

  "Patrick grabbed her, but she disappeared.” Benjamin still looked disgusted by that fact. “Like water, right through his arms."

  "I thought an Ethereal could hold onto another Ethereal,” Lucas said with a frown.

  "We can,” the shade answered. “But I couldn't hold on to her ... or it."

  "It is said the banshee might have faerie blood, which makes them more than a ghost ... and less than a true faerie.” Brianna touched her cut lip and grimaced. When Danolas’ hand pushed hers away she frowned, but then felt the healing touch on her mouth. She sighed in gratitude. Maybe he wasn't such a stuck up prig after all.

  "But a banshee doesn't attack people,” Danolas said, as he moved the healing power from her mouth to the bruise on her cheekbone. “It is a harbinger of death, but it doesn't hurt anyone."

  "No,” she agreed, wanting to purr at the feel of his hands on her. She jerked her thoughts back to the matter of the banshee. “And this one is tied to my family."

  "How do you know that?” Koran asked.

  "I could just ... tell. I couldn't use my magick against it, so I think we are of the same blood. ‘Tis said if the banshee has attached itself to a clan, the
y can't use power against it."

  "Yeah.” Lucas sat up carefully. “She pretty much shut down in the car. Almost like that thing put her under a spell."

  "It wanted something,” Brianna realized. “Something very important."

  "To kill you.” Benjamin's words were sharp.

  "I don't think so."

  They all turned and looked at the Ethereal.

  "Why do you say that, Patrick?” Danolas wanted to know.

  "I couldn't talk to it. It wouldn't listen. But when I grabbed it, just before it pulled the vanishing act ... it did say something."

  "What did it say?” Brianna questioned.

  "Just one word,” the shade answered. “Safe."

  Chapter 5

  They all stared at him incredulously. “Safe?” Danolas echoed. “She said Brianna was safe?"

  "How the hell can that be?” Lucas growled. “She pushed us off the fucking road. I was all set to pull over when she came at me. Made me jerk on the wheel and that was all she wrote."

  "I did feel a strong sense of triumph when I touched her psychically after the accident. I thought it was because she'd almost killed Brianna, but maybe it was because in some weird way, she felt she'd saved her.” Patrick looked around at them all. “I know it doesn't make sense."

  Danolas chewed on that for a minute, then shrugged. “I don't understand it either. But something is up.” He looked down at the diminutive Irishwoman. “I think you may have brought a problem with you."

  She stared up at him, and he could see her trying to work it all out in her mind. Finally, she shook her head. “I don't know what it could be."

  "Perhaps, this is not the best place to talk about it,” Koran murmured as he saw a Jeep very similar to Lucas’ slow down and rubberneck at the accident scene. Once it had speeded up, going in the same direction they were headed, he turned to the shapeshifter. “About your car..."

  The wolfman looked at it sadly. “It's scrap, isn't it?"


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