The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3] Page 18

by CJ England

  "Dunny!” he exclaimed, as he ran forward. “It's good to see you!"

  Brianna wiped her eyes quickly as the other witch came forward. She fought down the resentment as her pet moat lizard hissed and licked Danolas’ face, obviously happy to see him. The High Priest's face was wreathed in gladness as he patted the monster's broad head. Dunny was a descendant of an ancient dinosaur creature, long thought to be extinct. A little magick had spilled onto him when the castle was made, thereby making him as immortal as the fortress above him. He had been part of Dunguaire Castle for as long as she could remember.

  "You know Dunny,” she said unnecessarily.

  Danolas nodded. “He and I were great friends back when I lived here. I spent many an hour down in these tunnels."

  She stroked Dunny's mottled green neck. “'Tis a good place to think."

  Danolas looked at her. “Am I interrupting that thinking?"

  Brianna shrugged. “Nay ... not really. I just wanted you all to have your time together alone.” Her brow furrowed. “Why aren't you with the Peacekeeper?"

  "Because I came after you."

  Rolling her eyes, she gave a snort. “That, I can see, but you've been without her a long time. I'd be thinking you'd rather be up with them, than down here with me."

  "You thought wrong."

  Her hand stilled on Dunny's neck. “Be careful, High Priest. You might make me think you like me when we all know you don't."

  He flinched at her bitter tone. “Brianna, I do like you. Too much. That is our problem."

  She snorted again. “Right. Liking a person is always a problem for me, too."

  "That's not what I mean and you know it.” Danolas came closer, meeting her troubled gaze. “We've been over this."

  "Have we?” Brianna shrugged and scratched Dunny behind his big ear. “Last I heard I was good for a toss, but not for a mention."

  "Damn it,” Danolas growled. “That isn't what I meant. I never thought that.” He glared at her stubborn face. “I know you don't believe this, but I did it for you."

  Her temper flared. “Oh, for fuck's sake. Tell me a lie if you must, but don't say such a stupid thing. Did it for me. What a pile of manure."

  "It was for you,” he insisted, grabbing her and pulling her away from the lizard. “I should never have touched you. I knew we couldn't be together. It was a mistake and I knew it as I made love to you the first time."

  She tossed her head. “And the second time? Was that a mistake, too?"

  Danolas took a deep breath, fighting back his temper. It was always this way between them. Heat and fire, anger and pain. “I wanted you, and by the Power ... I want you still. But wanting isn't enough. We would only wind up hurting each other more."

  "Because I'm not good enough for you."

  He was silenced by her words and could only stare at her. She shook her head at him. “I know what I am, Danolas. I'm an orphan, a mixed blood who had to be taken in by Aebh, because me own mother refused to raise an immortal. I was the youngest of any witch to become First Acolyte and I've had to deal with a hell of a lot of other witches who resented me for it. I'm the most powerful of my kind and that makes it a bit of a hardship to find friends. Everyone I know either wants something from me, or is afraid of my power."

  She pulled away from him and turned to look out over the moat. “But, when I met you and the Chosen, for the first time, I wasn't different. All around me were others as strong as I was, and nobody seemed to care.” Brianna turned back to him. “Except, you. You didn't like me from the beginning, and I admit it was as much my fault as yours. We didn't start out well, and that was because I was jealous of you."

  He blinked in astonishment. “Jealous?"

  "Aye.” She wrapped her arms around herself. “It was Danolas this, and Danolas that, from Aebh. I grew to hate your name long before I was sent to see you. You were perfect in her eyes and nothing I could do seemed to measure up. Then she gave me to you like I meant nothing.” Tears formed in her dark eyes. “As easy as that, she gave me up."

  "Brianna.” He couldn't let her go on. “Please."

  "No ... let me finish.” She pushed back her hair and met his gaze firmly. “I thought I was important to you. For whatever reason, you made love to me and I thought we'd touched ... in a special way. But I was wrong. I care about you, but you won't let yourself feel that for me. As you said, I'm not the fancy lady you have your heart set on. I'm too common, too primitive. Well, why do you think I came home? I knew it was over, and I'm not one to hang around where I'm not wanted.” She tossed her head. “I've had enough of that here."

  "You think I don't know that?” he broke in, his sapphire eyes flashing. He grabbed her arms again. “I knew about you long before you came to us. And hear me now; you weren't the only one jealous. I've been jealous of you for years."

  Her mouth dropped open. “Me? Bloody Hell! How could a man like you be jealous of me?"

  "Because ... you weren't the only one being regaled with wondrous stories.” Danolas sighed and let her go, to rub Dunny between the eyes. The moat monster hummed in appreciation. “Once you took over as First Acolyte, every time you did something, she told me about it."

  Brianna's eyes were huge in her pale face. “She talked to you about me?"

  "Often. Much more than I wanted to hear. Oh, I was glad you were an adequate First—"

  "I was much more than adequate, boy-o."

  He raised a pale eyebrow. “Just so. But you have to understand I thought of Aebh as mine. To see her care about someone else was hard to stomach. I know it makes no sense, but..."

  "But why?” she asked. “Why would you care so? Look at you. You've everything. You have pureblood heritage. You lead a strong Society, and are the most powerful witch—other than myself—I've ever met. You are a part of the Chosen and have wonderful friends who are closer than a family. Why would you give a care about another unimportant witch such as myself?"

  He cocked his head. “How much of my background do you know?"

  She blinked. “Only that you visited here for a time.” She looked shamed. “I might have quit listening when your name came up."

  "Oh...” He managed a laugh. “It was much more than a visit. I was born here."


  Danolas sighed. “My parents are, as you said, purebloods. They worked here, in the castle under Aebh's protection for many years. They are both strong witches in their own right and she encouraged them to start a Society elsewhere to strengthen our kind. Just after I was born, they immigrated to America. My father, Darius, started the San Francisco Society."

  He smiled. “When I was sixteen, they sent me back to be with Aebh. Even at that age, they could see I was stronger than they were. They knew her tutelage would benefit me and our people as a whole. At sixteen I was the most powerful witch in the castle.” He raised an eyebrow. “Sound familiar?"

  She nodded. “Aye ... very."

  "I was here for many years, learning, and growing in strength and power. I was only twenty-three when she made me First Acolyte. Until you, I was the youngest."

  "How long were you here?"

  "I stayed here at Dunguaire for just over a hundred years. I then went back to San Francisco and took over the Society there, so my parents could travel. The council made them the first ambassadors of our kind and they met with witches all over the world."

  "Where are they now?"

  He felt the pain now as if it was the day it happened. “My mother, Dylona, lives in Paris under the First High Priest of the Council. She trains others in ambassadorial skills. My father...” He swallowed hard. “He was killed in an uprising in Africa a decade ago.” His blue eyes darkened. “You see, this isn't the first time, my family has fought demons."

  "But he was immortal.” His pain pierced through her like a knife.

  "And you know that hinders death, but doesn't stop it completely.” Danolas rubbed his eyes. “He was killed by someone who knew how to target immortals. But his death
was not in vain. I used his knowledge, and what happened to him to protect Kira and my brothers when the demons attacked us. This time, the evil ones did not succeed."

  "I'm sorry,” she whispered inadequately.

  He smiled sadly. “I tell you this, Brianna, so you know, I do understand. I know how it feels to be different. To be stronger than any other and to be disliked or feared because of it. Even though I saw my parents often, I still felt alone. My destiny was set apart from theirs, yet I didn't know what it was until I had the vision of Kira. Only then, did I feel like I wasn't alone. Still ... I had the dream for almost a year before she finally came. It was the longest year of my life."

  He caught her face between his two hands. “And I have an apology to make. If I had known you then, I would never have said what I said. It was jealousy and anger talking. Forgive me."

  Her hands clasped his wrists. “Forgive you for what?"

  "For saying Aebh didn't want you anymore. That wasn't true.” He bent and touched his forehead to hers. “I was the one who asked her to relinquish her claim to you. Not the other way around. I felt ... at the time, it would be better for you to be under my authority. You seemed so uncontrollable, it was the only thing I could think of."

  Her heart swelled. “You mean she didn't just give me to you?"

  He laughed. “No. I had to talk her into it. She did say you needed a strong hand, and could use some training, but I embellished a little due to temper. She didn't want to lose you, Brianna.” He sighed. “I understand the feeling."

  His touch made her knees weak. “Don't, Danolas. I can't bear it."

  He tightened his grip. “This isn't any easier on me than it is on you. I do care about you, Brianna. So much, I can't sleep for thinking of you. But I'm trying to be strong. To be sensible. It can only end in heartache if we were to be together.” He held her away from him. “You see ... I haven't told you everything. I didn't want to hurt you, and I thought it would be easy to walk away from you, but it isn't. It is the most difficult thing I've ever done."

  "Then tell me now.” Brianna could barely talk; her throat was so tight.

  "I don't know how to say this other than to just speak it out.” He pulled away so he could look her in the eye. “I belong to another."

  Her slap caught him across the face. “You blackguard! You low sneaking buzzard. You dallied with me when you are promised to another?"

  Catching her hands in his, Danolas shook off the blow, thinking he probably deserved that one. “Wait, Brianna. I make it worse than it is. I've not met her yet."

  She went still. “What?"

  "I don't know who she is. I just know who she isn't.” He took a chance and put his arms around her. “I know that doesn't make sense, but it is true. And because it's true, I must be careful. I am destined to be with another woman. I could tell you more details, but it doesn't matter. The bottom line is, I'm unable to commit to you."

  There was a long silence between them. The sound of Dunny yawning almost drowned out the lapping of the waves against the stones of the moat.

  "And do you know when you'll be meeting your future mate?” Brianna finally asked.

  Danolas frowned. “No."

  "So ... you're going to go without until then, are you? It could be years ‘till the lady makes herself known."

  He felt himself turn red. “I'm sure I will find suitable companionship when I need it.” He cursed himself when she froze against him. Of course she'd take it wrong. “I didn't mean—"

  Brianna pushed away from him, tears brightening her eyes and falling onto the T-shirt that reminded him, I speak SARCASM as a second language. “Aye, ya did. You said the truth and it's time I listened to you.” She sniffed loudly. “I put my heart on a platter for you enough times, and all you did was politely tip it onto the floor. Well ... not anymore."


  She ignored him and leaped onto Dunny's back. “I may be slow, Danolas, but I'm not a stupid witch. You've said it often enough. I'm not the woman you want sharing your bed. I bring out all those basic instincts that appall you. Fact of the matter is; you think I'm not good enough for you.” Her eyes shot fire at him as her temper grew. “But I'll tell you this, you black-hearted son of the devil. I'm worth more than a roll in the hay, and I'll be an embarrassment to no man."

  "That's not what I—"

  "To hell with you, High Priest,” she raged, completely out of control. “The sooner Aebh gets back and we can go our separate ways, the better. Sure, and I don't need you any more than you need me!” With a cluck of her tongue, she turned Dunny away from the stone outcropping.

  Danolas watched in amazement as she rode the monster out into the moat. When they hit the sunlit water, she glanced back at him, her face filled with fury and hurt. A second cluck sounded and both witch and beast disappeared under the dark water.

  He stood there in silence as he thought of her parting words. He was very much afraid she was wrong. He did need her. The problem was ... he could do nothing about it.

  * * * *

  "You are very quiet tonight, my brother.” Gallegar offered Danolas a snifter of brandy. The Chosen congregated in the library after dinner, talking and enjoying the fact they were together again. A few of the protectors, Jorad, Tobias, Wade and Sam were also included. “I see the young witch didn't join us tonight. Could that be part of the problem?"

  Danolas stared at the glass in his hand. He'd spent the whole afternoon wondering how to face Brianna, and then she hadn't bothered to show up for the meal. “She is angry with me."

  "Does she have reason to be?"

  He opened his mouth to say no, but then closed it. He gazed at the vampire. “I don't know. I'm trying to do what's right, but I'm not doing a very good job."

  Gallegar smiled. “What are you trying to do?"

  Danolas gave a dry laugh. “Stay away from her."

  "Why would you need to do that?” his leader queried. “She is a beautiful, interesting female, who, unless my eyes deceive me, is very much interested in you. Why can't you enjoy her company?"

  "She isn't right for me. Nor I her."

  The vampire put down his own drink. “Excuse me?"

  The witch sighed. “I am not ... used to a woman like her. She is so damned outspoken. She won't listen to reason. She has a mouth like a fishwife and her taste in clothes is deplorable."

  A dark eyebrow raised as Gallegar listened intently. “Go on."

  Danolas got up to pace. “She says what she thinks and argues incessantly with me. She will not obey orders and has no respect for one who knows more. She is quick to anger and slow to change. And...” his eyes narrowed, “she finds nothing wrong in giving her affection to others."

  "Her affection?"

  His anger flared at the recollection of her in Lucas’ arms. “Let's just say I'm not the only one she may be interested in."

  "Indeed.” Gallegar's quick wits caught the mind-flare and he saw the memory. “I find that hard to believe."

  "You haven't been around,” Danolas shot back at him. “You don't know."

  "Yeah, maybe not,” came Lucas’ deep voice, “but I do."

  Danolas stiffened. “This is a private conversation.” He turned to glare at the werewolf. “Do you mind?"

  Lucas studied his brother silently, noting the lines of suffering on his face. He sighed deeply. “Damn it. Will I always be dog-in-a-manger?"

  Gallegar smiled in commiseration. “From what Kira saw in that vision for you, the answer would be no. Your time will come."

  "What are you both talking about?” Danolas demanded.

  Ignoring the question, Lucas only snorted at the witch. “Have you forgotten we are mind-linked? I saw the memory."

  Danolas’ back went poker straight. “It was an accident. I didn't mean to intrude. You have my apologies."

  "Save it. All you intruded on was Irish and I finding out we kissed like a brother and sister.” He glowered at Gallegar's grinning face. “Waste of a good kiss,
I have to tell you."

  "Brother and ... sister?” Danolas’ voice strangled in his throat.

  "You don't have to rub it in,” Lucas complained. “We just didn't click, okay? But it was good. Showed me I wasn't dead.” He glanced over at Kira who was teasing Benjamin about needing a haircut. “I may not be ready yet, but ... I'm getting there."

  "I am pleased, brother.” Gallegar clasped the bigger man's shoulder.

  "Wait ... Are you telling me you and Brianna never...” Danolas could barely speak.

  "Well, hell. Of course not. Even if the kiss had been something more, we all knew you were the one she wanted. None of us were surprised you guys slept together."

  Gallegar choked on his brandy. “But you just said—"

  "I said I was trying to do what was right.” Danolas glared at the vampire. “I didn't say I hadn't made a mistake."

  "And he told her that. Can you believe it?” Lucas shook his head at the witch. “Told her it was a mistake in front of us all."

  Eyes narrowing, Gallegar shook his head. “I'm finding it hard to feel any sympathy for you, my friend. It isn't like you to be so unkind."

  Danolas felt his gut clench. “She's the one who forced the issue! You don't know Brianna. She seems to bring out the worst in me."

  "If you allow her to, she might bring out the best."

  Danolas closed his eyes. “I don't think so, Gallegar. We are just too different. I do care, but she isn't what I think of when I imagine a mate. And then there is the vision..."

  "The vision is the last thing you should worry about,” Gallegar stated firmly. “Kira told you about the package ... the wrapping, not the person within. Remember ... as Brianna showed us with the gift of my ring,” he held his hand out so they could see the magical circlet on his finger, “what is on the outside can be deceiving."

  "I just don't want to hurt her,” Danolas said quietly. “And I know I can."

  "It shows the type of man you are, that you are worried about it,” the vampire answered. “But if you guard yourself too closely my friend, you will miss what treasures the world has for you.” He touched the witch's shoulder. “Do not cut yourself off from what might be, Danolas. If you do, you will never find what will be."


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