The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3] Page 25

by CJ England

  "In his father's home.” Danolas pointed out the window to the large fortress overlooking the lough waters. “In Enniskillen Castle, itself."

  * * * *

  "You truly think we can follow the trail from here?” Brianna asked quietly as they shuffled along the tour route with the other sightseers. The company blended in pretty well, even if they were the majority of the group. Hiding twenty people in plain sight wasn't easy, but so far it was working.

  "The energy of the battle and Labraic's death is very strong,” Danolas whispered back. “I believe you will be able to sense the Sceptre of Power and follow Cyric's trail."

  "I'm a hoping you're right.” She sighed as she pretended to snap a picture of the Watergate as they were led through the front area of the castle. “I'm not feeling anything yet, more is the pity."

  Danolas intertwined his fingers with hers as he led her closer to the tour guide. “Wait until we get into the Keep. You'll see what we mean."

  "And then what will we do?"

  "Then you try to get a fix on the trail. Once you get a direction, the bus is ready to go. We'll travel by road as far as we can, then hike the rest of the way."

  Brianna swallowed. He was so sure of her ... so confident in her abilities. But she was terrified she'd let them all down. She shook her head. Who would have believed he would be more certain of her, than she was of herself?

  Saying nothing more, she followed along as the tour made its way through the rifle range, the barracks and the old powder magazine. Tourists ooohed and aaawed over the different stories and legends the guide related, but none of the company really listened. They were too busy watching for the attack they knew could come at anytime.

  Finally, they all trooped into the Keep, a large stone building in the center of the castle proper which held the remains of the original medieval structure of the Maguire's. It had been rebuilt, but parts of the true castle still survived and it was there Danolas led Brianna.

  "Do you feel anything, little sister?” Gallegar asked her, as they all gathered in a circle on the ground floor. “Anything at all?"

  Brianna took a deep breath and then let it out slowly. She opened her senses, but used no magick. Like the others, she didn't want to give anything away. “I do feel the energy. It is very strong here.” Her eyes closed as she focused on the forces in the room. “There is power here ... and anger. Hatred, even.” She opened her eyes and shuddered. “And death. It covers all the other kinder emotions that still exist."

  "This is what we felt when Patrick led us here,” Danolas put in. He glanced at the tour guide who was reciting the history of the Maguire Clan as she pointed to a scroll with the family tree on it. “Labraic's father ... his human one that is, died here as well, not long after his son's death. But Labraic was a bastard, and another son inherited the castle. It is said the Chieftains of Enniskillen were good men, so not all were corrupt and evil."

  "Perhaps that is why Cyric was able to banish the demon. Here, in this place, good prevailed, so evil could be vanquished.” Koran nodded carefully. “Even though there is energy here, it is kept contained in this one area.” He looked at Brianna. “Where he was sent back to Hell."

  "It could be why we don't feel the psychic energy anywhere else on the grounds.” Gallegar twisted a strand of Kira's hair around his index finger as he thought it through.

  "Can you find the trail?” Kira asked Brianna. “With all this residue, can you find what we seek?"

  It was time. Put on the spot, the young witch could only hope for the best. “I—"

  "She will find it,” Danolas interrupted. He squeezed Brianna's hands. “Go ahead leannan ... we will wait."

  No pressure there. Brianna sighed and sent a quick prayer up for guidance. Then, stepping away from everyone, she opened her mind up again to the energy around her. Slowly, she made the journey from this reality to the psychic plain.

  The malevolence was what slapped at her first; making her take a step backwards, and she lifted her hand to ward off the sensations. Hate and fury, and an evil she couldn't even imagine. She felt it touch her, testing her strength before it slid away to find another victim. She shuddered, thinking of what Cyric must have gone through to pick up that sceptre and take his master's place.

  Her face was so pale, and she went so still, he knew she had found something. But when she swayed unsteadily and reached out her hand, he knew instinctively, she needed him. Without hesitation, Danolas went to her, pulling her into his arms.

  "I'm here, Brianna,” he mind-whispered her. “Always."

  She clutched at him, then her head dropped to his strong shoulder. He felt her draw strength from his nearness, and then closing his eyes, he joined her on the psychic plain. Dusty and as barren as its name, the wind whipped his long hair as they stood ... gazing at a picture that slowly formed in their minds.

  It was Enniskillen of the past. The castle in all its former glory. Reminding him somewhat of Dunguaire at its hey-day, the psychic fingerprint was filled with laughter and light and color. Danolas heard Kira's indrawn breath and knew she and the others were seeing it right along with him and Brianna.

  They watched as a pair of children raced down the stone staircase and through the large room. No sound could be heard, yet all knew the kids were laughing and shouting. A moment later, a young woman followed behind them, holding her long skirts up so she could give chase. She was quite beautiful, in a homespun sort of way, but her face was tight and pinched with irritation. The nursemaid disappeared after the two and the scene was quiet for a few moments.

  Then, from under the stairs crept a single figure. Lean and lanky, with bright red hair and pale purple eyes, he was dressed in a robe the color of tree bark. His thin face was intense and lit with anger so visible; you almost missed the tears staining his cheeks. Looking around, he sent out a tendril of power, then smiled and faded back into the woodwork as if he'd never been.

  "Cyric,” Brianna murmured.

  Only a few minutes passed before more people appeared. No need for a name this time, the evil surrounding this man was introduction enough. Brianna trembled and Danolas held her closer. He could sense the demon taint to the creature ... he'd felt it too many times before.

  Labraic was a surprisingly handsome man, with short curly dark hair and beautiful, intense dark eyes. Tall and strongly built, he had a smile that could charm or kill, as the mood depended. He walked across the large chamber talking to another man who also held the darkness of evil, yet still retained some of his humanity. Neither was paying attention to the obscure figure under the stairs, until it was too late.

  Cyric leaped from the shadows with a silent battle cry that made all the company gasp as if they were fighting the battle with him. The witch whipped open his robe and pulled out a weapon of such beauty and strength; everything went still for a long moment. The Sceptre of Power was everything they knew it would be. Gold and silver with gleaming jewels and a crystal so bright, it was impossible to tell the color. They could feel the humming power of the thing, even in the psychic photograph. The acolyte pointed the Sceptre at Labraic and his lips moved silently reciting the incantation. A stream of glowing power shot out from the weapon.

  In a movement too quick to be seen, the demon pulled the other man in front of him. The magick hit the human square in the chest. His mouth opened with a silent scream and then to their horror, he crumbled ... turning to dust right before their eyes.

  Labraic laughed, and wiped his hands of the remains of his minion. Then he sent a slap of power at Cyric, who deflected it with the Sceptre, but was knocked backwards from the blow. He pointed it again at the evil one, but just before he began to speak the incantation, the two children and the nursemaid entered the hall a second time. The demon snatched the younglings up and held them in front of him, mocking the young witch. The nursemaid screamed, but good Cyric could do nothing, but lower his weapon.

  As soon as the tip pointed at the ground, the demon tossed the kids away an
d struck out at Cyric. The magick hit the witch full on in the chest, but instead of killing him, the power of the Sceptre turned it, sending the demon's own magick back at him. Labraic screamed and fell to the ground, but quickly regrouped and sent out another deadly stream of power at Cyric.

  This time, the witch was ready. Adding the Sceptre's magick to the demon's, he spoke silently. All could feel the change this time. The power swelled and transformed, turning into a swirling whirlwind of strength and authority. It charged back at Labraic, lifting him and holding him motionless in the air. The demon gasped and struggled. He clawed at his own throat with fingers that had suddenly become long and taloned. Blood gushed from his mouth, pouring down his chest, to pool on the floor beneath his feet.

  With the last of his strength, the demon sent a hate filled burst of energy out at Cyric. It slapped at the witch, sending him to his knees and breaking his concentration. For a long moment, the two wills struggled, but the strength of the Sceptre of Power was too much. Labraic's eyes rolled back in his head and like his follower; he disintegrated, leaving nothing but the psychic imprint of a body lying on the cold stone floor.

  The two children and the nursemaid watched in horror. When Labraic disappeared, they finally broke free of whatever had been holding them in place and ran screaming from the hall. Cyric climbed unsteadily to his feet, as if to stop them, but then hesitated. Realizing he could do nothing more, he tucked the Sceptre back under his robe and turning, he ran out the front door, and into the courtyard beyond.

  As quickly as the vision had come, it disappeared and they were all standing in the center of the hall of the Keep. The tour guide was frowning at them and waving frantically, but they all ignored her summoning hand.

  "High Lord,” Jorad gasped. “Are you all right?” The others crowded around them.

  Danolas blew out his breath. “Yes ... but it was a powerful vision.” He looked at Gallegar. “Did you all see it?"

  The vampire nodded. “Yes. Even the protectors were drawn onto the psychic plain."

  "You both are very strong,” Koran muttered.

  Kira touched Brianna's arm. “Are you well?"

  Brianna swallowed. Her eyes were huge in her pale face. “I have never felt anything quite like that."

  Lucas gave a snort. “Stick with us, Irish. We do that kind of thing all the time."

  "Do you see it?” asked Patrick. “Do you see the trail?"

  She shuddered and Danolas pulled her tighter against him. “Leannan, do you know where we must go?"

  Nodding, she turned slightly and pointed out the open Keep door to the hills beyond. “That way."

  Benjamin moaned. “Through the countryside? Damn it! Not again. This time it's a perfectly good bus and we can't use it. This is really getting old.

  * * * *

  They traveled all day, through the township and across the rolling hills into the darker forests beyond. The company was watchful, not knowing how much energy had been released during the seeing of the vision. While neither Danolas nor Brianna had used any powers, the innate magick of the psychic residue itself had sent out forces they couldn't control. If they had been picked up on, the company could be being tracked, even now.

  Brianna didn't know quite what to make of Danolas. He was sweet, attentive and loving, often joining her to hold her hand, or drop a quick kiss on her forehead before he moved off to speak to one of the other Chosen. And selfishly, she'd loved the attention. She watched him from under her eyelashes, wondering exactly what was going on behind those gorgeous blue eyes. If he'd have been any other man, she would have thought he was courting her, but he wasn't. He was a man who wanted her, but didn't love her. Why was he going to so much trouble to be nice to her?

  She'd needed him back at the castle ... that she could safely admit. Everything had been frightening and out of focus, but once he put his arms around her, she'd felt safe. Safe enough to relax and let the vision flow through her. It was what she thought love was supposed to be like. Two people, so connected, it was as if they shared one mind. Brianna glanced up to where Gallegar and Danolas were talking. She felt it with her lover ... but did he feel it with her?

  "You have serious thoughts.” Kira's voice dropped into Brianna's musings, making her start.

  "Aye ... ‘tis a serious time,” she responded.

  The golden-eyed woman smiled. “And you are very serious about Danolas, are you not?"

  Brianna gave an unladylike snort. “Sure, and that's no surprise to you."

  "Danolas is very special to me, as well,” Kira murmured, her eyes on her mate and the tall blonde man by his side. “He always knows my heart ... sometimes better than I do myself. He has seen me through much pain and always brought clarity to my soul."

  "Do you love him, then?” Brianna asked, jealousy shooting through her.

  "Oh, yes,” Kira answered blithely. “I love him very much.” Her knowing eyes met Brianna's. “As I love them all."

  The witch suddenly felt very young and stupid. “I'm not sure I can understand what you have with them."

  Kira laughed. “Do not worry. We do not understand everything, either. But I can tell you this. What I feel for Danolas and the other Chosen pales in comparison to my love for Gallegar. It was meant to be this way. It does not make how I feel for them any less important ... just different."

  Brianna frowned. “And why are you telling me such things?"

  "Because...” Kira took her hand and squeezed it. “You love Danolas, more than that ... you are in love with him. And the both of you are meant to be together. That means you are part of this company, not just to fight the war, but for eternity. Once you both stop fighting so hard and accept that, then what you have together will be more than I can even begin to relate to you.” She smiled. “I have seen it, you see. It is ordained."

  "Try telling that to Danolas.” Brianna sighed, longing in her voice. “I'm not fighting."

  "Are you so sure?” Kira cocked her head questioningly. “I have learned love should not be measured out, but always given fully, with a glad heart. Can you say you hold nothing back from him, Brianna?"

  "Nay,” Brianna answered after a long moment. “I do guard my heart. I have my pride, you know."

  "Will pride keep you warm at night? Will guarding your heart keep you from loving him? Or will it only make you sadder?” Kira smiled again. “I am not wise in this, for I have only loved a short time. But I do know the truth of the matter. If you love him, do not hide it. Show him and do not let fear steal what you have together."

  Brianna stared at the Peacekeeper for a long moment. Then she looked over to where Danolas was. At the same time, he looked back at her and winked. Warmth unfurled within her. She did love him. So very much. Blinking back tears, she turned and hugged Kira. “Thank you."

  Kira giggled and hugged her back. “Did I help?"

  "Aye.” Brianna grinned and dug in her pack for a bar of chocolate she'd hidden for later. “You want to share?"

  Golden eyes lit up like stars. “Choc-olate?"

  Brianna burst into laughter. “I'm a thinking we will be very good friends, Peacekeeper."

  Kira smiled and held her hand out for a chunk of the sweet confection. “My friends call me, Kira. Now, friend ... let me tell you the story about my childhood."

  * * * *

  They set up camp on the outskirts of the Cuilcagh Mountains. It had been a long exhausting day. None of them were used to so much walking, and since they couldn't restore their natural energy with magick, each and every one of them felt it. Even the shades, who never got tired, seemed to look pale and indistinct.

  They cooked and ate a quick meal before they set up the guards for the night. The shades were always on duty since they didn't sleep, but this night, with so much open space around them, Gallegar doubled the guard. Six on, six off, with the Chosen filling in as needed. Jorad, as if worried about his High Priest, insisted on standing guard first.

  Soon they were all ready for bed. The
dark midnight sky looked endless, stretching far above the mountains. Tall, twisted trees, and scraggily bushes gave the eerie appearance of stunted and deformed men surrounding them. Scented country breezes cooled the night air and made them shiver.

  Danolas watched Brianna as she smoothed out her bedroll. His loins felt heavy, and the need to mate with her beat in his head, but he knew it wasn't possible. All around them was danger, and even if it had been safe, he couldn't make love to a woman with his brothers lying close by. He shook his head. Better he sleep alone this night, for both their sakes.

  Then, her gaze lifted from her work and met his. She smiled, so slow and seductively, Danolas felt his brain drain right out of his ears. A few seconds later, he found himself standing over the top of her with no real recollection of how he'd gotten there.

  "Ready for bed?” she asked.

  Mouth opening and closing, he watched as Brianna toed off her boots, and then slipped inside the sleeping bag. She lay on her side and flicked the top layer back invitingly. “There's room for two."

  His body moved even as his mind argued. He pulled off his shoes and slid in next to her, taking her into his arms. She felt warm and wonderful and very, very soft.

  She buried her face in his neck. “I love you, Danolas."

  He closed his eyes and just accepted the fierce joy her words brought him. Others had told him he was loved, but no one before made him feel the way Brianna did. He fought the need to strip her naked and mount her, brothers or not. A surreptitious look around showed him no one was really paying attention. A smile here and there, but no one seem surprised he and Brianna were sleeping together. He rolled over on his side and brushed a finger down her cheek. “You make me forget myself, you know."

  Brianna smiled and pulled gently on his long hair. “I'm doing what I meant to, then. I've made a decision, you see."

  His eyebrows shot up. “Really? And what is that?"

  She nibbled lightly on his chin, making his whole body tighten. “I'm giving you the time to get used to me and what we're to be to each other, right?"


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