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The Sceptre of Power [The Peacekeeper Journals Book 3]

Page 34

by CJ England

  "You have to!” he shouted back. “We are running out of time. If we don't leave now, we will be stuck on the psychic plain forever, caught in an illusion of lies. If you come back with me, we can make it all truth. Don't you understand?"

  Her head felt like it was being squeezed in a vice. “No! No!” She grabbed at her temples. “I don't want to listen to you. I'm happy. Here. Now. I don't want to go anywhere."

  "Damn it!” he snarled. “If I have to, I'll drag you out of this nice little house, and show you exactly where you are. The psychic plain is nothing but emptiness. Your magick has created this place. Given it form and function ... but it is still a lie. A beautiful fantasy created by your pain. You wanted to have here what I refused to give you in the real world."

  Tears of pain smarted in her eyes. “And just what is that?” she snapped back at him.


  A loud roaring sounded in her ears and she swayed against him. His arms went around her, holding her tightly as a flash of memory shot through her. Danolas, standing tall against a huge demon. His hair flowed around him as he used a shining weapon of crystal and gold to defeat the creature. “No,” she whispered. “No."

  Danolas saw the room shimmer and his heart gave a leap. He was getting through to her. “I know it's hard to believe, but you showed me your courage and love, and you died so I could live. I may have fought my feelings then, but I won't anymore. I love you, Brianna. I want our lives to be forever ... mated through eternity. I want us to go back ... have those children we spoke of earlier. A girl for me, and a boy for you. I want that more than I can say."

  For a brief instant, the cottage disappeared and they were sitting on the ground, the psychic plain stretched out all around them, but then it was gone and the cottage was back clear and strong.

  "No,” Brianna said, and this time her voice shook. “That's the illusion. I remember having that dream and I won't feel that way again.” Her violet eyes overflowed with tears. “You don't know the pain. I loved you, but you turned from me. I won't go back there. I won't."

  Danolas swallowed back his own tears. “My love, I know I hurt you ... we hurt each other. But I swear to you, that is the past. Never again will I deny you. You are my heart and my soul. We may make each other angry, but I will never cease to love you. You must trust me!"

  She stared at him, wide-eyed. “I can't ... I can't believe you.” She gave a heart broken whimper. “I want to ... but I can't."

  He stared at her, his own heart breaking. Would that lack of trust be their downfall still again? Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. The decision had been made before he'd even come. “Then if that is your choice, I can only do one thing."

  Bowing her head, she nodded. “You will leave me."

  Without answering, Danolas lifted Brianna into his arms and rolled back onto the bed. He flung the coverlet over their naked bodies, and then pulled her into his arms. “I told you before, leannan ... I came across eternity to find you. I won't leave without you."

  Her shocked gaze lifted to his. “You would stay ... here ... on this plain? Caught in what you say is an illusion? You can't! You mustn't. You aren't dead."

  He brushed his thumb over her lower lip. “I am without you."

  Tears flowed. “But ... it isn't right. If I am dead, and you're alive, you don't belong here."

  "You don't either, Brianna. But if you are too afraid to trust me and follow me back to the other side of the veil, the only choice I can make is to stay here with you. I lost you once and it almost killed me. I'd rather die than lose you again."

  She burst into tears. He held her, knowing his time was drawing to an end. He could sense the pull of the veil, feel it trying to draw him back. In a few minutes, it would be too late. They wouldn't make it back to the real world, but they would still have each other, here, in this one. He bent and kissed her salty cheeks. “I love you, Brianna. In this world or the other, I will have no woman, but you.” Holding her tightly, he closed his eyes and waited for the veil to close.

  The wind caressing his cheeks made him open his eyes in surprise. He gasped and rolled, pulling Brianna into his lap. They were sitting in the middle of a desolate, barren plain. Emptiness screamed from all around him. The cottage, the meadow and the castle were gone.

  "I ... I trust you, Danolas,” Brianna whispered, keeping her head buried against his chest. “I'm not knowing if it's true, but if it is, I want that life ... that real life with you. Take me home ... please?"

  "And where is your home, Brianna?” he asked softly, as he tipped her face up to his. She gave him a smile that made his heart leap.

  "My home is with you."

  * * * *

  Danolas came abruptly awake. He shook his head as he tried to remember what had happened to him. All of the sudden, everything came back to him in a rush of sensation and memory. He opened his eyes, almost terrified at what he might see.

  He was lying in his bed, wrapped around Brianna's still body. She lay half beneath him, face pale, her eyes closed, still dressed in her ceremonial robes. A quick glance assured him he was still clothed as well. He took a deep breath and his body ached with stiffness.


  He jerked around to find Kira and all his brothers gathered around the bed. Kira was crying openly and his brothers’ cheeks were wet as well. He glanced at the clock on the mantel. It was just past midnight. He shook his head again.

  "I believe I cut that a little close."

  "Oh, Danolas.” Kira leaned over to hug him gently. “We thought we had lost you."

  "And damn it, we've lost too many lately.” Benjamin offered that opinion.

  Danolas nodded grimly. “I was lost. If you hadn't contacted me..."

  "But obviously, you heard Kira's call.” Gallegar wrapped his arm around his mate.

  "I did ... and it made me remember."

  "Hell, the Power told us what you were doing. Said you needed help. We all linked so Kira could contact you. Did you ... I mean...” Lucas shuffled his feet. “Did you bring her back?"

  Danolas turned to look at the woman in his arms. “I don't know. At the end I thought she'd decided to come, but...” He brushed a tendril of hair off Brianna's face. “I don't think she's any warmer.” His eyes burned with unshed tears. “I failed."

  Patrick floated closer. “At least you tried."

  The witch shook his head. “I was ready to stay with her. I had decided that."

  "And the magick didn't let you?” asked Koran.

  Danolas looked at his brother. “I don't know. I thought she came back with me but...” His voice trailed off and he buried his face in Brianna's breasts. “I love her still. I don't know what I'll do without her."

  The trembling touch on his shoulder made him jerk, but not as much as the steady beat of the heart he could hear beneath his ear. Rearing back, he stared down into the open, sleepy eyes of the woman he loved.

  "Brianna?” He cupped her cheek in a shaking hand. “Is it you? Oh, leannan ... please tell me I'm not back in that dream again. Tell me you're here ... with me."

  She smiled weakly. “'Tis no ... dream. I'm here ... and I remember."

  Danolas ignored the sounds of rejoicing behind him. He pressed a kiss to her soft mouth. “I love you, Brianna. Let me say on this plane, what I said in the other. I love you."

  Tears trickled down her now pinkened cheeks. “Sure, and I've been waiting, it feels like forever, to hear that. I love you too, Danolas. As I said in my illusion ... now and forever, and wherever we may be."

  He grinned and wiped her tears away. “I will always remember that fantasy with great joy."

  Their lips met again, and they both felt the promise of a thousand tomorrows in the kiss. Then, Brianna pulled away and nipped him gently on the chin. “Remembering is all well and good ... my Lord, but if you're thinking you can get out of the handfasting and wedding, you better think again!"


  The fire crackled in the stone fireplace
as the pretty, young witch served them all after-dinner drinks. The warmth felt good and the scent of peat filled the room with a comforting homey air. The nights at Dunguaire Castle were cooler now; the end of the season had come. No more tourists came to take pictures or stand open mouthed before the ruined walls. Now, the old citadel belonged only to the witches and those who had business with them.

  "I'll tell you one thing,” Lucas said, with a satisfied sigh from his seat by the fire. “I'm going to miss this Irish cooking.” He shook his blonde head. “I wonder if we can get Louie to make poached salmon and bubble and squeak. Damn, those are good."

  "I liked the beef and Guinness stew,” put in Benjamin. “Tasty! Especially with fresh soda bread."

  "I believe Kira will miss tea the most,” teased her brother. “I wonder, Gallegar, have you sent home a crate of those strawberry preserves?"

  The vampire grinned. “I not only have a crate of jam, but several cases of fresh butter, some frozen scones and the recipe for when those are gone."

  Kira put her nose in the air. “My mate takes good care of me."

  They all laughed.

  "I sure look forward to getting home.” Patrick floated over and stood next to Lucas. “I know things are quiet, but I just got this feeling."

  "We have had news things are stirring,” Gallegar said as he played with the ends of Kira's hair where they both sat on the couch. “Lucas? Do you wish to share?"

  The wolfman sobered. “Got the word Elijah is none too happy I'm over here. I think he's finally figured out things might not be what they seem."

  "You think he knows you joined with Kira?” Patrick didn't look happy at the thought.

  Lucas shrugged. “Dunno. But he wants me home on the double. Sent word there is dissention in the ranks. Guess we have a few wolves going rogue."

  Gasping, Kira sat forward. “That would be very dangerous. We hushed up the sightings of the demons when the Haunted House opened, but wolves in San Francisco would frighten the humans."

  "The only time you see a wolf is at the zoo.” Benjamin stretched his legs out in front of him where he sat near Koran on the other side of the fire. “Best we keep it that way."

  "I got the strong feeling my clan leader is feeling some pressure. Guess he wants me home to make sure the ranks are strong."

  "I do hope it will not prevent you from being with us, my wolf.” Kira's golden gaze warmed him. “We need you now, more than ever."

  "I'm not going anywhere, honey.” Lucas grinned at her, and using a tendril of newly learned magick, he lifted a chocolate candy from his dessert plate and sent it drifting across the room to her. “I'm in it for the long haul."

  Smiling, the Peacekeeper stretched out her hand and plucked the candy out of the air. “Ummm ... my favorite."

  Koran chuckled. “All chocolate is your favorite."

  Kira lifted a haughty brow. “And your point is?"

  They all laughed again.

  "If you need our help, Lucas,” Gallegar said when they'd quieted. “You know you have it. There will come a day when Elijah has to choose between standing with good, or allowing evil to take over."

  Lucas looked grim. “I think that day is coming. And it could get ugly.” He looked around the room. “I'm glad you guys are my friends. It will be easier when the time comes."

  "The time for what?” Koran asked.

  The werewolf sighed. “You aren't the only one who might have to fight their leader. If Elijah doesn't get his head out of his ass, as Second, I'm going to have to fight to take over. Not just the pack, but the whole clan. That could get messy.” His jaw firmed. “But, if the war continues, the shapeshifters need to be involved. We will need to work together and as Clan Leader, I can make that happen."

  "We will stand behind you, buddy.” Benjamin leaned forward and clouted his friend on the arm. “Remember the musketeers..."

  "Oh,” Kira exclaimed. “I do. How does it go?” She thought for a second. “All for one and make that one to go.” Her proud smile bled into confusion as the Chosen all roared with laughter.

  Danolas grinned as he walked into the room. He held Brianna by one hand and carried the Sceptre of Power in the other. “Looks like we've come in at just the right time.” Setting the Sceptre on the small table in the center of the group, he pulled Brianna with him to sit in the last chair. Curling into his lap, she kissed his chin and smiled.

  Lucas narrowed his eyes as he looked at her, then burst out laughing again. “Irish! That is a great shirt!"

  Brianna looked down at the pale violet T-shirt she was wearing and giggled. She and Danolas had played tourist earlier and he'd bought it for her.

  "Love is like a game of chess. One false move and you're mated.” Benjamin snickered as he read it aloud. “So true. All these fine men, dropping like flies."

  "Your time will come,” Kira said serenely.

  Benjamin went pale. “You haven't seen any vision for me ... right? I mean—"

  "No. Do not worry. At least ... not yet.” Kira winked at Brianna.

  "That reminds me,” Danolas interrupted before Benjamin got any paler. “Brianna and I wish to have the mating ceremony here, before we go home to San Francisco. We will have a second smaller service for my Society there, but Aebh ... she can't leave, so we both decided it would be best to do it at the castle."

  Brianna smiled. “The handfasting went so easily, we should be able to throw a wedding together as well."

  They all smiled, thinking of the ceremony that had taken place just a few days ago. Danolas had barely let Brianna out of bed when he'd hustled her down to formally ask the High Priestess for her hand. Less than twenty-four hours after he'd rescued Brianna from oblivion, they were standing in front of Aebh, the entire Society and the company, saying those special handfasting vows...

  "For our love, in the name of the Power, I take thee to my hand, my heart and my spirit, at the setting of the sun and the rising of the stars. You are my beloved, and I give you my heart, my body and the very breath of my soul. Flesh of thy flesh, bone of thy bone, I here, thou there, yet both as one."

  Then, he'd locked them both in their bedroom and hadn't come out for three days. Lucas had grumpily observed nothing much had changed, except, now ... Brianna was conscious.

  That had been a week ago. After they'd—as Benjamin put it—come up for air, the Chosen and the two ladies spent some needed time relaxing and touring the Irish countryside. Brianna and Gallegar delighted in showing their friends and loved ones the best of Ireland. Pubs, museums, castles and more ruins than you could shake a shillelagh at. Then ... just to make sure they got the true flavor of Ireland, they'd visited some more pubs. And then Brianna and Kira had dragged all the men out shopping.

  After which, even more pubs were discovered.

  It was a marvelous time, and the only gloomy moment was when the Society had a brief memorial service for the fallen Jorad. Not knowing where his body was, or if it even still existed, they couldn't give him a true immortal's funeral, so one by one, those that knew him, spoke a few words. Then Danolas, with a weeping Brianna on his arm, tossed a wreath of herbs into the sea and they all watched as the tide carried it out of sight.

  Now, as they spoke of a wedding, Danolas grieved his friend and student wouldn't be here to see it. Sensing his thoughts, Brianna and Kira both reached out to take his hand. For a moment, the women stared at each other. Then, as if symbolizing a changing of the guard, Kira smiled and retreated back into her own mate's arms.

  "What have you two been up to?” asked Koran, breaking the silence that had fallen. “You were not at dinner. Poor Lucas had to eat your share."

  "Har, har, har.” Lucas rolled his eyes. “It is to laugh."

  Brianna stared at the big man. “And where do you put it, I ask you. If I ate like that, I'd weigh three hundred pounds, I would."

  There was a pregnant silence, before Lucas sniggered into his drink.

  "My love.” Danolas expeditiously held Brianna's ha
nds so she couldn't hit him. “You do eat like that."

  Her eyes widened, but when everyone broke into laughter, she couldn't help but join in. “Well.” She tossed her head. “I've got you to work it off me, now don't I?"

  Danolas slowly smiled. “Most definitely."

  Hiding a grin, Gallegar cleared his throat. “Back to the original question. Where have you been?"

  Kissing his mate's nose, Danolas pointed at the Sceptre. “We wanted to clear some things up before we went home. A lot of things didn't make sense, but now they do."

  "Such as?” Patrick floated over and sat on the edge of the couch near Kira.

  "Well,” answered Brianna. “We were curious about the banshee."

  "Why?” Benjamin raised a dark brow. “I'd have thought that was pretty self-explanatory.

  Her purple eyes narrowed in concentration. “Just because the demons screwed up and went after the wrong witch, didn't matter. She knew I was in danger, so she still felt the need to warn me. That we recognized."

  "But,” Danolas broke in. “What we didn't understand was why my powers wouldn't work against her."

  Lucas grunted as he popped a candy in his mouth and tossed a second one to Brianna. “Yeah. I remember Brianna couldn't do anything against the banshee because she was family or something?"

  "Aye,” Brianna responded, nibbling at the chocolate. “My powers were useless against her."

  "So ... why couldn't Danolas do anything?"

  The High Priest sighed. “Well, apparently good old Daegal was a bit of a lady's man. He might have been a strong witch, but he wasn't strong on morals."

  "I do not understand, my seer.” Kira cocked her head in confusion.

  "According to the archives, my grandmother wasn't the only woman he got pregnant before he was murdered."

  There was a long silence, and then Gallegar's head jerked up. “You aren't saying that ... Cyric?"

  Brianna nodded and grinned. “Oh, aye. We found out Daegal the Martyr, was in fact, Daegal the Randy. He impregnated Cyric's mother, who was a mortal, just after he married Danolas’ granny. That was the beginning of the witch line of O'Maoilduan."


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