by Thomas, Anne
The pencil that was entwined around three fingers snapped, the noise of the crack breaking the thick silence. " cliché of me." Molly groaned, chucking the two pencil halves on to the counter.
Candice's words kept grinding in to Molly's mind, making her go insane. Was it really possible that Harrison could be getting serious with some one?
That had never happened before. He dated for years for fun only. He wasn't one for commitment. What most people didn't know about him was his great distrust to anyone. That the reason why he watched every one like a hawk was because he was wary of a person turning their back to mislead him. His faith in man or woman kind was null. It was an insecurity he carried around and that he was forever embarrassed about. He does his best to keep it well hidden, for only he to know, but it always shown to Molly. Wasn't it because of those faithless feelings that he never grew serious about any woman? Had he changed when she wasn't carefully watching? Had he grown as a person while dating Candice?
Could she really have an impact on him in such a profound way? In a way that Molly never had been?
Her teeth pierced her bottom lip, making her hiss in sudden pain. She would hate to admit it and never would, but the thought made her go wild. The thought that Candice Greybill was able to help Harrison in his personal issues in any way that Molly herself had failed at.
And Molly hated the thought. Hated the wild feeling she got, the fury that welled inside. She had always had a bad temper, but this seemed to becoming from somewhere other than where it usually did. It didn't come from her mind, from her over active thoughts. No, it came from somewhere lower, deeper. Somewhere that hurt more.
"When did I lose you, Harrison? When did I stop knowing who you are?" She whispered between clenched teeth as she shut of the light and plopped hard on her bed.
Molly grabbed a tray and loaded a few choice pieces of food on to it, then went to pay for it when she saw Harrison near the check out. Suddenly she remembered why she didn't eat at the school cafeteria when she's busy trying to avoid the Principal of the school.
"Hey Radcliffe, come eat with me." He called.
Biting down on her tongue, she thought fast. "I...I can't. I volunteered to work at the library today so I'll be eating there. I'll see you later." She said quickly, handing a five dollar bill to the cashier and taking off.
But she didn't get out all alone. "What was that about?" Marty asked, her own lunch tray in her hand.
"What? I volunteered at the library and I'll see him later just what I said."
"You're avoiding him." She stated with a shake of her head. "I knew it. You haven't talked to him in three days. Since Friday, right? What's going on?"
"Nothing. Nothing at all. I'm fine. But I really do have to go, so I'll catch up with you later. And just because I say that does not mean I'm ditching you too. I just have to go." Molly said, then rushed off, unhappy that her plan was already unraveling to prove it wouldn't work. Avoiding someone that was your boss and that worked right down the hall from you was quite the impossibility.
When Marty came to Molly's classroom to see if she was ready to go home, but found the classroom with the lights shut off and completely empty. Where was Molly? She swung by the library to see if the one in charge would know, but instead of finding a grey haired homely woman, she found a familiar face Molly.
"What are you doing here?" Marty asked in confusion, the car keys dangling from her fingers.
Molly looked up from the computer that she was typing on and bit her lip. "I'm going to be catching the bus home today. I'm working here until five."'
"Working here? In the library? Whatever for?"
"I wanted another job and I applied here the other day. They accepted me and now here I am."
"But why a second job?"
"I want more money. Teaching isn't enough when you have car payments, apartment fees, insurance and taxes and then have anything left over. Not here. I want money to do things. To live a little. I'm only in my late twenties but I live like a fifty year old woman I don't go out, I don't do anything. I stay home and watch movies and I eat mostly at home and I work and that's just about it. And I want more than that. I crave more. All of my dreams are suffocating and they cry to me to be set free and hopefully, if I have another job and I put some money away...well, maybe I'll be able to do more."
"So...does Harrison know about this already then? Is that why you're avoiding him?"
Molly shook her head. "Harrison doesn't know and I'm not avoiding him." Well, at least one part of that statement wasn't true. Harrison didn't deal with who was hired for the library that was left up to others.
"So you're going to be doing this from now on?"
"Well...for a while, yes."
Marty nodded, absentmindedly playing with her keys. "Just...just promise me that you'll tell me before moving at least, all right?"
Molly rolled her eyes with a laugh. "I'm going anywhere. My life is just... it's in drastic need for improvement and I'm working on that."
"Okay. Well...I 'll probably see you when you get home then. Stop by, alright?"
Molly nodded in agreement. "Sounds good. But uh...don't tell Harrison about this, okay?"
An eyebrow quirked, but Marty said nothing to question it, only agreed and turned to leave.
As Candice kindly informed her one day, Molly knew that Harrison was very busy wooing and romancing. Therefore, Molly got away with her own absence around him quite easily for the rest of the week.
Marty had kept her promise to not tell Harrison, but seemingly, that wasn't enough. She wanted to help Molly along in her new life, so she had done a little planning and a little persuading during that week and on Friday, she was ready to introduce her idea to her best friend.
"Just meet him, I think you two will really hit it off." Marty pleaded.
Molly threw her a distressed look. "Date? Marty, I never date! It's not me way too stressing and..."
"And you need to try it at least! Come on Molls, you'll never know unless you try. Try it out. Better yet, try him out. I promise, he's good looking. He's a Harrison...but nicer. And better. And more romantic. You know, all the up sides to Harrison but without all the horrid down points."
Molly bit her lip, thinking it over. "What is his name again?"
"Ephram Vinick he's on my mother's side. The greatest cousin a girl could hope for. I grew up near him he's like another brother to me. And now, I can pass him along to you. He's a chef too took Matt's position when he went flying off to France to persue his artistic abilities. And hey, you could have totally been a chef if you wanted to everyone agrees that you're a great cook. And so you'll have lots in common. And"
"Okay, okay." Molly laughed, holding up a hand. "You don't have to stand here and sing his praises to persuade me to date the poor fellow. I...well, I guess I'll try dating him. But Marts, if I don't like him after a date or two...I'm not going to pretend that I do. I'm going to drop him if I don't because I don't play the pretending game. Maybe you should warn him of that." Marty borrowed Molly's expression and rolled her eyes. "He's a big boy, he can handle it. But I won't have to worry about it you won't dump him after a date or two you'll like him. I know you, I know him...I have faith in this."
"Great, my best friend just turned in to a matchmaker. Wasn't the kind of life change I had in mind, but okay...whatever works."
Marty squealed in delight with a quick clap of her hands. "I'll go call him. How's Sunday night for you?"
"Fine. Sunday is just fine."
And with that, Marty ran out of the room and in to her own apartment to make an excited phone call to her cousin.
Ephram Vinic
k stood at five foot eleven, with thick, unruly curly blond hair framing his face. With gorgeous grey green eyes and a sturdy jaw and broad shoulders, the man sure was handsome and quite the sight.
"Rammy, I'd like you to meet Molly Radcliffe. Molls, Ephram Vinick." Marty said proudly in Molly's apartment doorway.
Ephram held out a hand. "Good to finally meet you, Molly."
"Likewise." She replied, engaging in his firm handshake.
Marty looked between the two for a moment in her great excitement, then snapped out of it. "Well? What are you guys waiting for? Get on going! The restaurant reservations waits for no one!"
And with that, the dating couple were pushed out the door, leaving Marty in the apartment. With a grin, she shut the door, clicked on the tv, and went to raid Molly's refrigerator.
"'ll have to forgive me. I'm really not used to dating. I haven't dated since I was a teenager." Molly was shocked to hear those words come out of Ephram's mouth as they drove away.
"Really? I...I never dated, so you really don't have to worry. In fact, perhaps we'll have more in common this way." She said with a sweet smile. Why, did it seem, that a weight of dread was already lifted from her chest?
Ephram grinned. "Well...good then." A few moments passed in silence, and he let out a low chuckle that came from uncomfortableness. "We need conversation. So uh...let's start
out with something simple." He pointed to the radio. "What do you like?"
Molly bit her lip. "I'm a strange one living in two thousand and six , but my musical tastes are rooted firmly in the eighties."
He smirked. "I can go with that. Some of the greats were from that era. And I mean, who doesn't like Rolling Stones and Bon Jovi?"
She shrugged. "I don't it possible?"
"Exactly!" he exclaimed, making them both laugh.
The radio tuned in to a station that fitted both their tastes, then the conversation pursued.
"So, how long have you known Marty?" He asked.
"Oh...two years now? She's great I adore her."
"Yeah, me too. We grew up on the same street and we're the same age, so we hung out a lot. But it was when her brother Matt left when we started hanging out more. She really misses him."
"I can imagine. So you two lived on the same street? My best friend lived next door to me until we were nineteen. Then he went in to the military for four years."
"A man in uniform, huh? So why didn't you snatch him up? You related in some way?"
She shook her head. "It just...wouldn't work out."
"Do you wish that it did?"
She laughed, meeting his gaze. "I'm on a date with you why would we discuss me wanting to go with another man?"
He shook his head with a smile. "Mmhmm."
"Hey, what does that mean?"
He gave her a sneaky look. "It means I think we're going to be good friends."
"I like having good friends." She replied, sitting a little more comfortably in her seat.
"Well? Well? Come on, come on tell me! Don't keep me in such suspense! Molly!" Marty whined, following around her friend.
"Marty, all I did was walk in the door and take of my coat! Calm yourself!" Molly laughed.
"Please? Please please please tell me!"
Molly looked at Marty's begging mismatched eyes and sighed.
"Alright, fine. It went good."
"That's it? Good?"
"Was there fireworks? Is that what you're asking? No, no fireworks. But I think we're going to get along real well. He really is a great guy."
"Amazing looks, huh? The guy is real easy on the eyes."
She nodded. "Definitely."
Marty squealed in excitement. "I'm so glad you had a good time! This is going to be great!"
Molly caught her lip between her teeth, putting her hands on Marty's upper arms. "Marts, I need you to promise me something."
"...uh oh."
"No, no nothing bad. Just... don't uh..don't tell Harrison about me dating, all right?"
"But why not?" She asked, tilting her head.
"Because I just...don't want him to know everything about me. He doesn't have to know all my business. Besides, he'd want me to tell him about Ephram and that would be breaking our pact. But you's me dating now. I don't know how he'll react."
"Who cares?"
"No one. But you know...I rather not talk to him about my first date and having him hammer me about it. Wait, didn't we have this discussion already?"
Marty grinned. "Fine, I won't mention this to anyone. But I want to know all the details from you. Like...when is your next date?"
"Friday night." Molly smiled, then allowed herself a squeal of her own, her eyes glowing in excitement.
Chapter 4 Sometimes it's all a Big Surprise
Marty sat back in her chair, chewing on the end of her pen as she stared at the paper in front of her. "Silver. Silver and Royal Blue that would go together nice." She finally said to break the silence.
But Harrison, who's feet were kicked up on the glass table and half asleep, simply shook his head. "Keep the shiny silver, ditch the Blue. Blue is over rated. Besides, her favorite color is Scarlet. Scarlet and Silver would go together best."
"Scarlet, huh?"
"For romance and passion." Harrison commented. "It's been her favorite color since she was seventeen. I know, I had to buy all her wrapping paper, clothes, and anything I was to give her for holidays in that color. It's her birthday if you're going to do a color scheme, make it Scarlet."
Marty blinked a few times as she stared at him, not sure how to take his little speech. "Uh...okay. Scarlet it is. Joe, you have anything to add to this?"
Josiah shrugged, his baseball cap pulled down to cover his face.
Marty rolled her eyes. "Okay Harrison, it looks like this surprise party is up to us. Anything else we should plan out?"
He shook his head, looking at the list. "We're doing it at her apartment, we have color scheme and music, home movies to play on the tv, food to order out, invitations to send looks pretty much planned."
She nodded in agreement. "Okay then, meeting adjourned. I'll see you all on Saturday to help me decorate."
Molly fumbled with her keys, giggling as Ephram kissed her neck as he tickled her sides. They've been seeing each other for three weeks and on their eighth date, and things were going well. They weren't very serious on the romantic side mostly they went to hang out places and did fun stuff ice skating, rock climbing, country dancing even though neither were very capable at it. They had fun, but an element was missing the romantic click. And yet, that was just fine to them.
"Ephram, stop! I'll never get the key in the door!" She squealed when he didn't relent. Instead, he put his hand over hers to steady it and shoved the key in the lock just as he pressed his lips down towards hers. Her hand escaped his so her arms could wrap around his neck as he turned the door knob and pushed it open.
"Surprise!" Came the shouts of dozens of voices, which scared Molly, unexpecting anything of the sort. She pulled away from Ephram's mouth but kept her arms around him as she laughed at the excited crowd. That was, until her eyes met Harrison's...
"Who the hell is that?" Harrison whispered to Josiah, who didn't know and shrugged in reply.
"Don't know dude, but it looks like she's replaced you." He teased, but Harrison didn't take it lightly.
His jaw tightened, staring hard in to Molly's shocked green eyes. He watched as her arms fell slack to her sides, a chill running down her spine, trying desperately to look away from him and grasp hold of the situation.
Plastering on the sweetest smile, she scanned the crowd again. "
Thank you all so much! I'm so surprised I hardly know what to say! Thank you!"
Marty let out a loud squeal as she ran up to her best friend and hugged her tight. "Happy birthday, Molls!"
Harrison gulped down the scarlet red fruit juice, spiking his cup with the help of Josiah's flask that he brought in case he needed to break out the practical jokes that he loved so much.
His jaw was tense and stiff despite the muscle relacer he was chugging. He tried to swallow his anger and frustration along with it, but it didn't work.
He was angry, furious as Molly. And he hadn't a clue on why. He's been harassing her for years to get out and date. So she finally took his advice or, rather, most likely Marty's.
Either way, he had wanted her too. So why was he so ticked off now that she had?
And that's where the frustration came in. His mind was seemingly boggled by the idea of his anger. He hated being angry at Molly and avoided it at any time he could. It was one thing to have Molly mad at him he could always sweet talk her in to his good graces whenever he felt like it. But he mad at her? That anger always tended to stick hard to his mind and not let go.
As he drained his glass, he felt something fall lightly upon his head. He saw it was one of those scarlet streamers. Impulsively, he ripped it down from the ceiling and threw it on the floor.
"Now this is very weird." Josiah said, coming up from behind him. "You actually look...upset? And hey, look at that we're at a party! And you have a flask in your hand to make it happy hour and yet you still look upset. Hmm...what could it be I wonder?" He said, tapping his chin with his finger in his sarcasm.
Harrison groaned, turning away from his friend. "Just go away for now I'm not feeling too good, is all."