The Gravity of Love

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The Gravity of Love Page 22

by Thomas, Anne

  "Yeah. It's been raining for three days straight, I swear. The rivers are already overflowing and they're calling for a flash flood tonight."

  "Really? That's some freaky weather that's going on then. Let's hope it doesn't flood while we're at the party. We'd have to stay there."

  Marty rolled her eyes. "Yes, you being stuck with Harrison as your partner for longer than the few hours you already have to be there would be terribly dreadful." She teased.

  Molly looked back out the window to watch the rain. "You did remember to get me a dress, right? I didn't think of bringing the dress my mother bought me."

  "Oh, don't worry. I took care of the whole thing. You brought your silver heels along, right?"

  "I did."

  "Then you shall be absolutely drool worthy for every guy at that dance. Oh, by the way, do you have any idea why Harrison has specks of green paint in his hair?"


  When they finally arrived, Molly ran in to her apartment. Thirty minutes and Harrison would be here.

  The door swung open and she saw a dress hanging from the doorway of the kitchen. No, not just a dress.

  It was a fiery red, the whole thing glistening with glitter. The straps were made of red shiny beads strung together. And the slit on the right side would go almost up to her hip.

  "Marty, Marty...what did you buy me?"

  "A dress that Harrison won't be able to resist." She said wisely. "Now, go put on a robe and I'll curl your hair. Hurry, we don't have much time!"

  Marty had done her makeup and finished her hair before picking Molly up at the airport. She stood in holey, worn down jeans and an oversized shirt, but her face was beautiful.

  Her hair had been piled high on her head with curls cascading down. Marty went to professionals. Molly went to Marty.

  Molly ran in to the bathroom and quickly took off her clothes, then wrapped herself in a cream colored soft bath robe. Before leaving, she put the water on in the bathtub. Perhaps she could take a quick dip if she got her hair and face done fast.

  Shutting the door, she went back to Marty, who had her curling iron already heated and ready, with the makeup all set out on the counter.

  "Alright, begin."


  "And you're sure, sure Marty, that this isn't too much? I think it may be too much." Molly said, trying to pull the dress up a bit to not reveal quite so much cleavage. But then she noticed that when she did that, the slit on the skirt rode over her hipbone. She looked hopelessly at Marty.

  "You're a vision, Molly, I promise. It's not too much, just more than you're used to. You watch Hollywood dress like this on all their award shows and always want a chance to do it yourself. Here's your chance. Take a risk."

  Molly strapped on her heels and puffed out her curly hair in the back. Her hands started to shake. Harrison would be here any second. They had taken longer than they thought, but thankfully Harrison was late for everything.

  There was a knock at the door. Marty gasped, grabbing her gear and hurrying over. She took one last look at Molly, then opened the door and rushed out.

  Harrison took her place. He was dressed just as wildly handsome as the last dance. In fact, it was probably the same suit. The only thing that wasn't very classy about his look was that his tongue was nearly touching the ground.

  "Wwow, Molls. You look amazing." He stuttered, eyeing her up and down.

  She smiled timidly, tugging and her dress again just to put it back in place. "Thank you. You look nice too. At least much better than the last time I saw you."

  An instant blush found its way up her neck and in to her cheeks. She was referring to the paint, but both of them were reminded of the kiss.

  He cleared his throat. "Yes well, we best get going." He took her black cloak off the rack and wrapped it around her, then took her hand and led her downstairs. It was hard to go down the stairs in her dress, but it beat the alternative of the death chamber so called an elevator.

  Harrison surprised her by showing her to a black, classy car instead of his rusty, beat up truck. "What's this?" Molly asked.

  "This is the car I rented for tonight. I wasn't going to get all dressed up just so I could ruin the image in the truck. Hurry in, it's raining hard."

  That was the last he said. The whole way, granted it was only about fifteen minutes, they sat silently. No small talk. Of course, what small talk could they really muster up when so much tension laid between them. They were both thinking of what had happened and it was impossible to disguise. It was also impossible to talk about.


  Once at the dance, Harrison and Molly split up and each found their friend. Sure, Joe and Marty were on a date, but these were desperate times.

  "It feels so very weird to be around him." Molly said, leaning against the wall and looking out for Harrison.

  "Well maybe if you told me everything that went on...I could understand more. And understand faster, because I'd kind of like to get back to Joe."

  Molly closed her eyes. "We kissed."

  "You told me that. But it must be more than just a peck on the cheek, the way you two are acting."

  "We really kissed. And it was wonderful. And then he fled. It was just...strange. He's been staring at me in such a way...I thought maybe..."

  "What? You got your hopes up that he's in love with you and now you're disappointed that he won't own up to it."

  Molly crossed her arms. "I'm not disappointed."

  "You're depressingly so."

  She looked away. "Well I don't want it to be like that."

  Marty laughed and started to walk away. "Well, good luck."


  "Joe, come on, you gotta help me here."

  Joe glared at his socalled friend. "You may be Mister Playboy, but I'm not. This is the first girlfriend I've had in forever. And I'm trying to be on a date with her. And you're in my way!"

  Harrison waved him off. "Don't worry, Molly's got Marty captured too. It doesn't matter."

  "Well what the hell is going on with the two of you?"

  Harrison hadn't spoken a word to anyone about what happened. And he found it hard to do so now. "Molly and I were fooling around. We were decorating this room in the barn and having a paint fight. And I...I don't know. Something kind of snapped and I grabbed her and kissed her."

  Joe momentarily forgot all about his date. "What kind of kiss?"

  Harrison groaned. "The 'my God I want you forever because I'm in love with you' kind of kiss."

  "I thought you said you weren't going to tell her you were in love with her. That it was going to just 'go away'."

  "Yeah well, that plan isn't working."

  "So now?"

  Harrison shrugged. "So I guess...I guess I tell her. I mean, she looks angry at me. Some telling her anything is probably going to be quite the explosion and won't go well at all. But at least it will be over then."

  "Great! Perfect! Then you could both leave me and Marty alone and maybe I could get somewhere!"

  Harrison rolled his eyes as Joe started to walk away. "Gee, thanks for the support!"


  If it wasn't bad enough that she had to dodge being seen by Harrison, she found herself hiding behind anything that would give her cover whenever Ephram came in her sights. Which was often for both men.

  But finally, Harrison spotted her and dragged her from behind a bushy plant. "Come on, we're here to dance, let's dance."

  She raised her eyebrows. "What, you're actually talking to me now?"

  He groaned, looking away. "I'm sorry I've been avoiding you."

  She was just about to smile when he put his hands on her hips. "Are you sure you want
to do that?" She asked. "The last time we danced like this you ran off. And the last time we were this close to each other you flew across the country to get away."

  He pressed his forehead against hers. "I'm sorry, Molls. I really am. I just...I needed time to think. There's been a lot of stuff going on lately."

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Understandable, I suppose. But I still don't really understand you at all. Which I suppose isn't much of a change, but..."

  Harrison held her tight. "I know. I've been meaning to explain. I just needed to be able to explain it to myself first."

  His eyes were full of meaning, her answers all there. And suddenly she didn't want them. Bowing her head, she said, "I can't date you, Harry. I can't respect you the way I'd need to if I was dating you. The way you meaninglessly date those other woman...I won't be just another one of them."

  He shook his head. "No, Molls, you won't. I swear to you that you won't be. Haven't you seen yet? I only date all those women because..." he paused.

  "I do feel a cliché coming on...if you ever let it out of your mouth." She teased.

  He rolled his eyes skyward, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry. It's just...well, you know who I am. This stuff don't come easy to me."

  She laughed. "Oh please you've made woman all around the tristate area fall for you and it doesn't come easy for you?"

  He shook his head. "Not with you."

  "Is that bad?"

  He grinned. "No, it's good. It doesn't come easy with you because you're the real deal for me, Molly. You're the one I love. It's not just some cheap fling to distract me from what

  I'm really after. Because what I'm really after is...well, is you. It's always been you. But I knew you wouldn't have me. So I took to other women, distracting me from you. It never worked. And I never even came close having any signs of falling in love with anyone. That's why I broke up with all of them. It's why you think I used them. That once I was through, I didn't want contact anymore. Well, because I already knew that it wasn't working. I had them befriend you in hopes that you would rub off on them." His breath was shaky, his chest rising and falling heavily against her.


  Chapter 13 Isn't this World a Crazy Place?

  The information was heavy. Scary. She knew exactly what he was trying to say. Molly couldn't face him. She searched for somewhere else to put her gaze. She looked out of a large window and saw a fountain. Which reminded her of gushing water. Which reminded her...

  "Oh my God!" She exclaimed. "I left the water on at home. I got to go!"

  But when she went to run, Harrison caught her arm.

  "Come on, Molls. You didn't like it when I pulled that on you. And I just made up for it. You're going to avoid it, just like that? Walk away and ignore me?" He looked deeply hurt.

  "No, Harry, I'm serious. I really did leave the water on at home. In the bathtub. Right before we left. I'm so sorry!" She said, running to the exit.

  The only thing that stopped her again was seeing Ephram standing in her path. And he had just spotted her.

  "Oh damn." She whispered.

  "Molly, I just heard it was storming hard outside. The streets are starting to flood." Harrison informed her. "You can't go."

  "I have to or my apartment is going to match those streets! Just help me dodge Ephram."

  He shrugged. "Um...'kay." And with that, he swept her right off her feet and in to his arms, then running right by Ephram, who yelled out a questioning call, and put her down at the door. "If you insist on going, I'm going with you." He grabbed her cloak and his coat, then led the way to the car.

  The rain was coming down hard and fast. It felt painful against the exposed areas of her skin. She jumped in to the car and Harrison took off, zooming down the street as high sprays of water surrounded the sides of the car.

  Harrison's eyes were hard and in slits. He was upset. And he was grumbling to himself.

  But he was being generous and caring and frankly, she was quite scared of a storm of this size and was grateful for someone else to be driving. She didn't want to make matters worse by opening her mouth and saying something stupid.

  So she sat, staring out at the waves of water that were being caused by their wheels.

  The rain grew worse and the roads grew slicker. The waves disappeared as the car came to a grueling crawl. It would have been quicker to walk if you could walk in such a storm.

  "I'm not so sure about this..." Harrison finally mumbled. The muscles in his arms grew tense and his fingers gripped the steering wheel. This wasn't anger anymore, this was

  caution. Wariness.

  The road dipped. At the bottom was a few feet of water. There were no turn offs to avoid this.

  He stopped the car, but the brakes were no match for the slickness of the hilly road. They were sliding down anyway.

  And then suddenly there were lights behind them. A hard bang that rippled from the back of the car to the front, propelling them in to the body of water. The car behind them went in to the water as well. And suddenly the water started to leak inside through the cracks of the doors.

  The water was freezing cold to the touch and Molly whimpered when some gushed on to her legs and feet, wetting her dress and shoes.

  "Huddle your legs on the seat." Harrison said calmly. His mind was thinking fast, which is why he appeared so silent and unconcerned.

  She gathered her legs in her arms after taking off her heels and putting them on the dash. "So...we're stuck?"

  He snorted. "That's pretty much the reason why we're no longer moving. And either are those people who hit us." His tone was cold and harsh. No more mister nice guy, she supposed.

  "So...we're probably going to be here for a while?" She squeaked.

  "Sure damn looks like it."


  It had to be about an hour later. Molly could see her breath each time she exhaled. She clutched her velvet cloak tight against her but it wasn't enough. It didn't help that there was small pools of water on the floor.

  Harrison had kicked his feet up on to the dash and started staring straight ahead of them when they first got stuck. He hadn't moved a muscle since.

  She wanted so badly to confront him about what he had said. Her heart did a funny little dance that made her want to wiggle in her seat from the odd sensation. He had all but said he was in love with her. Or had he said that? Certainly it was at least implied. So that kiss wasn't from not having a girlfriend for a few days. It was an impulsion upon reacting on his feelings. What he really felt. What he had felt for a long time.

  Just like her.

  Harrison looked over at her to see her bluish lips in front of her chattering teeth.

  "That's it." He growled, taking his coat off and thrusting it at her. "I'm going to see if I can find somewhere for us to go. You stay here."

  She gasped. "You can't go out there! It's like a river. You could be swept away! Don't you ever watch the news?"

  "Yes. And the news always says not to come out here in the first place when they severely warn against floods! So now it's either I find some kind of shelter or I watch you slowly freeze to death, thanks to you being so damn skinny." He griped.

  He opened his door, a blast of bitter cold wind greeting them both. "Stay here. Keep as warm as you can. I'll be back."

  She held back the impulsive whimper. She was scared for the both of them, but mainly him.

  He had just gone in the freezing flood at sub temperatures in the middle of winter, late in the night, without so much as a coat to aide him. Because he had given it to her. And now he was working on saving her. Because he loved her.

  A tear slipped down her cheek as she settled in to her seat in anxious await.


  Chapter 14 Just When I Thought Our Chance had Passed

y was vaguely aware of the feeling of strong arms wrapping around her and lifting her from her seat.

  "Mmm...hmm...mmm..." She meant to speak words, but nothing came out.

  "Shh, it's okay." More words followed this but she didn't hear them. She curled in to the warmth of the body carrying her as her own was wracked in chills.

  So cold. So very cold.

  Molly wasn't sure if it was still raining. That's how she got here, wasn't it? From it raining hard? But she had been covered from head to foot so that not a single inch of her body was exposed to wind or cold.

  And then it was warm. It started in her toes and chest and slowly crept in to the rest of her body. It tingled and felt wonderful.

  "Where? Where am I?" She asked, her eyelids heavy and closed.

  "We're in Andrew Mandus's house." It was Harrison who answered her. Of course, he was the one who got her out.

  " I know that person?"

  "Nope. He's just a nice guy that offered his home to us until we're able to get home."

  He sat down on a sofa, allowing her to cuddle closer to him. She heard somewhere close by the crackling of a healthy fire.

  "Can you sit up a bit? I have some hot chocolate for you to drink."

  She raised her head and took the large sized mug in her hands and tried her best not to chug the warmness in to her blood flow.

  "How is she doing?" A strange voice asked. He sounded like a kind man.

  "She'll be just fine now. Thank you so much for your generosity. It means a lot to us."

  "Of course. It's horrid weather out there. I do hope it passes shortly."

  "So do I." He said gruffly.


  Molly was fully recovered within a half hour, but she didn't tell Harrison that. In truth, it was quite nice to be curled up in Harrison's arms. It normal.

  "I'm so sorry I got us in to this, Harry. I didn't mean too."

  "Then you shouldn't have dragged us out!" He exclaimed.

  "But I was telling the truth! I never shut off the water I put on to take a bath. I really did leave the water on at home. But I'm really, really sorry that I interrupted you. I know you're still sore about that. But I promise I didn't mean to. I really wanted to hear what you had to say. How about you continue now?" She said, changing her position a bit so she could look up in to his eyes.


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