Cocky Doms

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Cocky Doms Page 10

by Lee Savino

  "No, babygirl," he said in the softest, gentlest voice. "This was all me."

  I stared at him, wanting to believe it was true, not knowing how.

  "Miss Maddie did tell me where to buy a picnic basket," he conceded with an incline of his head.


  "Why would you think I wouldn't want to date you?"

  I shrugged, unable to answer. If I opened my mouth, the tears would come.

  "You're still hurting. It may be a while."

  "I'm sorry," I whispered.

  "You're good, babygirl. I'm trying not to move too fast. Truth is, the minute you drove away from the coffee shop, I regretted letting you get away."


  He reached out and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Figured it wouldn't look good… a big guy like me chasing a pretty woman hell bent on running away, but otherwise," he shook his head, "I never would've let you go."

  His words made me warm inside. They gave me courage to blurt, "Are you ever going to make a move on me?"

  Without pause, he reached over, hooked a hand around the back of my neck, pulled me forward and claimed my lips.

  His lips were soft and sweet on their own, but combined with his insistent mouth, they were voracious, and they pulled from me every last trace of hesitation, every last thought that he wasn't attracted to me. The hand on the back of my neck, the probing tongue.

  Finally, he broke away.

  "Whoa," I breathed, and watched his eyes crinkle.

  He touched my lips with a reverent finger.

  "Night, babygirl. See you tomorrow."


  "Pick you up at seven," he said. "Wear jeans."

  The next day, I heard a motorcycle rumble outside the house, and knew why Dane wanted me to wear jeans.

  I checked my hair and makeup one last time, fretting.

  "Cassandra, Dane's here for you," Nan called just as my phone vibrated with a text: 'Curb.'

  Devil Dog Dane, man of many words.

  Of course, whenever he did talk, it rocked my entire world. Maybe it was better that I was the chatterbox in the relationship.

  Relationship? my brain screeched. I pushed the thought away, rushed downstairs and kissed Nan. "Don't wait up."

  "I think that boy's sweet on you." Nan winked at me.

  As I strode to the curb to the hot, broad-shouldered man who couldn't rip his eyes off me, I decided 'sweet' wasn't the right word. More like 'ready and willing to fuck my brains out'.

  At least, I hoped so.

  As I got close, Dane shot me his sexy grin. His big body straddled the bike, powerful and casual.

  "Hi," I said, already breathless, and he rewarded me with an eye crinkle as he handed me a helmet.

  Once I was on the bike and settled in, he took my wrists and pulled them firmly around his waist.

  "Hang on, babygirl."

  I pressed into his back, getting a slight whiff of his body wash. Growing braver, I reached under his jacket and buried my hands in his soft T-shirt. His abs flexed under my hands as he maneuvered the bike.

  "Ready?" he asked, and I squeezed my arms around him.

  When he took off it was all I could do not to squeal with happiness. I hung on tight for the whole ride, enjoying his solid body in my arms and the powerful vibration between my legs. The bike rumbles went right through me. By the time we pulled up to his apartment, my pussy was a sodden, happy mess, and I'd decided riding was the best foreplay ever.

  Dane helped me up the steps on shaky legs, his hand at my back like always. I felt small and delicate beside his massive body.

  My heart thumping with excitement, I stepped into his apartment. For a man who'd lived there two years, there was barely a stick of furniture.

  "Just moved in?" I asked after a glance around the spotless, clean space.

  "Nope." He shut the door and his hand brushed my ass, guiding me forward through the open living room towards the bar between the dining stools from the kitchen.

  "Are you moving out?"


  "Where's all your stuff?"

  "There, and there." He motioned to an admittedly impressive weight set in the corner, across from a leather recliner, and a big screen TV. "This is it."

  "Sorry." Mentally, I scolded myself for being rude. "It just doesn't look like anyone lives here."

  He shot me a grin. "You gonna decorate my place, babygirl?"

  I perked up. I was actually kind of good at that. He chuckled and I realized he was probably joking. Still… I might have some stuff that would work in the Spartan space, if Chad ever let me get back in the house to get it.

  Dane went to the fridge. "Water?"

  I nodded, mentally adding furniture, and kicking myself when I realized I was imagining my own couch and chairs in the living room, and my pictures on the walls. Down, girl.

  "At least get some books for your bookshelf." I motioned to the empty shelf sitting next to the weight set. "I mean, that's just sad."

  He handed me a bottle. "Don't have much stuff. Don't see the need."

  "I guess you don't do much entertaining," I said.

  He raised a brow, and I realized he probably had women over all the time. "I mean, that's none of my business," I stammered. My cheeks grew red. "I'm sure you have a lot of… um… company…"

  His eye crinkle turned into a full on smile, half hidden by the bottle.

  He probably did, I realized in despair. He could snap his fingers and get a different girl every night.

  How was I going to tell him I hadn't had sex in a long, long time?

  If things went the way I wanted, he would find out.

  You'll probably be an awkward, awful mess, my brain offered. That is, more so than usual.

  Dane set his drink down with a clunk, shaking me out of the depressing thoughts. "No," he said.


  "Don't get much company. Stopped dating when I decided to clean up, quit drinking."


  "I haven't been on a date in a year."

  I blinked at him. No dating… did that mean no sex? For a guy like him, soaked in testosterone, that must be hell…

  As if he could read my thoughts, Devil Dog Dane started prowling my way, looking like he wanted to devour me.

  I froze like a rabbit cornered by a wolf. He took advantage of my hesitation, plucking the bottle out of my hands and setting it aside. He grasped my hips and pulled me forward into his space, close enough to smell his aftershave.

  I let out a squeak.

  The corner of his mouth quirked up. "Relax, Cassie."

  I leaned back a little, suddenly desperate to keep my wits about me. My heart was fluttering and my brain was screaming 'breathe, dammit!' to my lungs.

  "Wait." I frowned. "You just called me Cassie."

  One hand still at my hip, he used the other to tuck a stray hair behind my ear. He gazed so intently at me I thought my cheeks were going to catch fire with embarrassment. "You said only your nan calls you Cassandra."

  "And you," I insisted, then realized that was the wrong thing to say if I wanted to slow things down. An intense heat filled his eyes; he bent and kissed me.

  My nipples hardened to points, and my panties drowned the second his lips touched mine.

  I felt giddy, as if it were my first kiss ever, not just with him.

  His lips played over mine and I sighed into them, arching my back as his hand went to the buttons of my shirt.

  I realized he'd walked me backwards into the counter.

  I stared up at him as he took one final drag of my lips.

  What now? my brain slurred.

  Lick him! Jump his bones! My body ached with desire.

  His large hands gripped my ass, massaging a little. My panties were swimming when he gripped my ass and lifted me onto a stool and angled his head so he could kiss me deeper. My pussy caught fire and it took everything for me not to wrap my legs around his torso and grind against him.

  Our li
ps separated, but Dane kept his forehead against mine as I caught my breath. There were so many awesome feelings inside of me, I felt I'd burst.

  As usual, I ran my mouth.

  "I have you beat, you know," I said.


  "It's been almost two years since I've had sex."

  He smiled against my mouth. "I think you're overdue for some maintenance."

  I laughed breathlessly. "An annual tune up? Rotate tires? Check the oil?"


  "Well, my engine is definitely purr—"

  His mouth dropped to my neck and I forgot how to talk. I still made noises, little sighs and moans to match the aggressive pull of his lips on my skin. He threaded his fingers in my hair and drew my head back, claiming my neck, sucking and kissing. Big hands manipulated me to where he wanted me to go, but he was incredibly gentle, given his powerful strength. By the time he got to the collarbone, I swear my bones had turned to mush.

  He picked me up and carried me to the bedroom while we were still attached at the lips, his kisses convincing my brain to just go along with things.

  My hands gripped at his shirt, ready to remove anything between me and his skin.

  He laid me on the bed and started kissing down. I made a noise of protest, reaching for him.


  He pulled me to the edge of the bed and parted my knees. I stared down at him, about to have a mini orgasm just looking at Devil Dog Dane kneeling at the foot of the bed, his face between my legs.

  "Dinner time," he said with the sexiest smile ever, and I swear my brain exploded.

  For a moment he struggled with my jeans, stripping them off with an annoyed growl.

  I felt a little self-conscious about him down there, eye level with my damp panties. He kissed up my legs and spent some time sucking on the tender skin of my inner thigh while his strong fingers stroked slowly up and down the gusset of my panties.

  Then he pulled them down and tossed them away.

  "Spread for me, babygirl."

  With a whimper, I did.

  He had a devilish gleam in his eye as he settled back between my legs. Then his mouth was on me and I was lost for a little while. At one point my legs started to close and he pressed them firmly apart, muscles bunching under his shirt as his mouth worked on me.

  The take charge movement almost tipped me over the edge.

  He backed off and nibbled around my clit, only to return and suck hard.

  My brain did explode. It was too much.

  My hands reached down to stop him, grip his hair to pull him away, and he grabbed my wrists and pinned them at either side of his head.

  "Oh, wow," I gasped. Something about being held down sent me into the stratosphere. My brain swooned, my senses took over, and the sensations Dane created shot me into happy Cassie land.

  I cried his name as I came.

  The tremors had barely died down when Dane reared up over me. I heard a crinkle of a condom, then he sank into my pussy and sent me into another round of bliss.

  A while later, I was laid out in a haze of lust when the doorbell rang. I started to rise and he stopped me with a hand on my ass.

  "Stay here, baby," Dane murmured, before pulling on his jeans and loping out of the room to pay for the pizza delivery.

  Still recovering, I took the time to look around. Dane's bedroom was like the rest of his house, clean, with only the necessities: in this case, a king bed.

  I grinned at him when he returned, pizza and roll of paper towels in hand.

  "Is it possible to die of too much pleasure?"

  "Don't know, baby," he said, stooping to kiss me before serving up the pizza. "Eat up and then we'll find out."

  Happy in the sheets with the promise of more to come, I zoned out a little.

  Dane ate like he did everything, carefully and with intent. He sat at the foot of the bed while I sprawled against the pillows. Every once in awhile his hand came to circle my ankle possessively. The act sent happy flutters to my lower bits. Even my brain was content.

  "Did you like the bike ride?"

  "I love your bike," I said. "It's like a giant vibrator."

  He chuckled.

  "I've decided I'm going to get one. I'm serious. I won't even ride it on the road."

  "You're gonna get a bike and not ride it?"

  "Oh, I'll ride it. Sit on it in the garage and go to my happy place."

  He rumbled with laughter, broad shoulders shaking. I watched, full of pizza and happiness.

  Finally he finished laughing, along with the last slice. "Babygirl, you don't need a bike. You get in the mood, you call me, and I'll give you all the orgasms you want."

  "Oh, wow." I rolled to the edge of the bed to reach for my jeans.

  His hand shackled my ankle. "Where you going?"

  "I was going to clean up." I gestured to the pizza box.

  "Not tonight, babygirl." His smile softened the order. "Tonight, you're mine. You stay naked in the bed."


  I almost did pass out when he rose from the bed and stretched, muscles rippling in his taut arms and impressive chest. He grabbed our trash and strode to the door, giving me an eyeful of his fine backside.

  Once he left I could breathe again.

  I pretended to faint on the bed and then pulled the comforter around me, feeling a little self-conscious. Dane's body was perfect and mine… well, mine wasn't. At least the bedroom light was dim.

  The blanket caught on something under the bed and I tugged, reaching down to free it. My hand fell on a book.

  "Want another drink, baby?" Dane said from the kitchen.

  "Sure," I called back, and pulled the book out from under the bed.

  When Dane walked in, I glanced up guiltily, but didn't bother to hide my reading material. The book sprawled over my lap, turned to a page starring one picture: a woman, naked but for purple rope twisting in lovely lines over her flesh. She looked content with her arms bound behind her and rope crisscrossing over her torso. On the second page, she had a spreader bar stretching her legs open.

  "So you do have a book. One."

  Dane stayed in the door, watching me carefully.

  "Have you ever tied someone up like this?" I pointed to the bound woman.

  A slight nod from the door. He looked like he was waiting for me to run screaming from the room. My brain already had. My body, though… my body was curious.

  "I think I'd like to try this one," I said. "Except I'd be afraid I'd get cold."

  Eyes hooded, he ambled to the thermostat and turned it up.

  My heart beat faster.

  He stooped at the foot of the bed, reached underneath and drew out black restraints before going to the headboard and doing the same thing.

  My heart stopped.

  He tugged the book out of my hand and held it up. "You think you'd like this?"


  "We can try it. Go through it and pick out all your favorites."

  "Oh my god."

  "Cassandra. Breathe." He set the book aside and crouched before me. "You into this stuff?"

  I gulped down air before lack of oxygen shut down my brain. "I like vanilla," I said, finally. "But I also like other flavors. And sprinkles."

  His eyes crinkled. "Okay, baby. We can get you some sprinkles."

  My heart thudded to a stop. "What, right now?"

  "Now, later. Whenever you're ready, baby. Just say the word."

  He still knelt before me, holding my gaze and squeezing his large body into a small space in front of me, as if doing his best not to intimidate me.

  He was such a good guy.

  He laid the book on the bed, one hand splayed over the crease to hold it open. "One thing you gotta promise me. You've gotta be honest with me. I'm willing to play, if you want to, but this only works if you stay open about what you're comfortable with."

  I huffed. "Dane, let's be real. When have I shut up?"

  "You get quiet when you're feeling vuln

  That made me pause. Did I?

  "Just promise to talk to me, tell me what you're feeling."

  "I promise."


  To my intense relief, he didn't start right away. Instead, he sat with his back to the headboard, and drew me between his legs. We both looked through the book and I talked about what I liked and didn't like, while he murmured, "Okay, baby," in my ear.

  By the end of the book, I was ready to do whatever he wanted.

  I had to pee, and said so, and he let me wriggle away. I started to bring the sheet with me, wrapped around my body, then, in a bold move, I picked up his shirt and drew it on. Sized for a man like Dane, the fabric went over my butt. I had dresses shorter than this.

  When I stepped out of the bathroom, he was waiting.


  "You ready, baby?"


  His hand went to my neck, collaring me lightly. He kissed me, then walked me backwards to the wall and kissed me again. I let my hands fall back against the wall, giving myself over to him. His hand slid down the front of my body, dipping under the shirt to check on me.

  He paused and rested his forehead against mine. "Cassandra. So fucking beautiful."


  "I've wanted to do this all night," he growled, then spun me around and pressed my body against the wall. I wriggled and he smacked my butt, then rubbed it. He repeated the movement, spanking me a little, not hard enough to sting, but enough for my body to weaken. Smack, rub, smack, rub, and my brain switched off, my whole body relaxing in response to his dominance.

  I gasped as he reached around, sliding his hand between me and the wall and under the shirt to finger me. My pelvis jerked up to greet his questing fingers.

  "Spread," he ordered, and I rocked my legs apart, not wanting to give him any reason to stop the wonderful movement between my legs.

  He spoke in my ear while his fingers roved. "You probably figured out, I like being in control."

  "Really?" I breathed.

  "Oh yeah. Thing is, I think you like it, too."

  My hips moved against his hand, begging for his touch.

  "You gonna be a good girl for me? You gonna give me what I want?"

  My arousal ratcheted up one thousand percent.


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