Cody's Second Chance_Bad Alpha Dads

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Cody's Second Chance_Bad Alpha Dads Page 7

by A. K. Michaels

  He saw her mind working. He’d been watching her like a hawk since she’d arrived. Every second she’d been in his company his eyes had scrutinised her and he’d come to know her body language quite well. The way she’d nibble her lip when she was nervous, or excited, and when she was angry she’d cock her hip just so before she’d say something cutting. Or if she were embarrassed she’d flick her dark hair over her shoulder, or fiddle with it between her fingers, her eyes lowering or glancing away as her cheeks flushed.

  Right now, she was thinking hard, not angry, but poring over his words and digesting them before she said anything. That was something he liked about her . . . that she thought before she spoke. And he clearly saw that now. As the seconds ticked by until she gave a loud sigh, her head lifting and her eyes meeting his. “I can see you’ve given this a lot of thought and I also understand why you’ve said what you have. Guys can be douches, especially when booze is involved, or if they’re trying to look big in front of their friends. Their egos can get in the way of common sense and that happens more often in the Shifter community than we’d care to admit. So, I’ll take what you’ve said into consideration.”

  Cody admired how she’d worded her reply. She wasn’t giving way per se, but she acknowledged his concern too. So he decided to treat her like a grown up and not as if she were a kid, even though he wanted to order her to cover herself from her throat to her ankles and not show any skin whatsoever. “Thank you. I trust your judgement on the matter.”

  “I better get these upstairs and put away.” She looked up at him with a shy smile. “This is more clothes than I’ve ever owned before so it might take me a while to decide what to wear. Do you need me this afternoon?”

  Her confession stunned him, but truth be told he wasn’t too surprised. The clothes she’d turned up in, and what she’d been wearing since, were well worn and had looked old even to his eyes. He wasn’t sure she’d picked them for their fashion statement either but rather they’d been forced upon her. The look on her face now, one of wonder and amazement that she had so many new clothes to choose from . . . that was priceless and one he’d cherish forever.

  “No, it’s okay. You go and do your thing. I’ve got this.” Cody managed to get out around the lump that had suddenly appeared in his throat as she turned and disappeared, arms full but it still seemed so little for everything he’d missed in her life.

  ~ Chapter Eleven ~

  It was a busy night, even if they didn’t have a band scheduled, a Friday was always packed with music being pumped in via the internal system Cody had. People were already dancing and having fun. Spencer having to eject only one asshole so far for laying his hands-on Patty, something that he would never allow anyone to get away with.

  The guy in question was a Shifter from a neighbouring Pack and should’ve known better. He could clearly scent that Patty was taken but still tried his luck with her and when she politely refused, he’d got angry, groping her openly. She handled it well, as she usually did, but Spencer was on his ass in seconds and he was outside a moment later facing off against the mammoth Spencer who dealt with it like the pro he was. Albeit he did send him away with a bloody face and a warning never to return.

  The group he was with had apologized and said they’d report his behaviour to their Beta, but they didn’t leave, saying they were having fun and the ass could find his own way home. Cody was happy with that. It wasn’t their fault and they were regular customers who he didn’t want to lose. These things happened from time to time and so long as it was dealt with that was all that mattered.

  Cordy had watched with wide eyes, alarmed at first, but Cody had gone over to her, his hand landing on the base of her back to let her know he was there and everything was okay. She’d looked up at him then back as things had unfolded and when it was over she’d let out a pent-up breath. “Wow, that was intense.”

  “It happens, not often, but it does happen.” Cody looked down into her upturned face. “It’s why I have security and why I said what I did earlier.”

  He’d sighed with relief when she’d appeared for her shift dressed in jeans that were a little too tight for his comfort but not enough for him to have a heart attack, and a plain white shirt that she’d buttoned up past her chest, leaving only the top one undone. She’d rolled the sleeves up to her elbows, but that was fine, otherwise she’d probably get soaked with beer and all sorts of stuff, and when she wrapped an apron on around her waist, he almost sighed again as it was so large it went right around her slim body, covering her completely. He didn’t say a word but she’d looked over at him, raising an eyebrow as if to say, “Is this okay?” And he’d gave her a brief nod of approval.

  “That guy was a complete asshole.”

  “Language,” he chastised, “But yeah, he was. Spencer dealt with it quickly, as he usually does with anyone who gets out of hand. As would Ricky if he’d been involved. Don’t worry, baby, you’ll be looked after here. That’s if they get there first.”

  He smirked down at her as she batted his arm as she went back to work. Her first night and she was already impressing him and everyone else with how well she was doing. She was great with the customers. Polite and friendly but not overly so. Her memory was phenomenal with orders, although she had her pad like everyone else, which she used for bookkeeping purposes, she would spout off the drinks without looking at it. And she would never get the money side of things wrong either. Spot on every time which amazed him. A new waitress always mucked up. It was just the way it was. Not her. She’d not done one thing wrong so far and he was amazed.

  He’d kept his eye on her all-night long. Hell, how could he not? And so had everyone else, especially Spencer and Ricky, who he’d asked to watch over her. But after a fit of nerves at her first table she’d then started to whisk around fast as any other waitress on duty, and she was getting good tips too. Cody wasn’t sure she noticed that side of things because she kept putting hers into her tip jar each time she came to the bar, but he was sure she’d be over the moon when she saw how much she’d racked up at the end of the night.

  Another hour or so and they’d be closing, the music was still on, but the bar was only about a third full now, with more leaving every few minutes. If they were lucky they’d get to close a little early. It’d been a long night for her. Maybe he should let her finish early?

  “Hey, Cordy,” he called her over, her section was emptying fast and she was clearing the tables. “Why don’t you go on up. You’ve done well tonight but you must be tired.”

  She looked around, frowning. “Are Patty and the others getting off early?”

  “Not yet, but I’m hoping soon.” He held up her tip jar. “You’ve got this to count too. You’re going to be surprised with what you’ve earned.”

  She dismissed him, not even looking at what he held toward her. “No, if they’re not finished then neither am I.”

  Cordy turned around and went back to her station and continued to clean the tables. Cody stood there, watching and wondering what just happened. Jonesy walked over, chuckling. “She’s not gonna do that, boss, she’s new and trying to show everyone that she fits in. She’s not going to nip off early. From what I’ve seen tonight, she’s a hard worker, not a slacker. Leave her be.”

  Cody realized Jonesy was right. Exactly right so he went back to work, keeping one eye on his daughter, and saw that when she was done with her own station she moved on to help the other waitresses with theirs. He saw them thanking her, their welcoming smiles and how they chatted as they worked. His daughter was fitting in and she was doing a damn fine job of it too.

  She’d been right to refuse his offer to leave early and he’d been wrong to offer it too. She might be his daughter but she was also an employee, and a new one at that. He couldn’t be seen to be treating her with kid gloves in front of his other staff because that could cause Cordy problems in the future and that was definitely not what he wanted. Hell, he’d been stupid to even think of offering her an easy r
ide, but she was so damn thin and he was sure she’d not been looked after properly before. It was hard not to try and help her out.

  Fuck! This parenting thing was harder every damn day. Just when he thought he was getting it, he realized he probably wasn’t.

  Another half hour or so and there was only a small group of three left in the back corner. Spencer was politely asking them to vacate the premises and they were obliging, laughing and singing as they went. At last. They could close and he could officially tell Cordy she was finished.

  “All right, people, that’s a wrap. Let’s get this place closed so you can all get home.” He clapped his hands above his head. “And don’t forget to collect your tips . . . looks like it’s been a good night for y’all.”

  A loud “Whoop!” went up and as the waitresses surged toward the bar, reaching to retrieve their tips. Patty stayed back when the rest had left, including Cordy who’d stared at her jar for long moments before hugging it to her chest and leaving to go upstairs.

  “Hey, that girl of yours is something. I’ve never seen a newbie take to things like she did.” Patty slapped the top of the bar. “Like that! She didn’t make any mistakes I’ll bet. Did she? She’s got a head for figures and a memory to match.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Cody’s smile was huge as he beamed down at her. “I’m proud as punch, Patty.”

  “I know, Cody, I can see it written all over your face. And you know what? You deserve to be. She’s a special girl. And she dressed right too. She’s a young ‘un and things could’ve gone South if she’d dressed . . . differently tonight. But no, she did it right, and she was great. She worked her socks off and did you proud tonight, helping all of us out when her station was done. Most would just sit down and put their feet up. Yeah, she’s a good girl. I hope she’s sticking around.”

  “That’s the plan,” Cody admitted.

  “Good.” Patty turned grinning when she saw Spencer. “Hey, big guy, you ready to take me home?”

  “Sure am, gorgeous.” Spencer held the door open for her. “Ricky’s already away, Cody, are you locking up or do you want me to?”

  “I’ll do it.” Cody waved him away. “See you two tomorrow.”

  “Okay, take care.” Spencer waved as he ushered Patty out.

  “Night,” Patty said as she left with Spencer’s huge arm around her shoulders.

  Cody couldn’t stop smiling as he pottered about, cashing out and doing the last bits and pieces of the evening. His daughter was a wonderful young woman who was a hard worker and everyone she encountered liked her. She’d come into his life only a few days ago and it felt like she’d been there forever . . . but she hadn’t and that stung him like a dagger in the heart.

  What would she be like now if he’d always been there for her? Shit, there was no point in going down that road because quite fucking simply it is what it is. She was in his life now and he was thankful for that. He’d make the most of every day from this moment on and do his damnedest not to regret the past. It was hard. Very hard not to do that, but he had to, because if he didn’t he’d lose his damn mind.

  So lost in his thoughts was he that it took him a moment to register a vehicle idling outside. Who could that be? One of the staff must’ve forgot something. Probably one of the girls. They were forever leaving their phones in the ladies’ room.

  He went to the door, opening it and looking outside, but he didn’t recognize the SUV parked in the middle of the parking lot. “Hey, can I help you? Are you lost?” Cody stepped out into the darkness, his eyes adjusting, alert in case of a threat. Who was driving at this time of night?

  “No, I’m not lost,” a voice returned. One he didn’t recognize and he knew just about everyone. “You’re Cody Murphy, right?”

  Cody’s beast growled in his head, his synapses firing up as his skin tingled . . . danger. “Who are you and what the fuck are you doing on my property?”

  Then something happened that turned his blood to ice and his heart to stone. A voice from the past screaming from the darkness . . . “Cody . . . get her and run!”

  ~ Chapter Twelve ~

  That voice! He’d last heard it so long ago but he’d never forget it and it was filled with horror and fear as it screamed from the darkness at him. Time slowed down as Cody’s mind sped up, every instinct inside him wanting to shift and attack . . . but his brain engaging and reminding him that Cordy was inside and she was his first priority now.

  He had to get her to safety first. She was his responsibility and he couldn’t fail her. Not now . . . not ever again. With one last look at the man, he was about to turn and speed back to the bar when his feet stuck to the ground and terror filled his entire being . . . a voice behind him ringing out filled with fury and hate.

  “Let her go or I’ll rip your heart out!”

  Cordy! Fuck no. Cody’s hand shot into his back pocket as he turned toward her, hiding himself from view as he did the only thing he could think of and fired off a text as he shouted, “Cordy, get inside!”

  “No, don’t, Cordy. Get out here now or your mother will suffer for your disobedience.”

  “She won’t because she’s not going anywhere with you.” Cordy strode toward him, her head high and her eyes glowing with her beast barely contained. “You let her out now. She’s staying here with me.”

  Cody caught her arm when she was near enough, refusing to allow her to go any nearer to the man that had claimed her as his and caused so much pain. “Stay next to me,” he whispered before turning back to Clyde Morton. “I assume you’re Morton.”

  With a snap of his fingers the doors on the vehicle opened and three more Shifters appeared . . . together with the love of his life . . . Viola. Cody didn’t focus on the men for a moment, his eyes on the woman he hadn’t seen for over twenty years. His heart lurched when he saw the broken person before him . . . her eyes filled with the horror that had been her life, her body skin and bones and even in the darkness Cody could see the bruises on her face. A growl rumbled in his chest, growing until it erupted from him in a great roar, his lips curling back as he viciously snarled at Morton.

  “You’ll pay, you bastard, you’ll fucking pay for all of it,” Cody spat out.

  Viola whimpered as the man holding her yanked on her hair, her head snapping back painfully. Morton sniggered, waggling his finger. “I doubt it. If you don’t want her neck snapped then I suggest you send Cordy over right now and we’ll be on our way.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you and you’re not going to hurt her anymore.” Cordy stood taller, her chest out, back straight, all the while Cody could sense her beast was right there, desperate to get out and fight.

  As was his. He just hoped his text got through because he was good but he didn’t want to have to take on four Shifters with his daughter in the mix. He had to keep them talking. He had to.

  “What kind of man . . . Shifter, treats their family like this?” Cody lifted an arm, pointing to Viola and then to Cordy. “I don’t get it, Morton. Why did you take her as your mate if you were going to treat her like this? Why did you make Cordy call you father . . . or daddy yet you treat her like dirt? Why? Tell me . . . come on, tell me. This isn’t the way of Shifters. Or not any that I know, so I’d like you to explain this to me.”

  Morton’s face turned puce, his hands balled into fists at his sides. “Don’t you fucking lecture me, asshole. You left her when she was pregnant. What Shifter does that?”

  The words hit him square in the gut but he didn’t flinch. Instead Cody nodded, acknowledging them. “I did, but I didn’t know Viola was carrying my child. If I had things would’ve been different. I would’ve made sure she came with me. I sure as hell would not have abandoned her if I’d known. I was eighteen and a dumb ass kid but I would’ve moved hell and earth to have her with me . . . if I’d known. But I didn’t so it is what it is. But you’ve not answered my question.”

  “It’s all right for you to stand in judgement,” Morton exploded. His fury fl
ying out into the night as he roared. “She fucking loved you and hated me. That was plain from day one, so she deserved everything she got and when her brat was born, fucking kid had your eyes. What’s that like to stare into her face and see you every damn day?”

  Cody could see his hatred plain as day . . . for him and Viola’s love for him. It had transferred onto her and Cordy and that almost brought him to his knees. Emotions rolling through him with the enormity that he’d been at the root of everything that happened to the woman he’d loved with every fiber of his being and his daughter.

  His beast roared inside him . . . ours . . . and finally Cody saw what his eighteen-year-old self hadn’t. Viola wasn’t just the girl he’d loved, wasn’t only the one he’d pined for all these long years . . . she was his one true mate . . . and he’d do anything, absolutely anything to free her and have her by his side.

  “She’s mine,” he ground out, his teeth already changing in his mouth. “Viola is my mate. I should’ve seen it sooner, known it then but I was stupid and didn’t. So, Morton, I’m challenging you right here and now . . . are you man enough . . . Shifter enough to take me on for the right to keep her?”

  He heard Cordy gasp, her hand reaching for his, her fingers linking with his as she whispered, “Dad, be careful.”

  The word that slipped from her lips caused his heart to sing and that of his Wolf who let out a soft rumble in his head. His fingers squeezed hers in answer but although meant for only him, Morton heard her and her words tore another bout of fury free.


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