Six Women of Salem

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Six Women of Salem Page 49

by Marilynne K. Roach

  SJC: Superior Court of Judicature

  SV: Salem Village

  SV-VR: Parris, “Records of the Rev. Samuel Parris”

  TAG: The American Genealogist

  Quotations from the witch trial papers used in this book are taken from the definitive Records of the Salem Witch-Hunt, Bernard Rosenthal, ed. To cross-reference the document numbers given here with documents available in other, earlier editions, readers might consult

  Unpublished Sources

  Essex County Probate Court, Salem, MA.

  Corwin, George. Essex Probate Docket 6949.

  English, Philip. non compos. Essex Probate Docket 9082.

  English, Philip. Essex Probate Docket 9083.

  Oliver, Thomas. Essex Probate Docket 20009.

  Essex County, South, Registry of Deeds, Salem, MA.

  Essex County, MA. Deeds, vols. 8–9, microfilm F/72/E7/E87, NEHGS Library.

  The first one hundred volumes of deeds are accessible online at

  James Duncan Philips Library, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA.

  “Court of Common Pleas, series 5, Salem Waste Book, vol. 7 (1692–1695), vol. 8 (1695–1718/19).

  “Court of General Sessions of the Peace,” series 4, vol. 4 (1718/19–1727).

  English, Mrs. Philip [Katherine Dana English]. “Facts About the Life of Philip English of Salem Collected by Mrs. Philip English, 99 East Rock Road, New Haven, Conn, 1943.” Typescript. James Duncan Phillips Library, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA.

  “Essex Institute ms. English Family Papers”:

  Box 1, file 7: “Philip English (1651–1736) Papers/Legal Documents, 1675,1682–1727,1733.”

  Box 1, file 8: Philip English (1651–1736) Papers/Guardianship and Estate Papers, 1732–1744, 1751.”

  Box 3, file 11: “John Touzel (bp. 1687–1737) Papers/Estate Papers, 1737–1746, 1775–1778.”

  “Verbatim Transcription of the Records of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts.” Typescript volumes compiled by the WPA under Clerk of Courts Archie N. Frost

  Massachusetts Archives, Dorchester, MA.

  “Council Records, 2 (1686–1698),” on microfilm.

  “General Court Records (Records of the Governor and Council),” vol. 6, April 18, 1689 to December 10, 1698, on one reel.

  “Massachusetts Archives,” scrapbook volumes on microfilm:

  81 (Minutes of the Council) 1689–1732.

  40 (Judicial) 1683–1734.

  “Middlesex County Court Records 1683–1699.”

  “Superior Court of Judicature” 1 (1692–1695), 1892 transcript.

  New England Historic and Genealogical Society, Boston, MA.

  Essex County Deeds 8:338–41, #123 (Record books on microfilm), vols. 8–9, microfilm F/72/E7/E87.

  Essex County, MA/Probate Records/Old Series (Record books on microfilm):

  Vols. 304–306, microfilm F/22/E36.

  Vols. 323–324/Book 23–24 (1737–1744), microfilm F/72/E7/976.

  Published Sources

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  Anderson, Robert Charles, George F. Sanborn Jr., and Melinde Lutz Sanborn. The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England 1634–1635. 7 vols. Boston: The Great Migration Study Project, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1999–2011.

  Andover, Town of. Vital Records of Andover, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849. 2 vols. Topsfield, MA: Topsfield Historical Society, 1912.

  Avery, Lillian Drake. A Genealogy of the Ingersoll Family in America 1629–1925. New York: Frederick H. Hitchcock, 1926.

  Bailey, Hollis R., ed. Bailey Genealogy: James, John and Thomas and Their Descendants. Somerville, MA: The Bailey-Bayley Family Association, 1899; facsimile, Salem, MA: Higginson Book Company, nd.

  Bailyn, Bernard. The New England Merchants in the Seventeenth Century. New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1955 [paper ed.].

  Baker, Emerson W., and John G. Reid. The New England Knight: Sir William Phips, 1651–1695. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998.

  “Baptisms at the Church in Salem Village, Now North Parish, Danvers.” Communicated by Henry Wheatland. EIHC 15 (1878): 235–237.

  Barclay, Florence Harlow. “Notes on the Hollingsworth, Hunter, Moore and Woodbury Families of Salem, Mass.” TAG 40 (1964): 77–84.

  Beckford, W[illiam], Jr. Remarks upon the Situation of Negroes in Jamaica, Impartially Made from a Local Experience of Nearly Thirteen Years in That Island. Whitehall (London): T. & J. Egedon, 1788.

  Belknap, Henry W. “Philip English, Commerce Builder.” Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, new series, 41 (1931): 17–24.

  Bentley, William. “A Description and History of Salem, by the Rev. William Bentley.” MHS Collections, 1st series, 6 (1799): 212–288.

  ———. The Diary of William Bentley, D. D. 4 vols. Gloucester: Peter Smith, 1962; reprint of Essex Institute edition, 1905, 1907, 1911, 1914.

  ———. “Notices of the Ancestry of Mrs. Susannah Ingersoll.” EIHC 11 (1871): 228–234.

  “Book of Sports.”

  Boston News-Letter. September 30 to October 7, 1706, iss. e129, 6, http://infoweb.

  Boyer, Paul, and Stephen Nissenbaum, eds. Salem-Village Witchcraft: A Documentary Record of Local Conflict in Colonial New England. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1972; Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1993.

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  Brattle, Thomas. “Letter of Thomas Brattle, F. R. S., 1692.” In Burr, Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases 1648–1706, 165–190.

  Breslaw, Elaine G. “The Salem Witch from Barbados: In Search of Tituba’s Roots.” EIHC 128 (1992): 217–238.

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  Brown, David C. “The Case of Giles Corey.” EIHC 121 (1985): 282–299.

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  Browne, Benjamin. “Youthful Recollections of Salem.” EIHC 49 (1913): 193–209, 289–304; 50 (1914): 6–16, 289–296; 51 (1915): 53–56, 297–305.

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  Murdock, Kenneth B. Increase Mather: The Foremost American Puritan. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1925.

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  ———. “Center of Salem Village in 1700.” EIHC 54 (1918): 225–245.

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  ———. “Groton, Salem in 1700,” EIHC 51 (1915): 257–270.

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lds, Salem in 1700. No. 3,” EIHC 49 (1913): 186–192.

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