Only for You

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by Jacquelin Thomas

  Back in his arms again

  Somewhere deep inside, Jordin DuGrandpre has always been waiting for Ethan Holbrooke to come back to Charleston. He moved away as a teen, breaking all contact—and her young heart. Back then, she had no idea how difficult his family life was. Now she wants to heal the hurt behind his successful, sexy exterior, but Ethan is an expert at keeping people out. Even the one woman he truly wants.

  Jordin’s the only part of Ethan’s old life that he hasn’t rejected. He left and made a fortune on his own terms, yet still feels that he doesn’t deserve her. Hiding his emotions from the gorgeous attorney is impossible once desire gives way to molten kisses. But he’ll have to face his past to make room for the healing passion she offers, and the love they’ve both been yearning for...

  Without warning, Ethan pulled her closer to him.

  He took her mouth as if it was his to do with what he pleased, making it his own in a way that had Jordin’s hands rising of their own volition, her fingers curling into his shirt. Her moan slid free of her mouth and into Ethan’s.

  The kiss was explosive, consuming and intense.

  All Jordin could think about was the heat of Ethan’s body against her own.

  Ethan released her slowly, leaving Jordin breathless, hungry for more of his kisses and drowning in desire.

  He drew a slow breath.

  She gazed into his chocolate-brown eyes.

  “You are irresistible,” he murmured, as though having reached some internal understanding with himself. Ethan lowered his head down to hers, and pressed a single kiss on her lips.

  Their gazes locked. Jordin and Ethan glimpsed the attraction mirrored in the other’s eyes.

  Ethan kissed her again, lingering, savoring every moment.

  Jordin’s emotions whirled. Blood pounded in her brain, her heart leaped and her knees trembled.

  “I have always been drawn to you, sweetheart,” Ethan whispered. “From the moment I laid eyes on you.”

  Dear Reader,

  Only for You is the second book in the DuGrandpres of Charleston series. Jordin DuGrandpre is thrilled that Ethan Holbrooke is back in Charleston. She intends to seize this opportunity for the two of them to reconnect. However, Jordin finds that she has to knock down the wall around Ethan’s heart.

  I was inspired to write this story during a visit to Charleston, South Carolina. While there, I overheard a snippet of a conversation about a young woman who was perplexed by the actions of a friend who recently returned home. There is a saying that “home is where the heart is,” and for Ethan, this is true.



  Jacquelin Thomas is an award-winning, bestselling author with more than fifty-five books in print. When not writing, she is busy catching up on her reading, attending sporting events and spoiling her grandchildren. Jacquelin and her family live in North Carolina.

  Books by Jacquelin Thomas

  Harlequin Kimani Romance

  Five Star Attraction

  Five Star Temptation

  Legal Attraction

  Five Star Romance

  Five Star Seduction

  Styles of Seduction

  Wrangling Wes

  Five Star Desire

  Forever My Baby

  Only for You

  Visit the Author Profile page

  at for more titles.

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  Bernard, you are my best friend and the love of my life. My heart is always with you.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Excerpt from Silver Screen Romance by AlTonya Washington

  Chapter 1

  Jordin DuGrandpre stared out her office window, immersed in sights and sounds of the downtown business district. In 1960, her grandfather Marcelle founded the first African American–owned law firm in Charleston, South Carolina. DuGrandpre Law Offices was in its new location, four floors above bustling Broad Street. Marcelle’s esteemed legacy had continued with twin sons Etienne and Jacques DuGrandpre and their children.

  Etienne’s daughter Jordin loved this city of her birth and could never imagine living anywhere else. She adored everything about Charleston—the waterfront park, the food...everything.

  “I guess you heard the news about Boot Camp Gym.”

  Turning away from her office view of downtown, Jordin faced her twin sister. “Jadin, I didn’t hear you come in,” she stated.

  “I noticed.” She gestured toward the window. “This view is absolutely stunning.”

  Jordin gave a slight nod of agreement. “I did hear about the new gym. I actually went by there a few days ago. I’m really happy for Ethan.” She felt a warm glow flow through her.

  Jadin sat down in one of the visitor chairs. “I am too,” she murmured. “It’s good to see how things worked out for him.”

  “Ethan had a lot going on back then—more than any of us knew.” Jordin and Ethan Holbrooke had been friends since they were in middle school. She still remembered the day he left as if it had been yesterday, although eleven years had passed. She had been sixteen at the time and heartbroken over losing her best friend.

  “Are you still infatuated with him?” Jadin inquired, leaning forward in her seat, looking at Jordin as if she were trying to figure out what she was thinking. “You don’t have to say anything because I’m sure I already know the answer to that question.”

  “I will always care about Ethan.”

  A grin spread across her sister’s face. “I knew it. You still have feelings for him.”

  Jordin stared into golden-brown eyes that mirrored her own. “Drop it, Jadin. I haven’t seen Ethan in a long time. Besides, I’m sure he’s forgotten all about me. Especially since he never once tried to contact me after he left.” She swallowed the hurt she felt behind Ethan’s actions. He had promised to keep in touch no matter what.

  “But you haven’t forgotten about him though.” Jadin’s voice pulled Jordin away from her thoughts.

  She did not confirm or deny her sister’s statement.

  “Have you heard if he’s moving back here or just opening the gym?” Jadin inquired.

  “I haven’t,” she responded, “but I’m hoping that he will come back to Charleston to stay. I’ve missed him.”

  “This man is not the same boy and teenager you remember, Jordin. Besides, he may be married with a family. I don’t want you getting hurt.”

  She detected a hint of censure in her sister’s tone. “He’s not married,” Jordin announced. “It was mentioned in another article I came across.”

  “But it doesn’t mean that he’s exactly free and single either,” Jadin countered.

  “I know...” s
he responded with a soft sigh. “It’s not like I’m planning a wedding or setting my hopes and dreams on Ethan. I just want to reconnect with him. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “Not as long as your expectations are realistic.”

  A tall, slender woman dressed in a pair of navy blue pants and a crisp powder-blue blouse appeared in the doorway.

  “Mom, what are you doing here on a Monday?” Jordin asked. The only time Eleanor usually came by the office was for a weekly lunch date with her husband on Wednesdays.

  “Your father wanted to see me,” she responded. “He just informed me that another DuGrandpre is joining the firm.”

  Jordin noted her mother did not seem thrilled by the news. “Is it Andre? He’s been talking about leaving New Orleans for a while now.” Eleanor did not care much for her nephew’s choice in the criminals he often represented. In truth, Jordin felt the same way about her cousin.

  Eleanor shook her head no. “It’s not Andre.”

  “Then who is it?” Jadin inquired.

  “Your brother.” Eleanor’s tone was coolly disapproving.

  “Austin is coming to Charleston,” Jordin uttered in surprise. “I wonder how his mother feels about his decision to work with Dad.” Her father was married briefly to a woman named Irene and Austin was born out of that union.

  When Etienne DuGrandpre married Jordin’s mother, Irene left Charleston vowing that Etienne would never see his son again. Although she could not manipulate the court system in her favor, Irene was successful in alienating her son from his father by making him believe that Etienne loved his twin daughters more. By the time he was sixteen, Austin wanted little to do with his father.

  “How does Dad feel about this?” Jordin questioned.

  “He’s ecstatic, of course. This is something he’s always wanted.”

  “Mom, how do you feel about this?” Jadin wanted to know.

  “I’m not sure,” Eleanor responded candidly. “I just find it interesting that a man who has had nothing to do with his father for years suddenly wants to work in the family law firm. I’m suspicious of his motives.”

  “I have to admit I’m feeling the same way,” Jordin confessed. “I was surprised when I heard that Austin decided to study law and now this...” She gave a slight shrug. “I don’t know. Maybe he really wants to connect with the father he barely knew.”

  Eleanor sat down in the empty chair next to Jadin. “Your father tried to be there for Austin but was rejected at every turn. His mother turned him against his own father. It still angers me to think of it.” She retained her affability, but there was a distinct hardening of her eyes.

  “Austin’s a grown man,” Jadin stated. “Maybe he’s ready to repair his relationship with Dad. He may not have any ulterior motives.”

  “All we can do is wait and see how this goes,” Eleanor stated. “I just don’t want your father to be disappointed.”

  Jordin nodded in agreement as she checked her watch. “I have to go. I need to head over to the courthouse to meet with my client. I’ll give you a call later, Mom.” She began placing documents into her tote.

  “I think I’ll go with you,” Jadin said. “I haven’t seen you in action in a while. Besides, I want to see how this case goes.”

  “I believe in our justice system, so I’m sure my client will win. We have a lot of strong evidence to support his claims.”

  “I’ll go get my purse.”

  Jordin grabbed her tote, and then said, “Meet me at the car. I am going to walk down with Mom.”

  Jadin rose to her feet. “I’ll be right behind you.”

  Eleanor looped her arm through Jordin’s. “I hope you are not spending all of your free time alone.”

  “I’m not, Mom. I’m not dating anyone, but I still manage to get out with friends and have a good time.”

  “I know that you want to have a husband and family at some point—it won’t happen unless you meet someone.”

  Jordin smiled. “I don’t just want to meet any man, Mom. I want the right one.” As far as she was concerned, there was only one man perfect for her. The problem was that she hadn’t heard from him in years.

  * * *

  Ethan Holbrooke’s head was throbbing when he woke, and he felt nauseated. After the feeling passed, he shook the foggy feeling in his head and swallowed to rid the cottony taste from his mouth as he sat up in bed.

  Charleston. The very place he’d vowed never to return to eleven years ago. So what had prompted him to open his newest gym in a city that evoked bad memories?

  Jordin DuGrandpre.

  Eleven years away from her and Jordin was as fresh in his mind as she had been when he was taken away from Charleston. They had been sixteen years old at the time. He recalled that she had tears in her eyes as they said their goodbyes. Ethan promised to keep in touch, but did not keep his word. It was too painful, and at the time, he doubted he would ever see Jordin again.

  Ethan had intentionally avoided all contact with her because he did not relish seeing the pity in her eyes, or hearing it in her voice. After all, he was not a victim. He survived his mother’s abandonment, his father’s rejection and the rigorous training at the military academy. When he graduated college, Ethan sold weight loss products from the trunk of his car by posting handmade flyers all over Richmond, Virginia. In the first month, he made five thousand dollars and three years later, he was a millionaire. Now, Ethan owned a chain of fifteen gyms around the country.

  He shook away his thoughts and hustled to take a shower. He had an appointment to meet with a news reporter to discuss his latest gym and its programs.

  An hour later, Ethan stalked through the entrance with his jaw clenched. His scowl wasn’t aimed at anyone or anything particular. Ethan hated giving interviews, but considered it crucial to his business.

  The woman was already there when he arrived.

  Running her fingers through her blond curls, she awarded him a huge smile as he approached her. “Thank you for meeting me, Mr. Holbrooke. I’m Helen Jovanovich.”

  “Just call me Ethan.”

  “Okay, Ethan. I really appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to me.”

  He unlocked the double doors and escorted her inside.

  “Wow,” she murmured. “This is unlike any other gym I’ve seen before.”

  “This is something I hear all of the time,” Ethan responded. “This is what makes Holbrooke Boot Camp Gyms different from any other. Our programs are designed for people who are really serious about exercise. The training is rigorous.”

  “In what way?” Helen asked as she scribbled words in a notebook.

  “We have a total body circuit training that can burn eight hundred to twelve hundred calories a session using various pieces of equipment. This program is never the same routine.” Ethan paused a moment before continuing. “This is our Suspension Trainer. It’s a highly versatile piece of equipment that uses a person’s own body weight to build functional strength and improve flexibility, balance and core stability all at once.”

  “So the programs here are definitely not for those who dabble in exercise.”

  “They are for people who are serious about fitness,” Ethan emphasized. “Our martial arts and circuit training class is designed to train a person like a fighter. We have several professional athletes who train regularly with us in the off-season.”

  Helen touched one of the one-hundred-pound heavy bags. “I can certainly see why. What do you call this?”

  “These are our ground and pound bags. They are six feet tall and weigh a hundred pounds or more.”

  “So all of your programs are designed to push you to your limits?”

  “Yes,” Ethan stated. “Customers come to Boot Camp Gym because they want to learn advanced weight training tec

  “I see that you offer a kickboxing class.”

  He nodded. “My kickboxing program is a high-intensity training technique using multiple tools on the heavy bag.”

  Ethan released a sigh of relief when the interview came to an end. He left the reporter in the care of his new gym manager, but he wasn’t ready to return to his hotel suite. He had been away from Charleston for a long time. It was time to get reacquainted with the city.

  An hour later, Ethan lost himself in the rhythmic sounds of the churning wheels of his bike as he rounded the first bend of a ten-mile ride. He enjoyed the feel of the cool air on his face as he rode, pushing himself hard to help take the edge off his mood, but so far it hadn’t helped.

  * * *

  Jordin hummed softly as she strolled into the lobby of the building where she worked. She was joined a few minutes later by an associate. “Good morning, Keith.”

  “Morning,” the man uttered in response with his jaw clenched.

  She knew that his scowl wasn’t aimed at anyone or anything in particular, but she did not try to initiate him in conversation. Jordin moved out of his way as he stabbed the elevator control panel. Keith was a brilliant lawyer and charismatic in the courtroom. Outside of this, he was not necessarily a people person.

  The elevator doors slid open minutes later to reveal the reception desk and waiting area of the DuGrandpre Law Offices. Keith’s nod to the receptionist was curt but polite as he moved past her toward his office.

  Jordin smiled. “Good morning, Charlotte.”

  The woman smiled in return. “It’s always nice to see your sunny smile, especially after a cloud blows through.”

  She knew Charlotte was referring to Keith and chuckled softly. “Be nice...”

  Jordin stopped in front of her father’s secretary. “Is my dad in yet?” She asked as her fingers drummed distractedly on the desk.

  “He should be here within the hour.”

  “Okay, thanks.”

  Humming softly, Jordin made her way to her office, shutting the door behind her.

  Ethan was opening a gym in Charleston. It was a great opportunity to try to reconnect with him, she considered. Then she could find out why he hadn’t kept his promise to stay in contact.


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