Only for You

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Only for You Page 11

by Jacquelin Thomas

  “I doubt that.”

  “Ethan, I haven’t seen you in the same pair of shoes since we reconnected. You love shoes as much as I do.”

  “I’m sure I don’t own near as many as you do.”

  “Maybe not, but you were a late bloomer. Trust me, you have been bitten by the shoe bug.”

  They laughed.

  “Would you like to dance?” Ethan asked.

  She smiled at him. “Sure.”

  Jordin stood up, waiting for Ethan to escort her to the dance floor. She walked slowly, her body swaying to the music. “I love this song.”

  Ethan took her to the middle of the front of the dance floor and began moving to the music.

  Their eyes locked, sending Jordin’s heart hammering against her ribs. He was watching her so intently that she asked, “Why are you staring at me like that?”

  “You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you.”

  She felt her skin become flushed and heated. “It wouldn’t bother me if you did.”

  Just as their lips connected, a photographer snapped a picture of them.

  The song ended with him escorting her back to their table.

  “You know that picture will probably be on the society page of the newspaper,” Ethan blurted. “I’m not sure we should’ve crossed certain boundaries.”

  Jordin sighed softly in frustration. Once again, Ethan had erected a wall between them. She only had his best interests at heart and it irritated her that he could not see it this way.

  * * *

  Ethan’s heart was racing, his gaze moving over her body slowly. He gave himself a mental shake. Ethan needed to rein in his emotions.

  They came from two different worlds.

  Ethan had always felt that Etienne DuGrandpre did not think he was good enough for Jordin. Although he had been polite at the party, Ethan was sure Etienne’s feelings had not changed.

  From outward appearances, Jordin looked fragile, but he knew that she possessed a quiet strength—one of the many qualities that had drawn him to her. Ethan’s feelings for her continued to run deep, despite his resolve to keep their relationship a platonic one.

  Jordin was the only woman Ethan ever felt connected to—she made him feel things he never felt before. As strong as his feelings were for her, Ethan vowed to stay on the side of caution. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Jordin. She deserved much better.

  Ethan dreaded the idea of seeing her with another man, but it was inevitable. He wanted Jordin to be happy.

  “Hey, you...” she prompted. “What’s on your mind?”

  “I was thinking about us,” he confessed.

  “Have you changed your mind?”

  He shook his head no.

  “I see,” Jordin responded.

  Ethan was mildly surprised that she didn’t offer any argument. Perhaps it was because she felt the same way.

  “I still don’t agree, but we will always be friends, Ethan. No matter what happens.”

  He smiled. “You told me that same thing years ago.”

  “I meant it then and I mean it now.”

  “Feel like some more dancing?” Ethan asked.

  Jordin nodded.

  Looking at her, Ethan desperately wanted to forget the past and unlock his heart, but it was much too late. He’d realized a long time ago that he would never be completely free of his pain. With his mother in town, Ethan was unable to move forward—she was a constant reminder of all he’d had to endure in her absence.

  His gaze traveled to Jordin. She was smiling and dancing, warmth radiating from her.

  Ethan allowed himself to be wrapped in that warmness, forcing thoughts of his mother and the past away from his mind.

  * * *

  Jordin’s mind was still on Ethan when she arrived home. It was a pleasant surprise when he’d shown up at the party. A quiver surged through her veins as she recalled how much she had enjoyed his company.

  “We always have such a nice time together,” Jordin whispered to her empty bedroom.

  She turned on some music as she undressed.

  Humming softly, she slipped on a pair of pajama pants and a matching camisole.

  She and Ethan were a good team, she thought as she climbed into bed.

  If only he could see it too. Jordin could not understand why it was so difficult for such a brilliant businessman to figure out that a solid friendship was the foundation for love. Why couldn’t he see that they were made for each other?

  Ethan still dominating her thoughts, Jordin walked over to the window in her bedroom and stared into the night. “I’m so happy that you’re back, but Ethan, you’re driving me crazy,” she whispered. “You know that we were meant to be... I just need you to trust your heart.”

  Chapter 12

  The next day Jordin went to see Ethan at his office. Deep down, she knew that Ryker was right about giving Ethan some space, but she couldn’t do it. Jordin wanted to let Ethan know that she would always be there for him.

  “Hello, Ethan...”

  He smiled. “Somehow, I knew that I’d see you before the week ended. I really enjoyed the party Friday night. It’s always good hanging out with you.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. I want to talk to you about what happened when we were younger. I can’t say that I know exactly what you’re going through, but you don’t have to shut me out. Ethan, I am still your friend and I care about you.”

  “I know that, Jordin,” he responded. “I care about you as well, which is why I don’t want to hurt you in any way. I have a lot of baggage which I’m working to get rid of permanently.”

  “Are you seeing someone to help you with this?”

  “As in a psychiatrist?”

  She nodded.

  He shook his head. “I’m not crazy.”

  “I know that,” Jordin said. “You need to find a way to deal with your baggage, as you put it, to keep it from intruding into your present. I have a really good friend who is a psychologist. Her name is Bree Collins. Before you dismiss the idea, at least meet with her and then if you decide it’s not for you—it’s not an option.”

  He seemed to be considering her suggestion.

  “Just think about it.”

  “I will.”

  “I’m going to my parents’ house this weekend,” Jordin announced. “I’d really like you to come with me.”

  “I don’t know...”

  “We’re having a nice family dinner. Jadin’s bringing her boyfriend and I want you to be my date.”

  He grinned. “You sure about this?”

  Jordin nodded. “Yes. Don’t worry, I’ll keep Aunt Rochelle as far away from you as possible.”

  “Is your uncle making his famous seafood gumbo?”

  “As a matter of fact, he sure is,” she responded. “My mom is making a red velvet cake.”

  “I haven’t tasted a red velvet cake that comes close to your mom’s.”

  “So you’ll be my date?”

  Ethan nodded. “Sure.”

  “Just so you know, I heard you the other night. This date is a friend thing.”

  “I know that you wouldn’t try to manipulate me in that way, Jordin.”

  “We still have a lot of distance between us, so I wanted to make sure you knew my motive.”

  “I trust you,” Ethan told her. “I want you to trust me when I say that I care deeply for you, Jordin. Right now, my being in a relationship with anyone is not a good idea.”

  “I don’t agree with you, but it’s not my choice to make,” she responded. “I respect your decision. One day, you’ll come to your senses, I’m sure.”

  Ethan burst into laughter. “Same ol’ Jordin.”

  “That’s what you
love about me,” she replied, rising to her feet. “I need to get back to my office.”

  Ethan stood up and walked from around his desk.

  He embraced her. “I’ll let you know what I decide.”

  “I will support you regardless of whatever you decide. I want you to know that.”

  “I know you will.”

  Jordin kissed Ethan’s cheek. “Give me a call later if you’re not busy.”

  He walked her to the door.

  She had actually suggested that he see a therapist. Ethan had considered it once before, but never actually pursued the thought.

  Am I really that messed up?

  Ethan returned to his office and sat down at his desk. If he wanted to feel normal again, then maybe this was his only option.

  * * *

  Jordin and Ethan drove out to spend the day with Ryker and his family.

  Garland greeted them at the front door.

  The two women embraced. “Look at you...” Jordin said. “I’m envious of that glow.”

  “You’re just trying to make me feel better about looking like a blimp.”

  “Jordin’s right,” Ethan stated. “You look beautiful.”

  Garland smiled. “I’m so glad you two came over. I’m not getting out much these days. The doctor wants me off my feet as much as possible.”

  Jordin grabbed her arm, saying, “Well, let’s get you over to the couch. We can chat over there.”

  Ryker entered the room. “Hey...I didn’t know y’all were here.”

  He embraced Jordin first, and then Ethan before taking a seat beside his wife.

  “How was the golf tournament?” Ryker inquired.

  Ethan shook his head. “I was miserable.”

  Jordin chuckled. “Let’s not even talk about it.”

  Ryker burst into laughter. “Was it that bad?”

  “I hate golf and I hate standing around in the heat watching it even more.”

  “I’m sure Chandler was in his element though,” Ryker stated.

  Ethan agreed. “He did well.”

  “I’m going to get something to drink,” Ryker blurted. “You all want anything?”

  “I’m fine,” his wife responded.

  Jordin shook her head. “No thank you.”

  “I’ll take a bottled water.”

  Ryker strode out of the room, leaving Ethan alone with the women.

  “Do you wressel?”

  Ethan turned and glanced down at the little girl standing beside the chair he was sitting in. He hadn’t even heard her approach. “Excuse me?”

  “Do you wressel people?”

  Jordin and Garland chuckled.

  He broke into a grin. “No, I’m not a wrestler.”

  “You have big muscles.”

  Ethan replied, “And you have very beautiful eyes.”

  She giggled. “What’s your name?”

  “Ethan,” he responded. “What’s yours?”


  “Hey, little lady. Did you forget about me?” Jordin said, holding out her arms for a hug.

  “Naw, I didn’t forget about you.” Kai ran over to her. “I was just talking to him.”

  Jordin sent Ethan a look of amusement. “That’s my friend.”

  Kai looked over at him and said, “He’s my friend too. Aren’t you?”

  “I sure am,” he responded, his heart warmed at the sight of her gorgeous brown eyes and head of curly hair. Kai’s cheeks were like a cherub’s.

  She sat down next to Jordin. “I’ll be your friend too.”

  Jordin ran her fingers through Kai’s poufy ponytail.

  “I think your sister’s looking for you, sweetie,” Ryker stated when he returned. He handed a bottle of water to Ethan before reclaiming his seat beside Garland. “I heard her calling for you.”

  “Okay. See you later.” She ran off toward the staircase.

  “No running,” Garland called out. “You have to be careful on the stairs, honey.”

  “She’s adorable,” Ethan said to Ryker and Garland. “She was the one at Jordin’s parents’ house, right?”

  Jordin shook her head. “That was Amya.”

  “Are they twins? They seem to be about the same age.”

  Garland chuckled. “They are the same age and born on the same day, but they aren’t twins.”

  Ethan’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Interesting...”

  “The babies were switched at birth,” Ryker elaborated. “Kai is Garland’s biological daughter and Amya is mine. We didn’t want to give up the children we raised nor our biological children. We decided to coparent them and we fell in love.”

  “Wow,” he murmured.

  “Are you hungry?” Garland inquired. “The food is ready.”

  Jordin glanced over at Ethan who nodded. “Sure,” she responded.

  Ethan heard the patter of tiny feet and turned in time to see Kai and her sister.

  Kai sidled closer to him, sending him an adoring look beneath a luxurious curl of thick eyelashes. “This is my sister. Her name is Amya.”

  Ethan smiled. “Hello, Amya. My name is Ethan.”

  “Hi...” she murmured with a grin. “Kai said you’re her friend. I want you to be my friend too.”

  “I’m friends with your daddy and Jordin. I’ll be happy to be your friend as well.”

  She clapped her hands with glee.

  “You gotta be his friend too,” Kai instructed her sister.

  “I’ll be your friend, Mr. Ethan.”

  “You can just call me Ethan, little lady.”

  “He’s our friend, Daddy,” Kai announced, prompting laughter from Ethan.

  “You are a very lucky man,” he told Ryker.

  “I agree.”

  Ethan felt a prick of sadness at the thought of never being able to settle down with a wife or children. It was something he never really considered—mostly because the only woman he could picture in his life was Jordin. The idea that she wanted more than friendship with him felt surreal. He had never allowed himself to imagine that they could be lovers or anything more.

  At the dining room table, Jordin leaned over and whispered, “You look lost in thought.”

  “I’ve been thinking about what you said,” Ethan stated. “I’m willing to meet with your friend.” He was tired of being angry with his parents. Maybe talking this out with a psychologist could help. Ethan was ready to try anything.

  “I really believe you should do this,” she responded. “I’m sure it’ll help.”

  He met her gaze. “I trust you.”

  The doorbell rang.

  “Are you expecting anyone?” Garland asked her husband.

  Ryker rose to his feet. “No.”

  He excused himself from the table.

  Ryker returned a few minutes later with his mother in tow.

  Rochelle DuGrandpre stopped in her tracks when she saw Jordin and Ethan. “Oh, I didn’t know you had company.”

  “You would have, had you bothered to call before coming over,” Ryker stated.

  “Would you like to join us for lunch?” Garland inquired.

  Rochelle sent Ryker a sharp glare before responding, “Don’t mind if I do.”

  Rochelle sat down in the empty chair beside Jordin. “Hey, sweetie. Forgive my manners. I didn’t mean to be so rude.”

  “It’s good to see you, Aunt Rochelle.”

  Rochelle glanced over at Ethan and asked, “How is your mother doing?”

  “The last time I saw her, she looked fine,” he responded before biting into his hamburger.

  Silence rang around the room.

  “Everything is delicious, honey,” Ryker interje

  Jordin agreed.

  Rochelle continued to probe. “I heard she was back in Charleston. I just assumed she returned with you.”

  Ethan’s mouth tightened. “She didn’t come with me.”

  “Why don’t we change the subject?” Ryker stated firmly.

  Rochelle shrugged. “Just trying to make conversation.”

  “Grandma, Mr. Ethan is our friend,” Kai said.

  Amya confirmed what her sister said by nodding.

  “Well, isn’t that lovely,” Rochelle uttered before taking a sip of her iced tea.

  “I’m sorry about that,” Jordin said when they were alone in the family room after everyone had eaten.

  “It’s okay. Your aunt hasn’t changed at all over the years.”

  “No, she hasn’t. She drives Ryker crazy at times.”

  “I know that I’ve never been on her list of favorites,” Ethan stated. “She would never let him stay over at my house—I always had to stay with them.”

  “You weren’t the only one she treated like that,” Jordin responded. “Aubrie never wanted to bring anybody home because of her mother.”

  “I guess I’m not the only one with mother issues,” he said.

  “You’re among millions, I’m afraid.”

  “At least I have you in my corner.”

  She smiled. “I will always be here for you, Ethan.”

  * * *

  Jordin walked out of the kickboxing class, patting her face with a terry-cloth towel, which was damp from the hour-long workout. She broke into a grin when her gaze landed on Ethan.

  “How did you enjoy the class?” he asked.

  “It was intense, but great,” she responded. Jordin dabbed at her neck and chest with the towel. “I always feel good after a rigorous workout. I’m sure tomorrow will be another story.”

  He chuckled. “You’ll be sore. Make sure you do some more stretching later. It’ll help.”

  They walked over to the juice bar and sat down.

  “I met with your friend earlier,” Ethan announced.

  Jordin straightened to relieve the ache in her shoulders. “What do you think?”

  “I’m going to see her again next week. We’ll see what comes of this.”

  “Just keep an open mind, Ethan.”


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