Second Chance For The Billionaire: A Billionaire Second Chance Secret Baby Romance

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Second Chance For The Billionaire: A Billionaire Second Chance Secret Baby Romance Page 10

by Alice Moore

  “You really should’ve tried it on before you bought it, Ally. This way you’d know that the lingerie is always smaller than regular underwear and bras.” Heat flooded my cheeks, and Kelly giggled while lifting her wine glass to her lips. “If I were you, I’d just wear nothing. You want to seduce Roark- fine. I don’t think you need uncomfortable lingerie for that. The guy practically worships you even with your clothes on.”

  “This is important, Kelly. Roark even said he doesn’t find me sexually attractive, so-“ Cut off by a loud grunt, I watched Kelly down her wine in a single gulp before shaking her head wildly. Rubbing my palms together, I turned to face her as she rounded the coffee table to grip my shoulders firmly. From under furrowed brows, she captured my eyes, and I gulped at the seriousness I saw there.

  “Ally, you took that the wrong way. Did you ever think that your personality was so great that he focused on it rather than the fact that you weren’t going to have sex? You were both pretty much resigned to celibacy until you sorted all of this stuff out, right? So, give yourself some credit.” My gut churned, and I rolled my lips between my teeth to hide my frown. Glancing at the clock on my cable box, I let out a harsh breath while Kelly’s assurances went in one ear and out the other.

  “But it’s been two weeks and he never made a move. What if I’m wrong, and we’re destined to be platonically intimate or something? What if this is a mistake?” My worries only made my friend roll her eyes, and she shuffled to the side to point at the corner of the room. I couldn’t bear to look, instead directing my eyes at my bare feet, and Kelly squeezed my shoulders before releasing me.

  “There’s no going back. You bought a bed for this. You’re going to do it, Ally. It’s not a mistake, and you’re not wrong. I’ve seen you two together and trust me- Roark wants you. Sex is a thing that strengthens a bond, but it can’t create that bond. Owen told me that when we had sex for the first time in his car in the mall parking lot.” Blinking hard, I nearly choked on my own spit, and Kelly shrugged when I whirled around to stare at her. “What can I say? The man’s not a romantic. But- anyway, I’m going to get out of here before Roark shows up. Don’t chicken out, alright? Then you’d have to explain why you have a queen-sized bed and your futon is in a landfill somewhere.”

  “What? Wait- Kelly, you can’t leave…” Trailing off as she grabbed her purse from the kitchenette counter, Kelly laughed at my desperation as she shouldered her bag.

  “What else am I supposed to do but help you get ready and give you a pep talk? I’m not going to watch you have sex. So- bye-bye.” Kelly left before I could open my mouth to protest further, and I let out a whimper-slash-groan at the mess I’d put myself in. Roark was going to be here within 15 minutes for what he thought was a movie night, and I was petrified with nerves.

  “This is going to be a disaster.” Burying my face in my hands, I hated they trembled. The anxiety was worse than when I lost my virginity, and I stared at the wine bottle Kelly had left out through my fingers.

  But I wanted to be stone cold sober tonight- which was a terrible idea.

  I started to pace to get rid of the thoughts urging me to put on clothes and scrap the whole idea. Explaining the bed to Roark would be easy; I just got tired of sleeping on an uncomfortable futon. While that was true, it wasn’t the reason I decided to upgrade. Out of the corner of my eye, I couldn’t stop looking at the crisp, never used, jade-colored sheets.

  In my mind’s eye, I could already see them rumpled and soiled, and my heart sunk into my stomach at the idea of walking the sheets all the way to the shared laundry room of my apartment complex.

  Roark’s knock on the door almost made me shriek, and my abdomen cramped tightly when he let himself in. He didn’t see me immediately, and I went wide-eyed at the pizza box in his hands. The familiar smell of meat lovers’ pizza wafted into my nostrils as he kicked the door shut, and I stiffened when he turned to lock the door and speak at the same time.

  “I made sure they put extra sau-“ Clasping my hands behind me, I dug my toes into the carpet as Roark froze at his first glance of me. The pizza fell to the floor with a sickening thud, but I was too nervous to mourn the loss of a fresh, hot pie. Unable to look away from his dumbstruck expression, I beat down the tingles that slithered up and down my spine. Goosebumps rose on every inch of my exposed skin, and blood rushed to my face when he opened his mouth only to close it again without so much as the faintest sound. His wide eyes created hot trails up and down my front, and my heart beat so hard I feared it would burst.

  “D- do you… like… it?” Stuttering and weak, my voice seemed to break whatever spell Roark was under violently. Without answering he stepped on and over the pizza box with stomping steps, and I stumbled over my own feet as I backed up. The backs of my knees hit my new bed, and my squeal echoed through the room.

  Any chance I had to scoot to the head of the bed was dashed when Roark grabbed my chin; his fingers stretched from ear to ear and made it impossible to resist him pushing me onto my back. Locking my thighs together, I whimpered softly when he loomed over me, but he made no move to part my weak knees.

  He was clearly in shock, but even then, he was careful to respect me.

  “… I’m speechless.” Rasping what I could only describe as a growl, Roark’s tone bordered on worship that speared me right in the heart. Tears welled in my eyes, and I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him down. Bracing his knees on the edge of the bed, he kicked his shoes off before shuffling and nudging me towards the center. His palm jumped down to my neck, and my breath caught sharply as his flowed over my lips and up my nose.

  “Don’t worry.” Mumbling mere millimeters above my lips, Roark squeezed my neck slightly before taking a loud, sharp inhale that sucked the warmth from my face. “I just want to feel your pulse… Ally… it’s so fast…”

  Just like that, Roark left my neck, and I gasped when he nuzzled his nose against mine. The tiny connection sent sparks flittering across my cheeks and up along my forehead, and he exhaled with a low, sultry groan. No matter how thin or short, all of the hairs on my body stood up, and I shuddered when the sheets were pulled taut above my head.

  “You’re exquisite… I- you’re beyond mortal comprehension. My comprehension. Oh God…” Stumbling over his words, Roark’s tone and praise combined made me turn my head, but he cupped my chin gently to force me to look at him. A small smile curved my lips, and my cheek twitched under his soft caresses. “I just want to touch you, feel you… I don’t know if I should kiss your lips or your ring.”

  Roark’s head snapped up, and I gasped as his expression grew pinched and dark red filled his cheeks. My mind was a mess, unable to conjure a single thought beyond what was happening right in front of my eyes.

  “You don’t have a ring- you need a ring. I’ll get you a ring.” The pure consternation in Roark’s voice caused my insides to melt, and I buried my fingers in his hair to pull him down to me. His lips smashed against mine with force enough to rattle my teeth, but I didn’t complain. Opening my mouth for his sweet invasion, I gave in to the hunger that drove us to devour each other. My taste buds danced and tingled when his tongue collided with mine, and I moaned a deep, satisfied sound.

  “Roark… R- Roark…” Whimpering pathetically, I grabbed handfuls of Roark’s shirt to pull impatiently. Fire raced through my veins, and blood roared in my ears as the need I felt for him beat against the backs of my eyes. I only managed to yank the fabric a few inches before he snatched my wrists, and I arched automatically when he anchored them above my head.

  Shaking his head wildly to break our kiss, Roark trailed heavy, open-mouthed kisses down my jaw as I inhaled great, heaving gasps. Nipping at my earlobe, he made a hoarse hissing sound and rocked against me, pinning me more securely underneath him.

  “There’s no rush, Ally. I’m going to take my time with you. I’m going to give you what you deserve… the reverence and zealotry that is owed to you.” They were the first coherent sentences Roa
rk was able to make, and I jerked in a violent shiver before he pushed himself up onto his knees. Beyond the rose-colored lenses, there was a wildness in his eyes that dried my mouth and caused my core to pulse wildly. The clink of him fumbling with his belt was lost to me, but the smooth leather wrapping around my captured wrists sent a jolt up my arms to my heart.


  “Sh-h-h…” Cutting me off with a soft shushing, Roark tied my hands firmly before bestowing a passionate kiss on my lips to make me forget what I was trying to ask. “You’re not allowed to do anything. You’re just going to take it.”


  Harsh, heavy breaths chapped my lips, and my chest heaved with each shallow inhale I managed to take. Tucking his elbows against my upper arms, Roark peppered hot kisses on my face that slowly trailed downward. Over my chin and along my jaw, his lips left a fire in their wake, and my eyelids fluttered closed to allow my lust-filled mind to focus on him.

  Still fully clothed, Roark’s shirt gyrated against my nipples, teasing them with friction as my breasts tightened and ached. Tossing my head to the side, I exhaled a soft moan when he sucked gently on my exposed neck. My pulse points throbbed wildly, sending blood to roar in my ears and drown every other noise out. The rustling of the sheets was lost to me, and the groan of my brand-new bed frame reverberated up through the mattress but made no sound.

  Rough lips brushed the corner of my mouth, and I turned into the contact as Roark leaned heavily on his left side. Stroking my cheek with his right hand, he kissed me thoroughly, deeply, as his palm traveled heavily down towards my needy breasts. Opening my mouth for his tongue, I hovered up air through my nose and thrust my chest into his hand. Carefully peeling back the lace of my bra, he thumbed my firm nipple to groan down my throat.

  “Oh-h-h…!” Moaning a high-pitched sound when Roark pinched my nipple, I arched from the force of the need that rocketed through me to coil in my abdomen. Ripping his mouth from mine, he leaned back to blow on my aching, swelling bud. Clamping down on my nipple, he sucked and nipped, swirling his tongue around it with a small grunt of satisfaction.

  Switching to my right nipple, Roark pulled my bra down to nibble as he rolled my left bud between his fingers. The assault was ravenous and unyielding, and I could barely breathe. My lungs refused to fill fully under the pressure of his mouth, and he kneaded my breasts as he kissed his way down my sternum.

  “Jesus Christ…” Mumbling against my hip, Roark palmed my butt to rub generously. Sloppy, wet kisses descended on my quivering flesh, and I moaned softly as he moved down my outer thigh.

  Carefully prying my legs apart, Roark’s hands trembled, and he sucked in a sharp breath when I spread eagle underneath him. My crotchless panties left nothing to the imagination, and my flushed, fluid-coated folds ached under his narrowed gaze. Flexing my toes against the air, I licked my lips heavily before he dragged his palms down to my core. The heat from his fingers scorched my swollen clit, but he didn’t touch me.

  “P- please- Roark… please…” Rolling my hips with need, I gasped out my plea before Roark’s eyes met mine. So many things played inside those bright orbs- so many things that were only for me. Moaning when he brushed down my folds with his thumbs, I let my head fall back when he draped himself over me once again.

  Capturing my lips with a grunt, Roark probed my weeping slit with his fingertips, and I spread my legs wider. The belt tying my hands together chafed my wrists, but the burn was cold compared to the rest of me. Tilting into his touch, I tangled my tongue with his before he slipped one finger past my entrance. Whimpering at the sensation, my throat tightened and thighs twitched, and I swallowed his growl roughly while he caressed my inner walls with his fingertip.

  For a long, intense moment, Roark stayed buried in my channel to the knuckle, and I mewled in protest when he pulled out. The high-pitched sound bounced around our bubble, and he broke our kiss to pant against my lips. Scooting back to climb off the bed, he left me cold and shivering as desire ravaged my insides and thinned my blood. Watching through watering eyes while he undressed, I gulped down the saliva that pooled against the back of my mouth.

  A faint scar, less than six inches in length, ripped down his left side, and my arms jerked in the urge to touch it. As if sensing what I wanted, Roark glanced down, and he wore a small smile when he looked down at me. Shirking off his boxers, he crawled on top of me to drop to his elbows and place a fierce kiss on my lips. My flesh prickled when he nestled between my legs, and I automatically wrapped my legs around his waist.

  Thrusting along my abdomen, Roark groaned into my mouth as our tongues caressed, and I tensed. My eyes rolled slightly, my chest shuddering and a hard pulse ripping through my abdomen. The taut, silky skin of his cock throbbed, hot and ready, and I nearly came undone just from that.

  Poising himself at my entrance, Roark pulled his lips from mine to take a sharp, deep breath, and I copied him. His eyes swam with everything we were too afraid to say with words, and he caressed my cheek tenderly before thrusting his hips. The bulbous head of his rod pushed apart my folds to squeeze through my entrance, and my full lungs threatened to collapse.

  “Oh God-“ Choking out the sound, I clenched my jaw tightly while Roark slowly entered me inch by torturous inch. “Oh-h-h, Roark- Roark- please…”

  Hissing through his teeth, Roark ducked his head to look at the place we connected, and his hair tickled my nose. My nails dug into my palms, and he balanced on one hand as the other flew to grip my thigh with bruising force. His wide shaft stretched my walls, and I skewered my eyes shut in a futile attempt to relax and relieve the pressure.

  “Fuck-k… Ally…” Gasping when Roark’s hips pressed against mine, I whimpered as he circled to delve even deeper into my channel. “Tight- so tight-“

  Pulling out slowly, Roark groaned into the empty space between us, and a wave of cold surged up my torso to send shocks down my arms to my fingers. My heart stuttered in its cage, and I let out a rasping, high pitched cry as pressure built behind my eyes.

  With a fierce grunt, Roark snapped his hips to thrust hard, and I jerked in a sharp arch. His cock ploughed into my channel, threatening to tear my walls and as he dropped to brace an arm on either side of my head. Tightening my legs around his waist, I locked my ankles against the small of his back to draw him as deep as I could. Harsh pants tore through my chest, and moan after moan dropped from my mouth with each, jarring thrust.

  “Yes-s-s! God! Oh- right there- ri- right there, Roark…” A big, clammy hand slid up my arms to wrap around my straining fists, and I choked on my breath when Roark smashed his lips on mine. His light coating of chest hair rubbed my nipples raw, and I arched sharply into the slight bite of pain as he dug his fingernails into my butt to hold me more firmly.

  Thrusting hard jerks of his hips, Roark grunted with the effort he took to pummel me into the abyss. He had no rhythm, but I couldn’t complain when he tilted his hips to shove his cock right up against that mythical button that opened the flood gates.

  Time stopped, and I wasn’t sure if I blacked out as my orgasm came rolling over me with the force of a hurricane. Tightening around Roark’s cock, my channel quivered and trembled as he pushed against my hips. Squeezing his finger as hard as I could, I held my breath in lungs that threatened to burst. The pressure bore down on me, causing colored spots to appear behind my shuttered eyelids, and I tossed my head to the side to bury my scream in his shoulder.

  “Yes- yes- yes- yes- yes- yes! Oh fuck, Ally…” The words spun around in my mind, dizzying, and I spasmed violently before somehow managing to gasp hoarsely for as much breath as I could. Falling back onto the bed, I twitched from the residue of my release and fought for air, and my heart knocked against my ribs with each forceful pump.

  Above me, Roark panted harshly, and he shook hard enough to make the bed vibrate. Carefully settled down on me, he kissed me deeply, and my lips wobbled as he tenderly stroked my wild hair.

  “… I’m beginni
ng to wonder if every woman I’ve ever been with was just a bad wet dream…” My breath hitched in my throat before the declaration even registered in my sluggish mind. Nuzzling my face, Roark rolled onto his side to jostle me against him, and my shoulders ached for relief when he reached to undo the belt holding my hands hostage. Holding me close, sweaty, sticky, and trembling, he tugged my arms across my chest before pressing a chaste kiss on my forehead.

  The straps of my bra became curiously loose, but I didn’t even the energy or the mind to open my mouth. Taking off my underwear, Roark tossed them away to grip my butt and pull us flush together. He was warm like a fire in the middle of winter, and I took heavying breaths filled with his scent as I slowly came down.


  “What?” The bewildered expression on Ally’s face was cute, and I had to beat back a smile. Tightening my arms around her naked body, I nudged my knee between her legs before sighing in content.

  “We’ve been having sex all weekend, and we didn’t use condoms. I just want to know.” Judging by the look she wore, Ally had never considered that we were having unprotected sex. My smirk broke through, and I rolled onto my back to swipe my palm down my face before speaking up again. “It’s okay if you don’t. I wouldn’t do that to you, Ally.”

  “No- I know… I just… I’ve used the cervical implant since I was a teenager. I’ve never thought of getting a different one?” Furrowing my brows as I stared at the ceiling, I rolled my jaw absently as Ally snuggled against my side. “Why is it a big deal?”

  “It’s not. I just am trying to figure out why you’d go to the doctor every other week to get it inserted and removed.” Ally had explained that the implant stays in for three weeks and comes out for one; that going to the doctor twice a month wasn’t a big deal.


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