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by Tom Bower

  ‘The Kosovo conflict …’ Blair, p. 227


  ‘TB seemed lost …’ Campbell, Power and Responsibility, p. 107

  ‘I love aspiration …’ Blair, p. 115

  ‘Coming here reminds me …’ The Times, 28 January 2005

  ‘We live in a new age …’ Blair, p. 570

  Blair was modernising … Campbell, Power and Responsibility, p. 119

  ‘turning point …’ The Times, 18 November 1999

  ‘cynicism was dreadful …’ Blair, p. 254; Seldon and Kavanagh, p. 17; Campbell, Power and Responsibility, pp. 112, 116, 278

  ‘sinecure cynics who …’ Blair, p. 301


  In hindsight, he blamed … Blair, p. 263

  ‘It wasn’t significant for Blair …’ Dobson, interview with author

  ‘I returned to find a burning …’ Milburn, interview with author

  ‘since 1997 the service had recruited …’ Bower, Gordon Brown, p. 334

  Pushing one button … Anderson, interview with author

  Labour’s partisan opposition … Blair, ‘Antagonism of Choice’, speech to Labour Party conference, September 2003

  ‘Don’t ever speak to me …’ Campbell, Power and Responsibility, p. 237

  Among the victims was … ibid., pp. 118, 122, 164, 168, 189–91

  He also accused Blair … New Statesman, 14 January 2000

  ‘It was the most important battle …’ Powell, p. 111

  ‘always more money’ Campbell, Power and Responsibility, p. 211

  ‘overenthusiastic briefing’ The Times, 22 January 2000

  ‘We’re putting money in …’ Le Grand and Milburn, interviews with author

  ‘We didn’t have the same …’ Powell, p. 186

  He explained his failure … Milburn, interview with author

  More money … Campbell, Power and Responsibility, pp. 243–4; Bower, Branson: Behind the Mask, p. 214

  the Treasury’s Red Book … Powell, p. 111

  ‘all part of an effort …’ Campbell, Power and Responsibility, pp. 274–5

  ‘he wasn’t believed …’ The Times, 17 July 2000

  ‘Yes, Labour’s love affair …’ ibid., 15 June 2000

  Later, in a memorandum to … ibid., 17 July 2000

  ‘were too late …’ ibid., 19 July 2000

  ‘the headlines were dominated …’

  ‘redesign the NHS …’ Milburn, interview with author


  The market was assumed … ‘Energy: The Changing Climate’, p. 20:

  Speaking before a huge audience … ibid., p. 23

  Blair was persuaded … Ward, interview with author

  edicts from departments … Powell, p. 180


  ‘You didn’t manage them …’ Wilson, interview with author

  ‘Unleashed by Number 10 …’ Straw, p. 320

  Blair was also frustrated … Blair, pp. 204–5

  Immigration was still not a priority … Roche, interview with author

  Thanks to a threatened rebellion … The Times, 10 June 1999

  She wanted to see black faces … Boys-Smith, interview with author

  ‘The old approach …’ Spencer, interview with author; Spencer, ‘Immigration’, in Seldon, Blair’s Britain 1997–2007 (Cambridge University Press, 2007), pp. 347–9

  Labour’s progressives, who embraced … Goodhart, The British Dream, pp. 216, 285, 310

  During her two visits … Roche, interview with author

  ‘30,000 failed applicants’ The Times, 19 July 2000

  with other ‘progressives’ Goodhart, p. 217

  ‘I was saying the kind …’ Balch, ‘Labour and Epistemic Communities’, p. 11

  In his report, Portes emphasised … Portes, para 6.47

  ‘It would be counter-productive …’ ibid., para 3.13

  Without fear of contradiction … ibid., para 6.8

  510,000 immigrants who arrived … ibid., para 6.15

  With Spencer’s support … ibid., paras 6.40, 6.43

  ‘greater diversity into UK schools’ ibid., paras 6.58, 6.42

  ‘There is little evidence …’ ibid., 6.29

  ‘Migrants will have no effect …’ ibid., 6.30

  Nine years later … Daily Mail, 5 March 2014

  His solution to reducing isolation … Portes, para 5.33

  ‘There was no policy for …’ Spencer, interview with author

  the British would unquestioningly accept … contra Goodhart, p. 219

  Portes’s assurance that … Portes, para 2.3

  ‘modernise the work permit system’ Spencer, interview with author

  By then, the number of such permits … Balch, p. 10

  Roche avoided the phrase ‘asylum-seekers’ Boys-Smith, interview with author

  ‘I remember coming away …’ Goodhart, p. 218

  Straw was keeping his head down … Straw, interview with author

  ‘liberal’ judges and … Blair, p. 206

  ‘Don’t mention immigration …’ Powell, p. 114

  Blair endorsed the chancellor’s … Balch, p. 7

  ‘Well done, Barbara’ Roche, interview with author

  Blair had embraced … Balch, p. 8

  ‘It was a policy …’ Roche, interview with author

  encouraged some Muslims … Goodhart pp. 229, 239

  ‘I’ve had a roasting from …’ Boys-Smith, interview with author

  Although there was no historic … Goodhart, p. 227

  ‘It’s the civil servants’ Campbell, Power and Responsibility, p. 231

  The previous September, Gould … The Times, 25 September 1999

  Nevertheless, at his Boxing Day party … Campbell, Blair Years, pp. 448, 518; Power and Responsibility, pp. 286, 572

  To build new centres for 40,000 … The Times, 19 May 2001

  ‘RC had definitely …’ Campbell, Power and Responsibility, pp. 580, 582, 617

  ‘would fuel rather than …’ Mandelson, p. 331

  Unlimited immigration was acceptable … Campbell, Blair Years, pp. 518–9; Power and Responsibility, pp. 572, 575


  ‘big leap’ The Times, 8 December 1999

  England’s eleven-year-olds … Barber, pp. 39, 44, 185

  ‘In just over two years …’ ibid., pp. 34–5; Ofsted, ‘National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy 1998–2002’, p. 6

  The figure in 2001 would be … Lupton and Obolenskaya, p. 16

  Since the number of schoolchildren … ibid., pp. 18, 29

  in 2001 Labour spent less … Seldon and Kavanagh, p. 274

  Two years after the 424 condemned … Leo et al., Academies and Educational Reform (Multilingual Matters, 2010), p. 33; Morris, The Times, 20 May 2000

  They were to be recategorised … New Statesman, 20 March 2000

  His worst moment … Daily Telegraph, 1 March 2001

  ‘Inspections …’ The Times, 12 April 2001

  He demanded ‘results’ … Blunkett, interview with author

  ‘You can’t run the system …’ Bichard, interview with author

  ‘valued by very many parents …’ Guardian, 30 March 2001

  The Church of England … Barber, p. 39

  They would separate themselves … Gillard, Education in England, p. 149

  The first two Muslim schools … The Times, 10 January 1998

  His spokesman went public … ibid., 13 February 2001

  Prime ministers were allowed … Blair, pp. 287–8

  He believed that his new delivery unit …


  Cook embellished his … The Times, 28 July 1998, quoting the Legg report

  The new review empowered … Tebbit, interview with author

  In a
government driven … Strachan, Tebbit and Fry, interviews with author

  Neither man, in Boyce’s judgement … Boyce, interview with author

  Officials began compiling … Johns, interview with author

  Blair asked no questions … Chilcot, Blair; Boyce, interview with author

  ‘You are not focusing …’ Seldon, Blair, p. 135


  he would decide on his staff … Campbell, Power and Responsibility, pp. 527–8, 549

  I have a real sense of …’ Mandelson, p. 306

  To enquiring journalists … The Times, 24 January 2001

  He had indeed telephoned … Campbell, Power and Responsibility, p. 503

  Mandelson was outraged … Mandelson, pp. 309ff

  ‘wearing our blue badges’ … Financial Times, 20 July 2001

  ‘a sleazeball was allowed …’ Price, interview with author

  ‘I like Blair …’ Voyager, BMI’s in-flight magazine, summer 2001

  ‘No, I don’t’ Newsnight, BBC TV, 16 May 2002

  The new partnership … Mail on Sunday, 12 May 2002

  ‘systematic attempt …’ Daily Mail, 14 May 2002

  ‘At Last a US President …’ The Times, 15 December 2000

  Matthew Parris in 1998 … ibid., 6 March 1998

  ‘You may be looking …’ Shaw, interview with author

  The public’s confidence … Anderson report, ‘Foot and Mouth Disease 2001: Lessons to Be Learned’, p. xiv

  The government was spending £8 billion … Bender, interview with author

  In a video conference … Shaw, Britain in a Perilous World, p. 37

  ‘Life is a living hell’ … Powell, pp. 124, 140

  ‘a sufficiently compelling vision …’ Mandelson, p. 324

  ‘like something on a shoe’ Campbell, Power and Responsibility, pp. 583, 584

  Despite warnings by MI5 … The Times, 10 March 2001

  ‘I love his deviousness …’ Campbell, Blair Years, p. 594

  Campbell attacked the tabloid … The Times, 7 June 2001

  He felt misunderstood … Blair, pp. 335–6

  ‘I did lack courage’ ibid., pp. 124, 332, 335–6; Mandelson, p. 340

  Millar sent a ‘vile’ email … Mail on Sunday, 14 June 2003

  Blair lacked the imagination … Blair, p. 340


  ‘My inheritance from Jack …’ Blunkett, interview with author

  Immigration from the Indian subcontinent … The Times, 25 August 2001

  As usual, the rising number … Goodhart, p. 217, citing Matt Cavanagh

  Blair ‘shared a conviction …’ Cavanagh, ‘Immigration under Labour’, p. 30 (IPPR, 2010)

  Blunkett failed to get to grips … Pollard, David Blunkett, pp. 253–8; Blunkett, Walker, Boys-Smith, interviews with author


  ‘a real doubt whether …’ Crisp, 24 Hours to Save the NHS, p. 9

  ‘I was always interested in NHS staff …’ Crisp, interview with author

  ‘a betrayal of public service ethos …’ Blair, p. 284

  ‘Why did the army succeed?’ Seldon and Kavanagh, p. 13; Barber, p. 204

  the trend as monitored by … King’s Fund, ‘Independent Audit of NHS under Labour 1997–2005’, p. 18

  had risen by less than 1 per cent … The Times, 28 March 2002

  Aggressive incentives were one solution … Rivett, p. 98

  he obviously remained undecided … Milburn speech, The Times, 7 November 2003

  ‘how little I understood’ Blair, p. 262

  Sixteen months earlier, he had made … The Times, 1 March 2000

  the NHS’s chief executive opposed … Campbell, Power and Responsibility, p. 669

  ‘It’s going to be hell …’ Barber, p. 67

  ‘a rebirthing experience’ The Times, 22 June 2007

  ‘I’m not going to be pushed out’ Mandelson, p. 341

  ‘They basically lied to me about it’ Campbell, Blair Years, p. 557

  His message was ‘deliverology’ … Barber, p. 102

  ‘officials lacked confidence in the government’ ibid., pp. 105–6

  ‘coherence at the centre of government’ ibid., p. 113


  Sir Herman Ouseley would identify … Guardian 1 April 2004

  Blair’s ideas encouraged … The Times, 3 September 2001

  ‘I feel my persuasiveness …’ Mandelson, p. 337

  he was barely consoled … Campbell, Power and Responsibility, pp. 658–9

  ‘It’s intimidation in order to dislodge me …’ Mandelson, p. 338

  Mulgan was asked to produce … Mulgan, ‘Life After Politics: New Thinking for a New Century’, p. x, quoting Finlayson, p.124

  ‘Flaky’ Campbell, Power and Responsibility, pp. 660–80

  Brown continued to create problems. Mandelson, p. 348

  Although Naomi Eisenstadt … Eisenstadt, p. 53; Ball, ‘National Evaluation: Getting Sure Start Started’, DFES, July 2002, p. 58 (

  Instead, middleclass mothers … Eisenstadt, p. 49

  By then, at least £100 million … Bower, Gordon Brown, p. 365

  Labour could not trust the civil servants … King and Crewe, The Blunders of Our Government, p. 337

  His tangled message … The Times, 6 September 2001

  ‘They could not understand why …’ Blair, p. 623

  His polished revision rebuked … Seldon, Blair, pp. 223–6

  ‘It was not America alone …’ Blair, p. 345

  ‘The only course …’ ibid., p. 349

  ‘at the forefront of my mind’ ibid., pp. 385–6

  Blair took in Dearlove’s conviction … Chilcot, Dearlove letter, 3 December 2001

  the president’s speech to Congress … The Times, 22 September 2001


  ‘our values versus theirs’ Blair, pp. 343–8, 357

  Even the White House noted … The Times, 3 October 2001

  ‘Mission creep and …’ ibid., 26 September 2001

  ‘I misunderstood the depth …’ Blair, pp. 365–7

  with 81 per cent telling … The Times, 26 October 2001

  ‘I think we need a strategy …’ Chilcot, Wilson

  ‘close relationship with …’ Chilcot, Dearlove transcript, pp. 9, 24

  ‘We didn’t see it as our job …’ Chilcot, Scarlett transcript, p. 28

  ‘succeeded in destroying …’ Lord Butler, ‘Review of Intelligence on Weapons of Mass Destruction’, paras 171, 181, 200

  a ‘worst-case scenario’ ibid., para 209

  restarting a nuclear programme. ibid., paras 225–6, 235

  ‘Phase Two of the war on terror’ Chilcot, Ricketts

  If not, then a rogue dictator … Chilcot, Blair, 21 January 2011

  ‘Is Boyce looking for a reason to quit?’ Campbell, Burden of Power, pp. 111, 114

  Bush had received a memo … US National Archive EBB No. 326, citing John Prados, ‘The Iraq War – Part 2: Was There Ever a Decision?’

  ‘This is something …’ The Times, 25 February 2002, 1 March 2002, 4 March 2002 and 8 March 2002

  a ‘break-out’ to develop WMDs. Butler report, paras 255, 261

  ‘very little intelligence’ ibid., paras 276–8, 281

  ‘We have to reorder …’ Chilcot, Blair, 21 January 2011, p. 44

  ‘I would still have thought it right …’ Fern Britton interview, BBC TV, 13 December 2009

  ‘more neocon than the Americans …’ Rawnsley, End of the Party, pp. 89–90

  ‘Can we have some papers on Iraq?’ Darling, interview with author; Chilcot, Wilson, 25 January 2011

  ‘a mismatch’ Chilcot, Turnbull, 25 January 2011

  ‘Not exactly division …’ Campbell, Burden of Power, p. 183; Blair, p. 401

  ‘I didn’t know what …’ Chilcot, Wilson, 25 January 2011

  who ‘despised him’ Campbell, Blair Years, p. 608

bsp; ‘It’s keeping our hands …’ Chilcot, Dearlove transcript, pp. 26, 29

  ‘I resolved to be part …’ Blair, p. 402

  ‘I knew that regime change …’ ibid., p. 400

  ‘never asked in London …’ Campbell, Blair Years, p. 612; Burden of Power, p. 197

  ‘Their choice made no …’ Chilcot, Manning, document 5

  ‘Fuck Saddam …’ Seldon, Blair, p. 573

  ‘I made up my mind that …’ New York Times, 6 April 2002

  ‘How many prime ministers …’ Campbell, Burden of Power, pp. 200, 632

  ‘I am one of the Western leaders …’ Owen, In Sickness, p. 265

  The message from Manning was … Chilcot, Manning, p. 130

  ‘I have no war plans on my desk’ Woodward, Plan of Attack, p. 129; Boulton, Blair Administration, p. 118

  so long as Bush … Chilcot, Boyce

  ‘Leaving Iraq to develop …’ The Times, 6 April 2002

  ‘he had decided to join Bush …’ Owen, In Sickness, p. 275; Chilcot, ‘Conditions for Military Action’, 21 July 2002

  had pledged ‘in blood’ Blair, p. 400

  ‘The shutters are firmly down’ Tebbit, interview with author; Chilcot, Wilson, 4 December 2009, pp. 8–9

  ‘I knew Bush had not decided’ Blair, p. 405

  ‘You know, George …’ Rawnsley, End of the Party, p. 99

  ‘the intelligence and facts …’ Dannat, Sunday Times, 1 May 2005

  ‘It’s worse than you think …’ ibid.; New York Review of Books, 9 June 2005

  ‘Hussein is still trying …’ House of Commons, 18 March 2003

  ‘Even the Commons Defence Committee …’ ibid., HC 93-1, 15 May 2003

  ‘I was taken aback …’ Chilcot, Wilson, 25 January 2011


  ‘We’re going to be tougher’ Boys-Smith, interview with author

  ‘become more integrated …’ Independent, 9 December 2001

  The headlines dismayed Blair. Boys-Smith, interview with author

  ‘Tony ignores the fact that …’ Seldon, Blair, p. 635

  ‘You could be reducing …’ The Times, 2 April 2002


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