Broken Vows

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Broken Vows Page 72

by Tom Bower

  TB under attack from, 1, 2;

  Brown leaks handover deal to, 1;

  Brown discusses tuition fees vote with, 1;

  urges on Brown in fight with TB, 1

  Bank of England, independence, 1, 2, 3; King’s inexperience, 1

  banking crisis (2008), 1, 2, 3

  Barak, Ehud, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Barber, Lionel, 1

  Barber, Michael: books by, 1; persuades TB to run education by targets and statistics, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;

  other beliefs about education, 1, 2, 3;

  and A-levels, 1;

  and Independent Learning Accounts, 1;

  helps monitor immigration figures, 1, 2;

  to administer NHS targets, 1;

  Delivery Unit’s remit, 1;

  and NHS, 1, 2;

  praises Brown’s prudence, 1;

  and education targets, 1;

  unreliability of methods and data, 1;

  on Morris–Adonis split, 1;

  makes presentation on asylum-seeker statistics, 1;

  reports progress on health statistics, 1;

  lack of focus on finances, 1;

  NHS target system loses popularity, 1;

  appears to show improvement in education performance, 1;

  blamed by teachers for declining standards, 1;

  party piece, 1;

  education statistics plateau, 1;

  resigns, 1, 2;

  achievements assessed, 1;

  misleading nature of education statistic presentations, 1;

  drawback of his targets, 1

  Barton, Rod, 1

  Basra: conditions round, 1; initial British control, 1;

  British aid attempts, 1;

  TB visits, 1;

  situation deteriorates for British army, 1, 2, 3;

  British military police murdered, 1;

  communications with Northwood, 1;

  calibre of British commanding officers, 1;

  TB and Fry ignore chaos, 1;

  snatch of two undercover SAS soldiers, 1;

  British helicopter shot down, 1;

  deteriorating situation, 1, 2;

  Operation Salamanca, 1;

  Operation Sinbad, 1, 2;

  British retreat to Basra airport, 1

  Bassett, Phil, 1

  Battle, John, 1, 2, 3

  BBC: and 1997 general election, 1; and the immigration debate, 1;

  and Gilligan–Kelly affair, 1, 2;

  Labour bias, 1;

  and Hutton inquiry and report, 1, 2

  Beckett, Margaret: character, 1; appointed trade and industry secretary, 1;

  effect on her department, 1;

  and energy policy, 1, 2;

  replaced by Mandelson, 1;

  and foot-and-mouth epidemic, 1;

  performance as minister for environment and agriculture, 1;

  attitude to nuclear power, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  placated by TB in advance of Iraq invasion, 1;

  reaction to Commons vote for war, 1;

  achievements at DEFRA assessed, 1;

  appointed foreign secretary, 1;

  and Iraq, 1

  Beckham, David, 1

  Beckham, Victoria, 1

  Bell, David, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Bender, Brian: and EU single currency, 1; and Ecclestone scandal, 1;

  and foot-and-mouth epidemic, 1, 2, 3;

  on Beckett, 1

  Benedict XVI, Pope, 1

  Benn, Tony, 1

  Berlusconi, Silvio, 1, 2, 3

  Berwick, Don, 1

  Bevins, Anthony, 1

  Bexley Business Academy, 1

  Bichard, Michael: and education policy, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; TB’s growing closeness to, 1;

  frustration with targets, 1;

  replaced by Normington, 1;

  considered for post of Cabinet secretary, 1

  Bigley, Ken, 1

  bin Laden, Osama, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Birt, John: donates to Labour Party while still employed by BBC, 1; TB asks to draft plan to strengthen PM’s office, 1;

  ‘blue-sky’ report for Home Office, 1;

  and health policy, 1;

  TB asks to draft secret nuclear energy plan, 1;

  legacy of political bias at BBC, 1;

  TB asks to solicit five-year plans from departments, 1;

  and energy policy, 1, 2, 3

  Black, Dame Carol, 1

  Blackburn, 1

  Blackhurst, Chris, 1

  Blair, Cherie (née Booth; CB): character, 1, 2, 3; children’s education, 1;

  holidays, 1;

  unhappiness as PM’s wife, 1;

  and Ecclestone scandal, 1;

  on Guthrie, 1;

  dinner with Clintons, 1;

  at handover of Hong Kong to Chinese, 1;

  holidays, 1, 2;

  consoles Mandelson after his resignation, 1;

  holidays, 1;

  continuing jealousy of Hunter, 1;

  visits Kosovan refugee camp, 1;

  at Millennium Dome for New Year’s Eve, 1;

  stopped for travelling without ticket, 1;

  criticised for holidaying while Euan takes exams, 1;

  another argument about TB’s staff, 1;

  and front cover of Readers’ Wives, 1;

  US visit to meet Bush, 1;

  asks again for Hunter to be sacked, 1;

  holidays, 1;

  Hunter still an irritant, 1;

  holidays, 1;

  trip to India with TB, 1;

  Bristol flats scandal, 1, 2;

  relationship with Caplin, 1;

  relationship with TB, 1;

  relationship with Brown and Campbell, 1;

  persuades TB to take tough line with Brown, 1;

  accompanies TB on Washington glory trip, 1;

  Marie Claire photo shoot, 1;

  and TB’s political allegiance, 1;

  watches Commons debate over Hutton report, 1;

  tries to stop TB resigning, 1;

  thwarted desire to launch ship, 1;

  holidays, 1;

  Ant and Dec give underwear gift, 1;

  boasts about TB’s sexual performance, 1;

  money-making plans, 1;

  bill for hair stylist during 2005 campaign, 1;

  speaks to BBC about TB’s likely length of tenure, 1;

  holidays, 1;

  denigrates Brown at 2006 party conference, 1;

  her farewell to the media, 1;

  desire for wealth, 1;

  and TB’s commercial work, 1, 2;

  furnishes South Pavilion, 1;

  own commercial activities, 1, 2;

  denies TB having affair with Strauss, 1;

  Gaddafi donates to one of her foundations, 1;

  and the Murdochs, 1;

  denies TB having affair with Deng, 1;

  sixtieth birthday party, 1

  Blair, Euan, 1, 2

  Blair, Ian, 1

  Blair, Kathryn, 1, 2

  Blair, Leo, 1

  Blair, Nicholas, 1

  Blair, Tony (TB) EARLY LIFE: education, 1, 2, 3

  FIRST TERM: overview, 1;

  takes office and establishes government style, 1, 2, 3;

  core team, 1, 2, 3;

  red box work, 1;

  selects new Cabinet secretary, 1;

  relationship with Brown, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  modernisation strategy, 1, 2, 3;

  holidays, 1;

  Diana’s death, 1;

  Downing Street flat, 1;

  problems with CB, 1;

  other problems, 1;

  Ecclestone scandal, 1;

  developing interest in foreign moral crusades, 1, 2;

  Robinson scandal, 1;

  father’s stroke, 1;

  holidays, 1;

  Brown’s conviction he should have been PM, 1;

  worsening relationship with civil service, 1, 2;

  more scandals, 1, 2;

  holidays, 1;

  Simon tries to help wit
h management issues, 1;

  Brown’s role in Mandelson’s first resignation irreparably damages relationship with Brown, 1;

  Richard and Judy interview, 1;

  reshuffle, 1;

  criticised for perceived elitism, 1;

  holidays, 1;

  confusion over personal agenda, 1;

  social equality agenda, 1;

  embarks on foreign wars with campaigns in Iraq and Kosovo, 1;

  his Messiah complex develops, 1;

  forces of conservatism speech, 1;

  relationship with Brown, 1, 2;

  popularity problems, 1;

  Cockerell film, 1;

  and fuel-delivery lorry drivers’ protest, 1;

  minor engagements in East Timor and Sierra Leone, 1;

  2001 general election, 1;

  more rows with Brown, 1;

  Mandelson’s second resignation, 1, 2;

  befriends Desmond, 1;

  meets Bush for first time, 1;

  foot-and-mouth epidemic, 1, 2;

  another row with Brown, 1

  SECOND TERM: overview, 1;

  retreats from sending Brown to Foreign Office, 1;

  holidays, 1;

  decides to stand firm against Brown’s demand for his resignation, 1;

  Brown goes in for backstabbing, 1;

  sets up three Downing Street divisions to manage and modernise the government, 1;

  instantly pledges support for Bush in wake of 9/11, 1;

  attack strengthens his feelings against Iraq, 1;

  build-up to Iraq war, 1;

  holidays, 1;

  his secrecy about his plans, 1, 2, 3;

  commits to Iraq invasion as key player, 1;

  flies to meet Bush, 1;

  unconditional guarantees to him, 1, 2, 3;

  more fights with Brown, over NHS and succession in particular, 1;

  Mittal donation scandal, 1;

  problems with Byers, 1;

  considers not fighting 2005 election, 1;

  NHS reorganisation rows, 1;

  money problems start to loom, 1;

  row with Brown over foundation hospitals and tuition fees, 1;

  build-up to Iraq war continues, 1;

  continuing secrecy and lack of proper advice, 1, 2;

  brushes aside all warnings, 1;

  holidays, 1;

  the first JIC dossier, 1, 2, 3;

  attempts to persuade Bush to go down UN route, 1;

  decides to win over the public before the Cabinet, 1;

  tries to prevent leak of foot-and-mouth report, 1;

  more failures to confront Brown, 1;

  scandals surrounding CB, 1;

  again retreats from sacking Brown, 1;

  countdown to Iraq war continues, 1, 2;

  decides extent of UK involvement in Iraq invasion, 1;

  war planning system, 1;

  vision of aftermath, 1;

  waning influence with USA, 1;

  authorises second JIC dossier, 1;

  globetrotting to raise support for war, 1;

  ‘hand of fate’ quote, 1;

  discussions about legality of war, 1, 2, 3;

  considers resigning, 1;

  speech to Commons, 1;

  strain of Iraq invasion, 1;

  Brown on attack again, 1, 2;

  row with Brown over foundation hospitals, 1;

  sacrifices Milburn, 1;

  wins battles with Brown over education funding, 1, 2;

  aftermath of Iraq war, 1;

  visits Iraq, 1;

  Gilligan and Kelly affair, 1;

  glory trip to Washington, 1;

  gathers new team round him, 1;

  tentative handover deal done with Brown, 1;

  Hutton report, 1;

  reneges on handover deal, 1;

  continues in denial over WMDs and civil war in Iraq, 1;

  meets Gaddafi, 1;

  row over military funding shows his real impotence vis-à-vis Brown, 1;

  struggles to survive, 1, 2;

  buys Marble Arch home, 1;

  poor health, 1;

  pledges more troops for Afghanistan, 1, 2, 3;

  Butler inquiry and report, 1, 2, 3, 4;

  announces will serve full third term, 1;

  holidays, 1;

  2005 election, 1;

  lack of enthusiasm to carry on, 1;

  achievements in first two terms, 1;

  attempts to plan legacy, 1;

  nominates party donors for peerages, 1;

  moves against Brown, with predictable results, 1;

  Peston’s book attacks, 1;

  makes Brown election supremo, 1;

  self-humiliation during campaign, 1;

  exhaustion at end of campaign, 1

  THIRD TERM: overview, 1;

  toys again with idea of sacking Brown, 1;

  sets up Cabinet committee to discuss health, 1;

  successful Olympic bid and G8 Gleneagles summit, 1;

  and 7/7, 1;

  reaction to discovery of catastrophic mismanagement of NHS, 1;

  moves further into Tory territory, 1;

  more arguments over length of tenure and succession, 1;

  loses vote on detention of terrorist suspects, 1;

  row with Brown over economy and pensions, 1;

  pushes for deployment of UK troops in Afghanistan, 1;

  once more given poor advice, 1, 2;

  changes direction on education policy, 1;

  again under attack from Brown, 1;

  loans for peerages scandal, 1, 2;

  Prescott’s affair, 1;

  ‘bloodbath reshuffle’, 1, 2;

  increasing global travel, 1;

  courts Murdoch, 1;

  uses energy policy as building block for future career, 1, 2;

  confusion in Afghanistan, 1;

  growing personal interest in Middle East, and Israel in particular, 1;

  holidays, 1;

  escalation and mission creep in Afghanistan and Iraq, 1, 2;

  waning party support forces him to name departure date, 1;

  farewell to the party at 2006 conference, 1;

  Dannatt’s insurrection, 1;

  continuing belief in overseas interventions, 1;

  objectives for last days in office, 1;

  ongoing investigation into loans for peerages, 1, 2;

  more sleaze, 1;

  long farewell, 1, 2;

  legacy, 1, 2;

  Brown assures self of succession, 1;

  achievements assessed, 1;

  defiant about Iraq and Afghanistan to the end, 1;

  Iranian capture of Navy ratings, 1;

  last performance at Dispatch Box, 1

  POLICIES see individual subject areas

  LATER LIFE: overview, 1, 2;

  intermingling commercial and charitable work, and their conflicts of interest, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

  Grosvenor Square HQ, 1, 2;

  and security, 1;

  acts as unpaid envoy for the Quartet, trying to bring about Israel–Palestine peace settlement, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

  financial affairs, 1, 2;

  new team, 1;

  property purchases, 1;

  affair with Strauss rumoured, 1;

  writes memoirs, 1, 2;

  appears before Chilcot inquiry, 1;

  alienated from British life, 1;

  asks Cameron to give Gaddafi safe haven, 1;

  Kuwaiti government starts to finance, 1;

  some clients start to query his advice, 1;

  bid to become president of EU, 1;

  second appearance before Chilcot inquiry, 1;

  ever closer relationship with Murdoch, 1;

  advises Brooks on phone-hacking scandal, 1;

  possible affair with Deng, 1;

  Murdoch divorces Deng, partly on grounds of her relationship with TB, 1;

  waning influence internationally, 1;

  Quartet employment ends, 1;
  awards from Save the Children and GQ, 1;

  trustworthiness assessed, 1

  GENERAL: attitude to the market, 1;

  attitude to rural affairs, 1;

  author’s meeting with, 1;

  belief in power of legislation, 1;

  books about, 1;

  British popular attitude, 1, 2;

  children’s education, 1;

  fascination with wealthy businessmen, 1;

  influences on, 1;

  as judge of character, 1, 2, 3;

  lack of historical knowledge, 1, 2;

  lack of knowledge about Islam, 1;

  lack of understanding of political success, 1;

  leadership skills, 1;

  leisurewear, 1;

  love of trappings of office, 1;

  loyalty, 1;

  personal kindnesses, 1, 2;

  relationship with CB, 1, 2;

  and religion, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

  Tory rather than Labour?, 1;

  trustworthiness, 1;

  unworldliness, 1

  Blears, Hazel, 1

  Blix, Hans, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Blunkett, David: and education policy, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; and immigration policy, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

  on Roche, 1;

  replaces Straw at Home Office, 1, 2;

  Woodhead on, 1;

  and Iraq war, 1;

  blames civil service for lack of improvement in NHS, 1;

  on Barber’s tests, 1;

  tackles TB over tenor of his leadership, 1;

  and Sunday Times exposé, 1;

  on TB’s struggle to survive, 1;

  resigns over nanny’s visa, 1;

  support for TB in run-up to 2005 election, 1;

  second resignation, 1;

  on Reid, 1

  BMA see British Medical Association

  Boateng, Paul, 1

  Boer, Wiebe, 1

  Boko Haram, 1

  Booth, Cherie see Blair, Cherie

  Booth, Tony, 1

  Bosnia, 1, 2

  Bowen, Desmond, 1, 2, 3, 4

  Bower, Cynthia, 1

  Boyce, Admiral Mike: takes over as chief of defence staff, 1; attitude to Hoon and Tebbit, 1;

  tries to get more money for MoD, 1;

  warns about dangers of ‘war on terror’, 1, 2, 3;

  TB keeps Iraq discussions secret from, 1, 2;

  and Iraq war, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

  tries to get more military funding, 1;

  continued negativity about Iraq war, 1, 2;

  and first JIC dossier, 1;

  Hoon and TB try to sack, 1;

  addresses Cabinet re. extent of UK involvement in Iraq invasion, 1;

  protests again about lack of military funding, 1;

  pressurises TB to authorise proper war preparations, 1;


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