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Stitch Page 4

by Jaime Lewis

  “I’ve been okay. Just trying to get through tonight.”

  Dr. Vineberg furrowed his eyebrows, and a disappointed expression crossed his face. “Where is Dr. Walters? I heard he was going to be attending this evening.”

  “Oh, he was here. He left just a few minutes ago.”

  “Well, I’m glad I got to see your smiling face. So, tell me, how is everything at the clinic? Are you happy? He’s not working you too hard, is he?” Oh, if he only knew. But she wasn’t going to throw Elijah under the bus.

  “I’m making do. Still learning the ropes some, but overall I’m enjoying it.” She hoped her slight fib didn’t show in her expression.

  “Are you here alone, dear?” Estelle asked, changing the subject.

  “Yes, ma’am. I came with Dr. Walters.” When she looked at Dr. Vineberg, he raised an eyebrow as if indicating she was on a date with Elijah. She quickly followed up that statement. “I just found out yesterday that I was coming. Dr. Walters was given an extra ticket, and he thought it would be beneficial if I attended and did some networking.”

  Dr. Vineberg nodded his head in acceptance. “Well, this is definitely the event to be seen at, especially in our field of work.”

  “I’m glad that I got to see you. I was considering sneaking out and heading home.”

  “Well, we’re getting ready to head out ourselves. Would you like to walk out with us?” Dr. Vineberg asked her.

  She was about to answer yes and call it a night when she felt a hand against her lower back. When she turned and saw Marlon, Elijah’s cousin, her first instinct was to run fast in the opposite direction. The guy totally hit the top of her creep-o-meter. She swore every time she’d seen him out socializing, he was with a different woman. If the rumors were correct, the majority of those women were prostitutes. That thought had her quickly stepping away, making his hand drop to his side. Ewww.

  “Marlon, I was just about to leave.” She said, gesturing toward Dr. Vineberg and Estelle, who were both watching closely.

  Of course, the first place that Marlon’s eyes centered on was her chest. He licked his lips, and she wanted to cringe. He was so disgusting and inappropriate. She didn’t want the Vinebergs to wait on her, plus who knew what obscene remark might come out of Marlon’s mouth, so she hugged the couple and told them to go ahead without her and that she would make plans to call them in a few weeks.

  Once they were gone, she turned back toward Marlon, crossing her arms, and staring at him.

  He ran the back of his hand down her arm, making her drop her arms to her side. “What’s with the attitude, baby?” He winked. “You and I could have a lot of fun together. After all, we’re both here alone. What do you say, wanna dance back to my place?” He reached for her hips, but she was too quick and pushed him away, putting some much-needed space between them.

  “Not interested.” She stated curtly and gave him a dirty look. He smirked, but thankfully he backed off.

  “Soon enough, you’ll come to your senses and realize what you’re missing.”

  She held back her eye roll at his idiotic comment. Marlon had been sniffing around since she started working for Elijah. But his words and tone of his voice sent an uneasy vibe up her spine. It wasn’t so much of a threat but rather a promise.

  He pulled a thick white letter envelope and a larger envelope folded in half from his suit jacket. “I need you to give these to Elijah. It’s important. I thought he was coming tonight.”

  “He was here but had to leave. I can make sure he gets it tomorrow.” She said as he handed them over to her.

  Marlon shook his head. “No, he needs it tonight.”

  “Tonight? It’s almost eleven o’clock. If it’s that important, you take it to him.”

  A sleazy smile spread across his face. “I’ve got other plans to make now that you won’t join me.” He winked again, and she wanted to smack him upside his head.

  “Where am I supposed to drop this off? I don’t even know where he lives.”

  “Well, you told those people he was meeting a client. You can swing by the clinic on your way home.”

  “And, if he’s not there by the time I get there?”

  “Just leave it on his desk. Be sure you text me so I can let him know.”

  She hated knowing the scumbag had her phone number. She knew that Elijah hadn’t given it to him. Knowing him, he snooped and got it from the personnel files. But if this got her away from his clutches and out of the event, she was all for it. She grabbed the envelope.

  “Thanks, doll.” He winked again and walked away like a cat on the prowl, seeking out his prey for the night.

  She took a deep breath and exhaled. She strongly considered saying fuck it and would give Elijah the damn envelopes tomorrow morning at the office. But knowing Elijah was expecting the delivery, she’d suck it up.

  She had almost made it out of the hotel when another voice called her name. She mumbled under her breath. Why now, when she was trying to leave, did everyone want to talk to her? Turning in the direction of the voice, she almost stumbled in her heels when she made eye contact with Terek. Oh, for heaven’s sake.

  As he moved toward her, she felt her belly tighten. He didn’t look happy, and she didn’t need any bullshit—not tonight.

  As Terek stepped closer, she tilted her head to look up at him. He had let his hair grow out a little more than usual. It didn’t matter because he was still good-looking. She shook her head. What was she thinking?

  “Terek, I was just on my way out,” She told him, hoping he’d get the hint that she didn’t want to stick around and reminisce.

  “I am too. I’ll walk you out.” He said, taking her elbow and leading her toward the exit as if he was in a hurry. When they were outside, he didn’t stop at the valet. She protested, but he ignored her and guided her down the sidewalk away from everyone waiting for their cars. Once they were at a distance from others, he turned her to face him.

  “What did Marlon want with you?” He demanded, and not in a friendly way. He looked fierce. His hard expression reminded her of her brother when something upset him.

  “You know him?” She found herself asking him.

  “I do, and he is not someone I would expect you to associate yourself with.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing I’m not then, right? He’s Elijah’s cousin. I only know him from the clinic.” She fired back at him with a little attitude. Sure, she didn’t care for Marlon, but what was it to Terek whether she knew the man? She didn’t have to stand here and explain anything to him. She was a big girl who could take care of herself.

  “Well, what did he want?” He snapped as if he was getting annoyed with her, and it really pissed her off. She almost opened her mouth and told him what Marlon really wanted—her in his bed, but she clamped her mouth shut and instead held up the envelope in her hand.

  “He asked if I could drop this off to Elijah,” She looked away, but when she looked back up at him, he seemed to be biting the inside of his cheek.

  “Terek, what is with the third degree?”

  “Are you seeing Elijah?”

  “What?” The line of questioning was now getting ridiculous.

  “Are you seeing Elijah, yes or no? Because the way he had his hands all over you tonight, he was clearly making a statement to every man in that room that you were his.”

  She stared up at him in disbelief. Was he jealous? Why would he care? He had been screwing some other woman behind her back.

  “Who I do and don’t sleep with doesn’t concern you anymore.” She shook her head. “I don’t have time for this. Good-bye.” She turned to walk away.

  “Mia…dammit, wait.” He grabbed her arm and spun her around. She jerked out of his grasp. He shook his head and ran his hand down his face as if he was frustrated. “Look, I’m sorry. I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “What are you talking about? Why would I get hurt?”

  “Despite what happened between us, I still care ab
out you. Just be careful. You don’t know Elijah like I do.”

  “Terek, Elijah is just my boss, okay?”

  “So, you aren’t involved with him?” He asked, looking instantly relieved.

  “No, dammit! It is strictly a working relationship.” At least, that is what she considered they had. However, Terek wasn’t wrong; after being on the receiving end of Elijah’s flirting, he may beg to differ. But she didn’t want to talk about Elijah. “Look, Terek, I’m tired and just want to go home.”

  He grinned at her. “Want some company?”

  “You are such an asshole.”

  He chuckled. “I’m just kidding.” He cupped her cheek with his large callused hand and looked into her eyes. His gaze was intense but also held a look of concern. “I am not kidding about Elijah. Be careful and watch your back.”

  She went to ask what that was supposed to mean, but her car pulled up, and Terek released her, but not before he hugged her and kissed her cheek. He opened the car door.

  “It was nice seeing you tonight. Maybe one day, when my workload isn’t keeping me occupied, you and I can get together and just talk. There is a lot I need to explain to you. Actually, I owe it to you.”

  It was almost as if he spoke in some type of cryptic code. She really didn’t want to meet him, but maybe it was something he needed to do to move on. She had certainly moved on, and hopefully, after Thanksgiving, she would officially have herself a new man.

  He leaned down and kissed her cheek, and again, she felt nothing.

  “Bye, Mia.”

  “Bye, Terek.”

  Chapter Five

  Alex pulled on one of Ace’s t-shirts before walking out of the bathroom. Her alcohol buzz from earlier had worn off. Ace had already showered and was lying on the bed with his hands laced behind his head, staring at the ceiling. From the serious look on his face, she knew something was on his mind. She smiled, knowing she could take that look off his face by just removing her shirt. He did look scrumptious, laying there in only his boxer briefs that molded against his muscles. That thought was short-lived the moment he turned his head and his eyes met hers; she knew sex was going to have to take a back seat because it was obvious he needed to talk.

  She climbed into bed and curled into his side. He smelled so good.

  “How can I help?” She asked but didn’t get an immediate response, so she waited him out.

  “Do you think Stitch is good for my sister?”

  Alex closed her eyes and smiled. Finally! She thought to herself.

  “I love Stitch like he’s my own blood, and if I had a sister, I’d be very happy if she chose someone with a reputation and character like him.”

  “This sounds awful because Stitch is like a brother to me, but I think I’m trying to find his faults.” Ace admitted.

  “And, how is that working out for you?”

  “I got nothing.” He admitted and blew out a breath.

  “Then I think you have your answer. As long as they’re happy, be happy for them. I’ve watched your sister and Stitch for close to a year now, and I really believe they are good for each other. Any time either of them walk into a room where the other is, both of their faces light up.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and rolled her to her back. He nudged his thigh between her legs and let some of his weight press her to the mattress. Now, this was what she had in mind; she smiled up at him.

  “You’re amazing,” He told her, and she rolled her eyes. He cupped her cheek, tracing her bottom lip with his thumb. “I’m serious, Alex. I still don’t know how I managed to find you, but every day I wake up, and I thank god for putting us together on that mission. I love you so much.”

  She ran her hands up and over his shoulders. Even with his battle scars, his body was a work of art.

  “I love you too.”

  He kissed her again, and she wrapped her arms and legs around him.

  “I need something,” she told him.

  He raised an eyebrow, and she gave him a coy smile.


  “You inside me.”

  He smirked. “I think I can oblige.”

  “Good, because I am about to explode.”

  Chapter Six

  “Is tonight’s shipment still on schedule?” Elijah asked Claus as he sat at his desk, reading over the stack of paperwork in front of him and making sure everything was aligned for the cargo to leave. He hated to leave the gala early, but a lot was riding on this shipment, and he needed to make sure it went off without a hitch.

  Claus looked up from his phone and pushed off from the wall. “As long as your dipshit cousin comes through with the documents in time, we’ll make it.” He walked over and took a seat across the desk. Claus played multiple roles within Elijah’s business network and was the only person who Elijah trusted with his life and business.

  Elijah studied the pictures scattered across his large desk. He hadn’t been lying when he told Mia he had to leave to meet a client. It just wasn’t a client that Mia thought of. The so-called client was a member of the puppy trafficking ring that Elijah had formed a few years ago. The guy was meeting Elijah at the clinic to pick up the puppies that were in the kennels. Some were the same puppies that Mia had helped examine. He felt awful lying to Mia, but there was no way she could know the truth. It was best she just believed the puppies were abandoned and eventually adopted out.

  Elijah had a turn-key operation that made him millions. Each week, puppies arrived from various foreign countries. Elijah would match each canine with forged birth and vaccination documents before being shipped to eager buyers across the country. The buyers were clueless about the puppy’s background. The papers provided to the new owners verified their puppy was born in a small town just outside of the City.

  He had a warehouse across the Hudson River in New Jersey. The warehouse's interior mirrored a large scale kennel that included two exam rooms stocked with various veterinarian supplies and equipment. Within the last three months, Elijah purchased several warehouses in coastal states near seaports, with hopes of expanding the trafficking business to include shipments to overseas. In fact, his first overseas shipment was tonight’s shipment.

  Last night had been a close call with Mia when he and Demitri brought the Blue French Bulldogs to the clinic to examine. There were times when he brought a litter to the clinic after hours to give them an exam, and it wasn’t unusual to find abandoned puppies in the city, so using that cover worked for his explanation to Mia.

  Puppy trafficking was a growing business, and it was Elijah’s main source of income. He didn’t become a multi-millionaire by just owning an animal clinic. The clinic was a front to cover his ass while he conducted business.

  With Mia being hired on at the clinic, she’d been able to cover many of the hours he would have had to work, letting him focus more on the business currently at hand.

  He sat back in his chair and reached down to adjust himself. Just thinking about the gorgeous doctor made his dick hard. He couldn’t get the image of her in that white dress out of his head. The material clung to every delicious curve her body offered. He couldn’t resist touching her silky, smooth skin every chance he got. She was enticing. Not only was she beautiful, she had a brilliant mind. He was twenty years her senior but damn if that would stop him from sinking his dick into her when he got the chance. And he would eventually. He laid some groundwork at the gala by sticking by her side most of the night, along with the few hints he dropped here and there in conversation.

  He pictured her splayed out naked, against his satin bed sheets. She had a set of legs he would love to have wrapped around him while he pounded in her petite body. He itched to run his fingers through her jet-black hair as those big brown eyes framed by thick black eye-lashes gazed up at him in lust. He was a dominant lover who enjoyed delivering a little pain to his women. But with Mia, he needed to tread carefully and not come on to her too fast. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her off. With the prof
it he was bringing in, he couldn’t afford to lose her at the office. Eventually, once his bank account hit a magic number, he’d shut it all down and live the rest of his life jet-setting around the world. And if he played his cards right, he would have a stunning woman to keep him company.

  Usually, Claus handled all of the shipping logistics, but because of a tip from a source inside the NYPD, he had to change tactics with the puppies' storage and movement. The police had beefed up their patrols along the docks, specifically the rows of warehouses, due to an uptick in crime in the area. Just last week, the cops exposed a massive crack cocaine ring in a building two blocks over from his warehouse. He wasn’t willing to take the chance of getting caught, so that was why there were currently sixty puppies in the basement of the clinic. A truck was on its way to pick them up and take them to the shipyard to be loaded onto a cargo ship. The ship had a secret compartment in the bottom of it where the puppies would be stowed during transport. Once the ship was off the coast of Portugal, it would anchor, and the puppies would be offloaded and transferred to a private boat then taken to a location where they would be inspected before being put on the market.

  He looked at his watch and again wondered where in the hell Marlon was. The ass-hat should’ve arrived by now. Marlon had a connection to a guy who handled all of the paperwork needed for the puppies. The guy was instrumental in keeping the business flowing without having to worry. Knowing Marlon, he probably had his hand up some woman’s dress. Marlon never went a day without fucking someone.

  Elijah was also aware of the way Marlon had been eyeing Mia lately. Every visit to the clinic, Marlon made sure he got the opportunity to see Mia. His blatant actions were starting to piss Elijah off. If Marlon continued to show an interest in Mia, he would have to step in and give Marlon a warning to back-off.

  He was ready to tell Claus to get Marlon on the phone when the back door opened and then slammed closed. “About fucking time,” Elijah mumbled under his breath. Only it wasn’t Marlon’s voice he heard. Instead, a woman’s voice penetrated the quiet office space. He looked at Claus, who was already up and out of the chair, walking toward the doorway.


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