Split: Book 2 of The Mirror Trilogy

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Split: Book 2 of The Mirror Trilogy Page 3

by Ana Ban

  “Good,” Selena purred. “Remember, she’s only here because I allow it, and I can take her away any time I choose.”

  My heart rate picked up, terror seizing through me. When she spoke again, her voice was cold as ice.

  “I’ll check back in a few days’ time. Until then, I suggest you put your focus on the plan and forget about Mia.”

  I came awake with a gasp, struggling blindly against the ghosts of dreams.

  “Shh, it’s all right, you’re safe,” a velvet voice broke through the haze, snapping me back to reality.

  Heaving in deep breaths, I turned to Donovan, on his knees beside me. His hands grasped my shoulders, his eyes bore into mine with an intensity I could barely comprehend.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked gently.

  Shaking my head in an attempt to clear it, I finally answered him in a whisper. “Just a dream.”

  It was just a dream.

  Chapter 7


  6 years ago

  Donovan joined me above the crowd, watching the fighters in the cage as they crashed together. He was the only other person allowed in this area, and I found myself relishing his company.

  “Sanchez is doing well,” Donovan commented, his gaze on the ring.

  I let out a sound of assent, eyes sweeping the stands.

  “I’ve been collecting new talent. They’ll be ready within the month.”

  “Good,” I answered him. Though the fights were lucrative, I had my sights set on something bigger. “I’d like you to take a look at the property by the docks tomorrow.”

  “Sure thing,” Donovan agreed easily. “What are your plans for it?”

  I met his eyes before answering. “Luxury condos,” I told him. “It will be a nice revenue stream.”

  “That’ll be a good location for it,” he agreed.

  “Close the deal quickly,” I continued in my instructions. “The top two levels will be yours to live and work out of. We’ll need security.”

  Donovan nodded. “I have contacts from my military days. Men I trust with my life.”

  Cocking my head, I asked, “But, do you trust them with my life?”

  He met my gaze head on. “I do.”

  Looking back to the crowd below, I said, “Gather them by week’s end. Once the building is ours, I’d like them to work up security for it.”

  “Will do,” Donovan assured me. “What more do you have planned?”

  Stretching out the silence between us, I weighed my answer. “This building will be a trial run for our main offices. Once we’ve worked out the kinks, I have my eyes on a property uptown. That is where we will build our empire.”

  “What else will we need to build this empire?”

  With a half-smile, I answered him, “Ships. Lots of ships.”

  Chapter 8


  Present Day

  When I woke for good, Donovan was still beside me, his arm around my waist, his chest pressed tightly against my back. It was incredible how much easier I slept in his arms.

  Easing out from under his embrace, I left him sleeping and ventured to the bathroom. After the nightmare last night, I couldn’t quite shake the feeling that something was amiss.

  Throwing on workout clothes, I headed to the small space with exercise equipment, determined to burn off the last dredges of the dream. Choosing the treadmill, I ran at my top speed for half an hour before Donovan popped his head in. Slowing to a walk, I smiled in greeting.

  “Good morning,” his voice was still rough with sleep. “How are you feeling?”

  “Pretty good now,” I told him, gesturing to the machine beneath my feet. “Running always helps to clear my head.”

  “That it does,” he watched me with hooded eyes. “I’ll fix some breakfast, join me when you’re ready.”

  Nodding, I dismounted and went through a round of stretches.

  After getting dressed, I walked through the main room. The smell wafting from the oven made my stomach growl. Finding Donovan on the patio with a platter of fresh fruit and a carafe of coffee waiting to be poured, I joined him.

  “Breakfast should be ready in a few minutes,” he told me, then handed me a small plate to load up with fruit.

  I did so without hesitation, and fixed myself a mug of coffee. Donovan went inside and returned with a piping hot quiche.

  “That looks amazing,” I complimented him. “Everything you’ve made me has been. What got you into cooking?”

  Donovan relaxed into his chair, picking at a bunch of grapes while the pie cooled. “I joined the military when I was 18,” he told me. “It was during a time of peace, thankfully, but it left us a lot of downtime. To pass the time, I cooked. Of course, cooking for a full garrison of men is very different than an intimate meal for two, but I enjoy it just the same.”

  Shock ran through me. This was the first truly personal detail I’d learned of the mysterious Donovan. Pressing my luck, I ventured for more.

  “Were you in American military, or Irish?”

  “American,” Donovan told me. “I never knew my father, and my mother passed away when I was 16. The only family I had, my mom’s sister, lived in the states, and she took me in. At 18 I joined the military and never looked back.”

  “What about my family?”

  He paused, studying me. “I think one of the things that drew us together is the similarity in our stories. You also lost your parents as a child, but, unlike me, you survived on your own.”

  There was an involuntary wince as I realized just how similar Selena’s story was to my own. A new emotion welled up, one that I fought against because I never wanted to feel it. Compassion.

  Desperate to change the subject, I asked the next question that came into my mind. “This might sound ridiculous after so much time together, but what is your last name? And, also, what’s my last name?”

  He laughed, the first true laugh I’d ever heard from him. It kicked my already raging hormones into overdrive.

  “We don’t really deal in last names,” Donovan smiled.

  Something I’d always assumed was about to be confirmed. “Donovan isn’t your real name, is it? Just as Selena isn’t mine.”

  Sobering, Donovan leaned forward to take my hand, forcing my gaze to his. “No,” he answered me. “They’re not the names we were born with. But, they are our names now, and that’s all that matters.”

  “It’s still strange, though, not having a last name. I feel like Madonna.”

  He laughed again, settling back into his chair. Forking a piece of the quiche, he popped it into his mouth before talking.

  “We could come up with a new one, if you’d like.”

  “Maybe one day,” I conceded. “Not today.”

  Donovan cleared his throat before bringing up a new topic. “I’m going to make a trip abroad, I’d like you to come with me.”

  “All right,” I told him. It was my job to stick to him like glue. “What will we be doing?”

  “Business meetings,” Donovan explained. “You’ve not come with me in the past, but with as volatile a situation as we have here, and your memory loss, I think it would be best to stay together.”

  “I agree,” I answered him. Excitement began pumping through my veins. I’d never traveled abroad, and had always wanted to. Even if it was all business, I had a feeling Donovan would still create a memorable experience. “When do we leave?”

  “Tonight,” he told me. “I’ll have our plane prepared, and we’ll fly overnight to arrive in London in the morning.”

  “What should I pack?” I asked.

  He smiled. “I’ll help you with that.”

  We left for the airport in the evening. Donovan pulled the tinted SUV into the smaller, private airport northeast of the city.

  “This is our hangar,” he explained. “We have several planes to use personally and for our shipping, though the majority of what we do is through actual ships.”

  Nodding, I followed his lead, st
epping out into the cool, clean space. Until we were in the air, my hair was wrapped up in a scarf, sunglasses donning my face. Adding in the long, red trench coat that covered the small arsenal at my hips, I felt like a movie star from the 1920’s.

  Boarding, I took in the splendor of the sleek plane. I’d only traveled by plane once before, and I’d been stuck in a middle seat of an uncomfortable commercial airliner. My childhood had not been conducive to travel, and as an adult, I’d been so work oriented that vacations had never been in my purview. Now, I realized, if I could travel like this I would never stop.

  There were four luxury seats clad in black leather, which fully reclined and swiveled to face a small round table. A large screen set into the wall was visible from each chair. The door to the pilot was closed, and there was another area in the back that held a bathroom and fully stocked service area.

  Donovan gestured to one of the chairs, taking a seat himself. “Make yourself comfortable.”

  I sat beside him, and, once the door was secure, let down my hair and removed the glasses. Shaking out the long dark tresses, I glanced over at Donovan. He was staring right back at me, a small smile playing on his lips.

  “What is it?” I asked, patting my hair down self-consciously. “Do I have scarf hair?”

  “You’re beautiful,” he told me, and my heart gave one hard pounding beat. “I’m excited to show you my favorite places abroad.”

  “I’m excited, too,” I answered him. After my weeks of training and remaining hidden from public view, to being locked in a cell waiting for Donovan to find me, and then staying indoors to recuperate, I was itching to feel true freedom.

  The pilot’s voice came over the speakers then, letting us know we were about to depart. Donovan and I both snapped our seatbelts into place and I swiveled my chair forward for takeoff.

  Donovan had told me we’d be arriving in London first, with several more stops to follow. I couldn’t help but wonder what those stops would entail.

  When we’d leveled off, Donovan unbuckled and stood, retrieving bottles of water and a bowl of fresh fruit from the back. I unbuckled my belt as well, but remained seated.

  “I’m going to speak with the pilot, I’ll be right back,” Donovan told me, dropping a kiss on my temple.

  I watched him disappear through the divider, my eye catching a handle beneath the television. Standing, I went to investigate and found a pullout filled with books. Shuffling through, I found one that looked interesting and brought it back to my seat.

  When Donovan returned, I was nibbling on cheese, crackers, grapes and walnuts and well into the first chapter of the book.

  He smiled at me but didn’t interrupt, instead pulling out a laptop from one of the bags he’d brought on the plane. As he tapped away, I snuggled into the comfortable chair, reading until my eyes drooped and I fell asleep to the soft sound of the engines rumbling.

  Chapter 9


  6 years ago

  The construction was coming along. Donovan had found contractors who worked fast, efficient and without questioning orders. Watching the smooth run operation, I was impressed with the progress.

  Though it was night, Donovan had crews running both shifts to complete the building as quickly as possible. We walked together to the top floor, currently empty of workers. The entire two top floors had been gutted, and aside from a few walls that had been framed up, it was bare.

  Donovan began pointing out the layout, explaining his ideas for both safety and convenience. I nodded along, intrigued by the way his mind worked.

  “Bruce is an expert in security,” Donovan was explaining. I’d met the man briefly and was impressed by his professionalism and efficiency that was reticent of military. “Together we’ve come up with a system that will be near impossible to bypass.”

  “Good work,” I commended him.

  Donovan led me to the next level down, which would be our offices for now. I had grander plans, but we had to begin somewhere.

  “These are our offices,” Donovan gestured towards one end of the large room. “They will be completely sound and blast proof. Each of these offices will be shatter-proof glass.”

  The layout of those offices was in a U-shape, with a common area in the center to be used for breaks. The elevators opened in a small lobby between where our offices would be and where the U-shape began.

  “There will be 11 offices?” I confirmed.

  “That’s right,” Donovan replied. “You’re good with that for now?”

  “For now,” I murmured. Walking back to the elevator, I pushed the button for the car and waited for it to open. When it dinged, I glanced to Donovan. “What do you plan to do with…”

  My question was cut off as I took a step and hit air.


  Two arms of steel wrapped around my waist, hauling me back into the room. Letting out a gasp, I stared at the opening where the elevator should have been.

  Realizing I was still in Donovan’s embrace, I felt his chest heaving in fear. Slowly, I turned, though I didn’t back away. His arms loosened only enough to allow me to face him.

  My wide eyes met his as I tentatively reached up to stroke his jaw.

  “Thank you,” I whispered. “You saved me.”

  Chapter 10


  Present Day

  When we landed at one of several private airports in London, Donovan handed me a passport to use as we went through customs.

  “Audrey Anderson?” I asked, smirking.

  Donovan flashed open his own passport. “Donald Anderson.”

  My nose crunched up. “You don’t look like a Donald.”

  “Donny, then?” Donovan chuckled.

  “All right, Donny,” I rolled my eyes. “At least we have last names now.”

  “That we do,” Donovan replied. Dipping his hand in his pocket, he pulled out two gold bands, studying them briefly before slipping one on my left hand. “For appearance’s sake.”

  Glancing down at the glittering ring, I swallowed once, hard. Nodding, I hefted my suitcase and led the way off the plane.

  My hair was wrapped back into a scarf, sunglasses perched on my nose. The sun was just making itself known, fighting against the fog that seemed to be ever present in England. Once we touched pavement, I allowed Donovan to take the lead, following him through a low archway into a square building.

  There was a security checkpoint that we walked to first. Since there was no one else in line, Donovan placed his luggage onto the belt and greeted the man collecting passports.

  “Traveling for business or pleasure, sir?”

  “My wife and I are here for vacation,” Donovan lied smoothly.

  When the security looked to me, I smiled politely, handing over my own passport. While I trusted that Donovan had good forgeries, I was still nervous at the deception.

  Placing my own bag on the belt, I carefully unwrapped my hair and slipped off the glasses, knowing the look wouldn’t pass scrutiny. After a few more questions, the security passed us through. Before picking up my belongings, I donned my disguise once again, knowing London had even more CCTV than Baltimore. In fact, Baltimore’s system was modeled after London’s. Avoiding the cameras would prove to be difficult, even for someone like Donovan.

  A town car waited just outside the airport. The driver quickly took over my bag, loading our luggage into the trunk. Donovan opened the back door for me before sliding in the opposite side.

  This was a lifestyle I’d never thought I’d be privy to, and yet found I slid into the role effortlessly. Just like Donovan, who seemed at ease barefoot in his own kitchen or being chauffeured from private airport to a luxury hotel. The combination only served to add to his appeal.

  We pulled up in front of the Dorchester, and my heart began to pound in excitement. Besides being a famous landmark, it was a renowned luxury hotel.

  Donovan opened my door while our driver transferred the bags to an attendant. Slipping a tip di
screetly into the man’s hand, Donovan then turned to lead me inside. Once checked in, Donovan led me to a set of elevators and straight to the Terrace Penthouse.

  Waiting until the attendant left to take off my disguise, I did so immediately and took a good look around. There was a living room, dining room and master bedroom with accents of white marble and leather. Through the bedroom, I came upon the bathroom, just stopping to stare. White-streaked black marble donned the counters while there was a riverbath tub that I couldn’t wait to sink into.

  The terrace, which the suite was named for, overlooked Hyde Park and had a gorgeous water feature. I could picture Donovan and I drinking the bottle of champagne, which was sitting chilled next to a gorgeous bouquet of flowers in the dining room, while watching the sunset.

  “Do you like it?” Donovan wrapped his arms around my waist, his mouth pressed against my ear.

  “It’s amazing,” I breathed. “Do you always stay at places like this?”

  “Yes,” he answered, still at my back. “I’ve found it useful in business.”

  Relaxing back into him, I took a few moments just to enjoy the sensation of being here, with Donovan.

  “So, what’s on the agenda?” I asked.

  “We have a few meetings this morning,” Donovan answered. “Would you like to freshen up before we head out?”

  Nodding, I stepped away from the embrace, turning to face him as I did. “Thank you for bringing me here,” I told him, kissing him lightly on the lips.

  “My pleasure,” he assured me.

  Deciding to take a quick shower, I did so before dressing in a tailored black pantsuit. Instead of the scarf, I chose to wear a wide brimmed black hat with my sunglasses, after wrapping my hair into a low chignon. The last touch was a pair of thin black gloves, so that anything I touched would not leave fingerprints. It had been Donovan’s idea, and one that I wholeheartedly agreed with. Not only did I not know, or trust, the people we would be meeting with, but if one of them did happen to run my prints- well, the only record they would find would be from the Baltimore PD.


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