Book Boyfriends Cafe Summer Lovin' Anthology 2015

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Book Boyfriends Cafe Summer Lovin' Anthology 2015 Page 109

by Melinda Curtis

  “Showboating. When will you ever learn?” Ryan’s voice took on the father-knows-best tone. “They were goading you, trying to kill your arm before the first game.”

  The entire thing had turned into a pissing contest, and Jay had had to throw every combination from fastball, changeup to knuckle ball to prove himself. He hadn’t had enough practice with his curveball and slider, but he’d managed to trick them with his body language, a slow and even disinterested stretch, eyes narrowed to where they couldn’t pinpoint his pupils, and then a slider that didn’t slide, or a fastball when it looked like he was about to curve it.

  Jay rubbed his sore arm and shoulder. “Yeah, but you should have seen Riggins glare at Mountford when he struck out.”

  Keith Mountford was two-hundred-forty pounds of muscle and the Rattlers’ game winning cleanup slugger.

  “Save your arm while you’re young.” Ryan shook his car keys from his pocket. “Want to hang out later or are you bushed?”

  “I’ll take a rain check. Thanks.” Jay bade the man farewell and headed for his hotel room. The older pitcher laced every comment with a subtle put down. It was hard to figure out whether his advice was well-meaning or designed to lead a rookie astray.

  Not that he needed any more angst. All day, he’d kept thoughts of Jessica at bay, concentrated on each pitch as if his life hung on it. But now, as he approached the hotel, the urge to see her had him sweating and aroused.

  He was nowhere near finished with her, hadn’t even started exploring that hot little body. It would take a lot more than one night to get into everything he wanted to share with her. Besides, he shouldn’t assume the worst. After all, it wasn’t like he’d asked her to spend the night. She probably wanted to avoid the awkward morning after, or she was considerate, knowing he had a busy day of training.

  Jay stopped at the concierge and bought a dozen long-stemmed tiger striped roses. His entire body warmed when he caught a glimpse of her, his tigress, right before the elevator doors closed.

  How was it legal for a woman to look so sexy? He’d seen the way other men stopped what they were doing to feast off her when she walked by. Even that gay friend of hers seemed inordinately concerned with her, unable to keep from touching and hugging her. His Jessica. The thought of her gazing into another man’s eyes with that half-dazed face, flush with passion shredded his gut. No way in hot hell would he allow it to happen.

  Racing the elevator, Jay tore up the stairs. He arrived as the doors slid open. Jessica was texting and tripped over his foot. He caught her arm, but her other one knocked the box of roses onto the carpet. They scattered helter-skelter like a pile of chopsticks.

  “Hey, Jessie.” He steadied her against his chest, suddenly unable to breathe. His heart jumped a beat and every fiber of muscle in him surged in anticipation.

  “Jay, you.” Her face flushed and her mouth gaped before she clamped it shut and pushed herself from his grip. “I thought you never wanted to see me again.”

  Jay bent to gather the roses. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “You looked like, well, never mind.” She glanced at the flowers in his hands and the corners of her lips turned up. “Are these for me?”

  He was on his knees already, so he stayed there and placed the flowers in her hands, careful to guide her fingers to the part of the stems that had been stripped of thorns. “Tiger stripe roses for my delicious tigress. Shall we have dinner tonight?”

  “I’m all dusty from horseback riding.” She buried her nose into the roses and inhaled.

  “Then it’ll be my pleasure to join you in the shower and get you cleaned up.” He picked the empty box from the floor and stood.

  She leaned against him and cooed, “You’re on, big boy. How about we order room service after the shower?”


  When we arrive at my room, I decide against leading Jay on further. Yes, the sex was out of the world, but the complications, not what I’m signing up for. Besides, I can’t forget that troubled look on his face, as if he hated himself for sleeping with me, or remembered his girlfriend, not that I care.

  Thankfully, G is asleep. She wore herself out watching K-Pop videos and comparing airfare prices to Korea. I ought to have her look up recipes next.

  I pause at my door, my forehead resting against it. “Thanks for the flowers. I’m really exhausted and I think it’s better if I spend the evening alone.”

  “Tigress.” Jay presses my shoulders and tips my face toward him. “Have I offended you?”

  “No, I’m tired and sore. The horse, you know.” Being so close to Jay, surrounded by his warm muscles, his sexy mouth and his tender touch has me tempted again.

  “I understand.” He thumbs the soft spot under my chin. “May I keep you company? We can watch a movie or play cards.”

  The way his mouth curves has me wanting to taste him all over again. Bad.

  “I don’t know, but we shouldn’t shower together.”

  He’s stunned, blinking as he palms my face, his hand warm. I can’t help but tilt my head and rest against his palm. I want him so much it’s unhealthy. I’m only here a week and I’m not sure I can escape undamaged. He’s a dangerous man, all fire and heat—like the sun, burning all who get close. His eyes drill into me as if they know my innermost secrets, my private desires. Guess that’s what happens when a woman loses all control and inhibition her first time with a man.

  “I’m down for whatever you want. Being with you is enough.” His velvety voice infuses me with comfort, slowing my heartbeat.

  Wow … he couldn’t have said it better if he had a scriptwriter. Shivers and tingles hug me and my worries melt.

  That easy? Goddess lifts her head from the pile of K-Pop fanzines. Aren’t Korean guys more traditional? Maybe you should play hard to get.

  “Great, let me, um, get myself cleaned up.” I scoot across the room and gather my clothes, keeping my eyes to myself. I’m aware of his every move, the smooth way he prowls around my room, sleek and powerful. All I have to do is flit him a sexy, flirty wink, and he’d be rubbing me down with hot steam.

  Instead I shut the door to the bathroom and crank up the water. You’re right, G. It’s better to make him wait. It’ll make him hotter and test him—see if he’s really the one.

  Seriously, the one? You’re halfway in love already. G sharpens her fingernails. I better order that Korean card game, Go-Stop. Speaking of, you should go, stop, go, stop. Any decent goddess of love can tell you that’s the magic formula.

  Sure, G. Thanks for advice. Tonight, I’m definitely stopping.

  Yeah, right. This I gotta see. G breaks out a bag of buttered popcorn and lounges back, kicking her legs onto the coffee table. Carry on, don’t worry about me.

  I’m not. Grrr.

  When I step out of the shower wearing a comfy t-shirt and soft jeans, Jay picks up the phone and informs room service to bring our dinner. He’s already lit candles on the small mahogany dining table. The roses shine inside a crystal vase, and soft jazz plays through the room’s stereo system. Can any man be more romantic?

  Jay’s dark eyes shine as he pulls me to his side, his lips barely touching mine. “I can’t get enough of my sweet tigress. Feel better after the shower?”

  “Yes, refreshed.” I can’t help wrapping my arms around him. “Thanks for waiting. I wasn’t sure after last night if you wanted to keep hanging out with me.”

  “You’re kidding. I can’t get enough of you.” He beams at me and plants another kiss on my lips. This time I open my mouth with a sigh and let his tongue slip in. He’s so damn fine, I’d be crazy to let this time go by without enjoying him to the fullest. I let him tilt my head farther back and take charge of the kiss, moving me backward until my thighs hit the edge of the bed.

  The way his tongue probes my mouth, gentle, yet insistent has me disintegrating onto the bed. Jay lowers himself on top of me, his weight propped on his elbows and slides his lips to suck at my neck, while he plays with my breasts.<
br />
  The stiff knock at the door breaks the moment, and Jay’s off me to open the door. He signs the charge slip while the waiter pushes a cart into my room.

  He opens the silver serving platter and places two plates of cedar planked salmon with grilled asparagus and pineapple on the table. The smoky, woodsy scent has my mouth watering for more than just Jay.

  I wait silently as the waiter tosses an arugula salad with green apples and goat cheese, sprinkling it with a flaxseed dressing.

  The beer he pours is so dark, it’s black.

  “What’s that?” I glance at Jay.

  “Eve’s Black Heart made with Guinness, apple cider and a shot of apple brandy.” He guides me to a chair and leans toward my ear. “Tell me, Tigress, is your heart as black as mine?”

  “Sinful and unredeemable.” I whisper back in his ear, tugging the lobe between my teeth.

  The waiter discreetly retreats and despite my misgivings, I’m having another romantic dinner with Jay, my rookie Rattler.

  Nothing beats the delectable taste of the subtle smoky salmon mixed with the scent of cedar. I practically inhale the food, downing the stout beer cocktail while gazing into Jay’s shimmering onyx-colored eyes, dark with lust, yet tender and caring.

  This sweet, romantic Jay’s more dangerous than the arrogant ballplayer of last night, the one who couldn’t wait to pitch his best shot at me. I swallow another draught of beer and bite my lower lip. We’re not here for a relationship, only a fling, so why am I anxious and embarrassed at the same time? Worried whether he thinks I’m too fast.

  “I haven’t been entirely straight with you.” The words gurgle from my throat, before I can reel them back.

  He straightens to attention and stops chewing on a spear of asparagus. “In what way?”

  “I don’t usually pick up strange men and sleep with them.”

  His grin widens. He puts his fork down and takes my hand. “I’m not a strange man, and believe me, I’m not judging you.”

  “I’m not making excuses and I don’t know why it matters, but I don’t want you to think badly of me.”

  “Hey, no worries.” He rubs my hand. “You’re just what I need, and I hope I gave you something too. You’re not regretting what we did, are you?”

  “Oh, no, not me.”

  His brows pinch and there’s that fleeting expression crossing his face, but he plays it off by kissing my hand. “Me either. So, what’s the problem? Aren’t you comfortable with me?”

  “I am.” I retract my hand. “But I slept with you to convince myself that I could do it with a stranger and be turned on by him, but not be emotionally involved.”

  A scowl darkens his face and he pushes his chair back, standing. “Why would you want to do that?”

  My lips tremble as cold sweat rings my forehead. I’m ruining his night, but I can’t help it.

  “I wanted to get my ex-boyfriend out of my system. Kill all chances of getting back with him. Convince myself I no longer care.”

  “Did it work?” Jay’s eyes narrow and his lip curls into a sneer. “How did it feel to use me to get back at him?”

  I close my eyes and slap the tabletop with both hands. “I’m so sorry, Jay. I might have started out using you, but now I care how you feel and I’ve just ruined everything. I’ll pay for the dinner. Let me call the front desk.”

  He grabs my wrist and pulls me to his chest. “Did. It. Work? Are you over him?”

  My heart’s thudding fast and furious and I’m tight against him. I nod, shaken. “Yes, it worked. Too well.”

  “Good.” He moves his hands to my ass, squeezing my butt cheeks. “Because now you’re mine, and I’m going to punish you for using me. You want it?”

  “Yes, yes, I want it. I want you, Jay. Want you. But … I can’t, not until I know.”

  “Know what?” He steps back. “What’s bothering you?”

  “Whether you have a girlfriend or not. I was accused today by one of the day campers. She says I stole her cousin’s girlfriend.”

  Jay’s nostrils flare and he huffs. “What’s her name?”

  “Molly something or other. I can look her up in the registration forms.” I stumble to my dresser and wake up my tablet. “Ah, here she is. Molly Bae. Her father’s a retired pitcher for the San Diego Padres. He’s one of the scouts.”

  “Don’t know him or any of his relatives.” Jay takes my tablet and closes the cover. “You know there are women walking around calling themselves Mrs. Jay Pak Ahn who I’ve never met? First time I saw someone’s Twitter profile I almost had a heart attack until someone explained it to me. Fangirl fantasies.”

  “So, you don’t have a girlfriend back home?”

  “Not anywhere in the whole world, unless you’re applying for the position.” His white teeth flash and the corner of his mouth curls as he winks, slow and suggestive.

  “No, I’m not angling for anything. I’ll be gone a week from now.” I push away from him. “This trip was a break for me. Kind of a getaway to figure out what I want to do with my life.”

  He downs the rest of his Eve’s Black Heart. “I’m the man to help you figure it all out. Let’s get comfortable.”

  Why does my body instantly ignite at the thought of getting horizontal with Jay? I lick the drool from my lips and finish the rest of my drink. The stout hearty taste of the dark beer mixed with the crisp bite of apples reaches into my dark heart, stirring it with a flood of desires—fantasies I dare not admit even to myself.

  Jay raises the volume of the stereo. A bluesy jazz song plays. Enfolding me into his arms, he swings me around the room, his busy hands caressing me, skillfully arousing every inch of my hot, horny body.

  But tonight it’s more than that. There’s a gentleness about him, loving, taking his time. His fingers stroke and pet me, deep, warm caresses, nothing harsh or groping. And when his lips take mine he moves languidly, flowing with the music, a steady, sweet rhythm. We drift to the edge of the bed and float onto it like falling leaves. His lips, tongue, and fingers leave nothing untouched, undressing me as if I were made of delicate flower petals.

  I wrap myself lovingly around him, skin on skin, heartbeat against heartbeat, treasuring each tingle, every touch. His kisses trail from my swollen lips to my neck. Silently, I wish him to my sensitive nipples, already peaked in anticipation. As if he can read my mind, he drags his tongue down my collarbone and circles my breasts, laving and massaging me. The frenzy of passion rushing between my legs, I moan and jerk my hips, impatient, wanting and needing more.

  “You like that?” he pauses and grins. “My wild tigress is getting impatient?”

  “Yes, yes, more.”

  Stop! Stop! Stop! Goddess guard dog shouts so loud my ears are ringing.

  “No, go, go.” I clap my hands over my ears. “Go away—slut shame someone else, why don’t you?”

  Oh shit. I said that out loud.

  Jay’s eyebrows are creased and his face is long, eyes wide. “I, I didn’t mean it. I call you wild tigress because you’re powerful and stir me up. You’re not a slut. Sorry.”

  He backs away from me and stands. “Do you want me to leave?”

  Whoosh. My body goes from hot and heavenly to cold and hollow. Every spark and tingle and zing flattens like a deflated jump house.

  “No, please, I’m sorry. I was just talking to myself.” I push my inner cock-block’s face under the mattress and give it a bounce.

  Looking contrite, Jay gathers my hands in his and presses them against his lips. “I have not respected you. I apologize. Why don’t we start over? Let me leave now and court you properly. Should I ask your father for permission?”

  “Puh-please, no.” I sweep his bangs from his eyes. “But you have my permission to court me and bed me.”

  A grin lifts his cheeks and crinkles his eyes. “Then let’s get busy courting and bedding.”

  I give up. I’m taking a licking and joining in. Inner G-spot spreads her legs. He better not forget me to tickle
me plenty.

  Kneeling on the floor, he drags my legs around his shoulders. Sparks dance all over my body as he lowers his head, his tongue flicking between my legs and my need grows with the waves of delicious sensations.

  Just when I think I can’t take the intensity, when I’m flailing and crying out, he looks up, devious, his eyes smiling. My face flushes when I meet his gaze. I know I’m coming undone, can only imagine my sweaty, drugged expression, my pupils dilated like a junkie for him.

  My body rockets and leaps. Stars overwhelm my eyes and every nerve fires as Jay swoops over me, covering me, entering me and filling me with love overflowing.

  Let’s not get carried away, Inner G puffs on a cigarette. That was some good sex, but who said anything about love?

  Shut up. You want your spot hit, then be a good girl and tell me he loves me.

  Chapter 8


  Jay gave Jessica a kiss and handed her the tickets to his first exhibition game. Ever since the dinner in her room, they’d agreed to a week of enchanting, starry-eyed dates. Not that watching him pitch was romantic, but it was the reward for being his girl.

  “You’re going to win it. I can feel it.” She held her hand over her heart.

  “Remember our deal.” He nuzzled and nipped the shell of her ear. “I win, we conquer your fear. I lose, you get your way with me.”

  “Well, in that case, I’m going to hex you.” Jessica twirled her fork in the pancake syrup, and licked it, her eyes never leaving his. She lowered the shoulder of her lacy nightgown and wiggled her eyebrows.

  Silly girl, she’d always get her way with him, whether she won or lost. Except before a game.

  “Oh no, we’ve already had our predawn warmup.” Jay swallowed. “I have to get to the stadium early or coach will sideline me.”

  “But I want to get my way with you, Mocking Jay.”

  “Mocking Jay? I don’t mock you, do I?”

  “Sure you do. All that stuff about my fears.” She closed in on him, pressing her lips sticky with maple syrup onto his and settled her sweet little tush on his lap.


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