Book Boyfriends Cafe Summer Lovin' Anthology 2015

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Book Boyfriends Cafe Summer Lovin' Anthology 2015 Page 203

by Melinda Curtis

  “Smitty…” she says softly, her hands not sure where to go.

  I kiss directly below her ear and suddenly, her hands move to my head, rubbing my buzz cut. I slip my fingers into the waistband of the boxers she’s wearing and start to push them down until she stops me.

  Her hands move to my cheeks and she cups both of them, looking me directly in the eyes. “Smitty, I don’t know what your story is and you don’t have to tell me. I do know that your heart has been broken and you’re still mending it. I want this as bad as you do, but I don’t want to be a regret.”

  My eyes have been fixated on her lips and when she speaks, my stomach drops and I tense up. What the hell am I doing? Well, obviously I’m trying to get Sloan back in my bed, but what is she asking of me? “Look, I can’t make you promises—” I start, but she interrupts me with a laugh and her finger on my lips.

  “Smitty, I’m not asking for a commitment. I’m just making sure that you won’t regret anything we do in paradise this week. This week only, nothing more…”

  I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until I let it out and Sloan laughs, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Okay, I get it. Yes, I’ve had my heart broken and no, I won’t regret anything I do with you.”

  Sloan pushes up on her tippy toes and takes her turn nibbling on my ear. “Good, then we agree. One week of wild, uncontrollable sex,” she says with a laugh that makes me even harder.

  Gently, I push her on the bed and she falls back with another giggle. I drop to my knees and move between her legs. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  Slowly, I walk my fingers along the inside of her thighs and she lets out that vibrating hum I like to hear. My hands glide over the boxers and my fingers grip the waistband. As I start to tug on them, Sloan places her hand over mine, propped up on the other arm.

  “One more thing.”

  I look up at her and raise my eyebrow. “What’s that?”

  She grins and answers, “Don’t get attached.”

  I shake my head laughing and pull the shorts off. With my left hand, I slip it under her leg and push her back. Looking at the glorious view in front of me, I grin. Finally, I’m ready to move on and this is the perfect situation—one week in paradise with a beautiful woman, no strings attached.


  Falling back on the sheets, I close my eyes and sigh. This is it, the first man I’ve been with since Cooper. God, I hope I remember what to do! It’s like riding a bike, right? I’ll remember once I get started…

  Smitty’s fingers drag lazily up and down my thighs and I start to tense up. Relax, Sloan, don’t let him know how long it’s been. Right, relax. Besides, who knows how long it’s been for him, too, right? He’s a dude, heartbroken or not, it’s probably a lot sooner than it’s been for me.

  Oh! His finger slides between my lips and I have to force myself not to squeeze my legs together. His other hand slides under my shirt, gripping my breast and squeezing hard. Every nerve in my body is on high alert. My mind is already foggy and he’s barely touched me.

  His breath is warm on my thigh when he whispers, “Relax, baby.”

  And magically, I do. My legs fall wide and my hand moves to his head where I rub it slowly. His index finger rubs my hot spot and I suck in my breath as my pulse beats loudly in my ears. His hand moves and he slips one finger in me, his thumb taking the place of his index finger. I cry out as he does this and he moves his lips to kiss the inside of my thigh ever so tenderly. Why would any woman ever leave this man?

  My breathing is erratic and I get lightheaded. Quickly, I open my eyes as he slips another finger inside me and increases speed. Focus, Sloan. Breath in, breath out. Following my own directions, I begin to calm down and enjoy the sensations his hands are sending throughout my entire body. My hips begin to grind against his hand between my legs. Now, I can feel his breathing picking up against my leg. His other hand squeezes my breast tightly and I moan in pleasure, so close yet not wanting this to end.

  Without notice, he pulls both his hands away from my body and they push my legs flat against the bed. His tongue teases my lips and dives deep inside me. I sit up surprised and grab his head as he sucks on my hot spot, pulling it deep into his mouth, his tongue flicking and teasing me. My legs push up against his hands, but he firmly keeps them in place and I have nothing to do other than let my orgasm release.

  “Smitty!” I scream as my body twists under his mouth and hands. My body quivers underneath his touch, releasing so much built-up pressure. When I think my body has let it all out, I fall back on the bed, but Smitty doesn’t stop. His tongue continues to flit against me, sending aftershocks of pleasure throughout my body. Finally, I have to beg, “Smitty, please…”

  Exhausted from that liberation, my eyelids lazily flutter open and close. Smitty stands above me and I can see him grinning in the moonlight, his hands still moving along my legs. The moonlight outlines the full erection he’s sporting and I sit up, reaching for it and stroking lightly.

  Smitty leans down and kisses my forehead. “Was that good for you?”

  I laugh as my hand slides up and down. “You couldn’t tell?”

  He shrugs. “Maybe just a bit,” he says with a laugh and grabs my hand. His lips move to mine and he slips his tongue into my mouth, letting me taste myself.

  “Mmm....” I moan and reach for him again.

  “No,” he says firmly and I frown. “You’ve taken care of me all day, it’s my turn to take care of you now.”

  I smile. I was right earlier, he definitely likes to take care of his woman. And yes, as of about twenty minutes ago, I’m his woman…at least for the week. Totally ruining the moment, my stomach lets out a loud, angry growl. Clutching it tightly, hoping it will go away, Smitty takes my hand, pulling me up.

  “Guess that means I’ll now be pleasuring your taste buds. We can order room service,” he says, walking to the nightstand. He turns on the light and starts reading through the menu. “What sounds good? Shrimp? Chicken?”

  My mind is still hazy from the amazing orgasm he just gave me and he’s about to give me another one now that I can see his perfectly sculpted body in the light, not to mention the full length of his manhood and I can feel myself getting wet again.

  When I don’t answer, he glances over at me and I nervously tug the t-shirt down over my hips, wiping my sweaty palms on it. This one week in paradise thing was a bad idea. But then why am I ready to skip dinner and go straight for dessert?

  Smitty grins at me and drops the menu. My cheeks flush red as he’s caught me checking him out. “I… um, dinner sounds great, but I should…need to…”

  Standing in front of me, he raises his eyebrow. “Need to what?”

  I gulp, forcing myself not to look down although I can feel his hard-on against my leg. “I need to check in with my family, let them know we’re both okay,” I manage to squeak out.

  He frowns slightly. “Shit, I ruined your outing with your family.” Smitty turns his back to me, running his hand over his head.

  I touch his back lightly and he cringes ever so slightly. Pulling my hand away, I speak softly, “You didn’t ruin anything. They’re just worried…about both of us.” I give an uneasy laugh. “I mean, it’s not every day my brother leaves me alone in a strange man’s room.”

  Smitty turns around and smiles at my joke. “Yeah, I’d be worried, too. Probably wouldn’t have let you out of my sight.”

  Our eyes meet and he runs his fingers through my hair. My stomach flutters and I bite my lip, reminding myself, it’s only a week, Sloan, only a week. Only a week so I better take advantage of this situation as much as I can. Grinning, I drop to my knees and prepare to return the favor.

  Chapter 7


  A naked Sloan stands before me, laying a wet towel on the bed for me to rest my sunburn against. I finally decide I’m ready to be with another woman and I can barely touch her because my torso is on fire, like constant pinpricks against my sk
in. Somehow, I pushed away the pain long enough to pleasure her and she managed to get me off with her mouth and not touching my sunburn. Still, that wasn’t enough for either of us so Sloan braved a freezing shower so that our hands could do a little more exploring. After an hour, she finally turned the water off, patted my skin dry and rubbed aloe vera all over me. Then she suggested that we get some sleep.

  She turns around to face me, waving her hand over the bed like she’s Vanna White and I can’t wipe the grin off my face. It only takes me a few steps to get to her and like a magnet, one hand runs over her chest, squeezing her breast while the other moves to her neck and I nibble on her ear.

  Giggling, she tries to wiggle away, but I press my body against hers causing her to fall back on the bed. My body has already reacted and I’m about to dig out that box of condoms I didn’t think I’d get to use.

  Trying to be serious, she frowns and shakes her head. “As your nurse, I insist that you get some rest.”

  Sticking out my bottom lip, I pout. “There’s no way I’m going to be able to sleep with you in my bed.”

  Sloan sits up, leaning back on her hands. Her biceps showing off her muscle in a feminine way. “Well, I’ll get you to bed and then I’ll head back to my room.”

  My heart sinks and aside from disappointed, I’m slightly shocked at my reaction. I didn’t realize I wanted her company as much as I did. I push her wet hair over her shoulder and cup her cheek. “Sloan, I don’t want you to feel like I’m using you. I want to get to know you.”

  She nods, an emotion I’m unfamiliar with flashes over her face, but is gone before I can recognize it. “There will be plenty of time to get to know each other. Besides, I agreed to our deal so you can’t make me feel bad.”

  Taking her hand, I brush my lips across her knuckles. “Let’s re-negotiate our deal. Be mine for an entire week—sex, showers, naked breakfasts in bed… cuddles, snuggles, late night talks, walks on the beach. I want as much as I can get from you.”

  Wow, that probably sounded desperate, didn’t it? But it’s exactly what I want and when am I going to be in paradise again… with her? Ever since Caroline left, there were tons of women who have flung themselves at me. Of course, there were the random women at the bars and Jules tried to set me up with some of her co-workers. Hell, even Caroline’s cousin asked me out, but I turned them all down because a random fuck wasn’t going to make me feel better and it’s not going to now either.

  Sure, Sloan is random and we probably won’t see each other when this vacation is over, but if I was ready to really move on, it would be with her, or someone like her. She’s attractive, but not just in looks. No, she’s caring. I mean who the hell takes care of a total stranger they just met? She’s loving, it’s obvious from the way she interacts with her family. She’s down to earth. Unlike the other women who have thrown themselves at me, she couldn’t care less when her leggings are torn or ruined, I’ve seen her without make-up and completely naked, unfazed by both and not in the least bit self-conscious. The woman is the whole package and while I may not be able to take her back as anything more than a memory, I know that I want everything I can get from her in this one week.

  She squeezes my hand and smiles. “I thought I told you not to get attached.”

  I lift my shoulders up and down. “I’ll do my best, but in the meantime, be my paradise girlfriend.”

  She laughs and stands up, grazing against me and setting my body on fire for a whole other reason. Her hands squeeze my ass, the only non-burnt skin in her reach and she kisses me softly. “Fine, but don’t get any ideas that you’ll be able to talk me into anything more when we go back to Missouri.”

  In return, I slap her ass and she giggles. “Deal, but I can’t make any promises I won’t sway your decision. You haven’t seen the thing I do with my tongue and middle finger,” I say and wiggle my hand.

  Sloan tosses her hair back and it tickles my hand on her backside. Her laughter tinkles in my ears and it’s the most precious sound I’ve heard in a long time. This week is just an escape from reality, I’m not worried about wanting more at the end of the week so this shouldn’t be a problem.


  After spending the entire night watching Smitty sleep, I finally get out of bed and pull on his t-shirt and boxers when the clock reads six. I kiss his forehead and close the door quietly behind me. While I tiptoe down the hallway and avoid eye contact with the staff already on duty, my mind won’t stop thinking about what he wants from me. Is it something I can give or is it too much, even for just a week?

  I want to give it to him. I want to be his paradise girlfriend, but I’m so scared of my own emotions. I mean, it’s obvious that he’s trying to use me as a replacement for someone who broke his heart so I really shouldn’t look more into it. And I wouldn’t, if it was any other man, but… I don’t know. There’s just something about him that I’m drawn to. Maybe it’s his lost soul and my desire to try to save everyone around me. Maybe it’s his rock hard body and how quickly he gets me off. Maybe it’s his desire to take care of me. I don’t know, but I can already feel my emotions getting confused and I’m worried what they’ll be like at the end of the week.

  Looking up, I’m standing in front of my hotel door. I pat the shorts I’m wearing and remember I left the key in Smitty’s room. I sigh and turn to walk back to his room when I’m face to face with my father.

  Swallowing hard, I manage to squeak out. “Morning, Daddy.”

  His face is emotionless when he speaks. “Family meeting in your mother and my’s room.”

  I nod. “Okay, let me change—”

  He shakes his head. “Now.”

  Feeling like a teenager caught sneaking in, I slump behind him as I follow him to his room. When he opens the door to the suite he and my mother are staying in, the strong scent of Jamaican coffee hits my nose. Following the smell, I walk into the living room to see my sister, brother, and mother all enjoying a cup of Joe.

  “Oh…my…gosh! Sloan got laid!” Sissy squeals and stands up, running to me and throwing her arms around my neck. “Lolo, I’m so happy for you! Was it good? Worth waiting?”

  My cheeks are the color of Smitty’s sunburn and I pull away from her, nervously running my hands over my, err Smitty’s clothes.

  “Cicily, don’t speak like that,” my mother scolds then turns to me with a smile. “You are glowing this morning, dear. Have a good night?” she asks, trying to be more subtle.

  Sitting on the edge of the couch, Gavin hands me his cup of coffee. “You didn’t call.”

  I take a long drink, stalling. “You knew where I was. You saw me help him in the shower and I didn’t have anything other than my swimsuit so I borrowed some of his clothes. Once I got him situated, we both fell asleep and that was it.” For the most part, all of it is true.

  “Honey, what you do on your own time and with whom is none of our business. We just want to make sure you’re safe and that you don’t get hurt. It’s been almost five years since Cooper’s accident and this is the first man you’ve shown any interest in. Are you sure Smitty’s the one?” My mother speaks for the whole group, just like she normally does. The rest of my family avoids eye contact with me but nod their heads.

  I throw up my hands. “I know all of that, Mother. I know it’s been four years, ten months, and ten days since the last time I saw Cooper. Yes, I find Smitty attractive and enjoy his company. Is he the one? The one to take my mind off the misery I’ve been in for the past five years and remember for one week that someone can actually be attracted to me, make me feel wanted, hell, even needed, yes, he is. Now, I appreciate you all being worried about me, but I fully intend on spending the rest of my time here with him, doing whatever the hell I want. Besides, the focus of this vacation is Sissy and Will, so please stop being concerned about me. That’s all you’ve been since Cooper left, but this week isn’t about me. Please, for one week, let me be normal and forget the past.” My chest is heaving as I finish, the pent-up an
ger from the last few years finally being released.

  My mother stands and walks to me. I watch her closely, unsure of what she’s about to do. When she wraps her arms around me, I’m shocked, but move one hand to pat her back.

  “Of course, Sloan. If that’s what you want, we’ll respect your wishes. I only ask that you bring him around so we can spend some time with you as well.”

  Over her shoulder, Sissy is smiling, but both men are clearly not happy. I pull away from my mother and walk over to my father who is staring out the window at the ocean. Lightly, I touch his shoulder. “Daddy, what’s wrong?”

  Without turning to look at me, he shakes his head and says in his low, deep voice, “If I could take all your pain away, Sloan, I would. I never wanted any of my children to hurt the way you have. I’m so sorry.”

  I can hear the tears in his voice and I wrap my arms around his waist from behind. “It’s not your fault. You’ve all done a great job pulling me through that awful time. I may not be ready to move on entirely, but for one week, I’m going to try to forget everything and just have fun.”

  My father pats my hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing it. “If that’s what you want, Sloaney Bologna.”

  My whole family laughs at my father’s nickname for me. The three other Talbotts move around us and gather us in a bear hug. Despite all the hardships in life, my family has always been by my side.

  Chapter 8


  The sun is just peeking out over the ocean, creating a gorgeous scene of orange and red across the water, but the view in front of me is even better. Twenty yards ahead, Sloan is jogging in a pair of neon pink short running shorts and matching sports bra. I’ve never been a morning person, but good god, Sloan is making me love the early hours of the day. The past two mornings since our “deal,” she’s had us up and running before day break. She told me I didn’t have to join her, but there’s no way I was going to let her run by herself.


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