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Just As I Am: The Autobiography of Billy Graham

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by Billy Graham

  strained relations with Protestants, 356–57

  support for Billy’s work, 161, 163, 167, 301–2, 384, 482

  Romania tour, 470, 540–44

  Roosevelt, Franklin, 5, 413

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 408

  Root, Bob, 320

  Rosen, Rabbi, 541

  Ross, Dick, 174, 175, 435, 436

  Rowlandson, Maurice, 296, 571, 677, 698

  Roy, Stapleton, 629

  Ruanda-Urundi Crusade, 347–48

  Ruhm, Thomas, 304–5

  Rule, Elton, 472

  Rusk, Dean, 375, 398

  Ruth and Billy Graham Children’s Health Center, 655

  Ruth Graham & Friends, 720

  Sacramento (CA) Crusade, 356

  Sadat, Anwar, 497

  Safari for Souls (McMahan), 341

  Saigon (North Vietnam), 469

  Saint, Rachel, 564

  Sakharov, Andrei, 519

  Salinger, Pierre, 389, 390

  Salisbury, Harrison, 379

  Samaritan’s Purse, 352, 439, 577, 580, 720, 727, 731

  San Antonio (TX) Crusade, 660

  San Diego Crusade (1964), 370

  San Diego Crusade (2003), 370

  San Francisco Crusade, 295, 356, 642

  San Juan (Puerto Rico) Crusade, 639, 654

  Sanny, Lorne, 211, 247, 250–51, 300, 308

  Sarnoff, David, 180–81

  Sawyze, John Cameron, 309

  Scarborough, Lee, 49

  Scharf, Kurt, 562

  Scherer, Roland, 681

  Schirger, Dr. (Mayo Clinic), 425

  Schneider, Margot, 245, 515

  Schneider, Peter, 245, 515

  Schumer, Charles, 729

  Scotland Crusade

  concerns over the, 247–48

  impact of the, 253–54

  meetings, 249–53

  missing Ruth during, 251–52, 711

  Scottish Christians and the, 248–49

  support during, 249–50

  Tell Scotland invitation, 246

  Scott, Randolph, 15, 443

  Scroggins, Noble, 640–41

  Seattle Crusade, 37

  Selassie, Haile, 348, 349, 565

  Sellers, Neil, 645

  Seoul Crusade, 275

  Shah of Iran, 280–81, 693

  SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Powers in Europe), 188–90

  Sharon Presbyterian Church, 66, 75–76

  Shaw, Bernard, 585

  Shayevich, Adolph, 524

  Shea, Elaine, 675

  Shea, Erma, 675

  Shea, George Beverly “Bev”

  adventure on single-engine plane, 130–33

  in Chicago Crusade, 370

  in Europe, 229, 233, 240, 247

  interactions with presidents, 200, 451

  Los Angeles Campaign participation, 144, 148, 155, 156

  at the New York City Crusade (2005), 729

  newspaper rumors about, 512

  part of Australia Crusade, 331

  part of the New York City Crusade (1957), 311, 312

  as part of the Team, 126, 161, 182, 432, 670, 674–75

  and the radio decision, 177, 178

  sings at Atlanta Crusade, 186

  on Songs in the Night, 85–86

  in Vietnam, 415, 416

  Shea, Karlene, 675

  Shea, Ron, 675

  Shea Stadium (NY), 324

  Sheen, Fulton J., 700–702

  Sheerin, John, 566

  Sheffield (England), 637–38

  Sherrill, Elizabeth, 434

  Sherrill, John, 434

  Shevardnadze, Eduard, 546

  Shoemaker, Samuel, 304, 314

  Shriver, Eunice, 423

  Shriver, R. Sargent, 397, 417, 423

  Shufelt, Marge, 101

  Shufelt, Stratton, 98, 101

  Shuler, Jack, 101

  Siberia trip, 522–23

  Siberian Seven, 506–9

  Sidney Myer Music Bowl (Austrailia), 329–30

  Sinatra, Barbara, 530, 536

  Sinatra, Frank, 530, 536, 537

  Singapore Crusade, 275

  Skansen Park (Stockholm), 240

  Smathers, George, 393, 394, 400

  Smith, Al, 94, 390

  Smith, Arthur, 208

  Smith, Gipsy, 45, 163, 164

  Smith, Michael W., 648

  Smith, Oswald J., 46, 272

  Smith, Tedd, 163, 186, 277, 361, 670, 674

  Smith, Wilbur, 287

  Smyth, Ethel, 482, 516, 675

  Smyth, Walter

  attends dedication of Billy Graham Nagar (India), 439

  in Australia, 326, 329, 334

  as chairman of ICIE, 575

  coordinating YFC efforts, 93

  death of, 732

  in eastern Europe, 385, 447, 477, 481, 515, 516, 541, 543

  involvement in the radio decision, 177–80

  in Ireland, 427, 430

  negotiating Billy’s Moscow trip, 499

  as part of the Team, 670, 675

  work on the London Crusade, 227

  Snow, William P., 372

  Snowdon, Lord, 699

  Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 511

  Somerville, John, 618

  Somerville, Virginia Bell, 596, 617, 618, 733, 737

  Somerville, Walter, 618

  Songs in the Night (radio show), 85–87, 95

  Sorokin, Pitirim, 379

  Sorokin, Vladimir, 519–20

  South Africa, 430–31

  South African Congress on Mission and Evangelism, 430–31

  South America tour

  Argentina, 372–75, 377

  Brazil, 371

  Colombia, 364–65

  Ecuador, 365–66

  Paraguay, 372–74

  Peru and Chile, 366–67

  planning and politics, 360–62

  summing up, 367–68, 376

  Uruguay, 374–75

  Venezuela, 362–64

  South Korea (Republic of Korea), xviii, 195–99, 263, 266, 273, 616

  Southern, Dan, 580

  Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.)

  Christian believers in the, 379

  collapse of the, 540, 553

  glasnost and perestroika, 546

  relations to eastern Europe, 476

  ties to revolution in Cuba, 361

  treatment of Christians, 506–10, 547

  vow of world conquest, 381

  Soviet Union tour (1984)

  invitation and response, 517–18

  Leningrad, 520

  meetings and support, 518–20

  Moscow, 522, 523–27

  Novosibirsk, Siberia, 522–23

  Tallinn, 521–22

  Spasowski, Romuald, 481

  Speer, Robert, 559

  Spencer, E.O., 681, 708–9

  St. Louis (MO), 727

  Stafford, Crook, 28, 29

  Stafford, Ervin, 10

  Stalin, Joseph, 115

  Stam, Helen, 78

  Stanwyck, Barbara, 175

  Steiner, Joseph, 476

  Stephen, St. (Hungarian king), 495, 496

  Stephen, the Great (Moldavian king), 542

  Stephens, Jack, 651

  Stephens, Mary Anne, 651

  Stewart, Gloria, 714

  Stewart, Jimmy, 714

  Stockholm, 240, 241, 254

  Stockwood, Mervyn, 256

  Stott, John, 220, 256–60, 572–73

  Stott, Oliver, 101, 217

  Strachan, Ken, 357

  Strachan, Ruth, 357

  Strauss, Robert, 537

  Streater, Johnny, 72, 73, 77

  Stricklin, Gil, 565

  Stroessner, Alfredo, 372

  Stuart, John Leighton, 606

  Stuttgart (Germany), 254

  Su Guang, 603–4

  Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs, 501–2

  Sunday, Billy, 18, 21, 38, 150, 163, 164, 167, 283, 303, 672

  Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Powers in Europ
e (SHAPE), 188–90

  Swaffer, Hannen, 214–16, 218–19

  Swanson, Gloria, 310

  Sydenstricker, Dr. and Mrs. Absalom, 610

  Sydney (Australia) Crusades, 327, 332–33, 337

  Symington, Stuart, 212, 221–23

  "The Tab" (United Gospel Tabernacle), 66, 67, 78

  Tada, Joni Eareckson, 433

  Taipei (Formosa), 273

  Taiwan, 273

  Tallinn (Estonia), 521–22

  Tampa (FL), 43, 53

  Tampa Gospel Tabernacle, 58

  Tan, Charlotte, 607–8

  Tandy, Jessica, 593

  Tanenbaum, Marc, 301, 509, 511, 536

  Tanganyika (Kenya), 347

  Tasmania (Australia) Crusade, 331–32

  Taylor, Charles, 655

  Taylor, Clyde, 391, 560, 562

  Taylor, Gardner, 299

  Taylor, Herbert J., 369

  Taylor, Kerr, 80

  Taylor, Ross, 400

  Tchividjian, Stephan-Nelson, 735

  TEAM (Evangelical Alliance Mission), 361

  the Team

  and the BGEA, 501, 502, 670–76, 686

  Billy’s reflections on the, 670–71, 688, 729

  See also Barrows, Cliff; Shea, George Beverly; Smyth, Walter; Wilson, Grady; Wilson, Thomas Walter

  TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design)Conference, 730–31

  “Tell Scotland,” 246

  Templeton, Charles, 98–100, 135–39, 163

  Templeton, John, 511

  Templeton Award for Progress in Religion, 510–11

  ten Boom, Betsie, 434

  ten Boom, Corrie, 434, 564

  Teng, Philip, 608

  Teoctist, Metropolitan, 542

  Teresa, Mother, 277

  Thatcher, Denis, 533

  Thatcher, Margaret, 532, 533, 697

  Thielman, Calvin, 400, 401, 411, 582

  Thielman, Frank, 582

  Thomas, Danny, 186

  Thomson, D. P., 251

  Three-Self Patriotic Movement, 600–601, 608

  Thurmond, Strom, 164, 655

  Tibet, 73

  Time magazine, 634

  Ting, K. H., 599, 602, 604

  Tito, Marshal, 384

  Titus, Mr. (Telugu translator), 267

  Tokyo, 273

  Tolbert, William R., 338, 339

  Tony (London police officer), 229–30

  Townsend, Colleen (later Colleen Evans), 146, 536

  Trafalgar Square (London), 230

  Transylvania (Romania), 541, 543–44

  Treblinka, Poland, 483

  Trotman, Dawson, 211, 214, 229, 242, 300

  Truman, Harry, xvii, xviii, xix, xxi, xxii, 188, 192, 236, 237, 307

  Tsingkiangpu (China), 595–97, 609–12

  Tubman, William V. S., 338–39

  Turner, Larry, 645, 678

  Two-a-Penny (film), 433

  Underwood, Cecil, 48, 54, 56–58

  University of California, Berkeley, 422

  University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), 422, 423

  University of Michigan, 422

  University of Sorbonne (Paris), 423

  Urbana Missions Conference (Univ. of Illinois), 424

  Uruguay, 374–75

  U.S. Congress on Evangelism (Minneapolis), 567

  U.S.S.R. See Soviet Union

  Valenti, Jack, 408

  Van Buren, Howard, 64, 67, 72

  Van Kampen, Bob, 78–79, 85, 457

  Vance, Chuck, 471

  Vance, Cyrus, 546

  Vance, Susan (formerly Ford), 471

  Vannas, Meta, 521

  Vatican, 488–89, 535, 619–20

  Vaught, W. O., 652

  Vaus, Jim, 151, 152, 157, 162

  Venezuela, 359, 362–64

  Vereb, Jerome, 619

  Vereide, Abraham, 202, 203

  Vietnam War

  Billy’s visits to the troops, 450

  Kennedy’s comments on the, 395

  legacy of the, 421, 444

  meeting with missionaries about, 453–54

  toll on Johnson, 414, 415, 418

  Village Church (Western Springs Baptist Church), 78–79, 81–82, 84–85, 88–89, 93

  Visser ‘t Hooft, Willem, 125, 242

  Vladimir of Rus, Prince (Ukraine), 547

  Voskuyl, Roger, 66

  Wagner, Robert, 313

  Wahby, Victor, 350, 424, 425

  Walker, Cindy, 175

  Waller, Bill, 490

  Walters, Barbara, 472

  Walton, Bill, 682

  Wang Daohan, 606

  Wang Mingdao, 613–14

  Wanger, Walter, 175

  Ward, Charles “Chuck,” 361, 365, 372

  Ward, Margaret, 365

  Ware, Joe, 709

  Warsaw (Poland), 483, 486, 487

  Washington, George, 655

  Washington D. C. Crusade, 189, 190, 355, 356

  Watergate affair, 421, 456–59, 466–68, 493

  Waters, Ethel, 322, 358, 459–60

  Watson, Bobby, 49–50, 59

  Watson, Marvin, 410

  Watson, W. T.

  on Billy’s Florida Bible Institute application, 42

  founder of Gospel Tabernacle (St. Petersburg, FL), 45, 47

  management of Florida Bible Institute, 43–44, 46–48

  support of Billy’s work, 669

  witnesses Billy’s preaching, 49–50

  Wayne, John, 148

  Weatherhead, Leslie Dixon, 224

  Weisiger, Cary, 125

  Wellesley University, 422

  Wembley Stadium (London), 233, 254, 264

  Wesley, Charles, 103, 168, 208, 303

  Western Springs Baptist Church (Village Church), 78–79, 81–82, 84–85, 88–89, 93

  Wheaton College, 62–65, 368

  White, John Wesley, 283, 680

  White City Stadium (London), 233

  Whitefeather, Chief, 80

  Whitefield, George, 167, 168, 208, 303

  Whitney, Eleanor Searle, 315

  Whitney, Harold, 326

  Whitney, Lorin, 156

  Wiesbaden (Germany), 254

  Wiley, Mike, 707–8

  Wilken, Terry, 641

  Williams, Bob, 575, 638, 732

  Williams, John W., 567

  Wills, Stephanie, 544, 686, 757

  Willson, Meredith, 186

  Wilson, George

  death of, 732

  involvement in YFC, 93, 102, 116

  involvement with Decision magazine, 295, 296

  loyalty and dedication of, 119–20

  part of New York City Crusade (1957), 310, 321

  as part of the Team, 310, 670

  president of Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, 685

  work for BGEA, 122, 153, 182, 183, 215, 686–87

  work on the Berlin Congress, 561

  Wilson, Grady

  attending Bob Jones College, 39

  Australia Crusade participation, 332, 333, 378

  behind the Iron Curtain, 380

  at Boston Campaign, 161, 162

  as childhood friend, 28, 33, 34, 670

  establishment of BGEA, 181–82

  as Fuller Brush salesman, 35, 36

  golfing with Billy, 297, 328, 443

  interactions with presidents, xviii, 200, 398, 408–9

  Los Angeles Campaign participation, 148, 154, 155

  part of Latin America Crusade, 358–61, 373

  part of the New York City Crusade (1957), 306, 307, 314, 317, 320

  as part of the Team, 670–73, 679

  preaching during 1950 Crusades, 164, 165

  preaching during the Africa Crusade, 338, 342, 346

  and the radio decision, 177, 178

  in Scotland, 253

  service in the early Campaigns, 123, 126, 127, 129, 130

  travels with Billy, 239, 265, 353, 389, 613

  on trip to Japan and Korea, 193, 195, 197

  on trip to Moscow,
378–80, 518–19, 556

  Wilson, Harold, 697

  Wilson, Helen, 686

  Wilson, Mary Helen, 118

  Wilson, Thomas Walter “T.W.”

  assists with Congressional Medal of Honor design, 655

  during Billy’s leg-pain incident, 424, 425

  as Billy’s personal assistant, 400, 410, 448, 449, 462, 463, 530, 695, 740

  at Bob Jones College, 34, 39

  childhood friend of Billy’s, 28, 33

  death of, 732

  as Fuller Brush salesman, 35–37

  in India, 277, 279

  Los Angeles Campaign participation, 155, 158

  as Montreat office manager, 686

  as part of the Team, 670, 673, 675–77, 683

  service in YFC, 118

  trips to plan Crusades, 189

  work at Northwestern, 120, 140

  in Yugoslavia, 385

  Wilson, Wilma, 148, 328, 378

  Wilson-Haffenden, D. J., 218–19

  Wimbish, John, 308

  Winchell, Walter, 180

  Winchester, A. B., 45

  Winchester, Lucy, 451

  Windsor Castle, 251

  Winmill, Joan, 228

  Wirt, Sherwood “Woody,” 295, 296

  Wittenberg (Germany), 513, 514

  Wojtyla, Karol (later Pope John Paul II), 484, 487–89, 599, 619, 626

  Wood, Maurice A. P., 237, 257, 259, 582

  World Conference of Religious Workers for Saving the Sacred Gift of Life from Nuclear Catastrophe (Moscow), 499–501, 504–6

  World Congress on Evangelism (Berlin), 562–67

  World Council of Churches, 242, 276, 559–60, 568

  World Emergency Fund, 437–39, 541, 632

  World Medical Mission, 720

  World Vision, 192, 294

  World Wide Pictures (WWP; formerly Billy Graham Films), 174–75, 228, 433–37, 673, 675, 686

  World Wide Publications, 686

  Wyllie, Hugh, 253

  Wyrtzen, Jack, 93, 165, 299

  Xu Yan, 610–11

  Yale University, 304–5

  Yang, Andrew, 80

  Yeaworth, Irvin S. “Shorty,” 598, 602

  Yeltsin, Boris, 553

  Yokohama (Japan), 273

  Young, Loretta, 533

  Youngdahl, Reuben, 267

  Youth for Christ (YFC)

  birth of international, 92–95

  Chicagoland, xviii, 88, 92

  and the early Campaigns, 124–25, 128, 129, 158

  in England, 101–4, 208

  in Europe, 98–100

  Frank Phillips and the Oregon Crusade, 173

  in the U.S. and Canada, 95–97, 100–101

  while at Northwestern, 119–20

  Yugoslavia, 384–86, 475

  Zagreb (Yugoslavia), 385

  Zamperini, Louis, 157

  Zeoli, Billy, 467

  Zhang Wenjin, 599, 602–3

  Zhao Puchu, 603, 607

  Zhidkov, Mikhail, 503

  Zhu Rongji, 606, 621

  Zing, David, 308

  Photographic Credits

  Grateful acknowledgment is given to the following individuals and organizations for the photographs that appear in this book.


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