War Zone: Homefront

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War Zone: Homefront Page 32

by Thomas A. Watson

  Wiping her eyes, Penny moved over beside Jasmine, waving the others to the porch. “Come eat, guys.”

  Amanda ran over, wrapping her arm around Nathan’s waist. “Has Ares ever thrown a snake on someone and they didn’t scream?” she asked as they grabbed sandwiches.

  “Yeah,” Nathan scoffed, and Amanda looked up at him in awe. “Aiden and Tim,” Nathan answered, nodding at the two.

  With blatant admiration, Amanda turned to Aiden and he gave a shrug. “Yeah, it startled me, but I grew up in Texas and ran up on rattlesnakes all the time,” he answered, and Amanda turned to Tim.

  “I was sitting down and fucking fainted like an old lady who’d just won the lottery,” Tim stated, and held his chin high.

  “Bill,” Aiden said, grabbing a sandwich. “I’ve woke up with a rattler in my bed when I was ten. You put one in my house, and I’ll hide a hundred in yours.”

  With wide eyes, Bill just nodded. “You didn’t, like, die?!” Natalie cried out.

  “Nope,” Aiden said. “Daddy always said, don’t scream and holler because that’ll excite the snake, so I just crawled out of the bed and got him. He came in, grabbed the snake, carried it outside, and killed it.”

  “I would’ve died,” Natalie mumbled.

  “Not saying I almost didn’t, but waking up with a four-foot rattler between your legs and you’re in underwear and can feel his head resting on your pecker…” Aiden paused to shiver, “A young boy is going to do a lot to save his tally whacker.”

  The entire porch became quiet as visions filled their minds. Bill turned to Janice and grabbed her shoulder. “A rattler bites my manhood, get a gun and just fucking shoot me in the back of the head on the spot,” he told her. “If you want, I’ll put it in my living will and we can have the others witness it.”

  Letting Emma get a bite of his sandwich, Nathan shivered and turned away to look out from the porch across the valley. “Great,” he sighed, seeing Heath and Floyd walking around his fence that held the horses.

  Floyd rounded the five-acre lot of the horses and looked at the end of Nathan’s buildings to see the garage dug into the hillside. Each bay could hold two vehicles, one in front of the other. Both doors were open, and he could see the fancy Warthogs pulled into one side. The other only held Nathan’s birthday truck from his parents. Beside the truck, Floyd saw Nathan’s snowmobiles along the wall. He didn’t need to see the other wall to know there were five four-wheelers. Four were eight hundred cc’s and the other was a small three hundred cc Nathan had bought, so his ‘little posse’ could learn to ride.

  Almost stomping as he stormed toward the cabin, Floyd saw Nathan’s two side by sides and two electric buggies parked in front of the chicken coop. The fact Nathan had let others in his ‘posse’ keep his other electric buggies and side by sides that weren’t even there, was what pissed off his wife Anita. Just seeing how much Nathan had and wasn’t sharing with the rest of the group enraged Floyd as he turned to the left side of Nathan’s house and saw the vehicles he had taken from Jeremey’s.

  Speeding up and passing Heath, “You’ll let some of us have those!” Floyd shouted at Nathan.

  The entire group spun to the voice, spotting Floyd storming over. Watching Nathan hand Emma to Jasmine, Bill sighed. “We’re letting Nathan kill him today,” Bill informed everyone in a low voice.

  “Excuse me!” Nathan said, walking down the steps and stopping.

  With his face a splotchy red, “You can’t just keep everything!” Floyd shouted, stopping five feet from Nathan. “You must share equally and look!” he pointed at the disassembled four-wheelers, “you’re breaking them and haven’t even gotten permission from the covenant!”

  Seeing Nathan squaring his shoulders and both Floyd and Heath were armed, Jasmine turned to shove Emma into Casey’s arms. “Get Emma and Chip inside now,” she commanded, and Casey took off.

  “Listen, bitch!” Nathan shouted as Heath stopped beside Floyd. “Nobody tells me what the fuck to do with my toys! If I want to break them all it’s my business, not some no-dick cocksucker!”

  Breathing through clenched teeth, “You have to turn over claimed property,” Floyd snarled. “It’s in the covenant laws.”

  “Did you get this shit? Fuck no! And has anyone else brought shit in? Fuck no!” Nathan bellowed. “If any motherfucker here wants some of the shit my posse got, they better bring over some leprechauns for me to fuck!”

  Everyone on the porch turned to Jasmine. “What? He fucks leprechauns, I’m watching and taking pictures,” she told them.

  When Nathan stepped closer, Floyd and Heath stepped back. “That’s my brand-new, thirty horsepower John Deere tractor out there in the valley, and not one ass-wipe ever asked me if the covenant could use it!” Nathan shouted.

  Hearing the rumble of a diesel, everyone but Nathan turned to see one of the compound’s five-ton military trucks coming down the road, slowly pulling the broken-down covenant’s tractor from Ephraim’s. Sitting in the cab while Lanny drove, Vince saw Floyd and Heath standing in front of Nathan. Even from fifty yards away, he could see all were angry. Glancing at the porch, Vince saw the others just watching and didn’t know if that was good or bad, but with Nathan, one could never tell.

  Letting out a long sigh, “I just want to go two days without Floyd and Anita pissing someone off,” Vince moaned.

  “Why in the hell do you think I didn’t want to be reelected president,” Lanny chuckled.

  Seeing Floyd turn back to Nathan, “What I don’t understand is, why Heath and Joan are friends with them and back them up?” Vince asked as Lanny downshifted to slow down.

  “Oh, it’s all Joan,” Lanny answered. “Vince, you’ve seen how many animals that woman finds in the woods and nurses back to health. Joan sees Anita and Floyd as misunderstood, injured, and rejected souls.”

  When the vehicle stopped, Lanny turned to Vince. “I’m ashamed to admit this, but you don’t know how happy I am that Anita and Floyd are proud atheists.”

  Turning to Lanny, Vince saw a wide grin splitting his black face. “I wish they were homeopathic because Anita thinks she has every ailment under the sun,” Vince grumbled as he opened the door to climb out.

  As Lanny and Vince headed to Nathan’s, they heard Floyd scream. “That truck belongs to the covenant and can’t be taken off the property unless cleared through the members!”

  Looking up at the sky, “Thank you, Lord, for convincing me not to run for president again,” Lanny sighed.

  “Yeah, thanks,” Vince replied dryly.

  Moving fast, Nathan got nose-to-nose with Floyd, pointing at the five-ton truck. “That truck belongs to me, you spineless bitch! I bought it nine months ago because the group asked me to, but I haven’t received one red cent to pay me back! Nobody tells me what to do with my fucking shit!” Nathan screamed so loud, his face changed colors.

  When Floyd took a breath to speak, Nathan’s hands shot up, shoving Floyd in the chest. When Floyd hit the ground, Heath stepped up, “You need to calm down because Floyd has valid points!” Heath shouted, and Nathan squared off with him.

  “Oh, now it’s getting good,” Bill giggled as he trotted down the steps. “It’s my turn to be Nathan’s backup,” Bill said over his shoulder, and moved behind Nathan.

  When Rusty, Aiden, and Tim moved to join they stopped, seeing Jasmine pulling her pistol out. “Damn, Jasmine is breaking out the gat,” Amanda laughed.

  “Gentlemen!” Vince shouted, holding up his hands. Watching Floyd get to his feet, Vince noticed Heath and Floyd were turned to him, but Nathan was still glaring at the two. For a brief second, Vince thought about telling Nathan to just spin off and let the chips fall where they may. Feeling bad for even considering that, Vince lowered his hands and stopped some ten yards away. President or not, he wasn’t getting any closer to Nathan, seeing none in the posse were even remotely interested in stopping his rage. There was no doubt the posse were the real fighters in the group, or who they would back. Bu
t nobody in the covenant ever feared the posse. When asked to help and if they could, anyone would gladly lend a hand.

  “May I ask what is going on?” Vince asked in a calm voice.

  “He’s not following covenant law about sharing what’s brought in,” Floyd told Vince, trying to ignore Nathan glaring at him. Glad Nathan was mad in front of Vince and Lanny, Floyd calmed down telling his side of the argument.

  After listening for ten minutes, Vince threw up his hands. “Whoa, hold up!” he barked. “First, there is no section in the bylaws that say you have to share what you bring in once the covenant becomes active. Next, everyone here has seen Jeremey’s contract, and it clearly states Nathan Owens as caretaker of Jeremey’s plot and primary beneficiary/successor of Jeremey’s property here, if neither he nor Vicki are here. If you go down this road, be careful, Floyd, because that’s the only reason you and Anita are here. Next, that truck is Nathan’s because the covenant never paid him back. That’s why we took it because we didn’t feel like gathering up all the members to ask to take one of the covenant’s trucks. I suggest if you want to secure stuff like they do, go out and kill some of those meth monkeys or government troops. This covenant is based on a democracy, but the group can only intervene if someone is endangering the compound with what they have in their plot.”

  “Everyone here is only allowed ten acres, but Nathan has another five acres for his horses in front of Rusty’s,” Floyd said in a quivering voice, and Heath nodded behind him.

  Lowering his hands, “Well, that’s really none of your business, but I’ll tell you,” Vince said. “Rusty signed over that five acres to Nathan. But to be honest, the posse,” Vince smiled, tilting his head toward the porch, “they all share and help each other. Everyone here can learn lessons from them. I was there when Anita’s dad was the president and Rusty signed it over. To date, it’s the only time I’ve ever seen someone not give in to a Nathan tantrum.”

  “Nathan has another working truck!” Heath shouted, pointing at the Ford they’d acquired.

  Turning to look at the truck he had already seen. “Nice truck, Nathan,” Vince said.

  For the first time, Nathan turned from Heath and Floyd. “Have you gone stupid?!” Nathan barked at Vince, making Vince blink rapidly in shock. “I drive Chevy, Bill drives…” Nathan stopped as he looked at Vince.

  Nodding his head, “Bill drives Fords,” Vince finished.

  “Aiden drives?” Nathan asked.

  “Dodge, and Rusty drives Toyotas,” Vince offered.

  From the porch, Rusty scoffed. “Rusty drives whatever the fuck he can afford and get a good deal on. My loyalty is to my wallet, not a brand.”

  “Right. That’s Bill’s truck,” Nathan nodded, turning back to Heath and Floyd.

  “Nathan could let others have some of the stuff from Jeremey’s!” Floyd snapped, letting his anger show because this wasn’t going the way he and Anita had practiced.

  “He has,” Vince smiled. “Nathan offered up one of the electric buggies to transport those on guard duty out to their posts. I know for a fact, he’s let Isaac and Ruth have one, since theirs was parked at home. Also, I think Nathan gave some of his ATVs or buggies to some in the posse.”

  “Even you admit they’re a separate gang here!” Heath shouted, and Nathan gave a low growl.

  Nodding, “Yeah, and one day, I hope I’m good enough they let me join,” Vince admitted.

  With a wide shit-eating grin, Lanny stepped up beside Vince. Knowing what he was going to ask was wrong, but not able to fight the id, “Hey, Nathan?” Lanny called out.

  Turning away from Heath and Floyd, “Yeah, Preacher Man?” Nathan said, even giving a small smile.

  “Can Regina and I use one of the electric buggies? With her sister’s and brother’s family living with us, we’re using ours so much, we can’t keep it charged,” Lanny asked.

  Jerking a thumb over his shoulder, “Sure, that gray one is from Jeremey’s. The recharging pack is sitting in front of it. Just take that one,” Nathan nodded.

  Slowly, Vince turned to Lanny with a scowl. “You’re not helping.”

  “I just proved Nathan’s more than willing to offer assistance to the group, and not just the posse,” Lanny grinned.

  “Lanny,” Nathan said, and Lanny turned away from Vince. “I do have a favor to ask.”

  Somewhat shocked, Lanny nodded with his smile falling off. Nathan rarely asked anyone outside the posse for anything. “Name it. Honored you’re asking,” Lanny said.

  “I don’t know who the redhead teen is in your group. I’ve only seen her at one gathering,” Nathan said.

  “Yeah. Carrie, she’s sixteen and Regina’s sister’s kid,” Lanny told him.

  Nodding, “Well, she’s a very pretty girl, but could you for me, ask her to stop wearing tank tops to the gun range when I’m teaching?” Nathan smiled, and a smirk filled Lanny’s face. “Tyler has a real problem keeping his mind on task when Carrie is on the range, dressed like-,” Nathan paused to think of an appropriate word. “Let’s say, provocatively. Now in her defense, if I’d looked like that as a teen, I’d be flaunting it, but when Tyler sees her, he struts around like he’s a member of Delta Force. Just get her to wear a t-shirt that covers her chest a little better,” Nathan offered.

  Fighting not to laugh, Lanny saw everyone on the porch giggling at Tyler, whose face was bright red. “It won’t happen again,” Lanny smirked.

  “Hey, don’t come down on her because one time, I’m going to ask you to make her wear a bikini. Just to prove to Tyler, you think with the ‘big head’ when you’re throwing hate downrange.”

  “Might have a problem with her mom on that, but I’ll try,” Lanny winked.

  “I want one of those four-wheelers!” Floyd shouted, and Nathan spun his head around.

  With the smile and all friendliness gone, “You can’t even drive the fucking one you have!” Nathan shouted. “Even if you could, I would want sex with leprechauns first!”

  “I want one,” Heath said in a gruff voice.

  Slowly, Nathan shifted his gaze to Heath. “Before this, I would’ve let you use and have one, but now, you can lick the sweaty, slimy shit from my ass before it stains my underwear,” Nathan growled. “Tim!” Nathan bellowed, making everyone jump. Lifting his arm, Nathan pointed out in the field. “Go get the tractor and park it here!” Grabbing Tyler, since he was still blushing, Tim ran to one of the electric buggies and they took off out into the valley.

  With his eyes getting wide, “You can’t do that! I’m using it for the compound and my livestock!” Heath shouted.

  “It’s mine, and I can do what I want with it,” Nathan said with a sly grin. “I’d talked the posse about trying to fix the compound tractor. I’m ninety percent sure we could’ve. We would’ve had to hardwire a lot, but I’m certain it would’ve worked. But now, you and your little fuck buddy can take a crack at it.”

  Narrowing his eyes, Heath glared at Nathan. “The compound needs your tractor, so I can pull down logs for firewood.”

  “Then I’ll tell the compound you’re the reason they’ll have to haul their own firewood down,” Nathan replied coldly, and saw Heath’s right hand twitch.

  “Heath?” Jasmine called out, and everyone except Nathan turned toward the voice. Those on the porch let out gasps, seeing Jasmine had moved off the side of the porch to get a better angle. She was holding her pistol in two hands, but was still aiming at the ground. When Heath’s eyes found her, he felt queasy.

  “Your hand moves any closer to that pistol, and I’ll be using the tractor to dig your grave,” Jasmine warned. Unlike the others, there was no mocking tone in her voice. Anyone with half a brain would understand the grave nature of her words.

  “You can’t do that!” Floyd shouted, turning to Vince. “She’s threatening a member!”

  Shaking his head, “No, I’m certain Jasmine’s stating a fact,” Vince replied.

  “Heath,” Nathan grinned, balling his fists up. �
��That big, bushy beard makes your mouth look like a horizontal pussy. I think I want to fuck it.”

  “Damn, that was good,” Bill snickered, crouching down and getting ready to take the one Nathan didn’t attack.

  Leaping off the porch with a joyful grin, Amanda ran past Nathan, holding out her arms straight. Her palms hit Floyd in the chest. Never seeing her, Floyd gave a grunt as he stumbled back and toppled down, landing hard on his back.

  “I’m going to kick your ass!” Amanda cheered, dropping down into a fighting stance. “Athena, time to work!” she cried out.

  Springing to her feet, Athena took off and nearly skidded to a stop beside Amanda, growling at Floyd. Taking his eyes off Heath, Nathan was staring at the back of Amanda’s head, giving an impressed nod. Amanda had put on some weight since they’d arrived, but still was barely a hundred pounds. But she had managed to shove Floyd’s fat ass down. “Amanda, get your ass back on the porch,” Nathan told her in a calm voice, paying Heath no attention whatsoever.

  “Bullshit! You told me I couldn’t fight with my hands unless it was life or death, or for the family,” she snapped, staring at Floyd with a grin. “You’re about to fight Heath, so I can fight Floyd. I’m not learning all that shit for nothing.”

  “Get your ass up!” Amanda screamed at Floyd. “I’m going to break your arm!”

  Back on the porch, John reached in his pocket, pulling out the roll of cash Nathan made them carry. “I have a hundred on Amanda. I’ll give two to one odds,” he called out for takers. Hearing the tractor crank up, John looked out in the valley to see the tractor heading toward them. When he turned, John gave a startle looking down the road toward the dining hall to see the other members of the compound watching the spectacle. Turning toward Jeremey’s, John saw all the new people watching also.

  “Ares!” Nathan shouted, and John’s heart froze, jerking his eyes to Nathan. Just behind Heath, Ares was slinking up on Heath like a predatory cat. “Get your ass back beside Apollo!” Nathan shouted, and Ares stood up but held his head low as he sulked back to the tree Apollo was sitting beside.


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