Zeal Legacy 2: A GameLit RPG Fantasy

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Zeal Legacy 2: A GameLit RPG Fantasy Page 20

by Riker Kane

  “It looks like you’ve had quite a journey,” she said. “New companions. New armor. And the Zeal Blade is broken…”

  “It’s busted, all right. Got snapped like a twig by a giant crab.”

  “A giant crab?”

  “After the kraken destroyed our ship, I swam onto the shores of the Hilamau Islands. Kailani took me in and made sure I didn’t get myself killed.”

  Jalise shook her head in confusion. “Even if you died, your essence would return to the blade or an essence tablet where you recorded your being.”

  “Funny you should mention that… I found an essence tablet in Hilamau. And I found one in Azure after. I didn’t think the Ferrum would have any need for them if they handle all of their business on the island where Nalore is.”

  “Interesting…” Jalise eyed Clayton curiously. It was obvious she had so many things running through her head. “You still had another option. You could have returned to your home.”

  “If I did that, the only way to get me back would be with Shen’s assistance. I’d have to count on you getting all the way back to Nalore.”

  “That’s what I was planning on doing.”

  He took another sip of his drink and leaned back in his seat. He had so many questions but he started with the most obvious. “What happened?”

  “When our ship was tossed into the sea, I did my best to remain afloat. As violent as the kraken made the waters, he could never aim for me directly. I managed to find a piece of debris and float until a passing ship found me. They took me right here to Shara.”

  “Have you heard anything from Rena?”

  The sage shook her head, obvious sadness in her eyes. He sighed in disappointment and drowned his sorrows in more fuzz.

  “That’s not my only problem,” he said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I died on Hilamau. Normally I wake up without a memory of what happens after my death. This time was different. I heard a voice.”

  “What kind of a voice?”

  “The Maledict. Telling me to get stronger so they could take it from me.”

  “How do you know it was a Maledict?”

  “Because I encountered them in Azure.”

  Jalise’s eyes widened. She sat up in her seat, leaning forward and whispering to make sure nobody else in the Inn lobby could hear. “Are you certain?”

  “Ask Mirella and Kailani for yourself. The mist appeared in Azure. Beasts more feral than I’d ever seen. And a Maledict who called himself Belenoth.”


  “It was strange… I remember the green storm Thomas came from. This time it was blue—”



  “Blue essence represents envy.”

  “It doesn’t matter what color he was. He was stronger than anybody I’d ever fought, even Thomas. I know. I’ve gained levels since then but I still had trouble just staying even with him. If he’s back, that means we have to return to Nalore to seal the Maledict away again.”

  “I don’t know if you can do that.”

  Clayton scrunched his face in confusion. “The Chasms. We go there and we put him away like last time.”

  “I’ve been doing some reading since I arrived in Shara. Their libraries are as grand as any I’d ever seen. I found some old texts that pertained to Nalore and the Maledict. Old knowledge from scholars I’ve never heard before.”

  “Like what?”

  She hesitated for a moment. “It says the Maledict only appear when they have enough strength to open a gateway to Xeylon. It takes years, decades to gather the strength they need to.”

  “That’s the reason they only show up every so often.”

  “That’s right. They’re in a forced hibernation, so to speak.”

  Clayton shrugged. “I sealed the Maledict away. I beat Thomas. I saw it for myself. How could Belenoth open another gateway when it hasn’t even been a week?”

  “The texts say the strength of the Maledict is tied to the strength of the Ferrum who wields the Zeal Blade… You.”

  Jalise was never the kind of woman to make jokes. Clayton had every reason to believe her though he didn’t want to.

  “Let me get this straight. The Maledict are getting stronger because I decided to venture out in Xeylon? And now Belenoth is able to open a gateway that much faster? Why hasn’t this ever happened before?”

  “Because the Ferrum usually retire after vanquishing the Maledict, even the one who wields Zeal. Most of them live a life of luxury in Nalore or return to their homes on Earth. There’s no reason for them to travel when they’re already treated like a hero.”

  “Right,” he sighed. “I decided to try and get the platinum achievement and then they go and up the difficulty on me…”

  “The situation is not as dire as it might seem. As long as you have the Zeal Blade, you have the power to conquer the Maledict. It is their weakness, regardless of how strong they get.”

  “You’re right. But I don’t know if I’m comfortable with someone like Belenoth out there. There’s no telling when he’ll just pop in and send a few beasts running around. Last time it happened in Azure, a lot of innocent lives were at risk.”

  “We must deal with him.”

  “I know all I need is Zeal but it’d be nice if this thing was put back together. You think any of the blacksmiths in this great kingdom can help me out?”

  Jalise smiled softly and nodded. “Let’s go find out while your companions are still recovering.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Clayton stared at the blacksmith as he examined the piece of the Zeal Blade that had broken off.

  “Look,” Clayton said to Jalise. “He’s able to hold it in his hands.”

  “Others are able to hold the blade itself. That is how it is transported to the summit during the trials.”

  “But Kailani was able to pick up the hilt, too.”

  “Hmm… Perhaps the properties of the weapon changed as soon as you took it away from Nalore. It’s no longer active, as well.”

  Clayton sighed as more questions lingered in the back of his mind. His attention turned back to the blacksmith, who continued to examine it with a close eye.

  “You know, I’ve never seen an elf with a beard before,” Clayton said.

  The blacksmith slowly shifted his eyes toward Clayton. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I don’t know. It just means I’ve never seen an elf with a beard before. I didn’t think you could grow them.”

  “And why not?”

  “I’ve never seen an elf with a beard.”

  “And you know many elves outside of Shara?”

  “I’m close to one… But she doesn’t have a beard.”

  The blacksmith narrowed his eyes at Clayton before shifting his gaze back to the Zeal Blade.

  “What do you think?” Jalise asked. “Clayton says he tried having it tempered in Azure but it didn’t give.”

  “You know what the hell this thing is made of? It looks like ordinary steel but it’s a lot heavier… It’s flimsy enough I can bend it with my own hands but a few whacks of my hammer won’t even leave a dent. I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

  “Can you put my sword back together again or not?”

  “If I can’t melt it, I can’t weld it. Your best bet would be to find some magic adhesive and seal it back together.”

  “That’s great… I’m gonna face the Maledict with a sword that was super glued together.”

  “There must be something you can do,” Jalise said.

  The blacksmith sighed then shrugged as he plopped the blade onto his workbench. “I can’t help you but maybe there’s someone who can. You can pay a visit to the smith in the Great Horn Mountains.”

  “What’s so special about him?” Clayton asked.

  “I don’t know the man personally. Don’t know if it’s even a man. But they say the smith up in Great Horn specializes in fancy mumbo jumbo like this. Been practici
ng it for most of his life. It’s mostly just a rumor though.”

  “That’s it then!” Clayton didn’t hide his enthusiasm. “All of this crap and finally some good news—”

  “Good luck getting there.”

  “Wait… What are you talking about?”

  “Great Horn is a nice, long walk from here. And that’s assuming King Luger even lets you through the blockaded territory. And even after that, you still have to climb the mountain…. You don’t look like much of a climber.”

  “Thanks.” Clayton rolled his eyes then turned to Jalise. “What do you think?”

  “If there’s a possibility to repair the blade, we must try. We must speak with King Luger to let us pass.”

  “King Luger… And here I thought I was done dealing with him…” Clayton caught some of the armor hanging from the walls and another idea crossed his mind. “Say… While I’m here, you think you can hook me up with some of this armor?”

  “The armor is molded for elven physiology. No offense, but you’re a bit scrawny. Nothing personal.”

  “But you can craft something for me. Surely an armorer like you could put together something for me. Some nice, iron plate mail.”

  “It’ll cost you.”

  “How much?”

  The grin formed behind the blacksmith’s beard. Clayton knew what he was going to say before he even opened his mouth. “How much do you have?”

  Clayton sighed and looked at Jalise. “I hope they don’t get mad when they realize we fought a cockatrice just for some armor…”

  ~ ~ ~

  “Ah! Foreigners!” King Luger leaned back on his throne, brushing the crumbs out of his beard. “You’ve come to ask me another favor, no doubt.”

  “Your highness, we have an urgent mission,” Jalise said. “We need to travel to the Great Horn Mountains. It’s imperative we get there as soon as we can.”

  “Ha! You really expect me to believe that? Perhaps you are the spies I thought you were. Strange the two outsiders who arrived at different times just happened to know each other…”

  “Please, your highness. We must get to the mountains before it is too late.”

  “What’s the big deal anyway?” Clayton shrugged. “I mean, I did all those favors for you just so I could walk around the city and now you won’t let me leave?”

  “That’s precisely it. I’m grateful to you for acquiring the drake herbs and I allow you to enjoy my city in peace. Leaving my city was not part of the deal.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  King Luger leaned forward in his seat. It was the first time Clayton had ever seen the fat elf look so serious. “There is a war out there. Savages. The poor. The rich. Bloodthirsty beings who want nothing more than to tear down Green Terra. I will not allow my kingdom to get involved in a war between borders I care nothing about.”

  “How does letting us leave get you involved in the war?”

  “Because I have set a blockade to protect all of the citizens of Shara, even foreign visitors. It is for your own safety to protect you. I will not let you march into the wild lands of Green Terra only to be slaughtered, even if it is at your own discretion. Shara is the grandest city in all of Green Terra. We must set an example for everyone else so peace will return. Then you may explore the countryside.”

  “He won’t let us leave for our own safety… And I can’t convince him I’m willing to risk it…” Clayton looked at Jalise but she didn’t have any answers. “There must be something I can do. Another favor maybe.”

  King Luger grumbled and sank back into his seat. He didn’t say anything immediately. He just stared at Clayton.

  “Perhaps there is… I’m holding a great banquet tonight. The elite always like to speak with foreigners. There’s something romantic about speaking to a lesser life form. Attend the banquet and let them humor you then I will allow you the freedom to head for the Great Horn Mountains.”

  “Okay… Go to a party. That sounds easy—”

  “It’s not a party. There will be foreign diplomats present to witness the peace of my kingdom. Everybody here is to set an example. I expect you to be on your best behavior.”

  “Best behavior. Got it.”

  “Good. Faulk will provide you with linens. Even a man should have the decency not to have his nipples on display for so long.”

  Clayton turned to Jalise and shrugged. “It’s just a banquet. It can’t be that bad, can it?”

  Chapter 27

  “The last time I had to dress like this was back during the homecoming dance?”


  “A gathering of a bunch of young, horny teenagers where we drank fuzz and danced to popular music.”

  “Your world sounds… interesting.”

  “Maybe when we’re through with all of this, you could pay a visit.” Clayton raised his eyebrows at Mirella. The Azurean smiled softly, revealing her pearly white teeth. He wondered if they were able to blush but there was no indication of pink on her pale blue cheeks. Not that he didn’t admire her anyway.

  “Perhaps. There are other things we must deal with until then. One of these diplomats in particular, seems to be quite fascinated with my skin.”

  “Don’t take it personally.”

  “I understand it is what we need to do to get to the Great Horn Mountains. If you will excuse me.” Mirella bowed her head and walked away. Mirella was a soldier, so her body looked even more amazing in the modest white gown she wore. He watched her walk over to a group of older-looking elves, each one of them greeting her with a big smile.

  Clayton stood off to the side of the ballroom, plopping exotic fruits and nuts and cheeses into his mouth. The scene was a spectacle like nothing else. He’d never been to fancy gatherings before. Even though he had the money back home to associate with the social elite, champagne, caviar and fancy decor were never his thing.

  But the grand ballroom in King Luger’s castle was special. A massive chandelier hanging high above the ceiling. A white marble dance floor that had been polished to a blinding shine. Even the utensils at the dinner tables were pure gold.

  The elves themselves had a haughty attitude, their noses in the air as they spoke to one another. The females were dressed in gowns that were designed to draw attention from the ornate jewelry to the revealing slits on their skirts. The males wore suits to accentuate their long, slim physiques. King Luger was the only elf Clayton could see in the room who had any sort of a belly hanging around his belt.

  “What are you up to? Planning on getting into any trouble?” Kailani walked up to Clayton, a white dress similar to Mirella’s covering her up.

  “I should be asking you the same thing. What do you think?”

  Kailani helped herself to a plate of fruit and shrugged. “I’ll never understand these people. Looks like an excuse to get fancy and nothing else. If you ask me, all I need is some good food and some good drink. Have you tried some of this sweet berry juice? It doesn’t have the kick lavawater does but you feel something…”

  “Try not to get crazy tonight, eh?”

  “Me? Crazy? I’ll keep my wits about me. Some of these elves seem to be eying me something funny. It’s like they’ve never seen a girl from the islands before…”

  “Some of them haven’t.”

  “All the reason for me to be packing.” Kailani raised the slip of her dress and revealed a few throwing knives tucked around her thigh. “A girl always has to carry protection.”


  “Don’t worry, BB. I only hurt people who deserve it.” She pinched him on the cheeks then walked away with a cup in each hand. He didn’t know if she was already stumbling or she simply had trouble moving around in the flats she was forced to wear.

  He sighed a deep breath and counted the seconds until the night was over. “At least the food is good…”

  He turned around to the food table and searched for something interesting to eat. “Let’s see… What haven’t I tried yet?”
/>   “Try these.” Jalise appeared next to him and pick a piece of fruit up from the table. He stared at her as she pushed it between his teeth. “What do you think?”

  He chewed on it then slowly nodded in approval. “Not bad. What is it?”

  “They’re called bat figs. They were one of the first things I tried when I arrived in Shara. They’re quite plentiful but even the ruling elite seem to enjoy them.”

  “It doesn’t matter how much money you have, sometimes it’s the simple things in life that you gotta enjoy.”

  Clayton washed his food down with another gulp of fuzz. He watched Mirella entertain some elves who were clearly enthralled with her. On the other side of the ballroom, Kailani twirled around to the amusement of some perverted-looking elves.

  “I can never get used to this,” Clayton said. “All of these people, laughing, drinking, having a good time in so much excess while there’s so much going on out there in Xeylon.”

  “Xeylon is a big world. You can’t expect them to worry about everything.”

  “You’re right. But the Maledict threat is serious. It’s bigger than Nalore now. I don’t know why… It’s just a feeling I have. It’s in my blood and in my bones. It twists my stomach when I think about it. We have to do this, Jalise. We can’t fail. Not even the people in this room.”

  “If it comes down to it, King Luger will do what is necessary to make sure not just his kingdom but all of Green Terra is safe.”

  “I guess you’re right…”

  “Diplomacy is something you must learn if you’re going to explore Xeylon, Clayton. Not everybody will welcome you with open arms like Nalore just because you are a Ferrum. Even a man from another world cannot handle every negotiation with a sword.”

  “It’d be nice if I could. I haven’t figured out a way to level up my diplomacy.”

  Jalise giggled softly and nodded. “Perhaps you haven’t acquired the means yet. You are Ironblood. One day you might.”

  Clayton chewed on another piece of cheese as he stared at her. The demure sage smiled tenderly at him. She looked no different from the last time he saw her outside of the striking red outfit she’d switched to. Not having seen her for so long made her look as beautiful as ever.


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