No Matter What

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No Matter What Page 54

by Michelle Betham

  “Oh, he knows you’re there,” India laughed. “He’s showing off now.”

  Kenny looked at her, his hand still on her bump as their eyes met. “India ...”

  “Are you ok?” Michael asked, arriving back at India’s side, sliding his arm around her waist and Kenny pulled his hand away, any hope of talking to her now gone with the appearance of her over-protective husband. He’d got the message loud and clear.

  “I’m fine. I was just letting Kenny feel Junior here. He’s kicking the hell out of me tonight.”

  Michael looked up and smiled at Kenny, but as far as Kenny was concerned that smile never reached the eyes.

  “Good to see you here tonight, Kenny. Glad you could make it.”

  Not an ounce of sincerity in that sentence, Kenny thought, shoving his hands in his pockets. But he smiled back anyway.

  “Great movie, Michael. Really great.” And he actually meant that. The movie was good. It was very good.

  “Thank you.”

  “Right, well, I’ll leave you to it.” He could tell when he’d outstayed his welcome. “You take care, India.”

  India watched him leave then looked at Michael. “I wish you’d be nicer to him sometimes.”

  Michael said nothing, just put his hand on India’s cheek and kissed her slowly.

  “Come on. You should be sitting down. You’ve been on your feet for far too long.”

  “I’ve been sat down for almost two hours, will you quit fussing. I’m fine.”

  “You think you’re fine but your body needs rest, India.”

  “I didn’t hear you say anything about needing rest when you wanted sex.”

  “That was hours ago.” He put his hands on her bump and kissed her again. “I’m worried, ok? Can you just humour me? Can you just let me be the nagging, prospective father?”

  “Do I have to?”

  He smiled, stroking her bump gently, feeling their baby boy move around inside her. “Yeah. You do.”

  She looked up at him and smiled too. He’d got her again, she was under his spell and falling fast and all she wanted to do was be with him. So maybe he was right. Maybe they should call it a night and head back home. She certainly wouldn’t say to an early night.

  She closed her eyes as he kissed her again and she lost herself in that kiss, loving him so, so much, she just couldn’t explain. She’d never be able to explain. Yeah, it was definitely time to go home.

  But suddenly she felt something she hadn’t felt before, something she knew wasn’t just a kick, this was different, and it stopped her in her tracks. She pulled away from Michael and put one hand on her bump, still holding onto his hand with the other.

  “Baby? What is it? What’s wrong?” Michael was starting to panic now because she wasn’t saying anything; she was just taking continuous deep breaths.

  “It’s ok ... it’s ok ... I think ...” She squeezed Michael’s hand tight, very tight, as their baby gave another hard kick followed by the one sign they hadn’t expected to see for at least another couple of weeks. And it had to happen in the middle of Hollywood. Her waters had just broken.


  India looked up at her husband, still clinging onto his hand. “Michael? Did you see that?”

  Michael couldn’t move. It was finally happening, their baby was coming and he suddenly realised just how unprepared he was for this. All he could focus on was the fact his wife’s waters had just broken in the middle of a Hollywood post-premiere party and the place was teeming with press and the media and the arrival of their baby was now going to be front page news. They could hardly avoid it, could they?

  “I saw it, honey, but it’s ok, it’s alright.”

  “Is it? He’s early, Michael, he shouldn’t be coming yet, he’s early.”

  Michael put his arm around her, steadying her, kissing her forehead as he tried to get his head around just what was happening here whilst comforting his wife, who’d apparently just gone into labour at one of the most public events there could possibly be. They hadn’t expected this to happen just yet but maybe they should have been more prepared. They had been warned.

  “Dr Goldman told us he could arrive any time now, baby, remember? He’s going to be just fine. And if he is on his way then he’s only a couple of weeks early, it’s nothing to worry about.”

  Reece and Martha, obviously having seen what had happened, came rushing over, and all Reece wanted to do was put his arm around his daughter but she wouldn’t let go of Michael.

  She looked up at him, her eyes wide with just a little bit of fear, and that only made Reece want to hold her all the more. “Dad?”

  “It’s alright, sweetheart, we’re here, we’re all here ... Martha, can you go and sort out the press? We’ll have to say something; it’s obvious what’s happening here.”

  “Sure I can. You stay strong India, honey, it’s gonna be fine.”

  India looked at Michael again and he squeezed her hand, giving her a reassuring smile, which was quite hard to pull off considering how nervous he felt.

  “Can someone get Bobby?” India asked, her tone one of almost panic now. “He’ll sort everything out. He’ll know what to do ... where is he? Where’s Bobby?”

  “Ok, ok, we’ll find him, baby, we’ll find him.”

  Michael looked at Reece, who in turn was grateful for the arrival of Vince and Charley, who’d realised something was going on and ran over.

  “What’s happened?” Charley asked.

  “Her water’s have broken,” Michael replied. “Vince, can you go and find Bobby? Please? Martha’s dealing with the media that are here but if you can get Bobby he can contact our press officers and we can get this whole thing under control. They need to know about this.”

  “Sure, no problem.”

  “We need to get her out of here,” Reece said. “Maybe we should get her straight to the hospital.”

  “I am still here you know.” She looked at Reece. “And nice try, dad, but the only place I’m going is home ... oh, Jesus ...”

  “What? What is it?” Michael was definitely on the brink of panic now, he couldn’t help it. He had no control over this and that made him nervous.

  “Contraction ...” India breathed, clutching her bump.

  “Ok, looks like we haven’t got time to hang around here ... can everyone just stand back, please!” Michael’s voice was raised now as he tried to get the growing crowd under control, security finally arriving and doing the job for him, pushing back the press, photographers and reporters that had honed in on the activity. India and Michael Walsh were about to have their baby and they wanted every bit of the action they could get.

  And then Bobby finally arrived, exuding calm as he ran over, taking India’s handbag from her, grabbing her pager and tapping in the number needed to alert Dr Goldman of this baby’s impending birth.

  “Did anyone even think to do that first? Honestly, it’s a good job I’m here ... you’ve made a bit of a mess there, haven’t you, angel? Talk about attention grabbing, you’ll do anything to take the spotlight won’t you? Right, can we have some order round here please?”

  Michael watched in amazement as Bobby took control of the whole situation, issuing orders to security, a brief statement to the press who were still hanging around - stating the obvious and that more news would be given when there was any - and then finally moving everyone to a private room while he organised the cars to take them back to the Hollywood Hills. India had declined any ambulance or paramedics, anything that was going to bring any more attention to the situation. All she wanted was to go home and have her baby, whilst Michael was just grateful to Bobby for taking charge because he was nothing short of useless. He was lost here, he really had no idea what to do, except be there for India.

  “Bobby ... thank you. I just went blank; I had no idea …” Michael sat India down, taking her hand as she closed her eyes and lay back, stroking her bump, glad to be away from the circus she’d inadvertently created next door. �
��If you hadn’t been here ...”

  “It’s my job, Mr Walsh,” Bobby smiled, taking out his ‘phone. “And, believe me, I’ve been on stand by for this for a while now. Are you ok angel?”

  India opened her eyes and smiled at him. “I’m fine.” Which was a lie. She wasn’t. She was terrified.

  “Well, I’ll just go and make a few calls and see where those cars are. Dr Goldman and his team are on their way to the house and I’ve called ahead to security to let them in. By the time we get there everything will be all set to go. Any preference on the music you want while Junior makes his appearance?”

  “Rock. A lot of AC/DC, some Thunder, a bit of Aerosmith, and The Eagles. Definitely The Eagles. Oh, and The Foo Fighters.”

  Bobby rolled his eyes again, writing all of that down.

  “Some women would want calming birdsong or the sounds of summer breezes and trickling streams but not this one. She’d probably give birth in a mosh pit given half a chance ... right, that’s all noted. Does madam want candles? Seeing as we’re obviously going to be up all night.”

  “Lots of candles, yes. But no scented ones, Bobby. I’m feeling a bit queasy as it is.”

  “Ok ... anything else?”

  Michael was taking all of this in, amazed at how calm his wife had become. He was aware that the real work hadn’t even started yet, but still, he was a nervous wreck. She looked like she was planning a party not the birth of her son.

  “No. I think that’s everything.”

  “Well, I’m sure you’ll let us know if you need anything else.” Bobby leaned over and kissed her gently, stroking her bump. “We’ll have you home in no time, princess. Back in a minute.”

  India looked at Michael, smiling at him, and he squeezed her hand. “I love you Michael, and I’m telling you that now because if this is a painful birth I may hate you later.”

  He smiled too, kissing her slightly open mouth. “I can take it, beautiful, and I love you too. For what you’re about to give me, I love you so much.”

  “You’re going to stay with me, aren’t you?”

  “Every step of the way, baby. I’m going to be there every step of the way.” He gently stroked loose strands of hair away from her face and kissed her again, putting his hand on her bump. “We’ll do this together and it’ll be fine. I promise.”

  She smiled again, then grabbed the hand he had resting on her bump as another contraction hit her out of the blue.

  “Oh, God, that hurt!” she said, leaning into Michael until it subsided, and all he could do was hold her and stay with her and hope they got her home soon. He wasn’t going to feel calm until she was in the hands of Dr Goldman and the medical team. All of this made movie making seem like a walk in the park.

  “Was that another contraction?” Bobby asked, rushing over and flipping his ‘phone shut.

  Michael nodded.

  “Is she going to sleep?”

  Michael kissed the top of India’s head again, pulling her close. “Looks like it.”

  “She can’t go to sleep! She’s about to have a baby!”

  Michael couldn’t help smiling. This was the first sign of panic Bobby had shown and it was faintly amusing.

  “I need a stiff one,” Bobby sighed, fanning himself with his notebook.

  “Yeah, I could do with one of those myself,” India said, opening her eyes for a second.

  Bobby looked at her. “That’s what got you into this state in the first place, princess.”

  She couldn’t help laughing and he winked at her.

  “Ok, I’m off to grab a quick drink before we head home.”

  And he flounced off in search of a shot of anything strong enough to get him through the next few hours. Something told him he was going to need it because this wasn’t just the arrival of any old baby. This was the arrival of Hollywood royalty. This was the arrival of baby Walsh.


  Kenny had stayed away. He’d seen what had happened, he’d seen India’s waters break and he knew that was his cue to take a step back. No matter how much he wanted to be with her. He wouldn’t be welcome, not by Michael anyway, although it looked very much like Bobby was running the show from where he was standing.

  It wasn’t going to be easy though, knowing what she was going through and not being able to be near her but it wasn’t his place. It just didn’t feel right somehow. Not after what had happened between them. Not with the way he felt about her. This was a time for her family and that didn’t include him. He didn’t think he could stand by and watch and not feel something that would hurt like hell anyway. He was in love with her, he knew that, and he couldn’t fight it any longer so to stand by and not be a part of what was happening now - he couldn’t do it. He doubted Michael would be pleased to have him hanging around anyway. She’d let him know when there was any news, he knew she would. But it wasn’t going to stop him from worrying.

  “What’s going on over there?”

  Kenny turned round to see Layla Boyd beside him, champagne flute in hand, all puffed out blonde hair and pink lipstick.

  “It looks like India and Michael are about to become mom and dad.”

  Layla’s over made-up eyes widened. “The baby’s coming?”

  “Well, not right this second, no. Her water’s have just broken.”

  Layla looked over at all the commotion and pulled a face. “Oh my God! That’s disgusting!”

  “It happens, Layla.”

  “I know. But in the middle of a party?”

  “I don’t think she planned it.”

  Layla took a sip of champagne, looking at him over the rim of her glass. “Don’t you want to go over there? See how she is?”

  Kenny looked over, watching as security dealt with the crowd, Michael protectively holding India close as they left the party and headed for somewhere more private.

  “I think they’ve got everything under control. She’ll be fine. They don’t need me hanging around.”

  But Kenny ached to be with her, he ached to be close to her. This baby had a faint possibility of being his after all; he wasn’t going to let that one go. But tonight wasn’t for thinking about that. Not yet. That could wait. Tonight he just wanted India to be ok.

  “Do you fancy moving on somewhere then?” Layla asked him and he looked at her, shoving his hands in his pockets.


  “Do you want to go grab a drink? Maybe move onto a club or something?”

  Kenny didn’t find her attractive in the slightest but tonight he didn’t care. Tonight he needed a distraction. He needed to not think about what was going on with India. He needed to not think about Michael being with her as she gave birth to a baby that just might be his. He needed to not think about any of that, and if spending an evening with Layla Boyd distracted him from all of that then that was fine with him. He could deal with that. It would mean nothing.

  He smiled at her. “Yeah. Ok then. Let’s get out of here. It looks like the party’s over anyway.”


  Once India was home everything kicked into action, although most of felt like a movie happening around her that she wasn’t really a part of. She felt almost calm as she changed out of her dress and into an AC/DC t-shirt, despite the sheer enormity of what lay ahead.

  Michael had taken off his jacket and tie but he hadn’t bothered getting changed, he was too nervous, too pre-occupied with making sure India was alright but she seemed remarkably on top of everything to him. More so than he was. She was up and about, walking around and apparently that was fine, she could do that until she felt ready to come into the delivery suite that had been set up in one of the larger of the downstairs rooms at their Hollywood Hills home. Even if it was all making him feel incredibly on edge.

  The room in question had tea-lights and candles dotted around the sideboard, tables and window-sills, giving off a warm and cosy glow; vases of white and cream flowers filled almost every surface, and if it wasn’t for the incubator, machines and various membe
rs of medical staff that were also present, you’d have thought it was nothing more than a relaxing bedroom. But Michael knew that in just a few short hours it was where he’d be saying hello to his son. And he was still trying to get his head around that.

  He still couldn’t believe it was happening, so crazy was everything going on around him. But when he remembered the pain they’d felt at losing their first child, then the battle that had followed to get India to even think about trying again, when he remembered all of that it made him realise that tonight was going to be one of the most special nights of his life. A night he was never going to forget.

  “I told you she shouldn’t have gone out so close to her due date,” Bobby said, making coffee and drinks for everyone who’d come home with them, those close friends Michael and India had wanted with them, although Michael was surprised, but not disappointed, to see that Kenny Ross was nowhere to be seen.

  They’d all gathered in the large yet cosy kitchen with its huge fireplace at one end surrounded by sofas and cushions, and that’s where everyone had settled. Although settled was probably the wrong word. Nobody was really settled when there was a baby on the way. They had the TV on for background noise and some distraction, and Bobby was doing a great job of feeding everyone and making sure they all had drinks but, in reality, they were all just sitting around waiting.

  “Stop fussing, Bobby, I’m fine,” India said, standing watching him as he busied himself getting cups and glasses out of the cupboard.

  “Fine? She says she’s fine? She’s standing there, after going into labour at her husband’s movie premiere, and she says she’s fine? Shouldn’t you be lying down?”

  “No, I shouldn’t. Oh God ... here we go again ...”

  Michael ran over as she almost doubled up in pain, another contraction ripping through her, and she fell against him, holding onto him until it was over.

  “I’m drained already so heaven knows how you’re feeling,” Bobby sighed, leaning back against the counter top and downing a small glass of whisky as he fanned himself with a magazine.


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