No Matter What

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No Matter What Page 64

by Michelle Betham

  “India! Lovely to see you. It’s been such a long time.”

  Charley looked at India and raised her eyebrows.

  “I wish I could say the same, Layla, but I’d be lying.” India gave Layla an equally false smile back, although Layla was managing to keep hers firmly intact, despite India’s reply.

  “I see you kept the name Walsh,” Layla went on, obviously determined to get in as many digs in as she could.

  “You got a problem with that, Layla?”

  “But you’re not married to Michael anymore. Are you?”

  India was all too aware of what Layla was trying to do but it wasn’t going to work. She was well past all that now, so she just ignored the comment and indicated over to JJ. “Got your claws into some other poor bastard I see.”

  Layla gave a mock sigh and put her hand on her chest as she looked at the young actor. “Isn’t he adorable?”

  “He’s a dream,” India said, with a smile that got nowhere near the eyes.

  “I’d better get back to him, actually,” Layla smiled, batting those eyelashes again. “He misses me when I leave him alone.”

  “I bet he does.”

  Charley had to stifle a giggle, taking a drink to stop herself laughing, which only caused her to cough instead as it went down the wrong way. Layla threw her a look then turned her attention back to India.

  “I’ll see you around then, India.” She gave her one final look up and down and smiled that smug smile again. “And, I have to say, you look really good tonight. For your age.”

  India and Charley looked at each other as she tottered away in her four-inch heels, laughing out loud as Bobby ran over.

  “What did she want?” Bobby asked, fanning himself with a cocktail napkin.

  “A fight. But she wasn’t going to get one.” India looked at him. “Where’s Miguel?”

  “Behaving himself, hopefully.” He was still watching Layla. “Is Miss Plastic Fantastic with JJ Foster?”

  “Apparently so,” India replied, downing her beer.

  “Am I the only one here who doesn’t know who he is?” Charley asked.

  Bobby let out a gasp and looked at her. “You don’t know who JJ Foster is? Where have you been living, missy? Don’t they have TV in Vegas? Has madam here told you they want her to guest star in ‘Covert One’? Both Miguel and I have said she’d be mad to turn that down. The chance to be close to the lovely JJ, oh, it’s a dream ... I don’t know why she has to even think about it.” He looked at India. “Why do you have to think about it angel?”

  “Because it’s an acting job, Bobby, not a date. There are things I have to consider.” She finished her drink and put the empty bottle down on the table behind her. “Right, I’m off to the ladies then I’m going to find Kenny.” She kissed Charley on the cheek. “Bobby here can fill you in on anything you need to know about the wonderful Mr Foster. I’m sure he’s a walking encyclopaedia on the subject. See you later.”

  She was on her way over to the bar, her mind on a million different things so she wasn’t really concentrating on where she was going, when she bumped into – quite literally - someone coming round the corner.

  “Hey, I’m sorry. That was my fault. I was in a world of my own.” His voice in real-life was just as sexy as his TV character and India couldn’t help smiling as she looked up at the man in front of her.

  “That’s ok. I wasn’t exactly concentrating myself.”

  He held out his hand, smiling back. “JJ Foster.”

  She took his hand and shook it. “India Walsh.”

  “I know who you are ... sorry; I didn’t mean it like that. I meant ...”

  India laughed, letting go of his hand. “It’s ok. I know what you meant. It’s fine.”

  He let out a nervous laugh, pushing a hand through his hair. “Great way to make a first impression, huh? Almost knocking you off your feet.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ve had worse introductions.”

  He smiled at her again. “You were ... you were really great in the movie by the way. It was a difficult role. It must have been tough to do some of those scenes.”

  India stuck her hands in her pockets and smiled back. “It was easier than you might think actually.” She shrugged. “I had a lot of stuff going on at the time that helped me get the character just right. At least, I hope I got her just right.”

  “Oh, you did. You did.”

  “Thank you.”

  He looked around, and India guessed he was checking the whereabouts of Layla Boyd.

  “I ... I’d really like to talk to you some more, India,” he said, turning his attention back to her. “I know they want you to guest in a few episodes of ‘Covert One’ that we’re filming right now and ... and I’d like to tell you more about the show.” He smiled again, and it looked like he was finally starting to relax a bit. Just a little bit, though. “If ... if that’s ok. I mean, I know you’re here with Kenny Ross and you might want to ...”

  She couldn’t help thinking how much like a tongue-tied schoolboy he was and it made her smile. Less than two minutes in his company and all she’d wanted to do was smile.

  “I’d love to talk some more, JJ. Yeah, I’d really like that.”

  He visibly relaxed, his shoulders loosening immediately and India couldn’t help but laugh.

  “I won’t bite, you know.”

  He pushed a hand through his hair again, laughing that nervous laugh. “It’s just that, I’ve loved everything you’ve done ... Oh God, now I sound like some stalking fan ... but I am a fan, really. Just, not a stalker. And I think you’re an amazing actress, I really do ... this isn’t going quite how I’d planned.”

  India threw her head back and laughed, just wanting to put him at ease. “Come on. Let’s go get a drink and you can tell me how not doing ‘Covert One’ will be a major blow to my career.”

  He smiled. The most relaxed smile she’d seen from him yet. “Because it will, you know. So, I really think you should do it, I really do. I mean, it could change your life.”

  She smiled back. “Yeah. I think you just might be right.”


  India had never done TV work before, but she’d wanted to take a break from movies for a while and stay close to home. Ethan needed some stability and she wanted to spend as much time as she could with him while he was so young. So working on ‘Covert One’ seemed like a no-brainer. The more she’d thought about it the more perfect it had seemed. Filming was in and around Los Angeles, which meant she could be at home for Ethan, and it was steady work for a few months. It was also something different. And different was what she needed right now.

  Having India on board was a massive coup for the show, but they really needed to thank JJ for her decision to say yes. It was his warmth and his ability to make India feel instantly at ease that had finally swung it for her. After just half an hour in his company at her premiere party a few weeks ago she’d immediately known she wanted the chance to work with him. He had a big future ahead of him too, that was obvious. For him, ‘Covert One’ was only the beginning. For India, it was a much-needed break from the norm.

  Michael was away filming a movie in Pittsburgh for the next few weeks so it was more important than ever for Ethan to have at least one parent there for him and her work on ‘Covert One’ meant that, when he wasn’t at kindergarten, he could either visit her on set or be with Emma or his grandparents. It was the perfect set-up, and for the first time in a long time India felt settled, and happy. She felt truly happy.

  She’d been working on the programme for almost a month now and she was loving every minute of it. The cast and crew were fabulous and so down-to-earth, it was like being part of one big, friendly family. There were always a lot of laughs on set and India felt relaxed, she felt part of a team. It was hard not to have fun. The only fly in the ointment was the occasional presence of Layla Boyd hanging around. She and JJ were, apparently, still an item and whenever she could she’d be stuck to his side like
some demented limpet. Especially when he had scenes with India. It was as though she read his scripts, found out what he was doing the next day and then decided whether or not she should be around to keep an eye on him. But India had no idea what Layla thought she had to protect JJ from. He was a colleague, he was fast becoming a friend but that was all. But then, Layla’s insecurity was her own problem. India was past caring about anything she did anymore. As long as she kept well away from her family.

  “Ok, angel, I think that’s everything sorted now,” Bobby said as they went through the usual morning list of things to do in her trailer on the set of ‘Covert One’. There were always calls to make or appointments to set up and she and Bobby always had breakfast while they were doing it. It made it feel less like work. “Oh, Ethan’s kindergarten teacher needs to know who’s picking him up this afternoon. Shall I call her and let her know it’ll be Reece?”

  “Please. Thanks, Bobby. Dad’s taking him back to his and Martha’s. He’s sleeping over there tonight seeing as I’ve got an evening shoot.”

  Bobby crossed his legs and raised an eyebrow as he closed his notebook. “Oh yeah? You and Mr Gorgeous, together? Under cover of darkness?”

  India just looked at him.

  “What?” Bobby asked, feigning innocence. “What did I say?”

  She turned back around to look in the mirror, brushing her hair. “I have no attraction to JJ whatsoever. Besides, not only is he nearly six years younger than me but he’s also attached to Bleached Blonde Barbie, and that’s enough to put anyone off going anywhere near him.”

  Bobby just snorted, looking out of the trailer window. “She’ll dump him as soon as something better comes along. She always does.” He looked back at India. “What does JJ stand for anyway?”

  “Joseph Joshua. I’m surprised you haven’t done your internet homework on him, Bobby.”

  “Oh, we have princess. We just weren’t looking for his name.” He stood up and gathered his things together, kissing India quickly. “Ok, angel, I’m off to run those errands for you and get the shopping done. I’ll be back later.”

  “Don’t forget to call the kindergarten.”

  “Already dialling, honey.”

  He’d been gone less than five minutes when there was a knock at her trailer door.

  “India, it’s JJ.”

  “Come in! It’s open!”

  She turned round and smiled as he walked inside. He was dressed and ready for the day’s first scene in jeans and a white shirt, his sleeves rolled up to the elbows, his short brown hair spiked up. He looked a lot younger than his thirty-three years with his perfect tanned skin and his strong jaw line. He had the knack of making India feel quite old at times. The fact she was coming up to thirty-nine was on her mind more and more in a town where age and looks were everything.

  “Hey, you drink tea,” JJ smiled, noticing the pot of tea on the kitchen counter.

  “Yeah, although I’ve got an army of American’s and two Canadians trying to switch me over to coffee. Can’t touch the stuff until after 10am though, and sixteen years in the U.S.A. isn’t going to change that.”

  “I’m the same,” JJ said, leaning back against the wall, folding his arms.

  India looked at him in surprise. “You don’t drink coffee for breakfast?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. Got to be tea for me.”

  India laughed. “Get out of here! An American who drinks tea in the morning? You’re the first one I’ve met.”

  “Ah, well, you see, the surprises aren’t over because, strictly speaking, I’m not really American. Not American born, anyway. I was actually born in South West London, my brother Ray still lives in the U.K. My family moved over here to California when I was six years old so I kind of lost the accent.” He smiled at her. “Please, never lose yours. I think it’s great.”

  She laughed again. “You’re such a charmer, but thank you. So, you’re British born then. I didn’t know that.”

  He shrugged. “It’s not huge news. But I guess I never really lost all of the British-ness that was obviously still in me. Something we have in common.”

  She smiled. “Yeah. I suppose it is.” She stood up, walking over to the kitchen to put her empty mug in the sink, her arm accidentally brushing his as she walked past him, causing her to almost drop the mug she was holding.

  “Have you ... have you got everything sorted for the shoot tonight?” he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking down at the ground for a second. “You know, getting Ethan looked after?”

  She rinsed out her mug and left it in on the draining board. “He’s staying with Reece.”

  She turned round and looked at him, their eyes meeting.

  “It could be a long night,” he said. “These things sometimes go on a bit, but, you probably know that, don’t you?”

  She nodded, looking away, out of the window. “Is Layla with you today?”


  “Your girlfriend.”

  “She ... she’s not really my girlfriend.”

  India turned round and looked at him, raising her eyebrows. “Isn’t she?”

  He shook his head. “She’s as much my girlfriend as Kenny Ross is your boyfriend.”

  She narrowed her eyes as she watched him look back down at the ground, scuffing the heel of his boot in a nervous fashion as he dug his hands deeper into his pockets. What had he meant by that remark?

  He looked up, their eyes meeting again, and India felt a strange sensation, a kind of tightening across her chest as they looked at each other.

  “I’m sorry, India. I shouldn’t have said that, that was way too personal.”

  “But you’re right,” she said, sitting down on the arm of the sofa. “He isn’t my boyfriend. We sleep together, it’s sex, that’s all it is … Jesus, I can’t believe I’ve just told you that. I’m sorry.” She got up again almost immediately, suddenly feeling oddly uncomfortable in his company. “I should really be getting into make-up. I’m going to be late.”

  He pushed a hand through his hair again; something India realised now was a bit of a nervous habit for him.

  “Ok. Yeah. I’ll leave you alone now.” He turned to leave, but something made him turn back around. “Can I ... can I ask you something, India?”

  She nodded, pulling her hair back into a ponytail.

  “Come to dinner with me. Tonight. After we’ve finished here. I ... I’d just like to get to know you a bit better. As friends, that’s all. Friends.”

  “As friends ... yeah, I’d like that, JJ.”

  His face broke into a smile as he opened the trailer door. “Call me Joe. All my friends do.”

  India couldn’t help but smile back, that uncomfortable feeling she’d felt before slowly slipping away. “Ok. Joe.”

  “I’ll see you on set then.”

  She watched him leave and leaned back against the wall, closing her eyes as the trailer door shut behind him.

  JJ Foster had walked into her life for a reason. And she was beginning to think she knew just what that reason was.


  “Do you have any idea why she hasn’t even spoken to Michael in over three years?” Reece asked Kenny as they tidied up after Ethan, who was now tucked up in bed and sound asleep after a hard afternoon’s playing.

  Kenny shook his head. “No idea. She wouldn’t talk about it then and she certainly won’t talk about it now.”

  “Have you tried?” Reece wasn’t letting go of this subject, no matter how much India wanted him too. Whatever had happened between her and Michael was still affecting her now, as far as he was concerned, and he wanted to find out exactly what had gone on. Because only then could he really start to try and help her move forward.

  “Of course I’ve fucking tried, Reece! I spent those first few months doing nothing but trying but she’s not saying anything. I don’t know what he did to her but something’s not right. They’ve got Ethan and it isn’t like India to totally ignore Michael for no good
reason when it comes to their son, and now he’s started asking questions I can’t see how she can carry it on for much longer.”

  “Well, she’s stubborn so she’ll carry on with it for as long as she can.” Reece went to the fridge and took out two beers, handing one to Kenny. “Look, do me a favour will you? Just try and talk to her again. Please? I’ve tried talking to Michael but he won’t say anything other than what we already know. Just like her he says there’s nothing more to it than the affairs but I’m just not getting it. I know they both did things they shouldn’t have done, but ...”

  Kenny looked down at the ground, only too aware that his relationship with India had always been a major factor in her and Michael’s break-up. He was also aware that Reece had always known it would be.

  “Kenny, I don’t care what happened with you and my daughter, ok? Not anymore, we’ve all moved on. Except India, and she needs to start doing that because I’m not sure she has. Not totally. There’s something holding her back and I want to know what it is because she needs to face up to it. She really does.”

  Kenny sat down, removing Ethan’s teddy bear from behind his back and placing it next to him. “I can’t promise anything. I don’t even see her that much at the minute, she’s so busy working.”

  Reece sat down opposite him. “It’s good for her, working on ‘Covert One’.”

  Kenny looked up at him. “Is it? Personally I think she should have taken some time off. She’s been working almost non-stop for three years, she needs a break.”

  Reece shrugged, sitting back in his chair. “She’s doing what she thinks is best. She’ll take time off when she’s ready.” He looked over at Kenny. He looked distracted. “Is everything ok?”

  “Everything’s fine.” He put his beer down on the table and sat forward. “But she’s never going to be mine, is she, Reece?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Kenny sighed, running a hand though his hair. “She’s never going to commit to me. Not in the way I want her to. We’ve known each other for sixteen years and … and if it was ever going to happen it would have done ... sorry, you don’t need to hear this. I don’t know why I’m talking like this …” Kenny got up and grabbed his jacket. “I’d better get going. It’s getting late.”


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