Evans, Gabrielle - Fire and Ash [Midnight Matings 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Evans, Gabrielle - Fire and Ash [Midnight Matings 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 4

by Gabrielle Evans

  The sex had been rough, bordering on brutal, and the next thing he knew, he’d been left bleeding and sobbing in the middle of the room with his face turned into the carpet to hide his shame. Weak as a newborn with the sudden loss of his magic, he’d struggled to his feet and gone directly to the shower to scrub away his humiliation.

  “I’m sorry,” Asher whispered, and he actually sounded it. “Is that why you don’t live with your clan?”

  Looking up into his mate’s eyes, Zaiden nodded again. After he’d showered in the castle, he’d packed his bags, caught the first flight home, grabbed the few things that held any value to him, and left without a word to anyone. No way could he face his family, let alone the entire clan, and tell them what he’d allowed the witch to do to him.

  “I was too embarrassed to tell anyone, so I left. I mean, what kind of fae has no magic?”

  “And now that you’ve lost your magic, you’re aging as a human,” Asher deciphered. Damn, the man was smart.

  “Yes. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do this to you—to shorten your lifespan.”

  To his utter bewilderment, Asher began to laugh. “Dude, how many times have I told you I’m a freakin’ phoenix? We don’t die. You could stab me in the heart right now, and I’d just burst into flames and be reborn.” He smirked and dipped his head. “As my mate, our life threads are woven together. Welcome to immortality.”

  Zaiden opened his mouth to reply, then snapped it closed and scowled. Finally working through the jumbled thoughts in his brain, he voiced the first thing to come through clearly. “So, you become a baby again when you die?” He shook his head in finality. “Not only is that fucking weird, but I’m not about to wipe your ass or change your diapers.”

  Asher burst out laughing, thumping his fist against the table and causing the forks to clank against their plates. “I won’t become a baby,” he gasped through his mirth. “Yes, I’ll burst into flames, but I will be the same as I am now. The fire merely heals me. The whole rebirth thing is just kind of symbolism.”

  Zaiden smiled, his breath rushing out in relief. “Thank mercy, because you scared the hell of me for a minute.”

  “So, I take it you don’t want children?” Asher arched a brow. “I thought male fae could become pregnant, just like the females.”

  “No, I have never envisioned myself as a father. Yes, male faes can carry children, but I can’t. Men are not built for childbirth. The ability comes from our magic. Without mine, I can’t become impregnated.”

  Asher grinned wickedly. “So, I don’t have to worry about knocking you up when I’m fucking you against the wall. Good to know.”

  Zaiden groaned as his cock twitched and his ass clenched greedily. “Be nice.”

  “How nice would you like me to be?” Asher purred.

  Balling up his napkin, Zaiden threw it as his mate’s face. “You want my bed or the sofa?”

  “How about your bed with you in it?” Asher wiggled his eyes brows, drawing a strangled chuckle from Zaiden’s lips.

  “You’re going to make my life very interesting, aren’t you?”

  Asher rose from his seat and gathered the plates. “Well, I certainly intend to try.”

  Chapter Five

  Rolling over, Asher reached out, smoothing his hand over the sheet where his mate should have been. He barely remembered falling into bed, but he knew Zaiden had been beside him, just as he’d been every night since Asher had moved in.

  Crawling to the edge of the bed, Asher rolled his eyes and smiled. “You’re on the floor again.”

  Zaiden’s eyes blinked open, and he frowned. “It’s like sleeping next to a damn furnace. Don’t you come with a thermostat or something?”

  Chuckling, Asher rolled from the bed and padded naked into the bathroom. “You should be used to it by now.”

  “It’s been three days, man,” Zaiden grumbled from the bathroom doorway.

  Asher just grinned over his shoulder as he turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat. He may have lived for thousands of years, but the last three days had been filled with the most fun he’d ever experienced.

  He enjoyed spending time with Zaiden. Had they met under different circumstances, Asher could definitely see them becoming fast friends. Being mated to the man didn’t really change anything. They enjoyed some hot sex, but Asher liked just kicking back and watching television with the guy as well.

  He felt drawn to Zaiden, a feeling he associated with their bond. Beyond that, however, he just genuinely liked the man. He shuddered a little at the idea of being connected to someone he couldn’t stand for all of eternity. Zaiden may not have been his destined mate, but perhaps fate knew a little something she was keeping to herself.

  “So, what are you doing today?” Zaiden asked as he stepped into the shower.

  Asher followed, almost swallowing his tongue when his mate dropped his head back on his shoulders and moaned as the steaming water cascaded over him. “Uh, what was the question?”

  Zaiden lifted his head and smirked. “Do you ever think about anything besides sex?”

  Asher placed his hands over his quickly growing erection and tried to appear innocent. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  Shaking his head, Zaiden snorted as he reached behind him for the soap. “Come here, little bird.”

  Asher glared because Zaiden expected it. Inside, however, he was smiling. Yeah, it had been annoying at first, but the little nickname had kind of grown on him. That didn’t mean he’d let anyone besides his mate call him that, though.

  Stepping forward, he closed his eyes and choked down a moan when Zaiden began lathering his body with the soap. The act wasn’t sexual in its intent, but Asher couldn’t help but respond to his lover’s touch. Mating instinct or whatever, Zaiden had the most talented fingers, and Asher shivered in anticipation as they roamed over his body.

  His eyes snapped open when Zaiden growled, and his hands ceased their exploration of Asher’s slick skin. “I don’t have time to play this morning. I have an appointment in twenty minutes.”

  Aww, his mate looked so adorable when he pouted. Pushing up on his toes, Asher brushed a kiss over Zaiden’s protruding lower lip. “We’ll play tonight.” Rocking back on his heels, he tilted his head to the side and frowned. “What kind of appointment? Are you sick?” Since the man had lost his magic, he would be susceptible to all kinds of human frailties.

  Zaiden laughed as he washed and rinsed quickly. “I have an appointment with a patient. I’m the doctor.”

  “Ooh, rich, smart, and sexy,” Asher cooed. “All my favorite qualities.” He winked impishly as he stepped past Zaiden and rinsed the soap bubbles from his body. “What kind of doctor?”

  “I work with couples that are having intimacy problems.”

  Asher whirled around and almost fell on his ass as his feet slipped on the shower floor. “You’re a sex therapist?” How freakin’ cool was that?

  Zaiden just rolled his eyes. “It’s just my job. You look like I found the Holy Grail or something.”

  Asher slapped playfully at his lover’s chest. “Oh, hush, and let me be excited for a minute.” He turned off the water and followed Zaiden out of the shower. He caught the towel his mate threw at him and began to dry off absently as his mind wondered. “What’s the strangest thing someone’s ever told you?”

  Zaiden swatted him with his towel. “I can’t tell you that. It’s against doctor-patient confidentiality.”

  Wrapping his towel around his waist, Asher shrugged. “It was worth a shot. Do you want some breakfast before you leave?”

  “Are you cooking?” Zaiden eyed him apprehensively.

  Asher threw his hands in the air and groaned. “I only set the kitchen on fire once!” Good grief, his mate really needed to learn to let things go.

  “Uh, I’ll just grab an energy bar. I don’t really have time for anything more elaborate right now, anyway.” Zaiden still looked nervous as he went to the closet and began pulling out c
lothes. “Oh, and I’ll bring a pizza home for dinner. So, don’t worry about cooking, okay?”

  Asher pressed his lips together to hide his smile and plopped down on the end of the bed. “I want mine with mushrooms.” He hadn’t really meant to set the kitchen ablaze, but if it got him out of cooking, he couldn’t feel too sorry about it.

  * * * *

  “Hello, Andrew.” Zaiden stood and moved around his desk. He looked around the man at the empty doorway behind him. “Where’s Denise today?”

  “Well, I, uh, I wanted to talk…to talk to you alone, today. I–If that’s o–okay,” Andrew stuttered.

  Zaiden frowned, but nodded. Andrew closed the door, and they each moved over to the cushiony armchairs in the middle of the room. Zaiden continued to frown, his eyebrows drawing together as he studied his patient.

  Andrew looked pale and clammy. His hands trembled visibly as he twirled them together nervously in his lap. He swallowed several times, and his tongue darted out to moisten his parted lips.

  “What did you want to talk about today, Andrew?” Zaiden eased back in his seat and folded his hands together in his lap.

  Andrew inched closer to the edge of his seat, his knee bouncing as he rubbed at the denim covering it. “Well, it’s about me and Denise, but mostly about me.”

  Zaiden nodded and smiled. He had an idea of where the conversation would lead. He’d had an inkling for several months about Andrew.

  “We’ve been coming to you for a while now, and things aren’t getting better. In fact, they’re getting worse. I need to stop lying to myself…and my wife.”

  Zaiden nodded again as he sat forward in his chair. “And what have you been lying about, Andrew?”

  “I’m not attracted to Denise,” his patient blurted. He pressed his lips together tightly as they turned down at the corners. “I…I’m not attracted to women at all,” he mumbled.

  Zaiden smiled softly. “Have you told Denise?”

  Andrew shook his head quickly. “I haven’t told anyone yet. I wanted to talk to you first. Do you think I’m gay?”

  Continuing to smile, Zaiden arched his eyebrow. “That’s not something I can tell you. What do you think? How do you feel? Are you attracted to other men?”

  Andrew didn’t move or speak for several minutes. Then he dipped his head once, slowly, almost imperceptibly. “Yes, I find other men attractive.” He looked into Zaiden’s eyes with such intensity, Zaiden almost felt the need to look away. “I find myself thinking, dreaming…fantasizing about one man in particular.”

  “Have you talked to this man? Does he know how you feel?”

  Shaking his head, Andrew began fidgeting with the buttons on his shirt. “No, he doesn’t know. What should I do, Dr. Reed?”

  “That’s not for me to decide. I will help you in any way I can, but you have to make the decision to tell your wife.”

  Another several minutes passed in silence before Andrew bobbed his head. “Would you help me tell her? Can I bring her here?”

  Zaiden debated for a moment before answering. “I will help you, Andrew. I understand you feel that you need a safe place to voice these emotions you’re feeling. I want you to think about talking to Denise alone, though. She’s a good woman, and I believe she will be more understanding than you think.”

  “Okay,” Andrew mumbled. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Good. Is there anything else you wanted to discuss today?”

  “No. These feelings just kept bubbling up inside of me, and I didn’t know where else to go, or who to talk to about them.” Andrew stood from his chair and shuffled his feet. “Thank you for listening, Dr. Reed.”

  Zaiden stood as well and patted the man on the shoulder. “Thank you for talking to me, Andrew. I know this is hard. You can come and talk to me any time, okay?” He waited for Andrew’s nod of assent before patting his shoulder again and stepping away.

  “Are you gay, Dr. Reed?”

  “Yes,” Zaiden answered immediately. Though he didn’t normally share anything about his personal life with patients, Andrew was scared and looking for solidarity. If he could offer the man even a margin of support and comfort, he would.

  Andrew nodded and a soft smile played over his lips. “Thank you,” he said quietly. “I’ll call you.”

  “See that you do.” Zaiden watched Andrew slip out the door, then turned toward to his desk. He had a feeling he’d be hearing from Andrew George before their next scheduled appointment.

  His phone began to vibrate, moving across the top of his desk as it hummed against the wood. Picking it up, he smiled at Asher’s name on the display screen. The first day they’d been apart since Asher’s arrival, and his mate did not seem to be doing well with the separation. The thought kicked Zaiden’s smile a notch brighter.

  “Hello, Asher. Do you miss me already? It’s only been an hour since I left,” Zaiden teased.

  “Uh, can you come home?” Asher sounded nervous, and his voice shook as he spoke, putting Zaiden on alert.

  “Why? What happened? What did you do?”

  “I didn’t do anything!” Asher snapped. “Why do you automatically assume I did something wrong?”

  “Asher?” Zaiden growled in warning.

  “It was just a tiny little accident.”

  “Would you just freakin’ tell me already!” Zaiden paced his office, running his fingers through his long blond hair as his heart galloped inside his chest.

  “I set the house on fire, okay?” Asher wailed as though he’d been stabbed.

  Zaiden froze mid-step, and his mouth hung open. “Holy fuck,” he breathed. “I’m assuming you’re fine since I’m talking to you. Did you call the fire department?”

  “No, I put it out myself, but I just need you to come home, okay?”

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Just come home, please.” Then the line went dead.

  Chapter Six

  Asher trembled as he paced the living room, mumbling under his breath and waving his hands around wildly like a crazy person. He’d never lost control like that. He’d never let his fire get away from him.

  What if Zaiden had been beside him when it happened? What if he couldn’t control his flame during sex—or worse, when he was sleeping? God, he didn’t even know it was happening until half the damn room had been charred crispy.

  The front door swung open, and Zaiden hurried inside, whipping his head one way and then the other, frantically searching the room. His eyes landed on Asher, and he rushed to him, touching and inspecting him everywhere.

  “You’re okay,” he breathed as though confirming it to himself. The idea that Zaiden had been genuinely concerned for him gave Asher a tingling feeling in his belly.

  His lips turned up just a bit at the corners, and he took Zaiden’s roaming hands in his own. “I’m fine. Fire doesn’t affect me.”

  Zaiden nodded once as he stood to his full six-three height. “So, tell me what happened?” He scanned the room again. “Everything looks just the same as when I left.”

  With a heavy sigh, Asher squeezed his mate’s hand and led him down the hallway to their bedroom. Stepping inside the room, he waved his hand and bit his lip as his cheeks colored. Shit, this was embarrassing.

  Zaiden released his hands and traveled closer to the bed. His eyes narrowed, and the muscles in his jaw ticked. Asher could actually hear the sound of his lover’s teeth grinding together. Of all the reactions he imagined Zaiden would have, anger wasn’t one of them.

  “I’m sorry, Zaid. I’ll pay for it. I’ll buy you a new one.” Asher dropped his head and continued to chew on his bottom lip.

  “Is there a reason you set my bed on fire?” Zaiden turned and arched one of his eyebrows in question. His arms crossed over his chest, and he looked at Asher expectantly.

  “It’s not like I did it on purpose!” Self-righteous indignation came to his rescue, shielding him from Zaiden’s anger. “You just left me high and dry, hard and unsatisfied this m
orning. What the fuck was I supposed to do?”

  Zaiden cocked his head to the side. “What does that have to do with my bed?”

  “Well, I had to take care of myself. I was jerking off, and when I came, I just kind of ignited.” Asher shook his head, his shoulders slumping as some of the ire drained from him. “The next thing I know, the bed and half the fucking rooms lit up like a bonfire.”

  Zaiden stared him blankly for a moment, then his eyes started to dance, his lips stretched across his face, and he burst out laughing. “You really know how to heat up the sheets, don’t you?”

  Groaning, Asher rolled his eyes. “You’re being a dick.”

  “Oh, come on! This is too good. You got yourself so worked up, you actually set the bed on fire. I am never letting you live this down.” Zaiden clutched at his stomach, rocking back and forth with his mirth.

  Asher frowned at his mate before his eyes roamed to the charred remains of the bed, then over to destroyed curtains and the long, black scorch marks on the wall. The carpet still smoldered. The dresser and all of their clothes had been reduced to little more than ash by the time he’d been able to put out the flames. He just felt horrible.

  “It’s not funny,” he grumbled. “This is dangerous, Zaid. I’ve always been able to control it.” He ran a shaky hand over his face. “I didn’t even know it was happening until I smelled the smoke. What if we’d been sleeping? You could get hurt!”

  “Okay, calm down.” Zaiden walked over to him and placed his hands on Archer’s shoulder, squeezing lightly. “It’ll be fine.”

  Asher’s eyes widened in disbelief, and he pointed at the remains of the bed. “How is that fine?”

  “Well, you see, I have this theory.” Zaiden smirked at him as he stepped away and began to undress. Asher just wanted to smack the look right off his face. How could he be so calm about this? “Why the hell are you taking off your clothes?”


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