Only Heaven Knows (Hell Yeah!)

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Only Heaven Knows (Hell Yeah!) Page 7

by Sable Hunter

  As the singer swore his love was an angel, sent into his world, Denver wondered right along with him…what had he done to deserve this girl? “I’m glad, sugar.” He never expected to be this contented himself.

  When the song was over, they went back to work. As promised, Bryn helped him, dragging boards, holding the ends while he cut them to size, making sure he had his tools and frequent drinks of water close at hand. Before he knew it, they were finished, and she giggled, collapsing beside him, so tired and sweet, there was no way he could resist her. Leaning against the wall of the house, he drew her close. “Can I hold you? Just for a little while?”

  “Oh, yes, please.” She snuggled against him. “This feels so good. I’ve never been held like this before.”

  “What?” Denver went stock still. “How is that possible?”

  “Oh, I’m sure my parents hugged me when I was little, my adoptive parents I mean. There’s been nothing since then, though, not until you held me on the horse. I remember thinking how amazing it felt when you touched me.” She rubbed her face on his shirt. “You’re so warm and strong. I feel so safe.”

  Denver swallowed. If only she knew. She wasn’t safe at all. He had to call upon every bit of strength he possessed to keep from ravishing her. “I’m…honored to be the first. I can’t fathom how this could be true.” Even with the tragedy that marred his existence, he had memories of affection from his family. He knew what it was like to be hugged and held. With women, he’d shared thousands of displays of affection over the years, some more meaningful than others – but none as important as this simple hug.

  Bryn closed her eyes, letting the reality of his powerful body holding her so close sink in. He was a man and she was a woman. How odd, she’d always known she was a female, but she’d never really understood that she could be a woman, a sexual being. A woman who was made for a man, created for the purpose of giving life, of making love. She remembered what she’d read in the Joy book, the illustrations she’d poured over. Studying those pictures and their descriptions had opened her eyes. Bryn wanted to experience some of this wonder herself.

  With Denver.

  Tilting her head, she looked up into his face. “Would you like to kiss me?”

  Denver’s heart almost stopped beating in his chest. “More than anything.” He gently tugged Bryn into his lap, easing her into the best position. For a moment, he just rested his forehead to hers and let their breaths mingle. Slowly, tenderly, he moved his right hand to cup the back of her head, settling his lips on hers. At first, he just let his mouth play, nibbling at her sweetness, licking the seam of her lips, begging her silently to open for him. When she parted her mouth slightly, he groaned, claiming her more fully, letting his tongue slip in to introduce itself to hers.

  Bryn shivered, realizing his groan was because of her. Desperate. Hungry. She knew she would remember that sound and the way it hummed against her lips forever. A thrill of joy coursed through her veins, hot and thick, as her skin tingled from his touch. She’d never wanted anything more in her life than to be held and kissed by this man.

  As she clung to him, Denver’s mouth possessed her, owned her. A blaze ignited inside her heart as her body strained against his. She felt so soft pressed to the unyielding hardness of his chest.

  “You’re so beautiful, so precious,” Denver muttered as he rubbed his lips lightly over hers, giving her time to breathe before he claimed her lips once more. Pressing her to him, he swore he could feel her heartbeat fluttering in her chest. He slid one hand down her back to caress the bare skin he found there, just above the waistband of her pants. Another moan escaped his lips when his fingers spread across the silky flesh. She was so soft, so perfect. “Is this okay? If you want to stop, just tell me. I won’t hurt you, I would never hurt you.”

  “No, please, kiss me some more. I need you.” She wrapped her arms tighter around his neck, molding her body to his and he didn’t disappoint – Denver kissed her and kissed her, pausing only long enough to allow them an occasional breath. He didn’t try for more, he didn’t let his hands or lips stray from their immediate goal, he just indulged in the simple joy, the sweet torture, of kissing Bryn’s lips.

  Because he wanted more, he ached for more. He wanted to lay her down and bury himself as deep within her as he could get.

  But she wasn’t ready. Even as she trembled in his arms, her body asking for more, Denver knew it was too soon. With Bryn, a man shouldn’t rush, she deserved the whole spectrum, the whole experience. He had no doubt she was innocent. Pure. As unsullied as a person could be who’d lived their entire life on an imperfect planet.

  After one last lingering joining of their mouths, he let his lips slide to her cheek, then he cradled her closer, placing his face in her neck and kissing the softness he found there. “Are you okay?” he whispered.

  When she shuddered in his arms, her breath warm on his throat, he felt something inside of him…give. He wanted to show her how good life could be, how to do things she’d never done before, he longed to see the world through her eyes, eyes unspoiled by tragedy and colored by grief.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been better, actually.” Bryn smiled, closing her eyes, rubbing her fingers softly on the shoulder seam of his shirt. “I loved kissing you. Can we do it some more?”

  Her innocent suggestion rocked him. “Oh, I do plan on kissing you more.” He planted a soft kiss on her forehead. “But not tonight. If I don’t stop now, I won’t be able to.”

  Bryn shifted back a couple of inches. When she did, her forearm nudged a large, hard ridge in his jeans. She might be lacking in experience, but even she knew what she’d encountered. His manhood. He was aroused. By her. A euphoric feeling of accomplishment bloomed in her chest. “Oh. I see.”

  “Don’t look at me like that,” Denver moaned, seeing the age-old knowledge of Eve flare in her eyes. Bryn was feeling her first taste of feminine power. “A man can only take so much temptation.”

  “I didn’t know I could tempt anyone,” she confessed with amazement.

  “Well, now you know.” He eased out from under her and stood to his feet. “This isn’t over, Miss Bryn. This is just the beginning.” Denver held out his hand to help her up. “How about if I come back tomorrow and fix some of those doors that won’t close properly?”

  “Okay. Will you accept more kisses as payment?” She knew he thought she was teasing him, but she really wasn’t.

  Denver walked to the edge of the porch. “I’d walk barefoot on a hot bed of coals for the privilege of kissing your lips.” When her eyes widened in wonder, he kissed her on the tip of her nose. “Goodnight, beautiful. I’ll wait until you go inside and lock the door. I need to know you’re safe.”

  Bryn’s heart was full to overflowing as she did as he asked. Once she was inside, she called to him through the crack of the door. “Goodnight, Denver. I’ve never looked forward to a tomorrow more.”

  * * *

  Bryn left home in plenty of time to make the walk into town. She was beyond excited to begin her first day at work, so she’d worn a dress, wanting to fit in and be respectable. As she made her way down Main Street, the town was waking up, people were stirring, and she could smell enticing aromas wafting on the breeze. Cinnamon. Sugar. Strong coffee. When she neared the block where Tricia’s Treasures was located, she saw a beautiful blonde lady hanging baskets of flowers on hooks out in the front of the magical shop. Bryn moved close to introduce herself. “Tricia?”

  “Yes?” She brushed her hair from her face and smiled. “Bryn?”

  “Yes, I’m Bryn Harmon, so nice to meet you.” She came close to clasp Tricia’s hand. “I was so relieved when you called to offer me a job. I’d just about given up, to tell you the truth.”

  “I’m happy to do it. One of our main requirements is a friendly face and a pleasant attitude and you have both.”

  Bryn hung her bag on the back of the chair and proceeded to help Tricia set up the outside displays with pots of flowe
rs and an easel that proclaimed the special of the day was Buy One Circle C Candle and Get the Second Half-price. “My experience is unorthodox, I’ve spent the last fifteen years of my life in a convent.”

  “Oh, really?” Tricia was immediately transfixed. “You were a nun?”

  “Yes, but I’m not telling anyone the whole spiel, just you. I don’t want to be an oddity to folks. I grew up in a Catholic orphanage and that’s as much of my story as I’ve revealed to anyone, yet. While I was there, I kept busy. The work was arduous, and I learned a lot. I kept the garden, I tended the flowers, and I arranged them for the main sanctuary every Sunday. I also worked in the school, so my patience has been tested and found to be durable.”

  “I love it,” Tricia said, “I think you’ll fit in perfectly. Your secret is safe with me. You can tell people the details of your life at your own pace.”

  When they were finished outside, Bryn followed Tricia into the shop where she met with her small staff in her office. “Bryn, this is Kristen Royce. She’s our intern, our summer help, she’ll be here to help us after school and on Saturdays until classes are over, then she’ll be here more regularly. Kristen, this is Bryn Harmon, she’ll be working in a temporary capacity until we see how comfortable she’s going to be with us.”

  “How do you do?” Bryn nodded to Kristen. “I look forward to working with you.”

  “Likewise, Bryn. Good to meet you.” Kristen handed Bryn their sale paper. “Just so you can see what people are going to be storming the doors to buy today.”

  Bryn studied the flyer, seeing they were advertising tuxedo rentals, prom corsages, and balloon bouquets. “I’m a quick learner, all I’ll need you to do is show me the ropes and I’ll be fine.”

  “Good.” Tricia nodded. “I’m going to need more help as we go along. With Avery having a new baby, we’re short-handed.”

  When Tricia’s phone began to vibrate and buzz on the desk behind them, Bryn wondered why she didn’t answer it. Instead, she continued to talk about other things. “We have a load of flowers coming this afternoon. I’ll need the two of you to see that they’re unwrapped and placed in the cooler.”

  The phone quit ringing, then promptly started again. “Aren’t you going to answer that?” Bryn asked.

  Glancing at the caller ID, Tricia said simply, “No, I’m not.”

  Kristen leaned in to read the name on the screen. “Lance Rogers.” She raised an inquisitive eyebrow to her boss. “I’m not sure what happened between the two of you, but I assume it’s over?”

  Tricia laid a folder over the offending cell. “Completely over.”

  “I’m sorry,” Bryn said. “I’ve heard the name, my…friend, Denver, works for Mr. Roger.”

  “Yes, I know.” Tricia nodded. “I won’t hold that against you,” she teased with a wink. “Mr. Rogers is a fine man, he’s just…not the one for me. Since I need you girls to help me guard the gate, I’m going to be honest with you. Kristen, you already know about my medical…issues.” She turned to her new employee. “Bryn, one of the reasons I needed you is that I’ve been recently been diagnosed with epilepsy.”

  Bryn drew in a surprised breath. “I’m so sorry.”

  Tricia shook her head. “It’s no fun, but I grew up with it.” She shrugged. “I thought I’d outgrown it, I had no symptoms for a number of years. A couple of weeks ago, I hit my head in a small wreck and suffered a seizure. I’ve had three other seizures since then. I can function, I intend to function…but I need help. I can’t risk driving.”

  “Don’t worry.” Bryn assured her. “I’ll do anything I can to help. I’ve had one driving lesson and I will have more. I don’t have a car, though.”

  “No problem. I can handle the deliveries,” Kristen said.

  “I can certainly deliver anything in town,” Bryn offered. “I could get a bicycle.”

  “Oh, we’ll make it fine, I’m sure. Most of our deliveries are in town. My friend, Freddy, can always pitch in if we get in a bind.”

  Bryn felt guilty. She could tell Tricia had hired her, thinking she could drive. She vowed to speak with Denver and ask him for another lesson ASAP.

  “One more thing.” Tricia glanced from Bryn to Kristen. “To complicate matters, I’m pregnant.”

  Both girls squealed, and Tricia laughed. “Yes, I’m happy too.” Picking up her phone, she pointed to it. “However,” she paused, “I’d rather not see or talk to Lance. At least for a while.” Nodding her head at their questioning expressions, she verified their suspicions. “Yes, he’s the father. I intend to cooperate with him about the baby. I just don’t want to see him right now. With everything going on with my health, he stresses me out. So, if he shows up or calls, I’m unavailable for the time being. Okay?”

  Kristen was onboard. “You got it, boss.”

  “I can be a bulldog.” Bryn informed her. “I’ve got your back.”

  For the rest of the day, when they didn’t have customers, Kristen schooled her on how they made corsages, how to measure for a tux, and how to work the register. She made her first flower arrangement, a simple bouquet of roses, earning a hug from Tricia.

  All the while, the radio played, and Bryn danced around. There was so much to be happy about, everything from her new job, to the prospect of seeing Denver again. It was hard to contain her excitement.

  “You are a great walking advertisement, Bryn,” Tricia noted when she noticed a few people standing outside looking in. After a moment, one woman came in to browse. “They all wonder what’s going on for you to be so merry about,” she whispered to the girls.

  Kristen laughed. “They probably think we’re smoking happy weed.”

  To Bryn’s delight, she made her first sale to the curious woman. Two vanilla scented candles. “Yay!” she celebrated once they were alone again. “I’m going to get the hang of this, I think.”

  “I agree.” Tricia was pleased. “Having you here will take a load of pressure off my shoulders.”

  When the day was over, Bryn started home, satisfied that she’d done her best.

  …As soon as Denver clocked out, he headed to Bryn’s, anxious to see her again. There was no denying it, he was head over spurs for the woman. He hadn’t been able to get her kiss out of his mind. There was work to be done, but he fully intended for her to be back in his arms before the evening was over.

  When he pulled into her driveway, he hopped out, fully expecting for her to come running out to meet him. When she didn’t, he went to knock on the door. After waiting for a few seconds, it hit him that she wasn’t home, and she was probably walking from work. “Damn it.” He needed to do something about this and soon. Jumping in his truck, Denver headed back toward town. Luckily, there was only one route, so he didn’t think he would miss her. Sure enough, he found her about two miles outside of town, heading home. Apparently, her head was in the clouds, because he pulled right up next to her before she noticed him.

  “I’m looking for a chauffeur, are you interested?”

  “Yes! Hey!”

  He opened the door for her from the inside, then scooted over so she could climb in next to him. As soon as she settled in, he slipped a hand around the nape of her neck and kissed her. He couldn’t wait.

  Bryn welcomed him, meeting his kiss with her own, her lips clinging to his. When he pulled back, she just melted against him.

  “Now, I can breathe,” he muttered. “I’ve felt like I’ve been holding my breath all day.”

  “I missed you,” she said simply. “I enjoyed my day, but I couldn’t wait to see you again.”

  He ran a finger over her face and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Tell me about your day.”

  “It was good. Tricia and Kristen were very nice. I learned how to make pretty bows and how to run the cash register.” She didn’t say anything about Lance and Tricia’s problem, not that she wanted to keep things from Denver, but it didn’t really have anything to do with them and she didn’t want to betray her boss’s confidence.<
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  “I’m glad you feel good about it.”

  “I need to learn how to drive fast, though. Tricia needs me to make deliveries in the van.”

  “Okay. Let’s have lesson two today and I’ll pick up a booklet from the DMV tomorrow, so you can take your test soon.” He fastened his seat belt. “Why don’t you drive back into town, make the square and head back home. In the next few days, we’ll travel out on the main road and practice parallel parking.”

  She grimaced at the idea of parallel parking. “Oh, I’ll probably be so bad at it, I don’t think you should risk your truck with me.”

  “You let me worry about that,” Denver told her as she started the engine and went through the process of checking her mirrors before she started out. “Good job.”

  “Thank you. How’s your wrist?” Bryn asked as she drove, her fingers tight on the wheel. She imagined driving might be relaxing if she weren’t so dang nervous.

  Her question made Denver think. “Much better.” He was a bit surprised. “In fact, I haven’t noticed any pain or thought about it at all.”

  “Good.” She’d been thinking about Tricia. If she got the chance, she planned on easing her problem if she could. Bryn knew she couldn’t heal the world, but helping others without drawing attention to herself was her goal. “I’m so glad you’re better, I didn’t want to be the one to cause you pain.”

  “Oh, you’re a pain all right,” he teased, making her smile. What he said was true if he counted how painfully aroused he’d stayed since meeting her.

  “How about grilled cheese sandwiches for supper?” she asked, keeping an eye on a vehicle that was trying to pass her.

  “Is there any of that chicken left over?” He waved the car on by, then placed a steadying hand on her shoulder as she edged back on the road. “Good job.”

  “Thanks, there’s chicken, yes. I just wanted you to have something warm.”

  “All right, I’ll take both.”

  She giggled. “You have a big appetite, I like that.”

  “I do.” She had no idea how much he wanted her. “Speed up a little now.”


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