hybridisation, selection and genetic modifications 152–4, 156–8, 162–3, 167–9
introduction to Europe 155–63
propagation and farming 163–9
potato species and varieties 150–53, 155–6, 162–3, 167–9
Eldorado 163
Lumper 165–6, 225
New Leaf 168, 169
Potato Famine, Irish 165–6, 225, 329
Potosi, Bolivia 155, 162
Potrykus, Ingo 206
pottery 23, 75, 80–81, 96–8, 190, 194, 214, 216–18, 246
Předmostí, Czech Republic, archaeological site 38
Przewalksi, Nikolai 253
pumpkins 117
Puritan settlers 122
purple nut sedge 94
quagga (extinct zebra) 251
radiation breeding 175–6, 207, 322
radiocarbon dating 70, 148
Raleigh, Sir Walter 121, 122, 160
Razboinichya Cave, Siberia, archaeoligical site 15
dog skull 15–16, 17–18, 20
red deer 88, 244
red junglefowl 188–9, 195–6, 240, 330
reindeer 38
herding 101
hunting 9, 92, 234
religion 74–5, 104, 130, 154, 161, 195, 309
see also Bible; mythology; paganism
rhinoceros 18, 231
rhubarb 264
rice (Oryza sativa) 197–226
dating and locations of early cultivation and domestication 210–24, 301
genetic make-up 211–12, 219–21
hybridisation, mutations and genetic modification 176, 185–6, 199–201, 206–7, 212, 219–21, 225–6, 323
rice species and varieties 198, 206, 210–213, 219–21
Golden Rice 185–6, 199–201, 206–7, 209, 210, 225, 323
Oryza barthii 220
Oryza glaberrima 210, 220, 224, 225
Oryza rufipogon 211
Oryza sativa indica 206, 211–12, 219, 221, 222, 288
Oryza sativa japonica 206, 211–12, 219, 221, 222, 288
rickets 294, 295, 297
Roberts, Gordon 85–8
Rockefeller, Nelson 173
rocket (plant) 55
Roman Empire 77, 90–91, 104, 193–4, 274, 275, 276, 311
Rosa rugosa (rose species) 272
Roslin Institute, Edinburgh 169, 174–87, 323, 324
Roundup (herbicide) 202
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 316
Ruddock, Alwyn 125
Ruel, Jean 320–21
rutabaga 162
Rutherford, Adam 291
rye 54, 56, 70, 215, 301
saffron 223
Saint-Hilaire, Auguste de 134
Saint-Romain-en-Gal, France, archaeological site 274
Sang, Helen 176, 182–6
Schaafhausen, Hermann 282
Scheiderman, Howard 201
Scheria (mythical island) 271
Schmidt, Klaus 72–6
Scythians 258
seal hunting 95
seaweed 141
Second World War 162, 171
sedges 60, 94, 148
Segrave, Sir Henry 84–5
Self, Will, The Book of Dave 175
serotonin (neurotransmitter) 34
Seven Years’ War 161
Seville, Spain, Hospital de la Sangre 159–60
Sforza, Ascanio 118–19
Shangshan, China, archaeological site 214, 217–18
Shapiro, Robert B. 203–4, 205
sheep 117, 244, 310
domestication 80, 95, 96, 97, 99–100, 220, 303
grazing 327
herding 247
sickles (tools) 57, 59–60, 301
Sievers, Johann 264–5
Silberbauer, George 92
Silk Road 113, 129, 261, 269, 278, 299
silver foxes, selective breeding experiment 28–30, 33–5, 312, 313–14, 321
silver-mining 155, 162
Sima Qian 222
Sinohippus (extinct early equid) 232
skin colour 295–7, 316
skull shape:
of dogs and wolves 14–18, 20
of humans 285, 314
of Neanderthals 281–2
slavery 155, 224
smallpox 117
Smith, John (explorer) 122, 126
sorghum (broomcorn) 115, 128, 220, 224, 301, 302
Southport Beach, Merseyside 84
soybeans 223, 301
genetically modified 184, 202, 203–4, 206, 208, 209, 210, 324
spice trade 113, 223
Star Carr, Yorkshire, archaeological site 80, 89, 142, 291
starch, digestion of 22, 38, 149
stone carvings 73–5, 309
stone tools 48–9, 57, 59–60, 77–8, 89, 132, 140, 142, 149, 218, 219, 234, 268, 301
Stoneking, Mark 286
string beans 224
Stringer, Chris 284–6
sugar, in human diets 94, 147, 223, 307, 319
sugar cane 117, 302
Sumerian civilisation 247, 273, 307
superstitions, about potatoes 160–61
Svaerdborg, Denmark, archaeological site 38
sweet potatoes 94, 159
Syngenta (biotechnology company) 206
syphilis 117
Tacitus 274
tail-wagging 30, 31, 32, 34, 46
Taimyr Peninsula, Russia, archaeological site 18
wolf rib 18–19, 20
tapirs 231
tappuah (forbidden fruit) 270
taro 213
Tasmania 276, 313
Taurus Mountains, Turkey 66
taxonomy 5, 45, 53, 251
tea 211
dental analysis and research 93–5, 143–4, 147, 235–6, 245–6
tooth decay in humans 94, 307
Tell Qaramel, Syria 73, 77
teosintes (wild grain plants) 130–33, 134, 136–8, 278, 302
testosterone production 314
Thomas, Lowell 171
Thoreau, Henry David 271
Tian Shan Mountains, Central Asia 264–9, 277, 330
Tibetan wolves 22
tobacco 117
tomatoes 117
tools see digging sticks; sickles; stone tools
Toscanelli, Paolo 113, 114
trade networks:
prehistoric 68–9, 77–8, 80, 219, 275
Classical antiquity 77, 105, 192, 274
Middle Ages 105, 112–13
Vikings 95
Mongol Empire 112–13
15th–16th centuries 113, 116–17
see also Silk Road
turkeys 117, 120
turnips 160, 162
Ur, Mesopotamia, archaeological site 275
urbanisation 118, 162, 195, 294, 317
Valdivia, Chile 276
Vancouver, George 126
Vantress, Charles and Kenneth 172, 173
Varro, Marcus Terentius 311
Vavilov, Nikolai 5, 51–5, 62, 64, 65, 69, 265–6, 281, 302, 330
Vedbæk, Denmark, Mesolithic cemetery 78
vegetarianism 173, 326
Verrazano, Giovanni 128
Vespucci, Amerigo 124
vetches 55, 223, 301
Vikings 95, 106, 121–2, 194
vines see grapevines
violence and aggression:
in humans 312–15, 317
in other species 316
viral vectors, use of 177, 181, 184
vitamin A deficiency 186, 198–9, 210
vitamin D 294–7
deficiency 294, 295, 296, 297
and skin colour hypothesis 295–7
wagons and chariots 248–9, 258–9, 309
Walker, Will 26–7, 30, 43
Wally’s Beach, Canada, archaeological site 233–4, 245
wars and warfare 312
horses and 248, 259, 309
potatoes and 161, 162
wassailing 262–4
water chestnuts 213
weedkillers see herbicides
wet-field rice farming see paddy fields
wheat (Triticum) 47–81
dating and locations of early cultivation 53–60, 64–81, 215, 216, 223, 269, 289, 301
genetic make-up 51, 62–3, 65, 67–8, 69
selection, hybridisation and mutations 58–64, 65–6, 69
wheat species and varieties 53–4
common/bread 53, 62–3, 75
durum 62
einkorn 51, 53–4, 55–6, 59, 62, 65–6, 68, 70, 75, 77, 80–81, 132, 223, 289, 301
emmer 53–4, 55–6, 59, 62–3, 65, 67, 80, 223, 289, 301
wheeled vehicles, development of 248–9, 309
wildernesses, protection of 325–30
Wilson, Allan 286
Windhaus, Adolf 294
behaviour and diet 10–11, 27–8, 29–31, 38, 45
and genetic make-up of domestic dogs 12, 13–14, 17, 18–24, 36–7, 46
human contact with 10–12, 25–8, 29–32, 37, 45, 239–40, 308, 317
wolf-dog hybrids 22, 43–4
Xianrendong Cave, China, archaeological site 217–18
Xihuatoxtla Shelter, Mexico, archaeological site 132–3, 136
yaks 101
Yamnaya people 23, 248–50, 269, 292
yams 213, 220
Younger Dryas (climatic event) 71–2, 76, 79, 215–16, 238, 301–2
Zagros Mountains, Iran 66, 67
zebras 232–3, 236, 251, 252, 317
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Copyright © Alice Roberts 2017
Cover image © Deborah Pendell/Arcangel
Cover design: Viki Ottewill
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First published in 2017 by Hutchinson
First published in paperback in 2018 by Windmill Books
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‘Ode to Maize’ from Selected Odes of Pablo Neruda by Pablo Neruda, translated by Margaret Sayers Peden © 2011. (‘Oda al maíz’, Tercer libro de las odas © 1957, Fundación Pablo Neruda). Used by permission of the University of California Press and Agencia Literaria Carmen Balcells.
Extract from ‘Digging’ from Death of a Naturalist © 1966 Seamus Heaney and reprinted by permission of Faber & Faber Ltd.
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