Don't Tempt Me

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Don't Tempt Me Page 12

by Lori Foster

  But not since her grandpa’s mind had faded had she felt so safe.

  With obvious reluctance, he ended the kiss. That was appealing, too, how circumspect he could be.

  Swallowing wasn’t easy. Neither was breathing. “Jason?”

  “You feel it, don’t you?”

  She nodded.

  “I want to have you alone, Honor.” He kissed her jaw, her temple. Under the loose-fitting shirt, his thumbs brushed just below her breasts.

  Oh God. Anxious for more, afraid she might never feel this way again, she snuggled in. “I want that, too,” she confessed. “So much.” Please don’t let my phone ring. Please let me have tonight. Knowing there’d be no guarantees, she almost wanted to rush Jason to someplace private, to somehow ensure the moment wouldn’t be robbed away.

  She’d worried about a thief being in her house, but what she felt right now with Jason was far more valuable than any possession she owned.

  Others left the diner, their laughter and conversation intruding. Attempting to be proactive, Honor asked, “Do you want to come to my house? I know the whole situation might not be very romantic, not after intruders were in there, but—”

  His nostrils flared, fascinating her. “I’m ready if you are.”

  She added quickly, “You think it’s okay with Colt being right there? I wouldn’t want to do anything that might—”

  He kissed her quiet, obliterating her concerns, but given they were still so close to the diner, it wasn’t the way either of them really wanted to kiss. With his forehead to hers, he growled, “Colt is old enough to understand.” Straightening, he opened the door and helped her into the truck.

  They drove home in near silence, anticipation humming between them. And with every minute that passed, Honor grew both more excited—and edgier with nerves.

  * * *


  Mired in graphic sexual images of Honor naked in a bed, waiting for him, Jason couldn’t manage anything more than “Hmm?”


  He glanced her way, and found her biting her lip, her eyes big and luminous, filled with anxiety. “Hey.” Reaching out a hand, palm up, he waited.

  It took her a few seconds before she laced her fingers with his.

  He tried to smile, but he was so tightly strung it wasn’t easy. “Tell me what’s wrong, honey.”

  She nodded, but said, “It’s dumb.”

  “I don’t believe that.” Hoping to soothe her, he moved his thumb over her knuckles. “You can tell me anything.”

  Another nod. “It’s...well...” She glanced at him, then away. “It’s been a while for me.”

  His muscles clenched. “You mean sex?”

  She half smirked, half choked. “Sex, yeah. And pretty much everything else.”

  Incredulous, he worked those words through his brain, but they still didn’t make sense. “Explain ‘everything else.’”

  Fidgeting, she crossed her legs, uncrossed them. Glanced at him and away, then blurted, “I haven’t had a date in two years.”

  His brain went blank. Before he could assimilate such a thing, she spoke again.

  “Haven’t been kissed.”

  No fucking way.

  She lifted their entwined hands. “Haven’t even held hands.”

  His head swam with a tidal storm of emotions.

  Honor wasn’t outspoken, but he wouldn’t call her timid, either. Understated, but not exactly shy. Her sensuality wasn’t in-your-face, but it was there all the same. What man could look past a woman so energetic, earnest and unfailingly sweet?

  On every level, she appealed to him, and he knew it must be the same for other guys.

  That meant the decision to be alone was hers. But why?

  “You want to tell me how that happened? How does a woman go two years with no involvement?”

  “It wasn’t exactly on purpose. I work in a salon, so I’m mostly around women. Plus, I’ve been so busy...”

  Her voice trailed off, so Jason prompted her with “And?”

  Her skittish gaze jumped to him. “And... I guess no one really interested me enough to bother. Until you.”

  Satisfaction slowed his racing heart and expanded the protectiveness he felt for her. “Until me.”

  “I just thought you should know. In case I...blunder or anything.”

  She warmed him clear down to his soul. Bringing her hand to his mouth for a kiss, he murmured, “Don’t be nervous, okay? Not with me.”

  She laughed. “Easier said than done. I’m—” her nose wrinkled “—rusty.”

  “Not rusty at all. More like soft and so damn pretty, so incredibly sexy I’ve thought about getting you naked every day since I met you.”

  As she watched him, the tension blossomed between them. “Yeah, see, that’s not really doing much to help. I sound ready, and I feel awkward.”

  Jason hesitated.

  Quickly she added, “Not awkward like I want to wait.”

  Thank God.

  “Awkward like I’m not sure what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. But, Honor?” He waited until those beautiful amber eyes met his. “There’s no rush here. Today was a bitch, what with your mailbox being destroyed, and people in your house. If you need more time, I promise, honey, it’s—”

  Groaning, she dropped her head back against the seat and tossed up her hands. “See, that’s what I mean. I’m already screwing this up.”

  “You’re not screwing up anything.”

  She came forward in a rush, her hands attempting to wrap around his upper arm. “I want you, Jason Guthrie. A lot.”

  He nodded, because damn, hearing her say it felt like a stroke in the right place.

  “Tonight. Despite my mailbox and idiot vandals and...and everything else.”

  Everything else being what? he wanted to ask.

  But then she said, “I want you tonight.”

  Choking on lust, he nodded. “Thanks for the clarification.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Are you laughing at me?”

  Finally home, he pulled into the driveway, drove past where he saw his brother, nephew and Nathan sitting around a bonfire blazing in the pit, and then into the garage. Soon as he killed the lights and turned off the engine, darkness folded in.

  Fortunately he didn’t need light to see—he knew exactly what he wanted.

  Hauling Honor close, he kissed her hotly, wetly, his tongue moving against hers, his teeth nipping her bottom lip. He held her face and said against her mouth, “Not laughing, no. I want you, but I want you comfortable. I want you ready. You’ve already been through the wringer tonight. All I’m saying is that if you need more time—”

  She closed the scant space between them, this time the aggressor in the kiss. And when she let up, she whispered, “I want you right now.”

  Jason started to relax.

  Then she said, “How do we get past the audience outside?”

  Damn. Figured they’d be congregated around the fire pit when he wished them all inside. “Let me handle it.”

  * * *

  Honor realized that Jason’s way of “handling it” meant making a beeline for her front door. Though the others smiled toward them, Jason said nothing. He didn’t even acknowledge them.

  When she heard Hogan chuckle, heat crawled up her neck and into her cheeks.

  She put on the brakes and turned to face the men, trying her best to look innocent instead of turned on. “Hey, guys. Where’s Lexie?”

  Aggrieved, Jason muttered, “Damn,” but he stood there with her.

  Around a deep drink of beer from a longneck, Hogan eyed his brother critically. Lowering the bottle to the side of his lawn chair, he fought a knowing grin and said to Honor, “She left when Sullivan did.”

  Just that, nothing more.

  Honor couldn’t get a clue from any of their faces, so finally she asked, “They left together or separately?”

  Hogan shrugged.

g her arms and cocking out a hip, Honor frowned at all of them. “Seriously? You have no idea if they—”

  “Sullivan said he had an early appointment.” Nathan spoke while poking the fire with a stick. He settled back in his seat and picked up his own beer. “Your friend watched him leave, then she got in her car and took off.”

  Bummed, Honor unfolded her arms and glanced at Colt. He was busy texting on his phone.

  Nathan tipped his head toward Colt. “He’s sexting.”

  Colt’s head popped up, he scowled, then went back to thumbing in a reply.

  “Secured your windows.” Holding the neck of the bottle between two fingers, Nathan considered her. “You shouldn’t worry, okay?”

  Honor smiled. “Thank you so much. You don’t know what this means to me. Really, I appreciate it more than I can say.”

  “I jog early most mornings. I’ll make a point of coming this way instead of my usual route, just to check on things.”

  Gratitude made her smile wobble. “I should tell you not to go out of your way, but—”

  “I’d do it anyway,” he assured her.

  “Then thank you again. Sincerely.”

  Smiling, he gave her a nod.

  She indicated the floodlight aimed at the side of her house. “Hogan and Colt, thank you both for this, too.”

  Without looking up, Colt said, “Welcome.”

  Looking beyond her, Hogan asked, “Something wrong, Jason? You look...impatient.”

  Nathan turned a laugh into a cough. “Noticed that, too.”

  His tone almost combative, Jason spoke to them both. “I’m going over with Honor.”

  Feigning umbrage, Hogan quirked a brow. “Should I ask about her intentions?”

  “Look at her,” Nathan said with a sly smile. “I’d say her intentions are pretty clear.”

  At that, Colt glanced up, grinned and said, “Go for it.”

  Oh. My. God. They were all insane. And outrageous. And when did Colt start sounding like Lexie? Honor sputtered around her embarrassment but couldn’t get a single coherent word out.

  “You’re the one who stopped,” Jason reminded her as he put a hand to her back and urged her toward the yellow porch light at the front of her house. Behind her, she heard the low chuckles...that grew into outright laughter.

  Hands to her cheeks, she whispered, “That was so uncomfortable.”

  “Might as well get used to it.” He paused long enough to kiss her. “There’s no avoiding them, and I don’t plan on this being a onetime thing.”

  That diverted her. “You don’t?” But...what if she only had this one time?

  “Hell no. If that’s what you’re thinking, forget it. One time won’t be enough.”

  “I wasn’t thinking that at all,” she lied, afraid to think much beyond the stolen moment they had right now.

  “Good.” He brought her with him up the porch steps, and his voice went deeper. “Because a week’s not going to cut it, either.”

  A week! He expected her to free up enough time for a week? Not possible.

  Was it?

  Jason took her keys from her and unlocked the door before facing her again.

  Her nipples tightened as he looked at her breasts.

  Then her stomach hollowed out as his gaze moved lower, down her body to linger near the top of her legs, before finally returning to her face. “Honest to God, Honor, I’m not even sure the rest of the summer will be time enough.”

  She knew she should play it cool instead of desperate, but her heart soared at the promise in his deep voice. The whole summer. If she could somehow make it work, well, then, it sounded like a fine plan to her. For right now, she’d just hope for the best and take it day by day. “Okay.”

  He didn’t touch her. “You’re tense. We’ll work on that first.”


  “Sex has a way of relaxing everyone.”

  Talking about it only made her more anxious, so she nodded.

  His smile quirked, and with a warning in his tone, he said, “Then we’re going to work on all these secrets you’re keeping. No, don’t say anything yet.” He stroked his fingers over her cheek. “Let’s just wait and see how agreeable you are in the morning.”

  God, Honor thought, as she followed him inside. He wanted answers, and she didn’t even know if she’d be around in the morning.


  JASON WENT IN FIRST, turned on a few lights, then closed the door behind her. When the lock clicked into place, she jumped.

  Huddling close beside him, she darted her gaze everywhere around the house—maybe with worry, and then all over him—probably still with worry.

  Two years. It didn’t make sense to him. And yet, at the same time, it ramped up his need for her tenfold, a need that he knew wasn’t just physical.

  Sex hadn’t been a priority for her.

  Apparently she found him special.

  Nice, because he certainly felt the same about her. And that’s why the secrets would have to go. He liked her, a lot. But he wouldn’t start a relationship without honesty.

  Trying to be patient¸ he cupped her shoulder. “You okay?”

  Idly she waved a hand to indicate the house. “It was easier not to think about it when we weren’t here. But now that we are, it’s hard not to focus on the fact that someone broke in here earlier today.”

  He wanted her at ease, but at the moment she looked jittery enough to jump out of her skin. “How about a drink?”

  “Yes, of course.” Given a purpose, she marched toward the kitchen, flipping on lights as she went.

  At a more sedate pace, keeping several feet between them, Jason followed. With her head stuck in the fridge, she called, “I have tea, cola or juice.”

  No alcohol? That shouldn’t have surprised him, since he’d never seen her drink. “Iced tea sounds good.”

  Hearing him so close behind her made her jump again, and she smacked her head on the door.

  While she rubbed it, Jason said, “Let me,” and he reached around her for the half-full pitcher. “Glasses?”

  “Right.” Still looking disgruntled and mumbling about clumsiness, she went on tiptoe and got down two mismatched glasses from a cabinet. “Ice?”

  “Sure.” Staying busy might help distract her.

  He wasn’t a kid. He didn’t need to rush her to the bed, especially when he also enjoyed talking to her.

  Yeah, he’d rather talk later, but he’d survive.

  She filled the glasses with flower-shaped ice cubes and set them before him, waiting while he poured in the tea.

  Beside her, Jason propped a hip on the counter and sipped.

  Honor just watched him.

  It almost made him smile. If he were more gallant, he’d insist they wait for another day regardless of what she said. But he wanted her too much, she’d been insistent and he had to believe that once they got together, it’d be okay.

  As he’d told her, sex was the best way he knew to shrug off tension.

  Honor surprised him when she blurted, “Will you look around the house with me?”

  Her eyes were big, her cheeks flushed, her lips trembling. She still hadn’t touched her tea. Concerned, Jason nodded. “Okay.”

  Her shoulders relaxed. “I’ll feel better, you know?”

  Something about how she said that didn’t mesh, but he let her take his hand.

  “Honestly I don’t really think anyone could be here, not with the guys watching over things.” She tugged him with her into the hall. “But I’m a little creeped out anyway.”

  Creeped out was not a good beginning to the strongest sexual attraction he’d ever had. Her hand in his felt so small and fragile, but she kept her spine straight, her shoulders squared. Soft and strong. Sweet but determined. He enjoyed the various aspects of her personality a lot.

  Every few seconds, she stole a look at him.

  And each time, the lust coiled tighter.

  Wondering at the secretive smile she wore, he went with h
er through the small bathroom, the guest rooms and then into her bedroom.

  Every heavy beat of his heart reminded him how close he was to her bed—and to having what he craved.

  Here where she slept, he picked up her fresh fragrance, light and sweet. The arrangement of nicked, mismatched furniture somehow worked perfectly, especially paired with a fluffy, butter-yellow coverlet and an array of pastel-hued pillows on the bed. Throw rugs and more sheets for window coverings perfectly represented Honor’s personality—tidy but not flawless, colorful while still subdued, pretty without being pricey.

  Damn, she got to him in a dozen different ways.

  When she moved around in front of him, he forgot his perusal of the room and focused solely on her.

  Biting her bottom lip, she caught the hem of that awe-inspiring, sexy top and tugged it off over her head.

  Holy hell. Anticipation spiked his pulse.

  She stood before him in nothing more than a flesh-colored bra and very low fitting capris. Her creamy skin and killer curves caused a near-spontaneous reaction.

  He couldn’t tear his rapt attention from her body. “God, you’re gorgeous.”

  “You kept waffling,” she said in an uncertain rush. “Like maybe you wanted to...wait?”

  That’s what she thought? “No,” he assured her with sincerity.

  “Good, because I can’t wait. Not anymore.” She tugged down her capris as she spoke, stumbled a step as the tight material hindered her, awkwardly kicked free, then faced him—and he saw that the panties matched the bra.

  Translucent lace over perfect nudity.

  Without even thinking about it, he moved toward her, but she turned away and threw back the coverlet.

  Seeing her scramble up onto the bed on her hands and knees nearly gave him a heart attack.

  She hurriedly turned to him again, lifted her chin and like a challenge, flicked open the front catch of her bra. The cups parted around full breasts, framing them in lace.

  Her nipples, a dark, dusky rose, were already tight.

  She’d gone from what he thought was timidity to Mach-speed urgency, and it fired his own need to a razor sharpness.

  Done playing the voyeur, Jason strode to the bed while kicking off his shoes and yanking off his shirt. He was more than ready to be an active participant.

  Her nudity, her need, gave him a buzz like one drink too many. The periphery of his vision faded until all he could see was Honor, the soft fall of her hair, the wild pulse in her throat and that incredible, almost bare body.


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