Brandi Whyne Book 3

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Brandi Whyne Book 3 Page 1

by Celine Chatillon

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Brandi Whyne book 3

  Copyright ã 2006 Celine Chatillon

  Coverart by Martine Jardin

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by eXtasy Books 2006

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  Brandi Whyne…

  And Her Incredibly Erotic Adventures with

  Robin Manhood and His Totally Sexed-Out Space Pirates

  By Celine Chatillon

  I want to dedicate this series to all the fantastic eXtasy Books authors, editors and publishers I met at the 2005 Romantic Times Convention in St. Louis. You really put some wild and creative ideas in my head… Man, did you ever!

  Chapter Three

  Bound for Adventure!

  Editor’s note: If you want to know the how and why Robin rescued Brandi and how she boarded his space vessel, the Pulsating Purple Parsnip, why it has such a strange name and shape, and how the Goddess of Fun, Fertility and Family Planning chose Robin to become her one and only soul mate, read Brandi Whyne and Her Incredibly Erotic Adventures: Chapter One—Captured by Space Pirates! Royalties go to help stray deaf space pets find good homes. That is, homes without show tune singing space pirates. Thank you.

  To learn more “ship’s discipline” read Brandi Whyne and Her Incredibly Erotic Adventures: Chapter Two: Lashed at the Mast! Royalties go to help rehabilitate deaf entertainers slaving in backwater watering holes throughout the galaxy filled with show tune singing pirates. Thank you.

  When last we spied our hapless heroine…

  The smuggler Daro greedily massaged my clit with his thumb and thrust another finger deep into my slick canal. Moaning, I wrapped my legs about his waist as he lifted me up and wedged me hard against the navigation console. I reached for his zipper to free his hard on from its sticky prison. He batted my hands away. His eyes grew wild with lust and glowed with something else… Could it be power?

  “Can’t wait for it, can you?” His laughter sent chills up my spine. “Robin is a shrewd one. You can’t wait to have me pumping and ramming my cock into you until I come and come again and forget all about my mission. You want me to forget why I came aboard the Parsnip in the first place.”

  “Didn’t you come aboard to drop off your cargo and give Zelina a lift?”

  I did my best to sound innocent, but it was difficult to do while he continued to stroke my pussy and my g-spot in such an aggressive manner. I panted and blew out several breaths, desperate to not to reveal my own purpose for following Daro to his ship.

  “Is that what you think?” He arched a black eyebrow. His lips thinned to a sneer. He didn’t act convinced. “Maybe after you’ve come a few dozen times you’ll tell me why Robin is acting suspicious of me. How would you like that?”

  “Like… what?” I moaned again. He continued ramming his eager digits into me. The familiar spasms low in my belly threatened to overwhelm me. Don’t come, I told myself repeatedly. Calm down now and relax. Relax. Don’t let him get the upper hand in this situation. Seduce him, and he’ll be putty in your hands…

  “Hmm… Fuck me, Daro. Now. Please? I can’t take much more of this exquisite torture.”

  “Torture, eh? What an excellent idea.” In one swift move Daro grabbed a pair of magnetic handcuffs from his back pocket and clicked them onto my wrists. He dragged me kicking and twisting from the bridge. “Thank you for reminding me about such a pleasurable means of extracting information out of you, my dear.”

  Our story begins…

  This can’t be happening!

  Robin Manhood had chosen me to spy on his chief contraband smuggler, Daro, in order to discover who or what was behind Daro’s sudden display of wealth and his attempts to pass off shoddy merchandise. My mission: to determine whether Daro was working for Bak Azzwards’ rival pirate smuggling operation or the Galactic Cosa Nostra. Meanwhile Zelda, our ship’s disciplinarian, was doing her best to determine if Daro’s unexpected passenger, Zelina, was in on the deal or just a disappointed former lover looking to join our crew aboard the Pulsating Purple Parsnip.

  But I hadn’t planned on being handcuffed and tortured!

  “Daro, darling… What kind of fun and games do you have in mind?”

  I tried my best to sound sexy and playful. I thought I could convince him to release me from the cuffs if I sounded cooperative. After all, Robin and Zelda had tied me to the mast with velvet cords for my bout of discipline. It wasn’t all that bad. Maybe Daro was thinking of a sexual encounter along similar lines?

  “I’m not playing a game, Brandi.” Daro’s hot, lusty tone had turned stone cold. “I’m deadly serious.”

  He forced my arms over my head and attached the magnetic handcuffs to a clamp fastened on the wall of the cargo bay. He forced my legs apart and hooked my ankles into two magnetic clamps lower on the wall. He then threw a switch that I hadn’t noticed before in my tour of the ship. The wall slowly began to rotate around, revealing a hidden cargo hold.

  My green eyes widened. This was no ordinary smugglers’ secret compartment. It was a secret compartment filled with open crates—crates filled to the brim with rare, unpolished Denoblian flame stones!

  The wall halted its movement. Daro threw another switch to anchor it into place. My eyes quickly scanned the dimly lit room. Besides the flame gems this clandestine cargo held various laser swords and pistols and other nasty-looking mechanical devices. I wasn’t too sure I wanted to know what they were used for exactly. They certainly didn’t look like the feathers and soft suede crops that Zelda used in her official duties.

  Willie hadn’t warned me about this part of Daro’s ship after his brief inspection earlier today. I swallowed hard as my host picked up what appeared on first glance to be a huge, metallic dildo. He threw back his head and laughed.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

  I drew in a sharp breath. The vibrator gleamed evil and silver in the dim light, reflecting the dark nature of its owner. No other captive had probably lived long enough to tell others that this compartment even existed. I momentarily closed my eyelids but forced them open again. This sadistic creep wouldn’t win. I’d show no fear.

  Daro caressed the gigantic penis-shaped object between his hands, observing me through narrowed eyes. “Now, my dear Brandi, I want to know exactly why Robin went to all this trouble to get one of his crewmembers close to me. He’s never attempted such a stunt before. Did he really think I’d spill my guts so easily?”

  “Is that what you’re planning to do with me? Spill my insides all over your beautiful gemstones?” I laughed. “What a mess that will be to clean up! Will you make Zelina do it?

  Slowly licking my dry lips, I did my best to hold my chin high. There was no way I’d let this bastard know how scared to death I felt. Even if my situation were hopeless, I’d go out with a smile on my lips and song in my heart. Maybe even a horrendously deafening pirates’ show tune if I could remember the words to on

  Granted, it’s a horrible thought to contemplate—making someone listen to a pirates’ show tunes against their will and without ear protection—but fair is fair. Daro would suffer as much as I did.

  “Zelina?” Daro furrowed his brow. “What’s that vile hag got to do with anything?” He began rolling the hideous metal torpedo back and forth in his hands as he paced the floor. “Oh, I see. Robin thinks Zelina and I are co-conspirators. He thinks both of us want to take over the Parsnip and locate your home base. Is that it?”

  My captor stopped his pacing and scratched the top of his head with the vibrator. “Hmm, I never thought of asking Zelina to join in my little plans. That dyke can fight like a demented Regulan blood-cat feasting on fermented Ziph rats. And she certainly knows her way around a spaceship. Not a bad idea. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” I sighed. Daro seemed to have forgotten all about torturing me for the moment. If I could distract him long enough perhaps it would provide me a chance to escape, or Robin would begin to wonder and come looking for me.

  “No, on second thought, it’s not worth it.” He lowered the shiny vibe and began to twirl it absentmindedly. An evil grin tugged at the corner of his full lips. “A partner would cut into my share of the profit on this little haul here by half. I’ll do as I planned originally. I’ll go it alone.”

  “But you don’t have to go it alone alone. I promise—I’ll keep my hands off your flame stones and my mouth shut. In fact, you can ask Willie what the most productive manner to occupy my mouth is… I’m sure you’d enjoy it.” I purred and arched my back, trying to look as seductive as possible in my awkward position clamped spread-eagle against the cold metal wall. Alas, my tormentor didn’t seem to follow my innuendo.

  He laughed. “I’m sure I would enjoy it. But sometimes business has to come before pleasure. Speaking of coming…” He approached, raising the dangerously large dildo to mere millimeters in front of my face. “After a few minutes with this baby turned to ‘warp speed’ you’ll be telling me everything I want to know.”

  “I… I don’t know anything. Honestly. Robin doesn’t inform underlings of his plans. Why would he?”

  Daro stepped closer and switched on the evil device. Its low hum promised a tantalizingly slow, horrible death. “Robin wouldn’t normally confide in a two-bit tart like you, but I can tell that you and he are lovers. Lovers often share things that captains and subordinates don’t.”

  I began to protest, but just then he placed the cold, vibrating metal missile against my lips. I cringed at the sharp electric shock that jolted my body.

  “Don’t deny it, Brandi. You and Robin are lovers. He didn’t act all too happy about it when you accompanied me back to the Scorpio. I’ve known him for years and his pout pretty much gave away your cover, my dear. So sorry.”

  Robin wasn’t thrilled about me seducing Daro in order to pump him for information after all? My heart warmed and I smiled. Unfortunately the icy cargo hold wall and my dire circumstances quickly stole all comfort from that happy thought.

  Meanwhile Daro trailed the killer dildo downward from my lips to my chin and then my neck. With a villainous sneer he rolled the chilly object across both of my pointed nipples, along the flat of my stomach where it came to rest on the top of my mound. I flinched and bit my lips to keep from screaming. The burning, buzzing sensations against my responsive nub were intense… and intensely arousing. I felt womanly moisture dripping down the inside of my thighs. I moaned and closed my eyes.

  “Yes, that’s it. Close your eyes and enjoy the vibrations on your eager little clit. You like that, don’t you?” His throaty chuckle sent sharp, icy shivers racing up and down my spine. He lowered his voice to a whisper and leaned closer.

  “If you’re a real good girl, Brandi, and tell me what all you know I’ll give you what you asked for earlier—my huge, hard, throbbing cock in your hot hole. But if you don’t cooperate? Well, let’s say I hate sloppy seconds and Mr. ICBM here stretches out the tightest of pussies until there’s not much left to fuck.”

  “You—you bastard!” I spat at him.

  He laughed. “Yes, very descriptive. You’re right. Mom and Dad never did formerly tie the knot. However, you’re forgetting one important thing—I’m the one holding the oversized, electric dildo. Don’t insult me.”

  Daro pushed the vibrator hard against my clit. I screamed. Explosions rattled throughout my frame, fanning flames of fiery bliss along every nerve fiber from my over-stimulated pussy to my half-dead brain cells.

  “Tell me what Robin suspects about me, and I promise I won’t split you in half.”

  “He… he…”

  “He what?”

  I opened one eye and grinned like a fool. “He suspects you’re a first rate asshole.”

  Somehow, I knew that wasn’t the answer Daro wanted to hear. But I didn’t care. The second zap of Mr. ICBM against my pulsing clit had me shaking and jittering like a marionette on a string. My voice grew hoarse. My ears were ringing; I’d grown deaf to my own shrieking.

  “Brandi dear, you’re not making this any easier.” Daro’s breathing came in shallow pants. His voice sounded low and measured. I could tell that the sight, sounds and scents of me experiencing orgasm after orgasm had become too much for him. I spied his massive erection poking over the top of his half lowered zipper.

  “I don’t want to make it ‘easier’ on you.” I breathed out a long sigh. “I want to make you harder. Aren’t you hard enough yet?”

  He grinned and lowered his lethal weapon. The devil must have entered me at that point, for the next thing I knew I blabbed, “Can’t Mr. Floppy get in the mood without you repeatedly bouncing your ass on top of Mr. ICBM?”

  Hellfire burned in Daro’s eyes. “Why, you… you little cunt!”

  This was it. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for Mr. ICBM’s abrupt entrance.

  You can imagine my surprise when I heard a loud crash and Robin’s voice instead.

  “Don’t move! Drop the dildo, Daro!”

  I opened my eyes and stared. Robin Manhood, Scarlet Willie and John Thomas stood at the far end of the cargo hold, their heavy-duty laser rifles cocked and aimed at my host’s head. Daro cursed and tossed the vibrator aside. Willie and John Thomas raced toward him and immediately grabbed an arm each, wrestling him to the floor and extracting the magnetic handcuff key from his jeans’ pocket.

  “How did you find my secret compartment?” Daro cried. “It’s light and sound proof. It even has its own force field to prevent scanning and undetected entry. How in the goddess’ name did you find a way inside?”

  Robin waggled an eyebrow, pitching a purple silk robe toward me as I stiffly removed my wrists from their bindings. “Through the back door of course.”

  He turned and pointed to a large hole in the ceiling. I looked up and spied the bridge. Ooo… all the control consoles must have been damaged as they cut through the bulkhead with a laser torch. Daro would be lucky if his souped up ship ever flew again.

  The sadistic smuggler starting sobbing. “My beautiful ship—you’ve ruined it!”

  “I don’t know about that,” Robin said with a smirk. “I’m sure you’ll be able to get something for it as salvage.”

  “Tell them how we found Brandi. Tell them, Robin!” John Thomas practically jumped up and down with joy.

  Robin shrugged dramatically. “Ah, well, it was nothing really. Shall I tell you anyway just to make you feel really stupid, Daro?”

  The scoundrel rolled his eyes. “Please do.”

  “All right then. Brandi’s tracking device clicked off when you entered this area. After we completed the scan of your ship we discovered that it was bigger on the outside than it appeared to be on the inside. Since I’m fairly certain you’re not a Time Lord and this ship isn’t a Tardis, we put two and two together and got five.

  Daro winced as John Thomas plopped onto his back, pinning the smuggler to the floor “Umph! Don’t you mean four?”

p; “Four?” Robin frowned and scratched his head. “Four? Is that right, Will?”

  “Four, five, six—it’s all relative in Einstein’s universe.” Willie unlatched the clamps and freed my ankles. I slumped into his arms. He gently wrapped the silk robe about my shoulders and lowered me to the floor, rubbing my limbs until the circulation returned.

  “Anyway,” Robin continued, “we figured you had a secret cargo hold and that’s where you and our junior navigator had disappeared to. Since I promised Ms. Whyne if she accepted this assignment that we’d watch her back, we were forced to intervene.”

  He knelt beside me and quickly scanned me for injuries. Was that a hint of concern I saw in my lover’s eyes?

  “I hope we didn’t ruin your fact gathering mission, Brandi.”

  I grinned back at him. “No, not really. About the only fact I’ve gathered is that your chief smuggler is a first rate asshole—and that Zelina is pretty much an innocent bystander. She isn’t in on the deal with Mr. Floppy here.”

  “Mr. Floppy?” John Thomas bounced up and down and clapped his hands. “That’s the name of my pet Terran bunny rabbit back home.”

  “Charming,” Daro muttered. “Would you mind getting your fat ass off my back before it snaps in two?”

  “Careful you don’t turn Mr. Floppy into Mr. Flatdick, J. T.” Robin stood and motioned for the giant to continue bouncing. “It’s so difficult to get the boy to mind. Whatever can I bribe him with to make him stop, Will?”

  “How about one of these flame stones?” Willie picked up a palm-sized, pomegranate-colored rock. It glistened and twinkled in the dim light. “These things are worth kazillions on the open market. I’m sure Mr. Flatdick can afford to give up three or four to each member of the Parsnip crew.”

  “Aaagggghhh! No! No, don’t take any of the gems!”


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