Looks like Trouble to Me (Bad Boys Need Love, Too #1)

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Looks like Trouble to Me (Bad Boys Need Love, Too #1) Page 5

by Calinda B

  “Oh.” Jace didn’t know what to say. Good for you? Hurray you found God after heartbreak?

  “You look like you’ve had a troubled life.”

  Jace frowned. “I do?”

  The nun let out a small laugh. “Don’t look so surprised. I have a kind of sixth sense. Don’t tell anyone,” she said, conspiratorially.

  “Uh, okay. I won’t.” This conversation is getting stranger and stranger. He looked left and right for an escape of some kind.

  “I sense a troubled past. You’re at a crossroads. There’s someone in the way. You need to make a choice to move forward into a positive future.”

  “What kind of choice?”

  “How would I know? I’m not God.” She smiled.

  “Right,” he said, returning the smile. Who could she be talking about? Kate? He said goodbye to her yesterday. More like good riddance.

  “Well. I’ve taken enough of your time. I’ll leave you to your sorting.” She smiled benignly at him, and turned to walk away. Before she climbed the stairs leading to the upper decks, she called over her shoulder, “I’ll pray for Jayna.”

  “Thanks, sister, but I think she needs more than a prayer.”

  “You never know. What can it hurt? It’s in God’s hands now.”

  Jace shook his head at the woman as she strode slowly out of view. A nun? A nun predicted my future? When he thought about it, she was right, though. What could it hurt? Nothing else seemed to be working to get his sister straightened out. He let out a huge sigh, and turned his thoughts to other, more essential things - like fucking Zoé Dubois.

  Chapter 7

  Zoé’s body alternated between humming excitement and complete apprehension. Maybe I’ll go back to safe and boring. I sure don’t need another Billy. Talk about heartbreak. After he’d dumped her, completely crushed and humiliated, she’d sobbed for days. Still, she repeatedly glanced at the door as each patron strolled in, looking for signs of Jace. The crowd kept her busy. She filled orders, zipped back and forth, brought drink after drink after drink to the demanding customers until she was completely amped on adrenaline. Will he arrive at eleven, when my shift’s over? Will he even arrive? She pulled out her cellphone, glanced at the time, and sighed. Only eight thirty! Gah!

  Fifteen minutes later, as she placed drinks at a table for the millionth time, he entered. Oh, my God. She actually stopped to stare at him in jaw dropped wonder.

  He wore the same black leather motorcycle jacket she’d seen the other night, butt-hugging jeans and motorcycle boots. A blue linen shirt peeked out from underneath the leather. His eyes scanned the room as he slid the coat from his shoulders. Seeing her, he smiled.

  The smile warmed her from head to toe, inside and out, setting off sizzling fireworks. She managed to get her mouth to close and raced up to him. “Hi,” she said, grinning stupidly.

  “Hi,” he said, returning the shit-eating grin. “Nice skirt,” he added, eyeing the black, hip hugging mid-thigh number she wore.

  “Thanks.” She congratulated herself on her last minute decision to wear it tonight, instead of pants. “Did you come here to eat? Drink? What’s your pleasure?”

  “I came here to see if you’d talk to me. After the other night, I wasn’t sure I’d be welcome.”

  “You’re early. I don’t get off for a couple hours.”

  A small frown flashed across his face and he cocked his head to the side. “Well, I think I’m right on time, then. I can wait.”

  “Are you sure? It’s a long wait.”

  “Absolutely.” He gave her a panty flinging grin.

  “Zoé! Need you at the bar, love,” Sharon said as she zipped by.

  “Sorry, it’s super busy. Sit anywhere you like. Well, not anywhere - my section’s this one.” She indicated the tables in her area.

  “Got it. Looks like this spot’s free,” he said, indicating a two top. “Take your time. Don’t want you to get into trouble on my account.” He winked at her.

  “I’ll be back with your menu,” she said, turning to speed-walk toward the bar.

  “Is that the one?” Devon asked when she slipped her order to him.

  “Yeah, what do you think? He barely fits at that table. He’s a tall one, that’s for sure. Gorgeous, right?”

  Devon laughed. “I guess if you’re a female. He’s not my type.”

  “Oh, yeah. Well….”

  “He looks like a stud, love. Knock yourself out. Order’s up by the way.” He poked his thumb toward the kitchen. “As soon as you get the food out I’ll have your next drink order ready.”

  Zoé snagged a menu, shoving it in her pocket before carrying the food tray to table six. There she deposited mac and cheese, a hickory glazed salmon sandwich, a burger and french fries and a basket of sweet potato fries. “Can I get you anything else?” she asked the group.

  “Catsup,” the burger lover stated.

  She leaned over to the vacated booth next to them, retrieved the catsup, and placed it next to him.


  “Anything else?”

  “No, we’re set,” he said.

  She smiled and headed toward Jace’s table. “Here you go,” she said, handing him the menu. “Can I get you started with a drink?” she asked.

  “Uh, what do you have on tap?”

  She flipped the menu over and indicated the list of alcoholic beverages with her fingertip, perplexed. Were you even here the other night? You don’t remember where the drinks are? Are you as nervous as I am?

  “Let’s see,” he said, deliberating. His leg started jacking up and down as if nerves were getting the best of him. “I’ll have the Dragonstooth Stout.”

  Her eyebrows rose. “A man’s beer, huh?”

  “I’m a man.” He gave her a heavy lidded look.

  Oh, I can see that. She swallowed.

  “Who’s in the mood for a stout,” he said. “Something with good body.” He focused his green eyes on her and slid his tongue between his lips.

  Damn. Down boy. “I’ve never had that one but I hear it’s intense.” Her insides fluttered with electric, pulsating heat.

  “That’s the way I like it.” A smile curved his lips as his eyelids lowered slightly. A quick dip of his gaze scanned her from head to toe.

  She felt a rush of pleasure. “I’ll be back with your beer in a sec.”

  He nodded. Smiled. Another scan.

  Another rush of pleasure. Shit. What is he doing to me?

  He licked his lips again. Bit his full lower lip. Squinted slightly. “My beer? I’m pretty thirsty.”

  “Right,” she said, coming out of her lust filled stupor. I can tell. She wanted to reach over and push his smoky brown hair out of his eyes. Then, niceties out of the way, she’d lay him on the bar room floor and climb on top. “Your beer. I’m on it.” She zipped away, chiding herself. Jesus, stop behaving like a sex-starved idiot.

  When she returned with his beverage, she noticed he’d draped the jacket along the chair opposite him, as if saving her place. The leather looked supple, well worn. His shirt sleeves were rolled up slightly higher tonight, revealing more of his tattooed forearm. “How’s the blood loss?”

  “The what?”

  She fingered the blade tip on his skin.

  “Oh, right. Clean wound. It’s actually starting to heal.”

  “Good. Glad to hear it.” She smiled and glanced at his menu. “Have you decided?”

  “What to eat?” he said. “Oh, yeah. Most definitely.” Another smile. Another glittering, dark-eyed gaze. Another lick of his lips.

  A shiver launched up her spine.

  “I’ll take this one.” He tapped the menu. His fingers were long. Slightly calloused. Nails trimmed. A beautiful silver and gold turquoise ring circled his middle finger.

  “Butcher’s Grind,” she said, leaning over to see where he pointed, feeling heat pour from his body. “That’s a favorite. Everyone loves the Grind,” she said, before realizing her faux pas. Her cheeks flushe
d. Damn. Did I really say that? Did he notice? “Nice ring, by the way.”

  This time his smile appeared mocking, teasing. Intense. Definitely intense. “Thanks.”

  Oh, yeah - he noticed. Her skin began to roast. “Um, how do you want it prepared?”

  “Seared on the outside, juicy, moist, and pink on the inside.”

  An ache bloomed between her legs that caught her completely by surprise. She blew out her breath. “Okay. Seared on the outside,” she said, scribbling fast. “And…” She stopped speaking and blushed again.

  “And? Repeat it back to me so I know you wrote it correctly.”

  Her cheeks grew hot. “Seared on the outside, juicy, moist, and pink on the inside.” She gave him a challenging glare. “Also known as rare.”

  “Good. Now you know how I like it.”

  She thought she’d combust. “Like it?”

  “My burger.”

  “Burger. Got it.” Sweat broke out on her forehead. “Oh, by the way, I got your…” Flowers, she started to say.

  Sharon zipped by, interrupting. “Chop, chop, Zoé. Your order’s up in the back.”

  “Okay, I’m going.”

  When she turned back to Jace he had a slight frown on his face.

  He looked at her quizzically.

  “Gotta get your order in. I’ll be back.”

  The next two hours flew by. A steady stream of customers poured in and out of Chica Ríos, giving her no time to chat with Jace. He finished his burger, ordered another stout and watched her all night. On occasion, he pulled out his mobile phone, stared at it, and shoved it back in his pocket. Every time she looked over at him, though, shrugging apologetically, smiling, she found his captivating eyes focused on her. Finally, at eleven, her shift ended. The diners had pretty much cleared out and only the serious drinkers were left. Sharon and the other wait staff could handle them. She held up a finger to Jace, made her way into the back, hung up her apron and let out a long sigh. “Well, here goes,” she said. On the way out, she stopped in the ladies room to freshen up, combing her hair and applying lip gloss. When she passed the bar she said, “Give me an amber ale, please. And another stout for my new friend.”

  “One amber ale, coming up,” Devon said, smiling brightly. “He’s been sitting there the whole time. He must like you.”

  “Either that or he’s a predator.”

  “Nah. I think he likes you. Have fun,” he said, handing her the beer.

  She took a welcome sip to calm her nerves before sauntering to his table.

  He stood, grabbed his jacket off the chair and waited for her to sit.

  “Sorry you had to wait so long,” she said with a shrug. She set the stout in front of him.

  “Didn’t mind a bit,” he said. “I enjoyed watching you work. You’re efficient, fast, and friendly.” He held up his dark brew to her.

  She lifted hers, clinked his, and sipped her ale.

  “And sexy as hell,” he said, gazing over the top of his glass at her, his eyes dark.

  She felt another flush creep up her neck and cheeks. “What are we toasting?”

  “First encounters. The thrill of discovery. I love to explore new things.”

  Another rush of pleasure flooded her insides. “I’ll drink to that.” She took another swallow. “You seem to have an effect on me,” she said courageously. Stop it. You’ll get yourself in trouble.

  “Is it a good effect?” he asked.

  “Maybe,” she stated simply, fiddling with her fingernails, all good sense suddenly hijacked from her head.

  “Are you wet for me?”

  “What?” She practically spit out her beer. Wild jungle drums and dancing heathens now accompanied the ache between her legs. “You’re bold,” she replied, feeling ripped apart.

  “Are you?” His green-eyed gaze pushed into her. “Wet, that is?”

  “Guess that’s on a need to know basis,” she said, feigning a coolness she did not feel.

  “I need to know. Because I’ve been sitting here with a hard-on for you for two hours.”

  Her entire body surged with heat. “Jesus, who gave you the keys to the bulldozer?”

  He chuckled and licked his lips. “Maybe it was you.”

  “I don’t think so.” She pressed the cool glass against her cheeks. “It’s hot in here.”

  He drained his glass, setting it on the table with satisfaction. “Finish up and let’s head outside where it’s cooler.”

  “I don’t think that’s going to help,” she whispered. The flush in her cheeks grew feverishly hot.

  He chuckled, his green eyes darkening. “I like it when you blush,” he said. “It’s lovely.”

  “I’ve been doing it enough tonight,” she said, shaking her head slightly. Total player.

  “I like it that I have that effect on you.” He stroked his fingers back and forth on the polished wood.

  She wanted to feel his fingers stroking her skin. Oh, you’re good. I’ll bet you have this down to a science.

  “What were you saying earlier to me? Something about you got my…?”

  “The flowers you sent.”

  “I didn’t send any flowers,” he said, his face crumpled in consternation.

  “You didn’t?” Shit, shit, shit, she thought, wanting to die on the spot. Sudden embarrassment swamped her good mood. For two days she’d thought, hoped, prayed, and resisted her longing at getting to see him again. “I see,” she said, wanting to flee.

  “Don’t…” He extended his arm across the table and placed his hand on hers.

  Electric sparks dashed up her arm. She tried to jerk her hand away but he captured it.

  “I’ve been so busy, Zoé, I’ve been unable to think straight. Sorry. I would have liked to send you flowers but I honestly didn’t think you’d be receptive to me in the first place after the other night. I came here on an impulsive lark.”

  Zoé slowly withdrew her hand. Stop this before it goes anywhere. The guy’s a player. “I wonder who sent them.”

  He pressed her fingertips into the wood before they got away. “Where are you going?”

  She looked up, meeting his eyes, his emerald green gaze slamming into her. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Right. You’re not.” His fingers traced a lazy trail along her hand, sensuously walking on top of her wrist.

  Instantaneous arousal shattered the apex between her legs. He may as well have been moving those damn fingers up her inner thighs.

  He gave her a soft smile. “I’m sure you have many ardent admirers. Lucky I got here when I did. Otherwise I’d have to stand in line.”

  “No.” She lowered her gaze and smiled. “I sure don’t know of any.” She bit her lip and looked at him. “If I do, I’ll have to get rid of them, I guess.”

  “I’ll have to replace them, I guess,” he said, grinning wickedly. “Let’s head outside.” He reached for her hand, enveloping hers in his large, warm palm.

  The touch felt voltaic. She stood, letting him lead her out into the cool night air, her heart beating wildly.

  He drew her around the corner, into an alleyway. Pressing her against the brick wall, he placed his warm palm behind her neck and brought his mouth to hers.

  This was no meek, tentative, ‘hey, do you mind if I kiss you?’ kind of contact. The kiss felt like a plundered claiming, like they’d launched from the gate like trained horses, running in the race of their lives.

  Keeping his hand behind her neck, he brushed his other hand along her lower back, cupping her ass and pulling her against his erection.

  He smelled divine, all male musky heat. He tasted superb, like beer and like him. She yanked up her skirt, lifted one of her legs, wrapping it around his hips, grinding into him. Oh, my God, she thought, as he worked his mouth against hers. It’s been too long since I had a man.

  He plunged his tongue into her mouth, sliding and stroking against hers.

  She moaned. And I’ve never had a man like this.

well, what have we here?” a male voice said. “I thought I heard some moaning.”

  Jace jerked away from her, turning to see who spoke. “Billy? What the hell are you doing here?”

  Zoé’s heart sank, sliding down to the dirty asphalt. She quickly tugged her skirt into place. “Yeah, what are you doing here?”

  “Didn’t you get my flowers?”

  “You sent the roses?”

  “And the personalized note. Mine, all mine. I didn’t think you’d already be getting busy with the likes of him,” he said, indicating Jace.

  “You didn’t even remember my name,” Zoé said, her gut twisting into a tight knot.

  “Oh, I remembered it. I had to show the girl I was with that I wasn’t interested. Not in that moment, at least. I got home and changed my mind. We did have the start of a good thing going.” Billy sidled closer to her.

  She wanted to throw up. “Apparently not.”

  Jace moved protectively in front of her, shielding her from Billy. “Go away, Billy. We’re in the middle of something.”

  “I see that.” He smirked. In the dim lamplight he looked sinister. “Two’s fun but three’s better. We can share.”

  “No,” Jace said. “We can’t.” He took a step toward Billy, fists clenched.

  “Jace, don’t,” Zoé said. “He’s not worth it.”

  Jace didn’t seem to hear her. He took another step in Billy’s direction. “You’re not going to fuck up another situation for me.”

  “People all make choices,” Billy said. “Kate sure did. She was fucking hot.” His lips were curved in a smile but he kept glancing at Jace’s fists. He took a step backward.

  Kate? Zoé thought.

  “Yeah? Good to know. You can have her. And here’s my choice, Billy.” Jace hauled back and swung at Billy, his fist landing square in Billy’s jaw.

  Billy stumbled back, his hands flying to his bloody mouth. “What did you do to me? You’re going to be sorry you laid a hand on me.” He palpated his face with his fingers. “I think you broke my jaw. That’s a lawsuit in the making.”

  “Yeah?” Jace said. “Go tell daddy. Be sure to tell him how you called in sick yesterday, too, while you’re at it.” He lunged at Billy.


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