His Secret Baby

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His Secret Baby Page 33

by Ashlee Price

  “What am I to call you?” It was a legitimate question, because the answer had changed the longer I knew him. I had a feeling of what, but I wanted to make sure. There was no point in getting extra punishments for misspeaking.

  “Daddy. I’m your daddy when we’re alone. In public you can call me by my name, but when it’s just me and you, Mariah, I’ll always be daddy to you.”

  I nodded in agreement, letting the silky material of the dress fall to the floor after I unzipped the side zipper. Now I had all of his attention. “Is this what you wanted, daddy?”

  His eyes flared with my use of my little nickname for him. I was glad that I’d put it out there before. It sounded much better than sir, and the way it made him react was perfect. It put him in a frame of mind that I found sexy as hell, and I wanted more of that.

  “Yes, Mariah. You’re what I’ve wanted for a while. I’m only going to ask you one more time if you’re sure. If you’re here for the auction and the money, I want you to go now.”

  That threw me off. Would he really want me to just leave? I was standing in front of him practically naked and he would really just let me go? I didn’t like to think that was even possible. I don’t know if I could have just walked away. I apparently had a chance to, but my draw to him was too much for me to do something like that.

  “I asked you a question.”

  “I’m here because I want you to be my first, daddy. That’s why I’m here. I can’t just walk away from you. Even now, when everything is up in the air, all I can think about is you and this night. I couldn’t leave if I wanted to, my legs wouldn’t let me.”

  The dark eyes that had pinned me in place were hard to avoid. It was in my nature to look down when confronted with them. The intensity was almost always too much to handle straight on.

  “Look at me, Mariah.”

  I did as he asked. I always did what he asked. When I was with him, it was as if my mind didn’t want to work as well as usual. I couldn’t keep my brain on one track. It kept going to another track that seemed to get me in trouble. As we talked now, all I could think about was the hardness in his pants and what it was going to feel like inside of me. I was obsessed with the thought, and if I’d had a chance, I would have stopped the charade and told him to get on with it. The anticipation and the wait were starting to grate on my senses.

  “After tonight you’re going to be mine in all ways. Things are going to have to change.”

  I nodded my head, still not able to really meet his gaze head on. It was just too much, and I couldn’t help the shaking that started deep in my core. It wasn’t because of the cold, but the heat coming out of his eyes so fiercely.

  I could imagine the changes he wanted. Mainly it would have to do with the club. Sasha had told me before that this was what a man from the club would want. He would want to own me. The sad part was that he already did. He owned my body for the night, but he’d taken my heart as well. That was something that I wasn’t going to get back.

  “I understand, daddy.” I didn’t agree, but I did understand.

  “God, I love it when you call me that. Come on, it’s cold here by the door.”

  He must have noticed my trembling, but I knew that it was only going to get worse the closer we got. The cold had nothing to do with it. It was because I couldn’t stand the wait any longer. I just wanted to finally be a whole woman. I wanted to finally know what I’d been missing for all these years.

  We walked through the large house and he took me upstairs. I thought we would go back to the bedroom. That was where we’d been last time, but we kept going down the hallway and passed it. The door was cracked just a little bit, and I could see candlelight in there. Were we to go there later? I just wanted answers that I was never going to get. He wasn’t worried about setting my mind at ease. I was rather sure that he liked me this way. He liked when I was about to jump out of my skin in anticipation.

  “After you, Mariah.”

  We stopped in front of a door that I hadn’t noticed before. It was at the end of the hall, and instead of opening into a room, it had rough-cut stone steps beyond it, leading down. The cold was actually starting to get through my body now. Now I was shaking uncontrollably, and I felt his hand on my shoulder, telling me that it was okay. The feeling that came over me as I descended was not comforting at all. There was hardly any light on the stairs, and only when I rounded a corner did I see light in the distance.

  “Where are we going, daddy?”

  I couldn’t help the question. It felt like he was taking me to a dungeon. The air was cool and wet. I felt like this was a place that wasn’t supposed to exist in this day and age.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you, Mariah. I know how you like ancient times and some of their methods.”

  That was about as ambiguous as he could get. He had answered my question without telling me anything. I knew no more now than I had before. He was doing this on purpose, I was sure of it. Scott was trying to drive me a little crazy. What would he do if I made a run for it? Did I want to? The anxiety level peaked as we moved closer to the light.

  “What is this place?”

  There were no more nicknames, no more pretending. I had lost my nerve.

  “You’ve got a lot of questions tonight. Are you having second thoughts?”

  It was there, handed to me on a silver platter. A way out. I was having second thoughts, and thirds and fourths. All I could think about was what the hell was I doing here and how well did I really even know Scott. I loved him, but that didn’t mean that he felt the same way. What was I to him, and where was he taking me? All of those questions went through my head over and over again with no answer in sight. I wasn’t to know those answers.

  “No, daddy. I’m just scared a little. This place is creepy.”

  “You’ll see in a minute, and I think you’ll change your mind. I want you to be comfortable, Mariah, but no more of this. You have to make your decision once you see what’s behind these doors.”

  The doors in question were in front of us now. There was a keypad on one side panel. I couldn’t even imagine what was behind them that would justify that kind of hardware and security, but I knew I was about to find out. The shaking that had started upstairs culminated in a teeth-chattering violence inside of me. It was so loud in my ears that I hoped Scott couldn’t hear it. Why was I so nervous? I’d known what this was going to be before I came, but I couldn’t have readied myself for the way I felt right now.

  “I’ve already made my decision, daddy.”

  That was apparently all he needed to hear, because he was putting in a code and opening the doors without another word. That was what I wanted, but I didn’t know what to expect. Scott was always giving me new experiences, and I was nervous about what this one was going to be.

  It didn’t take long for my concerns to go into overdrive. I didn’t even realize that I hadn’t moved until I felt his hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay, Mariah, most of it’s just for show.”

  That was not as big of a relief as he probably thought. What was for show was not leaving the best impression on me. This was something that I was interested in, but not right now when I was barely wearing underwear and in a basement with my Dom. It didn’t seem to be a good scenario, and I had to wonder what he had all of this stuff for.

  “Show me what you’re drawn to.”

  I looked around at the different bondage and torture mechanisms. Most that were ‘for show’ as he put it were far too old to be operable. At least I hoped they were. I felt some giddiness inside of me looking at them, and my hand touched the deep wood of an old wooden stocks set-up.


  Scott grinned, and it made me look away. He didn’t need to say anything to make it clear that he was pleased. “We’ll have to try that out in a little bit. But I thought we could start with something that you were more familiar with.”

  My eyes went to where he directed them. There were many sets of chains and cuffs on the wall, m
ade of old metal that went with the rest of the room’s motif.

  “It’s your choice, daddy.”

  “I know, Mariah. Come here.”

  I did as he asked. There wasn’t a thought in my mind not to. I wanted him to be happy; I wanted him to be pleased with me. And before I knew it, Scott was pulling me to him and kissing me on my lips. I loved the way he felt, and I heard a soft whimper from between my own lips as he kissed me where I stood.

  When he pulled away I was left breathing hard and a little shaky on my feet. The man had some kind of hold on me that just intensified the more I was with him and the closer he was to me. When he touched me it sent me over the edge and I would have let him do anything to me. My body was a tool for his pleasure, because I knew that my own would come from that.

  Chapter 28 – Mariah

  “You look so beautiful up there, Mariah. I hope you know that.”

  I was gasping for air and I could have cared less how I looked at the moment. The cuffs held me snug in place and my eyes were open because they had to be. I wanted to close them with each touch and swipe of his whip, but I had been instructed to watch him. If I took my eyes off of him I would be punished. I knew that the punishment would involve him taking away what I needed to come. That was always how he did it. He knew that I liked punishments, so when he was upset because of my actions, it was taking something away that made me really think.

  “Are you ready to come yet, Mariah?”

  I nodded my head and begged him to finish me off. The smacks moved to my core, and although it was already feeling sore and red, I still wanted more. It was never enough, not even close.

  “Yes, please, daddy, I need to come!”

  He chuckled at me and told me that I had to have more patience. He did this as he moved closer and increased the tempo of the short slaps on my core. It was now only his hands touching me, his fingers rubbing slightly on my clit before he would pull back to strike again. I was ready to lose it, but then all of the stimulation stopped and I was left whimpering in frustration.

  “Please, daddy! I need to come.”

  He told me that I was being too vocal. “You’re going to be gagged if you can’t control yourself, Mariah.”

  Sighing to myself, I tried to close my eyes and find my center. It was hard to control myself when I was filled with such needs and desires. I couldn’t hold it together, and instead of focusing on something else, I pulled on my arms like I was trying to free myself.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  I shook my head that I didn’t. I was trying not to get gagged. The ball in my mouth was never something that I wanted. It took what tiny bit of control that I had left, and I wasn’t ready to give it up.

  “Then come for me, Mariah.”

  His fingers moved to my slit and rubbed on the swollen nub that rested above it. It was hard and fast, everything that I needed but the bit of pain to push me over the edge. I needed that to get off, and the longer he rubbed me, the more frustrated I became. Why was he not giving me what I need so badly? All I needed was a hard pinch on my nipples and I would be coming like he desired.

  “Please, daddy?”

  I wasn’t sure what I was asking for, but Scott seemed to know what I needed the most. The thing was, he refused to give it to me.

  “You’re going to have to come the old-fashioned way. I don’t want you stuck in this rut all of the time, Mariah. You need to learn to be pleasured in all ways that I see fit.”

  His words may have been right, but they only aggravated me even worse. I didn’t want to learn a new way. The old way was fine. That would do it for me if he would just play along.

  “Please, daddy, I’ve been a naughty girl.”

  “No, you haven’t, but if you are your punishment will not be what you want. I’ll stop touching you altogether if I have to punish you, Mariah.”

  I whined at his answer and tried my best to focus on the pleasure from his touch. It felt good, he always did, but it just wasn’t quite enough. No matter how hard I tried, there was no possible way for him to please me this way. It was a lost cause, but I knew not to argue with him. I was afraid that he would stop touching me and just leave me down here chained up.

  I think Scott got aggravated, because before I could say anything or come, he was moving away.

  “I want to give you something a little different than you’re used to. I usually concentrate on pain because that’s what gets you off, but I want you to see that there are more ways. Not just pain.”

  It sounded good in theory, but I knew myself. It was the only way that I could get off. It had been one of the many contentions between me and Greg. The fact was that I needed the pain far more than I needed him touching me.

  He helped me down and rubbed my shoulders. I didn’t even know they were sore until he moved his hands away and helped me over to the stocks that I had admired so much before. I didn’t know how this was going to help with his plans, but I was thankful for a new position that wouldn’t pull on my arms. I was content to get inside of it, and I only shivered a little when he closed it and locked my captured hands.

  I closed my eyes because I hadn’t been told that I couldn’t. Scott’s hands rubbed on my thighs and pulled my panties down my legs. It was all that he’d left on me, and I could tell I was dripping wet by the way his fingers slid against me.

  As his fingers got bolder, pressing against my innocence, I had to wonder if he was going to take me right then and there, like this. It wasn’t the worst idea, but I wanted more of his hard hands on me, not this. I wiggled my ass, silently begging him to slap me a few more times. The heat was cooling, and I was about to lose my mind. I just needed a little more.

  “Please, daddy. I need to come so bad.”

  He reminded me that I was supposed to be silent, and I bit the bottom lip to silence my whimpers. I was starting to realize that he wasn’t going to give me what I wanted, and it ate me up inside. I wanted pain more than anything else in the world at the moment.

  The rubbing increased, and like before, it would take me to the edge, teeter me there, but never push me over like I needed. I was exhausted from being so close to toppling over for so long. He had to know that he was driving me crazy. I couldn’t see his face behind me, though. I didn’t know what his next touch was going to be. All I could do was feel.

  When I felt something wet and hot on my clit, I knew that it was his mouth. He licked me slowly and I heard the groans coming from his throat. I loved the way he sounded and I closed my eyes again. Now I could feel everything so much more. So close…

  Scott must have known: even though my begging was incoherent, the pushing back against his mouth was easy enough to read. I wanted him to bite me, do something to give me what I needed. His lips locked around my slit and started to suck hard. It was the last straw, and I came so hard I saw stars behind my closed eyelids. It was just too perfect, and I was left gasping as his hungry mouth continued to ravage me. Soon my begging was for him to stop. I couldn’t take it anymore. Only then did he oblige me with a soft slap on my ass.

  “You taste good, Mariah, so sweet. Is that the first time you’ve come without pain?”

  My mind was blurry, but even so I was sure that it was. It had started as a sort of accident, but had quickly become what I needed. All of the endorphins that flooded my brain had become an addiction. Now I knew that there was something more. I had actually thought that it wasn’t possible. It hadn’t been before.

  “Use your words, Mariah.”

  The head shake wasn’t enough. “Yes, daddy. That was the first time.”

  He appeared in front of me, but I couldn’t turn my head upwards enough to really see his face. I was about the same height as his crotch, and I hoped that meant he was giving me a way to show him how good he’d made me feel. I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue a little bit. I wanted to taste him for just a moment, maybe pleasure him in the same way that he’d pleasured me.

  “Just for a minute, Mar
iah. I still have plans for you. This is not the way I want to come the first time.”

  His words were another reminder that there was more to come. In the moments of bliss, I had forgotten that I’d agreed to more. It was the ‘more’ that I’d never felt before, and I still wasn’t sure if I was ready or not.

  My mouth was stuffed with his hard meat, and he pressed in until I felt my gag reflex kick in and Scott pulled back out to let me catch my breath. He repeated it several times, holding the sides of my face so that I had to take him all. It was exactly what I wanted, and before long I could feel the need growing in me again. I loved to please him and hear his groans of lust.

  He jerked out of me when I started to feel the salty taste of his need. It wasn’t hard to tell that he was close. I mewled with the absence of him. I was ready to taste him. The salty discharge was like a drug to me.

  “Not yet, Mariah. We’ve got all night.”

  I was able to stand after he unlocked the stocks. I stood up to a bit of an ache in my lower back, and I used the wooden stocks to hold myself up. It wasn’t but a moment before he was lifting me into his arms and carrying me out of the dark room.

  “Did you like it in there?”

  I nodded my head that I had. I was still a little leery of some of the other contraptions and the idea that I would one day see just how functional they were, but I was starting to feel better about it. Scott could take even the scariest place and make it all okay. It was a gift that he had.

  “Where are we going, daddy? Are you done with me?”

  “I’m never going to be done with you, Mariah, never.”

  He held me closer. I loved the safety that I felt in his arms. I didn’t know if he was just saying that, or what he wanted to do with me forever, but oh, I liked the sound of that. I wanted it to be like this moment for the rest of time. I knew it wasn’t going to be possible, but the idea of it was all that I needed to feel. It made it easier to pretend, if nothing else.


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