Fated for Forever

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Fated for Forever Page 13

by Alanea Alder

  “Wow, Prince Ashers!” Rebecca bounced in her seat excitedly.

  In Rebecca’s lap Sebastian stood and arched his back. He stretched before he looked around the table. Out of nowhere he began to purr. He jumped from Rebecca’s lap into Kent’s who held very still and allowed the tiny tabby to circle twice before starting to knead his thighs. Kent winced and adjusted Sebastian who finally got comfortable. The small cat happily curled into a ball and began to purr loudly. Rebecca stared down at Sebastian with a frown on her face.

  “Well that brings up the total number of people he’s affectionate to, to three. Myself included.” Rebecca shrugged.

  “Who is the other lucky soul?” Kent asked.

  “Liam, though he likes to act like he is too cool. He totally spoils Sebastian rotten when he kitty sits,” Rebecca said.

  “Kitty sits?” Rex asked.

  “Yeah, kitty sits. Sometimes Aleks needs a break from the surprise attacks. He says Sebastian is trying to give him a heart attack.” Rebecca grinned evilly and Kate laughed.

  “Well on that note, I’m off. I have some inventory I need to unpack.” Nic leaned forward and hugged Ashby.

  “Try to stay out of trouble. My heart can’t take much more,” he said, standing and ruffling Ashby’s hair.

  “I should be going too, I’m dying for a shower and my own clothes.” Ashby stood and bumped shoulders with Nic.

  “I’ll walk with you.”

  “Can you two come over for dinner? I’ll make your favorite, Ashby. King Ranch Mac and Cheese, extra cheesy!” Rebecca pouted at Ashby who smiled and nodded.

  “It’s a date. I don’t think I have anything edible in my fridge anyway.” He blew kisses to Rebecca before he and Nic walked out of the diner. Quietly they made their way down the block to where both shops were located.

  “I’m serious Ashby. No more trouble. That night, when we didn’t know if you would pull through…” Nic trailed off. Ashby stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.

  “I’m so sorry, Nic. You don’t have to worry anymore. See, safe here in shifter-only Arkadia.” Ashby pointed down the empty street and Nic snorted.

  “OK, goofball. See you in a few.” He waved and went into his shop.

  Ashby, suddenly feeling like the goofball Nic had named him, turned smartly on his heel and began to march like a toy soldier to his shop. Giggling at his own antics, he reached to turn the doorknob and saw that the door was ajar. He felt his heart rate pick up.

  It’s nothing. I just forgot to latch it properly when I left last week. I had Gabriel on the brain.

  Shaking his head he pushed the door open and walked inside. When he looked around he felt his insides turn to ice. Every glass toppings canister had been smashed and lay in pieces on the floor. The glass of his ice cream case was shattered and all of the tables and chairs had been thrown about. But what made him feel sick was the message spray painted on the wall.

  Die! Whore! Die!

  Shaking he backed out of the shop and stood on the sidewalk.

  “Ashby! Ashby!” He hadn’t even noticed Nic running up to him. He felt Nic shaking his upper arms.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Rebecca demanded.

  Kate, Rex, Kent and Talon stood behind her as Sebastian rubbed his head against Ashby’s legs as if he knew Ashby needed the comfort.

  “He’s shaking and not talking,” Nic said before turning back to Ashby.

  “Ashby, what is the matter? You’re freaking us out buddy.” Nic said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Ashby turned and buried his face into his friend’s chest.

  “My s–s–shop.” He finally got out. Talon and Rex immediately went into the shop. It was only seconds later before they walked out, carefully shaking their shoes free of glass pieces.

  “Alpha Mother, I think you better call your husband. Someone trashed his store,” Talon said, frowning.

  “Oh my God.” Rebecca turned and pulled her cell phone out of her purse. Ashby shook his head. Visions of broken glass and scattered candies filled his eyes and shattered his heart.

  “Call Gabriel,” Nic’s voice said softly in his ear. Ashby nodded and stared at Nic, temporarily forgetting how to use his cell phone. He held it out to Nic who looked at him with sadness in his eyes. Nic took the phone and scrolled through the contacts before pressing a button.

  “No, this isn’t Ashby, it’s his friend Nic. Listen Ashby’s shop has been trashed and he really needs to hear your voice right now. I am handing the phone back to him…OK.” Nic handed the phone back to Ashby.

  “Gabriel.” The one word was spoken brokenly.

  “Mon ange, are you all right? Are you safe?” Gabriel said speaking slowly. Ashby nodded.

  “Ash, he can’t see you nodding,” Nic said, rubbing his hands up and down Ashby’s arms.

  “I’m no expert, but I think he’s in shock,” Kent said, eyeing Ashby closely.

  “Shit! I think you’re right,” Nic said, looking around frantically for Rebecca.

  “Ashby, hand the phone back to your friend Nic. Everything will be OK, my love,” Gabriel said gently. Ashby nodded and handed the phone to Nic who looked down at it confused. He brought it up to his ear.

  “Yes?” he asked

  “Take Ashby to the clinic of that sardonic asshole you have for a doctor. Keep him warm. He has had enough shocks in the past few days to break down the strongest of men. Then I want you to put me through to Aleksander Arkadion,” Gabriel said softly, but firmly.

  “Rebecca, we have to get Ashby over to Doc’s clinic,” he said, steering Ashby to where Rebecca stood.

  “Rebecca, what’s this about a break in?” Aleks asked, jogging up to them in his sheriff’s uniform.

  “Aleks, someone has trashed Ashby’s store,” she said, pointing at the door.

  “You didn’t go inside, did you?” he demanded.

  “No, just Ashby, Rex and Talon,” she explained.

  “We’re taking Ashby to the clinic Aleks,” she said, taking Ashby’s other side.

  “Here Aleks. Gabriel wants to talk to you,” Nic said, passing off Ashby’s cell. Aleks nodded and took the phone.

  “You three go to the clinic and stay there until I come for you.” Rebecca nodded and she and Nic walked slowly down the street with Ashby heading toward the clinic, Sebastian trotting along behind them. Aleks turned to Rex, Talon and Kent.

  “Can one of you go with them and guard the clinic? I’ll need the other two to contact Liam and Bran to start patrols through town,” Aleks said.

  “I’ll go with them to the clinic,” Rex said and jogged after the three.

  “I’ll contact Liam and head west,” Kent said.

  “I guess that leaves me calling the wolves and heading east.” Talon nodded to Aleks and the two took off. Aleks raised the phone to his ear.

  “Gabriel, who wants Ashby dead and how did they get into Arkadia?” Aleks asked.

  “I’ve been getting death threats against Ashby from the drug ring I’m trying to take down. If vampires have found a way into Arkadia, then he isn’t safe there.”

  “There is no proof that vampires have breached the perimeter. Let me work this like a human crime scene. Ashby is safer here behind the perimeter until we can prove otherwise,” Aleks said, walking over to the open shop door.

  “He is my mate.”

  “I swear to you my brothers and I will guard him like our own. His bond to Rebecca has made him like a brother to her and a part of our family. As soon as Doc clears him, we’re taking him home to the ranch. There is no safer place,” Aleks said confidently.

  “You keep him safe and I will do everything in my power to eliminate the threat to my mate,” Gabriel said darkly before disconnecting. Aleks stared down at the phone and shook his head. He tried to feel sorry for the bastard threatening Ashby but couldn’t. Ashby’s pain was Rebecca’s pain, the son of a bitch needed to die, and die soon.

  * * * *

  “OK. I was a little rattled. I’ve put my w
hole life into my shop. I still think his comment about getting a Life Alert necklace was totally uncalled for,” Ashby said, pouting, wrapped up in the softest blanket Rebecca owned while sipping hot chocolate. Nic smiled down into his mug of tea. Ashby, Nic and Rebecca were sprawled out on the guest room sofas after Aleks dropped them off at their house before heading back out to meet with Bran and Liam about patrols.

  “Oh Ashby, you know he was kidding. It was his way of showing his concern of having to treat you for serious trauma three times in nearly a week,” Rebecca said, trying to smooth over Ashby’s prickled pride.

  “I didn’t ask for any of this. Finding your mate should be a happy occasion,” Ashby said, sighing.

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t anything know about that. My mate rejected me, I was attacked like three times, then kidnapped and whipped when I got mated,” Rebecca said, blowing on her hot chocolate. Ashby’s eyes widened.

  “Oh honey I didn’t mean to…” he started. She smiled up at him and waved off his apology.

  “If this is what being mated his like, count me out,” Nic said, shuddering.

  “But seriously, like being beaten and kidnapped, totally worth it for the great sex,” Rebecca said, nodding to herself.

  “She’s right. It’s totally worth it.” Ashby agreed. They both looked at each other and started giggling.

  “No booty is worth all this mess,” Nic said, shaking his head.

  “He’s a freak, super freak!” Rebecca said poking Ashby in the arm. Nic laughed.

  “No, Becca. No singing.” Ashby poked her back.

  “At first I was afraid. I was petrified.” Rebecca began the words to “I Will Survive” and Nic groaned, burying his head between the sofa cushions. But the words sparked something in Ashby. Rebecca was right. He would survive this. He threw off his blanket and put down his hot chocolate before jumping up to stand on the sofa. He took over singing.

  “Oh no, not I, I will survive.” He bounced his head from side to side and slapped his shaking ass. Rebecca hooted and hollered beside him, egging him on as Nic rapped out the beat on the night stand.

  Just as he was finishing up the final notes he turned to face the doorway only to see Aleks standing there slack-jawed with a cell phone in his hand. The room suddenly got quiet. Aleks slowly brought the phone up to his ear and trying to keep a straight face said,

  “I would say he’s doing better.”

  Ashby’s slapped both hands over his mouth and stared in horror at the cell phone. Aleks held out the phone and wiggled it.

  “It’s for you,” he said, chuckling. Ashby shook his head. Behind him he heard Rebecca and Nic lose all sense of composure and began to laugh hysterically.

  “Come on Ashby, your mate needs to hear your voice…some more,” Aleks said, walking over placing the phone into Ashby’s hand and closing it around the phone.

  “Come on Giggles, let’s leave the man in peace,” Aleks said, walking over to pick up Rebecca who was still trying to breathe. She waved to Nic and Ashby as Aleks carried her out of the room. Nic wiped his eyes.

  “I’m jumping in the shower,” he said before walking to the en suite bathroom. Ashby stared down at the phone.

  “Angel, please put the phone to your ear,” he heard Gabriel say and immediately brought the phone up.

  “I’m here,” he said, wanting to kick himself for sounding so lame. He heard Gabriel’s soft laughter and couldn’t help but smile. He jumped down off the sofa and walked over to one of the two queen beds in the guest room he was sharing with Nic.

  “I miss you, my angel. Life here seems so bleak without you next to me.”

  “I miss you too. I wish you were here,” Ashby said, snuggling down under the covers.

  “I belong by your side, but it seems that the safest place for you is as far away from me as possible,” Gabriel said. Ashby could hear the frustration in his voice.

  “My place is next to you. As soon as we find the vampires responsible I can come home,” Ashby said and he heard Gabriel’s swift intake of breath.

  “Do you mean that, mon ange? Do you consider the club your home?” he asked.

  “No. You’re my home. I realized that today when I was scared and feeling lost. The only place I wanted to be was in your arms. Wherever you are is my home,” Ashby said, meaning every word.

  “Mon dieu, the things you say to me. I swear, once this is behind us I will spoil you the way I have been dying to,” Gabriel murmured seductively into the phone. Ashby shivered.

  “Spoil me how?” he asked.

  “Well first I would…” Gabriel started.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa. I love you, Ashers, really I do. But I draw the line at phone sex while sharing a room. It would be weird, like kissing my brother or something,” Nic said from the bathroom door and shuddered. Ashby made a face at Nic and heard Gabriel laugh.

  “That gives me even more motivation to find the ones responsible,” Gabriel whispered softly.

  “I love you,” Ashby said, closing his eyes tight and wishing his prince was with him.

  “And I love you too my angel, sleep well and for my sanity stay safe.”

  “I will,” Ashby said before ending the call. He stared down at the phone for a long time. When he looked up Nic was in the opposite bed staring at him.

  “I can’t wait until you’re mated so I can torture you,” Ashby said, throwing a pillow at his best friend.

  “Never happening,” Nic said, catching the pillow and putting it under his head.

  “Night Nic,” Ashby said, turning off the light.

  “Night, Ashers,” Nic responded.

  Ashby lay awake long after Nic’s breathing evened out. His last thoughts were of his prince before he finally drifted off to sleep.

  * * * *

  The three sentries watched the light go out in the room assigned to their charge and continued their patrol within the boundaries of the Arkadion ranch. It was the first time the bears had ever let other groups on their land, which spoke volumes. It wasn’t only the importance of keeping Ashby safe but a testament to how much the town had grown in such a short time. The wolf turned to the two lions.

  “Did you hear what Alpha Kate wants to do to the one who trashed Ashby’s shop?” he asked. Both lions nodded.

  “Did you hear what the Alpha Mother wanted to do?” the taller of the two lions asked. The wolf snorted.

  “It’s not even physically possible. They would die long before it was done,” he said. The smaller of the two lions shook his head slowly.

  “That’s why she said she would skin them first, she planned it that way to determine how fast they would heal, so that when she did the other bit it would go on for years, slowly healing and then…” All three gulped.

  “She’s so tiny and cute. But to tell you the truth, she’s scary as fuck too,” the taller lion said.

  The wolf grinned.

  “And we wouldn’t want it any other way.” The other two lions grinned in return and they resumed their patrol.

  Chapter 16

  “Don’t pick up any glass. And don’t lift anything heavy. Don’t breathe in any cleaning fumes, in fact don’t help. Just sit there,” Aleks said as he paced in front of the table where Rebecca, Ashby and Nic sat waiting on their to-go order of breakfast muffins at the diner.

  “Aleks, don’t worry, we won’t let her do anything. She is strictly going for moral support. Right Ashby?” Nic said and Ashby nodded.

  “And to tell us what to do and point and laugh when we do it wrong,” Ashby added.

  “Hey! You’re supposed to be on my side, just for that, I am adding snarky comments to my agenda. Muwhahaha.” She sniffed dramatically and sipped her tea.

  “OK, baby, I gotta run. If you see anything suspicious let me know immediately. Ashby, we did a walkthrough of the shop and apartment yesterday and have everything we need. Luckily all of the damage was to the shop, the upstairs looked untouched. Still be careful with the glass. If the smells get overwhelming ta
ke breaks. The smell of candy, cake and sour ice cream was too much yesterday so we weren’t able to pick up the intruder’s scent.” Aleks crinkled his nose, leaned down and kissed his mate before heading toward the door. He paused, turned back around and his eyes narrowed at Rebecca.

  “Stay out of trouble, I mean it.” He turned back and the door shut behind him. Rebecca rolled her eyes.

  “OK, boys, time to boogie,” Rebecca said as Connor handed her a box full of muffins and a small box of bacon for Sebastian.

  They waved good-bye to Ma and Connor before heading to the ice cream parlor. When they walked in Rebecca looked around, her eyes sad. She passed Nic the muffins and immediately scooped Sebastian up.

  “We have to be careful Sebastian, we don’t want glass in your wittle paws.” She kissed the top of Sebastian’s head as he settled down in her arms purring. Nic wiped down one of the few unbroken chairs and held it out for Rebecca.

  “OK, missy. Park it,” he said and placed the box of muffins on one of the tables. He turned and looked at their pitiful inventory of cleaning supplies.

  “Ash do you have any more bags? This lot isn’t going to cover it.” Nic pointed to the single box of lawn and leaf bags they had brought from the ranch.

  “I have some more upstairs, be back in a second,” Ashby said as he ran up the stairs.

  When he got to the landing he saw that Aleks had left the door open. Shaking his head, he pushed open the door and headed to the kitchen. He got down on his knees, rummaging around under his sink. Finally he found the two boxes of bags he had been looking for. As he stood, he looked up, and clear as crystal he saw the reflection of someone standing behind him in the polished metal of the refrigerator. He spun around and dropped the boxes he hand been holding. A vaguely familiar man stood in front of him holding a gun tipped with a silencer. He felt his heart try to climb out of his body through his throat.

  “What do you want?” he demanded. The man was about to answer when Rebecca and Nic burst through the apartment door skidding to a stop when they saw the stranger with the gun.


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