Fated for Forever

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Fated for Forever Page 15

by Alanea Alder

  “I got it back just in time.” She grinned, waving her gun. Aleks and Liam entered the diner at a dead run.

  “We heard gun shots,” Liam said, eyeing the man writhing around in pain on the diner floor.

  “Becca, baby, what’s going on?” Aleks asked as the two other wolves that had come in barred the way to his mate.

  “I shot their Alpha in the knee caps,” she said calmly.

  “What did that bastard do?” he asked, his hands shifting as he and Liam faced down the two wolf shifters.

  “He grabbed me,” she said then stepped forward before kicking him in the face. Blood and teeth skittered across the diner floor. The Alpha began to laugh.

  He wheezed and said, “You broke Arkadian law. You hurt a shifter within the town’s perimeter.” The Alpha forced each word out between painful breaths.

  Ashby froze. Rebecca had. She had shot him. Oh God, what if she had to leave Arkadia?

  “Bitch, please. I know every law, bylaw and Council suggestion that’s been enforced or documented since Arkadia was created. It states that any town member is able to defend themselves against physical harm. You laid your hands on me and caused me pain. I was simply defending myself.”

  Aleks growled and stepped forward to go after the wolf on the floor.

  “You dare touch my mate!” He stepped right into the wolf shifter’s chest that still stood between him and Rebecca.

  “I only grabbed your face, you shot me. It’s completely different. I’ll take my case to the vampires. They will destroy your town.” The Alpha growled up at Rebecca. Ashby smiled and stepped forward to stand next to Rebecca. He put on his haughtiest expression and looked down at the man on the floor.

  “I am Prince Ashby, mated to Prince Gabriel, who rules over all vampires. I can with utmost certainty, unequivocally advise you that we will never rule in your favor, nor will we ever attack any Arkadian town. This I can swear to you.” Ashby looked at him in disgust.

  “I will take my case to the Council. This isn’t over!” The two wolves stepped away from Liam and Aleks and helped their leader to stand. Rebecca frowned and stepped forward.

  “For your transgression against my person as Alpha Mother of Arkadia, I am hereby issuing you this final warning. Do not seek to harm what is mine or I will ban your pack from Arkadia. If you succeed in harming what is mine, I will destroy you. Not kill. Destroy. I will systematically and painfully rip you apart piece by piece.” Rebecca stared at them coldly.

  “As prince of the vampire race I also give you warning. If you ever harm so much as a hair on my Alpha Mother’s head, I will set every vampire on the planet against you. There is no place on earth where you could hide from my wrath.” Ashby stared at the man in disgust.

  “I don’t believe a twink like you rules the vampires,” the Alpha spat out. Ashby calmly pulled his cellphone out of his pocket and dialed Gabriel’s number.

  “Mon Ange, is something the matter?” Gabriel’s melodic voice was heard by every shifter.

  “There is a wolf shifter here that doubts that a twink like me could be a prince to the vampires. He is threatening my Alpha Mother,” Ashby explained coolly.

  “How do we know that is the prince?” the wolf Alpha demanded.

  “Step forward and know my claim to be true.” Gabriel’s voice was heard, but it was through Ashby that his pulse of power was felt. The three wolves standing in front of Ashby were nearly driven to their knees.

  “My prince, can you please confirm to this wolf Alpha that I speak with your voice and through you I represent the vampires?” Ashby asked.

  “Prince Ashby, as my mate you speak with my voice and represent every vampire created who has not lost their soul. I pity any creature that doubts your claim,” Gabriel said, his voice turning dark and cold.

  “Thank you, my prince.”

  “I am waiting for you my love,” Gabriel said before Ashby ended the call.

  “Peyton, you better come with me if you know what’s good for you!” the wolf Alpha screamed, reaching for the small man in a last-ditch effort as they made their way out of the diner. Mojo simply stretched his large hand forward and snapped the leader’s arm with as much effort as he would in snapping a toothpick. He smiled widely at the Alpha who began screeching and cradling his arm.

  “In case you didn’t understand our Alpha Mother. Everyone in this town and every other Arkadian town is under her protection,” he said, winking down at Peyton.

  “That goes for any current resident or anyone who finds their way here,” Rebecca said, smiling at the Alpha sweetly.

  “Now. It’s approximately five minutes to the edge of town. You have three minutes to get there and get out of Arkadia. Kaden, Beau, Talon, and Rex, can you make sure these gentlemen don’t get lost?” Rebecca asked.

  “Yes, Alpha Mother,” they replied and began pushing the men out of the diner door.

  “Well, I’m glad that’s over sooner rather than later,” Rebecca said, trying to wrestle her table back in place. Aleks walked across the diner and wrapped his arms around Rebecca.

  Ashby’s eyes misted. He wanted this. He wanted his mate and his family together in one place.

  “Alpha Mother, I formally request that my mate and prince, and through him our coven, be allowed the protection of Arkadia,” Ashby stated loudly. Rebecca stepped back from Aleks and turned to look at Ma, who nodded. She looked at Kate. Kate looked at Bran who smiled.

  “Gabriel was willing to defend us though it gained him nothing. We say yes,” Bran said as he and Caleb cuddled Kate between them. Rebecca and Ashby looked to Liam.

  “Mates should always be together. No matter what,” he said simply and walked out of the diner. Ashby turned back to Rebecca.

  “Ashby, it is my pleasure to be able to extend an invitation to Gabriel and your coven to Arkadia,” she said, smiling widely.

  “What did you mean Becca, that you’re glad that it’s over sooner rather than later?” Aleks asked.

  “Sebastian said that he was on the run from some psychotic sicko collecting hybrids to sell. He had been sold by his Alpha and kept in cages with other hybrids. It wasn’t until the sicko’s abused boyfriend set all the hybrids free that he was able to come here. If I guessed correctly that brave person was you Peyton,” Rebecca said, smiling warmly at small quaking man.

  “He’ll get me. He’ll find a way,” Peyton said, shaking like a leaf. He drew his knees up in the chair and wrapped his arms around his body.

  “In case you haven’t noticed, our Alpha Mother takes her job extremely seriously. That man will never hurt you again,” Mojo explained, wrapping a beefy arm around the trembling shoulders of the small man.

  “He won’t?” Peyton asked, looking up in disbelief.

  “Not unless he wants to get shot again,” Rebecca said, brandishing her gun. Peyton smiled at the way Aleks eyed her gun.

  “Does that mean that the others are welcome here too?” Peyton asked, eagerly unwrapping himself.

  “Of course, as long as they don’t harm anyone in town,” Rebecca said. Peyton shook his head.

  “They won’t. They just want someplace to be safe,” he said. Rebecca nodded.

  “If that’s the case then you better let them know they have a home here,” Ashby said, winking at Rebecca. Peyton turned to them and smiled. It was the first true smile Ashby had seen on his face and it was breathtaking.

  “Mojo, can we head back to the bar? I need to let my friends know it’s safe here,” Peyton said, jumping up to grab Mojo’s huge hand in his small one and tugging for all he was worth. Mojo nodded and let himself be pulled out of the diner.

  “So more hybrids,” Rebecca said.

  “And vampires,” Ashby quipped, bumping his shoulder with hers.

  “Sounds like fun doesn’t it,” Kate said.

  “Ashby, let Prince Gabriel know that if you need a place for your coven, I can sell him the plantation house. It’s large enough to hold a lot of people,” Caleb said, wrappin
g his arm around Kate.

  “Oh Ashers, that’s a great idea.” Rebecca clapped her hands excitedly, then tilted her head to one side that Ashby recognized as her scheming position.

  “Do you think he’d be willing to put in a pool?” she asked innocently. Kate gave her a high five and the men groaned.

  “For you, I bet he would,” Ashby said laughing.

  “I’m heading to Purgatory. This kind of news needs to be delivered in person!” Ashby said, dashing back to the table to grab his keys.

  Chapter 18

  “Gabriel! Gabriel! I’m home!” Ashby yelled as he raced inside Purgatory. It was the middle of the day so he knew the day shift would be stocking and cleaning. He raced to the stairway that led to the VIP suite and their apartments. He looked up and saw Gabriel appear at the top of the stairs. Faster than his eyes could track Gabriel was down the stairs and pulling him into his arms.

  “What are you doing back? I thought we decided that you would stay in Arkadia until I find the drug ring,” Gabriel asked, peppering Ashby with kisses.

  “It’s over. It was a stalker, not a drug ring. He tried to kill me this morning, but then Sebastian shifted into a really cool saber-toothed tiger and saved us, then Liam realized he was his mate and got upset. Then asshole wolf Alpha threatened to take Peyton and take over the Arkadian wolf pack and that was when I called you. After that Rebecca and the town leaders voted. The coven has been invited to move to Arkadia!” Ashby practically screamed the last bit in his excitement. Gabriel stared down at him in horror as his mate’s words sunk in. He felt his fangs burst through his gums at the threat to his mate and began to check every inch of Ashby for injury.

  The coven members began to crowd around them. It didn’t take long for the entire coven to circle around the little prince that they missed.

  “Move? To Arkadia? Isn’t that the shifter town?” Baptista asked, as Gabriel growled under his breath and continued to inspect Ashby.

  “Yes, but seeing as how Gabriel was willing to defend Rebecca and the town and since we’re mated they have agreed to let the coven move to town. This coven only. The coven members won’t be able to invite others in, and if they lose their souls they are automatically kicked out of town by the protective barrier, but we can all live there!” Ashby said, bouncing up and down in Gabriel’s arms.

  “It can’t be that simple.” Gabriel started slowly feeling his heart rate return to normal.

  “Why not?” The protest came not from Ashby but from several coven members. Gabriel looked around, surprised.

  “I just uprooted the coven to open Purgatory, I can’t ask the coven to move their lives again,” Gabriel said, shaking his head.

  “What about coven leadership meetings? We couldn’t have those in Arkadia or run Purgatory from an hour away.” Gabriel let go of Ashby and began pacing in front of the assembled members of the coven.

  “Don’t we get a say?” David asked softly. Both David and Daniel stepped forward.

  “I wouldn’t mind moving again if I knew that we would be there for a while. Arkadia is protected, not only from shifters going rogue but also against other vampires. We could really set down roots there, like a real home,” David said, igniting excited whispers throughout the crowd.

  “What did I tell you about trying to handle everything all by yourself my love?” Ashby said, wrapping his arms around Gabriel’s waist.

  “Prince Gabriel, if I recall correctly, you put me in charge of the regional coven leader business. I can easily commute to Purgatory for meetings as they arise,” Roman said stepping forward.

  “Sir, if most of the coven lived in Arkadia, we wouldn’t have to split up the security detail to run the club while the other half slept,” Baptista added.

  “I also know for a fact that several shifters in town would be willing to take on work here in the club to replace anyone who wanted to stay in town,” Ashby added.

  “We could even work in rotations so that everyone gets a break away from the club.” Rhys stepped up beside the twins. Gabriel looked around them, eyes wide.

  “You want this? You all want this?” he asked, amazed. He had no idea how much his coven desperately wanted a real home.

  “It would be a great move for the coven, but it would also mean that you and Prince Ashby could be together without him having to sacrifice his shop or friends and family.” Mikhail walked up behind Gabriel and clapped him on the back before ruffling Ashby’s hair. The coven stared in shock at the rare display of affection from the ancient warrior.

  “All in favor?” Ashby shouted. A deafening amount of ayes reverberated through the air.

  “All opposed?” Mikhail asked. The silence was immediate.

  “Looks like we’re moving in with the furballs,” Roman said. Everyone broke into cheers and then started to disperse, excitedly talking about the upcoming move.

  “I need to contact Aleks Arkadion and arrange the invitation ceremony…” Gabriel started.

  “Roman!” Ashby yelled.

  “On it.” Roman walked away, tapping on his smartphone.

  “We need to figure out how to get our things into town,” Gabriel continued.

  “Rhys, could you contact Duncan Arkadion? He and his brother own the construction business in town. I bet he and his crew can assist in the move. They also have large trucks that can help transport everything,” Ashby countered.

  “Got it!” Rhys ran after Roman to get the number to reach Duncan.

  Gabriel’s eyes narrowed at Ashby at the unspoken challenge.

  “We also need to submit relocation forms to the vampire council, transfer all of our banking and set up new accounts in Arkadia.” He watched Ashby, who smirked up at him.

  “David, Daniel,” Ashby said.

  “So totally one step ahead of you on that one, bossman.” The twins laughed and raced up to their office.

  “We need a place to live,” Gabriel said as if moving into checkmate.

  “Noel, reach out to Caleb Donovan of the Arkadian wolf pack. He is willing to sell us his turn-of-the-century plantation home. Make sure you offer over asking price, they have two boys to support after all. Oh, and also look into getting a huge pool installed. That will permanently add us to Rebecca and Kate’s good list.” Ashby smiled up at his mate.

  “It’s like no one needs me for anything anymore,” Gabriel said, almost pouting. Ashby smiled and slid his hands under Gabriel’s shirt.

  “I can think of one or two things you could do,” Ashby offered magnanimously. One of Gabriel’s dark eyebrows shot up before he turned to Mikhail.

  “Make sure Roman doesn’t piss off Aleks Arkadion by being the sarcastic genius he is. Be with Rhys when he calls Duncan so that he doesn’t just agree to everything he suggests. Stand over David and Daniel when they handle financials, they tend to get distracted by Call of Duty. And yes, offer over asking price for the plantation house but also get a realistic list of repairs and upgrades needed on the house before we close. And make sure that he doesn’t fill up the entire back property with a pool in an effort to make Ashby happy.” Gabriel grinned at his oldest friend.

  “Ass. Hole,” Mikhail muttered before he went to track Roman down.

  “See, we make the perfect team.” Ashby snuggled close to Gabriel, relishing every second in his mate’s arms.

  “I can show you how perfect,” Gabriel said, grazing Ashby’s neck with his fangs. Ashby whimpered.

  “Please,” he begged softly. Gabriel lifted him up off his feet, and with preternatural speed he navigated the stairs. Once in their apartments Gabriel proved to Ashby over and over again exactly how good a match they were.

  * * * *

  Ashby was humming to himself and swaying his hips from side to side as he washed his hands in the bathroom that night after the club opened. Everyone in the coven was celebrating and the atmosphere was jubilant and light. Grinning, he winked at himself in the mirror and turned to leave. When he looked up, two tall men in a dark suits stood b
etween him and the door.

  “Excuse me,” Ashby said. Both men grinned, revealing descended fangs.

  “Your prince should have heeded our warning and backed off on the investigation. Too bad. You look like a hot little twink, it will be a shame to kill you.” The man on the left lifted his hand and his fingernails elongated into claws.

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me. What is it about these goddamn bathrooms!” Ashby exclaimed.

  “I’m telling you, that bartender is hot.” A male voice was heard as the bathroom door was pushed open, both vampires turned to the opening door. Taking advantage of the momentary distraction Ashby shifted to his small fox form and ran between the legs of the shifter coming through the door. He heard shouts as the two vampires knocked into the shifter in an effort to get to him.

  Ashby ran out of the bathroom, he couldn’t head back to the dance floor as the two vampires blocked his way. Instead he ran down the long hallway toward the kitchen. He knew help was coming, he just had to stay alive long enough for the coven to find him. He shifted back to human form, opened the door to the walk-in freezer and stepped inside. He just had to stay hidden until the coast was clear. Gabriel would be looking for him any minute now.

  Gabriel, I need you! Ashby thought desperately and began to shake in the cold. He shifted to fox in the effort to stay warm.

  * * * *

  “Find Ashby! He is panicked and scared, search the club!” Gabriel shouted to the coven members and they scattered.

  “Excuse me. Prince Gabriel. This guy here and his buddy nearly knocked me over trying to chase after a baby fox.” An extremely large shifter held up the unconscious form of a vampire.

  “I don’t think they anticipated running into a mastodon, did you asshole.” The man shook the body by the back of the neck like a doll.

  “The fox?” Gabriel demanded.


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