Trust Me (Hot Flash)

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Trust Me (Hot Flash) Page 1

by Sam Crescent



  Sam Crescent


  Secret Cravings Publishing

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  A Secret Cravings Publishing Book

  Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2011 by Sam Crescent

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-61885-111-6

  First E-book Publication: December 2011

  Cover design by Dawné Dominique

  Edited by Stephanie Ballestreri

  Proof read by S. Sullivan

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Secret Cravings Publishing

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Secret Cravings Publishing


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter One

  Diane Slade stood watching the happy couple dance. She was truly glad and delighted for her friend. It was such a beautiful wedding and Karen Wild looked dazzling in her white gown. Nick Marshall had reason to be the proudest man in the room. After one year together he’d finally convinced his older woman to make an honest man out of him.

  Karen had gotten a second chance at love with a glorious man. Even her two children liked Nick. Hell, even she liked Nick.

  Karen waved at her and Diane waved back, smiling.

  As a waiter passed, she took another glass of champagne , smiled at him and sipped the delicious bubbly liquid.

  “Be careful, too much of that stuff will go straight to your head.” Diane turned to look at the owner of the voice.

  She couldn’t help but laugh. Mark, the best friend of the groom and the best man finally spoke. She saluted him and took a large gulp. He stood next to her, glancing at the lovely couple.

  “I never thought I’d see the day old Marshall would get married.”

  Diane didn’t speak, just continued to watch.

  “So you’re the maid of honor?”

  She raised an eyebrow not bothering speaking as he already knew the answer.

  “We’ve got to dance you know.” He moved closer, invading her comfort zone.

  “Look, there are plenty of little girls for you to play with. Go and bother them.” Moving away, Diane tried her best to avoid the irritating man. She hated people getting in her personal space. The respect from kids nowadays, no longer seen. They believed it okay to get right up into your face. Not with her, she wasn’t allowing that kind of invasion from anyone.

  “I don’t want any little girl. I’m looking for a woman.” The best man came back again.

  Shaking her head in frustration, she turned to glare at him. “You’re spoiling my fun.”

  “Lucky for me, this isn’t your big day.” He walked her backward until he had her pinned against one of the white decorative posts.

  Whoa, she wasn’t prepared for this.

  “You do realize I’m older than you.” She felt obliged to point the age gap out.

  “Noted and desired.”

  Diane laughed at the corny statement. “What do you want little boy?” Intrigue finally getting the better of her. Usually her shut down and blunt manners had men older than him crying off with their tails between their legs. This guy seemed to be staying for round two. He had guts. She admired him for it.

  “How about a coffee?”

  Smiling at him. “You want to have coffee?”

  “Well we have a couple of friends in common. It’s only polite we get to know each other, don’t you think?” His hand came up to twirl one of her dark curls around his fingers. Have coffee, her ass. This man wasn’t looking for coffee, but she could give him what he wanted.

  Diane smiled and quickly glanced around to see everyone else occupied with the couple on the dance floor.

  Without any permission, she pressed her palm against his dick. Yep, this guy turned on by her and he was huge. She was a liberated female and more than happy to oblige him. She squeezed, watching his eyes go wide and his pupils dilate.

  “You don’t want coffee. You want to have a good time. Tired of all those young things laying themselves at your feet?”

  Mark leaned against her, hiding her grip between them. Pressing his head against the crook of her neck.

  “I’ve got skills no younger woman could show you.” She teased him, enjoying the feel of him shaking beneath her hand. Diane relished the power to give him either pleasure or pain.

  “Is that right?” he moaned against her neck.

  The touch of his breath on her neck had her trembling with desire. Her pussy wet and ready right now, she could feel the dampness of her panties between her thighs.

  Holding his gaze, she worked his zipper open—the sound drowned out by the commotion of the wedding party. As she pulled his dick free, Diane glanced around again. They were free and clear. She flicked the head of his cock and tugged at his shaft with her hand.

  He gasped as she worked him. Wonder shined from his gaze. So the guy hadn’t been given a hand job in the open. He sure had a lot to learn.

  “Are you going to come for me?” she asked him, amazed at the length and width of his dick. Moisture leaked out of his tip, providing good lubrication.

  Diane could see how lost he was when he lifted his head to gaze at her and then pressed against the curve of her neck. Lust, desire and raw unadulterated need collided in his eyes.

  Within minutes his fingertips were biting into her hips. She retrieved a napkin from the table, seconds before his release pulsed into her hand. Working him until he finished shuddering, she cleaned him up and zipped him away. After folding the napkin and placing it in his pocket, she tapped him on the chest and left him standing there.

  She didn’t turn back. Diane knew what she’d see. A dazed and lust crazed man. She smiled. It wasn’t every day you brought a man to climax at a wedding. Let alone the best man with a reputation that preceded her own.

  Today was turning out to be a really good day.

  * * * *

  Holy shit. Mark turned around checking to make sure no one had seen them together. No one paid any attention to him. Grabbing a flute of champagne, he gulped it down—amazing feat considering how bad his hands shook.
He’d never climaxed in such a short time before. Not even as a teenage boy, when his dick would get hard for anything or anyone, he would take his time. His sexual prowess and good stamina were things he took pride in.

  Mark looked around looking for the woman of his dreams.

  Disappointed as he couldn’t find her anywhere.

  I wish I knew her name. He tried to recall the guest list and Nick talking about the maid of honor. Taking a peek at the dance floor to he saw Nick and Karen leave, their dance finally finished. Smoothing down his shirt he hoped they couldn’t tell he’d just had the best release of his life.

  He nodded to them.

  “Hey Mark. Enjoying the celebration?” Nick asked, pulling Karen close.

  “It’s great,” he managed to croak out.

  Karen glanced at him with a smile. “Have you seen Diane?”

  Diane—her name was Diane.

  He shook his head.

  “I’m sure I saw you talking together.” Karen looked around.

  “Erm, yes…she was here…but…then she went.” Nick kept giving him curious looks and for the first time in years, Mark felt a blush work its way into his cheeks.

  This didn’t happen to him anymore. Shit he was Mark Hamilton. He did things that made other people blush.

  “Okay. I’m just going to go and find her.” She kissed Nick and left them to it.

  Once she moved far enough away Nick turned on Mark. “Don’t do it,”

  “Do what?”

  “You know what. I see that look and you leave Diane alone.” Nick pushed him away from the crowd.

  Once they were alone Nick let him go.

  “Is she taken?” Mark damned well hoped she wasn’t. No married woman should jerk a man off. It would be wrong and he didn’t believe in messing with a married woman.

  Plain and simple, he didn't do woman in a relationship, let alone the married type. And anyone looking for Mr. Right he steered clear of.

  “No. Diane is exactly like you.”

  Mark didn’t understand why his friend suddenly seemed so agitated. “What’s your deal?” Mark asked, his own anger coming through.

  “What’s my deal? You’re trying to pick up my wife’s best friend at my bloody wedding.” Nick turned away from him.

  Said like that he could understand his anger. Mark could see the problem but didn’t understand why it bothered his friend. He was just being himself.

  And since Diane—a female version of him—that meant he needed to step up his game. Time to work his magic and show her a thing or two.

  * * * *

  “I found you.”

  “I wasn’t lost sweetie.” Diane applied another smear of deep red lipstick.

  “Looks good,” Karen told her.

  “Doesn’t it just? You look glorious. Who would have thought Karen Wild, sorry no, you’re married now so I must get use to calling you Karen Marshall.” Diane embraced her friend.

  Karen giggled.

  “You have every right to be giddy.” Diane kissed her on the cheek turning back to the mirror to fluff up her hair.

  “I saw you talking with Mark.” This is what she’d been waiting for. No matter how old they got Karen always seemed to worry about her.

  Diane smiled at her. She loved her friend but Karen needed to realize that she could look after herself.

  “The little guy in the tux?” Nothing little about the impressive package in his pants. “He’s just saying hello.”

  She smiled, recalling his loss of control and ejaculating in a napkin. The poor guy. She adjusted her breasts and turned to give her friend another hug.

  “He’s dangerous,” Karen warned her.

  “Darling, he’s younger than me and I’m far more dangerous than him.” Taking Karen’s hand, Diane led her back out to her wedding.

  “I have Nick and in the beginning, I thought it was just a good time. Look at me now, in love and happily married.”

  “Darling my heart is never leaving this body. I’m not designed like you sweetie. There is no wedding in the cards for me.”

  Speaking the truth. At forty-one years old she had no intention of marrying any man, no matter what they offered her. Not many women half her age could they were happy and independent, she could. Yes, she liked to screw around with guys, but that didn’t mean she wanted a happily ever after.

  “Let’s go and find Nick.” They smiled and chatted all the way to where Nick and Mark stood.

  Karen went straight to her husband kissing him on the lips.

  “You should keep hold of her Nick, plenty of eligible younger men who could steal her away hanging about,” Diane teased.

  Nick laughed. “I’ve got my woman and I know how to keep her.”

  Diane smiled.

  “Shall we?” Mark held out his hand.


  “I believe it’s tradition for the best man to dance with the maid of honor.” He smiled mockingly at her.

  “Excuse me,” Diane said to the happy couple.

  Placing her hand in his, she allowed him to escort her onto the dance floor. He cupped her waist and held one of her hands within his. Bringing her indecently close to his body, he began to spin her around.

  “If you wanted to get me alone you only needed to ask,” she whispered.

  He chuckled. “We’re not exactly alone.”

  “Dancing is intimate, Mark. A form of foreplay.” To emphasis her point she swung hips so her belly rubbed against his dick.

  His cock already swelling up.

  “Wow, you’re a bit of a stud aren’t you?” A smile sultry, locking away all of her secrets.

  “Mark the stud at your service.” He twirled her around bringing her back to him.

  Diane heard the gasps of the crowd but she didn’t care. She wanted to see his eyes glowing with arousal more than she wanted to impress the crowd.

  “You’re a good dancer.”

  “Thank you.”

  They circled the dance floor putting on a display for the guests but in truth they were circling each other. Diane counted down the notes for the last tune.

  The band stopped, applause commenced and once couples surrounded them again on the dance floor he led her around the back of the reception, out of sight from everyone but him.

  He thrust her against the wall and before she could get a single word out, his lips locked on hers.

  His tongue plundered her mouth, tasting her. He tasted like champagne. Diane moaned, not bothering to fight him. She thrust her hands into the thickness of his hair messing it up with her fingers, pulling at the strands as she fought to hold onto something. Their moans mingled. Mark shoved a leg between hers riding it high close to the junction of her legs until he hit her hot mound. His hands moved to her hips getting her to move on him—to ride his leg.

  Diane broke away, throwing her head back. She loved the contact of his hard thigh against her dripping pussy. His hand slid up under her dress, going straight for her, his fingers pushed aside the fabric of her panties until he fingered her swollen clit.

  “Fuck your smooth,” he growled as his fingers grazed her smooth hairless pussy.

  He moved down until his finger inserted inside her and his thumb moved in slow tantalizing circles on her clit.

  Diane panted with the need to come. His hard digit stabbed. She felt so swollen and warm.

  “Faster,” she panted.

  The sound of the reception in the distance, did nothing to distract her.

  He’d brought her to the point of no return. She would go insane unless he brought her to release now.

  “I want this to last,” he panted in her ear. She wished she could see what he was doing.

  A slow aching burn started inside her as her climax began to unfold. Starting out asa small delicious build giving her time to enjoy it. Gazing into his eyes she saw how far gone he was as well.

  With ease, she took herself over the edge, hurtling into a blissful state of pleasure.

cried out but he absorbed her screams in a searing kiss.

  Her pussy tightened around his fingers as every spasm seized her. He swore, holding her as one of the most powerful orgasms of her life rocked her body.

  Through the haze and all the events after Diane can only remember him saying one thing.

  “Can I call you?”

  Chapter Two

  Diane sat out in the summer sunshine, drinking lemonade and reading an erotic romance novel. The sex scenes played out as fabulous examples she'd love to try one day. Glancing over her garden, she lifted her face to the inviting warmth of the sun rays.

  This was the life.

  Oh who am I trying to kid!

  It had been three weeks since the wedding reception. Three weeks since she’d last had an orgasm. She glanced again at her house phone to see if she had missed a call. Nope, no call. Ridiculous. She shouldn’t be waiting for a call from a guy she didn’t really know.

  Diane didn’t have the heart to phone one of her other lovers. In fact, she hadn’t seen or spoken to her other lovers in some time. Anonymous sex no longer seemed appealing either. And with Karen still away on her honeymoon, she had no one to talk too.

  Her pussy burned, like she had been branded by him. She threw her book down, needing to get out of the heat. She headed straight for her shower. Some freezing water should sort everything out. At least she hoped it would.

  Striping off her clothes, she walked beneath the cold powerful spray. She sighed in appreciation. For several minutes she just stood allowing the cool jets to wash over her.

  He was younger than her for crying out loud. She loved men, even had younger men before. But not since she’d lost her husband, had one of her lovers affected her so.

  No other man—old or young—has ever gotten me off against a wall. So exposed. Anyone walking past could’ve seen me.

  She moaned as she cupped herself between her legs. Her pussy felt molten in her palm. She allowed a finger to slip inside feeling the delightful wetness before letting out a frustrated moan. So much for having a cold shower to get my mind off his cocky arrogance. Pulling her hand away, she began to wash herself.


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