Trust Me (Hot Flash)

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Trust Me (Hot Flash) Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  His hand finally touched her pussy and she cried out as his fingers found her swollen clit. He teased her, flicking her love button. She came in seconds, shuddering against him as she let out a scream.

  “I need to be inside you.” He pulled her to the edge of the counter and before she knew what was happening, his cock thrust inside her all the way to the hilt. She had been so long without a man, the connection unexpected. Holding on, she welcomed him into her warmth. She wanted this more than she wanted to take her next breath.

  She was so tight, he slid in but she could feel her inner walls fighting against the width of him.

  She cried out as he pulled all the way out of her and thrust inside. The movement violent.

  Diane opened her eyes to see him looking down at his dick disappearing inside her body. His cock covered in her cum.

  She closed her eyes again, gasping out as he kept thrusting inside her channel.

  She screamed as he opened her legs wider to receive him, by placing them over his arms as his hands grasped her small waist. He was strong and he used the angle to his advantage, pulling her against his body, impaling her.

  She felt him hitting her cervix, the point between pleasure and pain.

  She cried out as she felt another wave hit her.

  “That’s it. Cum over my cock. I want to feel you coming.” His voice the only thing she could hear.

  With every noise she let out, the more he fucked her harder, forcing her to take him deeper inside her body.

  Diane felt herself opening up unlike anything she had experienced. She looked at him and he looked at her and a connection built unlike anything she’d ever known.

  Sweat shone off both of their bodies.

  Diane could see he was close.

  She tightened her cunt around his dick, squeezing him in.

  “Fuck,” he growled.

  He swivelled his hips, creating a wonderful sensation, bumping her clit as he did. She gasped as her body took over, tightening around him as she built toward another lightning climax.

  She shook her head, but he took her to the height and dropped her off that great precipice. Her back arched as she let out a mighty yell. Her climax pulsed through her entire body as she screamed in release.

  She heard his deep throated release seconds before she felt him jerk inside her pussy. It was like she could feel the hot splash of semen wash inside her body. The sensation unlike anything she had ever felt before.

  As she came down from the high, her body collapsed, sated and satisfied.

  She was happy.

  Then the reality set it.

  They hadn’t used a condom.

  She jerked to look at Mark. Still inside her, his eyes closed as his body slowly came down from the peak of pleasure.

  When his eyes opened, he looked at her. Diane saw the moment reality set in—the realization.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Chapter Four

  “Be careful. That’s broken glass.” Mark bent to stop her hand from lifting one of the many shards scatter around the room.

  Her kitchen a mess. Sticky lemonade dried to the tile floor. Pulling free of his grasp Diane tucked her hair behind her ear and set to work.

  “What the hell do you want me to do? Stare at it and hope it goes away?” Diane fumed, turning to grab the dustbin.

  “Look, I’m sorry all right?”

  She could hear his desperation for her to turn to him.

  “We were both too far gone. Anyway, it’s just a little glass.” The clattering of glass the only sound as she gathered up the pieces.

  I shouldn’t have brought him here. I never bring men here.

  “I wasn’t talking about the glass,” he piped up.

  Diane stopped what she was doing but she refused to turn and look at him. Her body still melting from his burning caresses. Never before, even with her husband, had she forgotten to use protection.

  She didn’t want children. She was too old to deal with them.

  “Don’t worry about it,” she said, gathering the remaining glass and dumping it in the bin.

  “I’ve got to worry about it Diane. We could’ve just made a baby!”

  She refused to look at him, taking a cloth and beginning to slowly clean the floor. “Look maybe you should just go.”

  Silence met her words. She could feel him behind her. His fingers playing on her neck brought her from her knees to standing with her back pressed against him.

  Diane allowed herself to be moved. She didn’t know why her body, responsive to his touch. No matter how much she tried, she couldn’t push him away. The need to be strong and make him leave deep within her.

  “Don’t push me away Diane,” he whispered against her ear, nibbling her neck.

  Her nipples beaded to unimaginable points.

  “I’ll always take care of you.” His free hand moved down the front of her body to cup one of her swollen mounds. Diane arched into his touch.

  What the hell is wrong with me? She pulled out of his touch, hating herself for doing it.

  “You don’t need to take care of me. There is nothing to take care of. I’m not pregnant, I’m not likely to get pregnant, and again, you can leave.” She walked to her backdoor which lay opposite the kitchen—the front door too far away and too close to the stairs—opening the door. She pointed the way out.

  As he grabbed his shirt from the floor, Diane blushed. The shirt cleary covered in lemonade. A perfect host would’ve offered to wash it for him. His body, so beautiful she wanted to see it as long as she could before he covered it up.

  “You know, considering you’re older you should know it only takes one time to get pregnant—”

  “Yes, I’ve heard shit like that. I have fourteen years on you.”



  “You only have ten years on me. I’m older than Nick.”

  For a few seconds she was speechless. Ten years really wasn’t that bad. She shook her head. No, ten years still a large gap. She wasn’t looking for a relationship, not now and not ever.

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  She swallowed against her dry throat as he moved closer. With each movement he made her pussy clenched.

  “I can see how much you want me. I bet your pussy is dripping wet and you want me to fuck you again.”

  She shook her head in denial.

  His cheeky, cocky, arrogant smile appeared.

  He stopped right in front of her and before she could protest, his hand dove underneath her skirt and found the evidence he needed.

  She moaned, trying to shut her legs around his hand but he used his feet to keep them open, while his eyes stared into hers. Satisfaction gleamed in his gaze when he lifted his fingers for her to inspect. They were covered with a combination of both of them.

  Diane glared at him and then pushed him out the door, slamming it behind him.

  She didn’t need him. She didn’t need anyone.

  * * * *

  Of all the stupid fucking things I could have done, that was the worst. Mark wiped his fingers on his shirt.

  He should have protected her.

  Every other woman he’d ever been with he’d used a condom. He barely knew Diane—what shocked him the most, he really wanted to know her. He felt his insides turning with how broken she just looked.

  The real kicker, his feelings with regards to her being pregnant. He actually hoped she would be. In the past when the word baby was mentioned, he would run for the hills as far and as fast as he could. He didn’t want the commitment a baby would bring.

  He checked his heart to make sure it still beating in his chest. Yes, fast and alive.

  Why did he want Diane to be pregnant?

  He’d meant every single word he’d said at the house. He would take care of her. The age gap seemed completely irrelevant to their relationship.

  Mark walked along the street, half-naked, oblivious to stares and female adoration. Being with Diane had only fuell
ed his desire to spend more time with her.

  He finally came to the conclusion, she’d been hurt before. He could see that. She kept herself away from everyone, locked up inside so no one could hurt her again.

  He felt her pain—understood it.

  A few hours later, he made it back to his own apartment.

  This place, once a perfect solace for him and Nick to hangout, have a few beers and talk about women. Occasionally they’d have the same woman. Nick now married and happy. Attending his wedding had really opened his eyes on his own life.

  He’d enjoyed his bachelor pad for many, many years. Glancing around, he saw the face of countless women, all in the throes of orgasm. Now, his previous encounters were as impersonal as the pictures on the walls.

  The black and whites giving a clinical feel to the room.

  The way he was going—with all the women and meaningless sex—he would end up a lonely, miserable old man.

  Nick would return in a week’s time and it was likely Diane would end up telling Karen about their encounter.

  He needed to change his act. No longer would he jeopardize his friendship.

  A man waited and took what he wanted. Last time he checked he was a man and he wanted Diane.

  Mark glanced around his empty life. Time to let go of the past and embrace his future, within his grasp. Kelly would’ve wanted him to.

  Picking up the phone, he made a call.

  Chapter Five

  The first bouquet of white roses arrived unexpectedly late that night. Diane thanked the delivery boy and took them to her kitchen. The note read “sorry” plain and simple. She wanted to throw them in the bin, but she couldn’t bring herself to destroy such beautiful flowers.

  She put them in a vase on her dining table and every time she looked at them she thought of Mark.

  Two days later a single red rose arrived. She smiled at the man and took the card. “For a first encounter, M.” Diane smiled and placed the rose near her bed. She didn’t phone him and he didn’t call her.

  Two days after that the same delivery guy delivered her another sealed package. Intrigued because it wasn’t a rose, she thanked the guy and went to unwrap the package. A replacement lemonade pitcher—exactly like the one they had broken—stared back at her. Smiling, Diane made up some lemonade and placed it back in the place of pride in her fridge.

  On the day that Karen and Nick were due back into the country another package arrived. This one a very small box.

  She thanked the guy, and then checked the time to see if she had enough to have a look. Opening the box seconds later she pulled out the pair of panties he’d ripped during their brief encounter. She laughed, delighted at the gift.

  She pulled the panties she wore off and replaced them with her new pair. Smiling, she loved the feeling of being bought something special by a man and further charmed by him knowing the right size.

  Diane admired the way she looked in the full length mirror of the hall. A much better fit than her last pair, they molded to her rounded ass perfectly. Mark knew her size better than she did.

  Smiling, she picked up her car keys and made her way to the airport. They’d agreed on her picking them up and Mark keeping an eye on the house while they were away. She hoped he’d kept to his part of the bargain.

  About an hour or so later she pulled into the busy traffic. The panties she wore making her aware of Mark in every way.

  Nick and Karen were waiting for her when she parked along the curb.

  “I thought you said an eleven-thirty touchdown,” Diane complained as she popped the boot of her car so they could store their luggage.

  “It was supposed to be. The one thing you need to learn about flights is they are never on time,” Nick said.

  Diane laughed, kissing Karen and then Nick. Karen took the space up front with her. They spent the drive talking about Nick and Karen’s time away on the honeymoon. Diane could see how happy they both were. Karen turned in her seat and held hands with Nick through the whole of the drive.

  Like an unconscious thought to reach out for each other.

  For the first time in years, Diane missed that—the connection with someone. She couldn’t imagine ever finding again something as beautiful as Karen had. She truly deserved it after her marriage to her pig of an ex-husband.

  Diane pulled up outside their house and let out a sigh of relief. Mark had handled the welcome home stuff.

  This would be the first time she’d seen him since having sex in her kitchen. She got out of the car. Karen and Nick were too consumed with each other to care or even see her nerves.

  Smiling, she watched as Mark approached them.


  * * * *

  Again she took his breath away. Mark didn’t stop like he wanted to and admire her. He grabbed his friend in a bear hug and planted a kiss on Karen’s cheek.

  Karen’s children were away at university and couldn’t get away to welcome their mum and step-dad home, so only the four of them were present.

  At least Diane stayed to greet their friends. He wondered how long it would be until he got her alone.

  “How was the honeymoon?” he asked. His gaze kept straying to where Diane stood talking with Karen.

  “What have you done Mark?” Nick asked.

  Mark moved his gaze away from Diane and looked at Nick. He noted the anger and concern there.

  “Nothing,” Mark defensively said.

  “Then why are you looking at Diane as if she is something good to eat?” Nick turned his back to the women blocking Mark’s view of them.

  “What if I am?” Mark felt defensive. He hated it when Nick went all mature and questioned him. He wasn’t a bad guy and in truth Nick didn’t really know him anyway.

  “Don’t do this Mark,” Nick warned.

  “Don’t do what?” Karen asked, slipping an arm through Nick’s. Diane came up smiled at Nick and said hello to Mark.

  He smiled and said hello back, but he wanted to say so much more.

  “He’s telling me not to tell his gorgeous wife how divine she looks,” Mark said.

  “Let’s go in. I’m hungry.” Karen pulled Nick in the house with her, leaving Mark and Diane to follow behind.

  “Are you wearing the panties?” Mark leaned down to ask her.

  Her flora sent of a pure feminine woman and the natural smell of sunshine greeted him.

  “You know I am.”

  Her old self back. He could hear it in her voice.

  “I look forward to seeing them,” he told her.

  Diane smiled at him. “I’m looking forward to you seeing them and maybe a few other things.”

  She leaned back covering her movement as her hand cupped his dick.

  Mark growled as his dick kicked against the confines of his clothing. There would come a time when he would finally have her right where he wanted her. Naked and spread on his bed.

  Half naked is all fine and good for a quick fuck but he wanted her screaming out for him as her body pulsed into another climax. He wanted her to pass out from exhaustion.

  “Tonight, my place,” he ordered.

  “Whatever you say, sweetness. Just bring the protection this time.” She raised an eyebrow teasing him.

  He chuckled following her into his best friend’s house.

  Today was going to be a long day.

  * * * *

  Diane stood at the bottom of the garden looking amongst the flowerbeds. Her pussy wet and slippery, covered by the fabric of the panties. Every time she looked Mark’s way she would find him staring at her with lust clouding his eyes.

  She had to turn away. Otherwise, she would melt in a puddle at his feet.

  Taking a sip of water, Diane squeezed her legs together trying to distract herself. She enjoyed the sensation too much as the friction pressed her lips against her swollen clit.

  “Hey sweetie.”

  Diane chuckled, enjoying the welcome as Karen came and embraced her again. “You’re positively

  “I feel wonderful. Being away with Nick with nothing to worry about has been amazing.”

  “How is married life?”

  “Amazing. I mean, I know I’ve been married before but I had no idea it could feel this way.”

  Diane laughed. Karen looked like a bubbly teenager experience her first love.

  “Enjoy it, girl. You deserve it.”

  Karen giggled.

  “So what is going on with you and Mark?” This is what Diane had been waiting for all afternoon.

  “Nothing.” She purposefully put her back to him so he wouldn’t distract her from the conversation, Karen wanted to have.

  “Right, and cats bloody fly. Don’t lie to me Diane. We’ve been friends too long.” Karen folded her arms, determination to get the truth out written all over her.

  “All right, we had sex.” Diane wanted to burst out laughing at the look of shock on Karen’s face.

  “Are you being serious?”

  Diane nodded, taking another gulp of water to slow down the rapid beating of her pulse. Every time she thought of Mark, her body went into overdrive. “Very serious.”

  “Is it permanent?”

  “Karen, not everyone is designed to have the happily ever after like you’ve got. I’m happy having what I have.”

  Karen sighed. “David would have wanted to see you married and happy with a family of your own.”

  His name no longer cut her up anymore. She didn’t know if that was supposed to upset her or not. “I know Karen but don’t go there. Not today.” Diane hugged her friend and offered her love and goodbyes. Diane let her gaze linger on Mark, the intent and obvious question shining out of them.

  “You know, I’ve got to get out of here too. Got a lot to do.” Mark stretched placing his beer on the table.

  “Really? You have something to do?” Nick looked between Mark and Diane.

  “I can give you a ride back to your place if you want?” Diane offered. Everyone knew what was going on but Karen and Nick didn’t say a word. Their concern written clear on their faces.


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