Trust Me (Hot Flash)

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Trust Me (Hot Flash) Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Diane flung her head back and laughed. “Get to the point Mark.”

  She still chuckled as he took hold of her hand and led her back to his bedroom. He disappeared into his wardrobe and came back a few minutes later. She didn’t see what he held in his hands.

  He came up close behind her. She could feel him, sense him but she couldn’t see him.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked the question again.

  She barely knew him. The only time they had met was at the wedding. The sensation of being this consumed by him blew her mind. It wasn’t love, it couldn’t be love. But she knew when she was with him, it was like she could feel again. She didn’t have to be on guard, or witty, or a bitch.

  He didn’t expect anything from her other than for her to be herself. She hadn’t felt that in a very long time. Diane always worried too much, she always had to prove she didn’t mind being strong and care free. With Mark she could simply be Diane. No past, no future, just the present. “Yes, I trust you,” she whispered the words she truly meant down into her soul.

  He kissed her neck, landing right on her sensitive spot. “Thank you.”

  Diane leaned back feeling his heat surround her.

  His hands came up and darkness replaced the sight of the bed.

  “Mark? What are you doing?” Her hands came up to touch the mask he’d placed over her eyes.

  He kissed her again. “Trust me.”

  He took hold of each of her hands and placed them by her sides, like the way she had done earlier.

  “I do.” She allowed her hands to stay at her side. With the mask on, she only had her other senses to tell her what was going on. Everything had gone deathly quiet, she strained to hear a noise.

  He cupped both of her breasts in his large hands. Testing the weight, his thumbnails then grazed over the peaks of her breasts and she moaned in dizzy rapture.

  “You have the nicest pair of tits I’ve ever seen.” His words elicited all kinds of wicked imaginings. “Your nipples are so tight and responsive.”

  One of his hands left her and the next thing she felt something tightening over her nipple.

  She cried out as pain ballooned but quickly replaced by delicious torment. He used a clamp on her. His other hand left her breast and another clamp pressed onto her nipple.

  A scream ripped from her throat as sensations skyrocketed through her. Her nipples had always been sensitive. Her legs trembled with the need to come. She never needed a lot of play to get turned on, but she’d never considered clamping her nipples before. It felt so amazing.

  “How does that feel, angel?” His heat now in front of her, his hands cupped her waist. Just having him touch her was making it hard for her to think.

  “It…erm…it feels wonderful,” she finally managed to squeeze out.

  “You look so fucking beautiful.” He pulled on one of the clamps causing her to step forward, hissing as the points seemed to tighten around her pulsing nipple.

  She followed as he urged her to move. He stopped suddenly, she felt one of his hands go under her legs as his other hand curved around her waist and lift her up against him. Instinctively she wrapped her hands around his neck.

  He placed her tenderly on the center of the bed. The sweet way he dealt with her brought tears to her eyes. So lovingly beautiful. The emotion he stirred were those she’d tried to keep buried for a long time.

  He fanned her hair out on his pillow. “Do you mind if I take a picture?” he asked her.

  “What for?”

  “I swear I’d never show it to anyone. Please, just let me take a picture, this is how I want to remember you,” he pleaded with her.

  “If I can take one of you?”

  “Of course.”

  Diane nodded her agreement. She heard the click of the camera.

  All he took was one picture and she wondered if she would be able to see it.

  Mark kissed her on the lips, trailing a path to her ear with his tongue.

  “Thank you,” he uttered the words quietly, so she knew how much he meant them.

  Diane felt him leave the bed and the give as he came back. His body suddenly pressed against her side.

  The lightest touch of a feather teased over her clamped nipples and she gasped.

  “I’m going to release one of these clamps. I want to see how nice and red the skin looks.”

  Diane tensed waiting for the clamp to come off, not knowing what to expect.

  Mark took the clamp off her nipple at the same time he pressed a finger to her clit, the duel sensation shocking her to the core. She screamed out, begging for release—her pussy wet and dripping.

  With a finger still pressed to her pulsing bud between her pussy lips, he removed the other clamp. Her scream reverberated off the walls and ceiling, bouncing back in a wave of echo.

  He stopped fingering her and moved away.

  “Please,” she moaned, the frustration clear in her voice. Her hands went between her legs to cup her mound.

  The slap on her hands shocked her and she pulled them away.

  “Don’t touch yourself.”

  She nodded her head. He took one of her hands and laid a reassuring kiss against it.

  “You’ll do exactly as I say,” he told her. “Nod your head.”

  Diane did as instructed.

  The excitement at the possibilities of what could happen next brought her to the brink of climax and held her there, quivering with need so strong her body trembled. She wanted to beg and plead for him to fuck her, but she held her tongue, loving the anticipation.

  His large hand pressed against her cheek. She could feel him moving away strands of hair that had covered her face. His thumb traced her lips and her tongue peeked out to taste him. Her flavor mixed with the tang of his skin excited her.

  He cupped her neck in his hand, pushing on the pulse point in her throat, then carried on to her swollen breast. His movements unrushed as if he had all day to explore and tantalize her. He dragged his palm down her rib cage to press against her stomach and stopped just above her pubis.

  Mark used his other hand to pull one thigh toward him and the bed dipped in the open space between her legs.

  Her stomach quivered and she knew her pussy lay bare for him to see how turned on she actually was.

  He finally moved his hand, and used his other one as well, he skipped past her swollen need and pressed the top of her thighs.

  Once satisfied, he asked her to kneel before him with her ass in the air.

  Without question—and a little support from him—she moved so she was on her hands and knees, her feet hanging off the edge of the bed. He stepped away from her, but she felt his breath against her thighs. Her heart began to race as anticipation built within her.

  He cupped her ass together and then he spread her wide. “You have such a lovely ass.”

  She’d never given another man this amount of trust, this amount of control. It surprised her how much she wanted to give herself to him, to feel him against her and inside her. The ice around her heart melted a little and she didn’t have the first clue of how to stop it. It would be awful to fall in love with him. Just awful.

  Diane cried out as a smack swiped her right ass cheek. She could feel the sting and burn and knew she’d be red.

  “You look even better with my mark. My mark for my woman.” His words went from her pussy straight to her heart.

  His woman. The thought didn’t scare or terrify her. She rather liked the idea of being his woman.


  The next one landed on her left ass cheek. She cried out.

  He rubbed his hands over both sore spots. “Do you love it?”


  Smack, smack, smack, smack.

  They landed quickly, Diane screamed as each smack vibrated her pussy. Her cream dripped on her thighs.

  * * * *

  Mark grazed at the red flesh of her ass cheeks with his stubble and laid a gentle kiss to each. She whimpered when he blew o
n each spot.

  He reached around to cup her mound so his fingers pressed against her clit and she threw her head back as she moaned.

  “You’re so hot and ready for me.” Circling her clit, he gathered her cream and thrust two fingers inside her cunt. After a few strokes, he trailed his juicy fingers to her anus and pressed in.

  He watched as she spread herself wider.

  “You ever been fucked in the ass?” he asked as he passed her tight ring of muscles. She was tight around the one finger he pressed into her to the knuckle. Small and delicate.

  “Yes,” she gasped.

  He pushed a second digit inside her, preparing her for him.

  “I’m going to fuck your ass tonight. By the time I’m finished you’ll be screaming my name for more.”

  Pulling his hands out of her body, he left the bed. He came back several minutes later with a condom and a tube of lube.

  He watched her as he placed the condom over his erect dick. Climbing back into position behind her, he squirted some of the lube on his fingers, and then pressed them against her ass. Making sure she was well lubed—he didn’t want to hurt her, he wanted to make her fucking dizzy with pleasure—he emptied the other bit of lube on his condom-covered cock and smeared it all over.

  Going up on his knees, he moved into position.

  “Tell me to fuck your ass,” he demanded of her.

  “Fuck my ass, Mark,” she said the words he wanted to hear.

  “Say pretty please.”

  Turning her head, as if she could see him, she gave him a self-satisfied grin.

  “Pretty please,” she said it without hesitation.

  One of his hands held onto her hip, as the other grabbed his dick, pressing it against her ass.

  Mark watched her open to the pressure. Very slowly he pressed inch by agonizing inch, past the tight ring of muscles of her ass. He took his time, he wanted the moment to last as long as possible.

  Her head flung back and Mark used both hands on her hips to prevent her from pressing back.

  “Fuck me, fuck me,” she begged and pleaded.

  He stopped to let her become accustomed to the feel of him all the way inside her.

  When he couldn’t hold out any more, he began to pull out. He pressed back inside, going faster with each thrust. Diane struggled under his grasp but he was stronger. He gripped her ass tighter, not wanting to leave bruises but the thought of another mark on her body from his touch excited him.

  “Please, Mark, harder,” she pleaded.

  Her desperation called to his need to orgasm.

  “Play with yourself. Let me feel you come.”

  Diane didn’t need to be told twice. Her hand went to her clit between her lips.

  Little contractions started in her ass, squeezing him. She was already so close.

  She had begged for it and finally Mark was glad to give her what she wanted.

  He fucked her hard and fast and she took every single inch of him inside her body. Within moments she screamed out her climax. Mark thought her tight before, when she climaxed her ass clutched him like a fist.

  “Oh fuck, so tight and hot.” Mark thrust inside her one final time and climaxed inside the condom.

  The orgasm went on and on. He couldn’t stop it. Mark absorbed the pleasure revelling in the sensation.

  They collapsed together on the bed, exhausted and content. Mark took the blindfold off and kissed her on the nose before she snuggled up against his chest.

  Tightening his arms around her, nothing seemed more perfect than this moment. He wanted to keep this forever. Whispering, he said, “Can I keep you?”

  Chapter Seven

  It had been a week since Diane had seen Mark. One week since she’d ever felt so alive. She stayed by her phone wondering if he would call. Several times, she attempted to dial his number his number and then slammed the phone down.

  No, she’d decided wouldn’t call him. She would wait.

  Diane had something to tell him but she wasn’t sure how.

  In truth she really didn’t know who Mark was. Her assumptions had been blown out of the water. She had thought he was a good time kind of guy. One for the ladies without any ounce of commitment in him. Yet, with her, he seemed different. Everything he had said to her had been with the intention of a longer relationship.

  The following morning—after she had spent the night with him—she’d woken up with a letter saying how much he had enjoyed last night.

  What the hell?

  Moments before sleep, Diane had heard him mutter the words, “Can I keep you?” Now it seemed Mark was running scared.

  She’d never pressured anyone in her life. Never assumed to know better and she’d be damned if she started now by sitting near the phone waiting for him to call.

  Screw him.

  She was over forty years old. She didn’t need an unreliable toy boy. She didn’t need anyone.

  Diane picked up her purse and stormed out of her house.

  One second more could have changed everything.

  * * * *

  Mark cursed.

  Shit, she wasn’t at home.

  He used the phone to hit himself on the forehead. What kind of asshole would leave a letter? He’d taken all week to get in touch. No man should have that kind of experience with a woman and not call. What he did nothing short of mean and downright jerkish.

  He tried the number again.

  “Shit, shit, shit, shit,” he repeated the words over and over again trying to fathom what on earth went on in his shithead mind.

  No answer from her mobile or from her house.

  She’d probably never speak to him again.

  He couldn’t believe he’d left her with a note saying how great a time he’d had.

  Mark ran a hand over his eyes. Diane, the first woman in his life to have him all over the place. Upside down and inside out. She made him feel unlike any other woman ever had.

  Throwing the phone out of his way, he grabbed a jacket and his keys. He left his apartment, jumped on his bike and drove. He needed to clear his head.

  His heart telling him something he refused to believe. No way could a man fall for a woman he’d only just met.

  Mark was on the road for several hours coming to terms with his love for Diane. He stopped to take in the view every once in a while and to wait for the panic to set in.

  He may have only known Diane a short time, but the mind and the heart knew when they found their soul mate and in Diane, Mark had sure found his. He smiled as he came to the realization of his feelings and then the other things that made him laugh, he was in love with his very own sexy hot cougar.

  She may only be ten years older than him but still a cougar.

  His phone started ringing.

  “Hello,” he answered before he even knew who would be phoning him.


  “Hey Nick, my man I got some great news.” Nick probably couldn’t tell how happy he was.

  “Mark. You need to come to the hospital.”

  Mark stopped dead, his smile frozen on his lips.

  “What’s going on? Are you all right?” If Nick was in the hospital, why call him?

  “It’s not me.” His best friend’s next words gripped and trampled his heart. “It’s Diane. She’s had an accident.”

  “Which hospital?”

  Nick gave him the name and before he could finish Mark threw down his cell, not caring what happened to it.

  Mark broke several speeding laws but within forty-five minutes he left his bike at the entrance to the ER.

  Nick and Karen sat in the waiting room. Karen was crying clutching a tissue and Nick had a comforting hand on his wife’s shoulder.

  Mark felt his heart stop, but he kept moving, he didn’t know how.

  Karen stood as she saw him.

  “What the hell happened?” he asked the both of them. Mark knew he easily aged ten years in the last hour.

  “A-a-a…” Karen whimpered
and Nick pulled her into his embrace. “The driver of a truck fell asleep at the wheel. He was carrying a heavy load and before Diane could get out of his way, he’d smashed into her car.”

  Nick finished for her. “She was already unconscious at the scene. We’re just waiting to see how she’s doing.”

  “What the hell? Is she in surgery?” Mark asked.

  “There’s some internal bleeding, some scrapes and stuff,” Nick told him.

  Nodding, Mark took a seat and waited. The longest time he’d ever waited. He couldn’t believe it. He finally found a woman to love and she could be taken from him.

  “I’m going to go and get some coffee,” Nick said. “Do you want some?”

  Karen nodded.

  Mark watched as Nick kissed her hand, giving her a reassuring smile. Damn it, he wanted that. He wanted a woman to share his life with. He wanted to come home every day to the woman he loved.

  “Want some coffee?”

  “Yes. I’m staying here.”

  “I didn’t expect anything less.”

  Nick went, leaving him alone with Karen. Mark didn’t know what to do. He glanced at Karen, but she kept looking over to the doors.

  “She’ll pull through this,” he tried to reassure her.

  Karen turned to look at him, giving him a watery smile.

  “Thanks but I’m not stupid. I know the risks, I know she might not make it.” She broke off as another wave of tears made their way down her face.

  Mark felt his chest tighten. The thought of never being able to see Diane again pure torture to him. “She’ll make it through. She’s stubborn and besides she owes me a kick in the ass.” Mark knew deep down she’d have come for him. She wouldn’t allow his ignorance of her to go unpunished.

  Karen laughed. “That sounds like Diane.”

  “Yes, it certainly does,” he replied with fondness.

  “You know Diane cares for you, don’t you.” Her outburst unexpected, Mark didn’t have a reply. “I don’t know if it’s love, but I know she cares.”

  “I love her,” he admitted for the first time out loud.

  “You know when I first met you I didn’t have you pegged as a commitment kind of guy.”


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