The Bridge Over Snake Creek

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The Bridge Over Snake Creek Page 6

by Nikki Bolvair

  Her eyes narrowed, looking at the pump before addressing me. “PV diabetes? Never heard of it. I’ve heard of PV before, but not with diabetes attached to it.”

  I shrug. “What can I say? My body hates me.”

  Her eyebrows lifted. “You’re serious.”

  Grimacing, I replied, “That’s what my doctors tell me.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t-”

  My chin jutted out in defiance. “I can.”

  Coach Kay gave me a hard stare before giving in. “Fine. Since there are no restrictions put in the system - yet - I’ll let you participate. What can you do in the form of physical activities?”

  This was what I was hoping for. I lowered my shirt and shrugged. Then I answered her how I wanted. “Everything.”

  “Everything? How about swimming?”

  “Pump’s waterproof, but I have to wear shorts so I can have something to hook it onto.”

  “Weight training?”

  “With the calories I’ll burn, I’ll have to up my water intake and have a snack, but any low should be taken care of by my pump.”

  She nodded. “We’re running today.” She wrote something down on my paper then handed it back to me. “If I think you need to sit out, you sit, got it?”

  My lips tilted up. “Got it.”

  “Locker number at the top.” She turned back to her desk. “Hope you brought a lock.”

  My grin widened. “I did.”

  All dressed out in gym clothes, with my cellphone-sized pump slipped inside a secret pocket on my thigh, I walked outside with the other girls. I followed them to a grassy field where there was a dirt race track going around in a circle. Oddball out, I stood by myself, bouncing on my toes.

  The coach dropped her clipboard on the metal risers off to the side, and I set my water down away from it. “You know the drill, ladies,” Coach said. “Stretch first.”

  As we stretched, the guys came out with their coach. I guess we were all running together. I noticed that Jamison and his tall friend that I had seen earlier in the hallway were in the group that came out. His friend looked up and searched our group until his gaze settled on me. A light smile played on his lips when he noticed I was studying him. I jerked my head down and continued to stretch.

  When we started on the course, I made sure that I was in the middle of the group. I didn't want to be too fast, and I didn't want to be too slow. I could hear chatter all around me and then whispers. When I heard someone approach, I moved over thinking they were going to pass me, but I was surprised when Jamison showed up on my right while his friend took up residence on my left. The first words out of his mouth had my lips twitching.

  “You didn’t wait.”

  “Hello, Jamison,” I huffed, then sucked in more oxygen and added, “and Jamison’s friend.”

  “Jumper,” his friend answered. I slowed after a minute and let people pass, not wanting others to know about my affinity for speed. “Saw, huh?”

  The friend bumped into my shoulder as we settled into a steady pace. “Was there, on the roof. And it’s Drex. Use it. It might come in handy someday.”

  “Drex!” Jamison reached behind me and pushed his friend with so much force it had him staggering.

  Drex laughed as he righted himself. “What?”

  I wondered why Drex went by his last name; it was one of the family names Serena had mentioned, but I left my curiosity in the dust as I ignored them and kept going. After two laps with them by my side, I walked over to the bleachers where my water was and took a drink.

  Drex sauntered over to me and Jamison followed. As if he had every right in the world, Drex took my water bottle from my hands and drank before passing it to Jamison.

  “Are you for real?” I asked, annoyed, and grabbed my water while Jamison was mid swallow.

  Jamison sputtered, jumping back as he tried not to get water spilled all over him. “Hey.”

  I rolled my eyes, pushing the top of my water bottle down before placing it back on the metal bleachers. I straightened and asked, “Do you have any manners?”

  Drex frowned. “We have plenty.”

  “Are you just crazy or insane?”

  Drex eyes danced with amusement and for a moment I was stunned by their color. A hard mix of aqua and emerald that could only be called paradox hazel shone in their depths. They were too pretty for a guy to have.

  “Enough with the eyes,” Jamison broke in, and his comment caused me to blush. I turned away and headed back to the dirt track.

  The two of them followed. “Are you two going to keep following me?”

  Jamison caught my arm and I turned around, not happy with the way he was frowning. “Someone has to keep an eye on you. Who knows what the hell you’ll do.”

  I snorted.

  Drex grinned and flipped a piece of hair off my shoulder. “We weren’t going to let you get away. You need us to be your self-preservation instincts since yours has gone on hiatus.”

  I laughed, stepping back from him. “Whatever.”

  The three of us finished our run and were walking our slow down when Drex spoke again. “Got any plans for lunch?”

  I don’t know why, but that got me thinking about Serena Blackwell. “I better not. I have been warned away from the two of you.”

  Their brows shot up. “Seriously?”

  I nodded, picking up my water bottle. “Know a Serena Blackwell?”

  Their faces went dark and Jamison shared a glance with Drex before giving me a smile. “Don’t worry about her. You’re safe with us.”

  Safe? What was that all about?

  Drex gave me an encouraging grin. “It’s what friends do. Come to lunch with us.”

  Warmth and tingles flooded my body from that grin. Slightly concerned by their choice of wording, I hesitated but agreed. “Sure, fine.”

  Drex hooked an arm around my shoulders and laughed. “Don’t be too excited about it.”


  The cafeteria was packed. Crowds of students stood everywhere. Lines formed as kids tried to rush to the shortest lunch lines that were available. I had made my lunch, but in my rush to get to school I left it on the counter. Luckily, I had money.

  "Over there," Drex said as he maneuvered me with his hands on my shoulders to a line in the center of the chaos. "We always stand in this one."

  I shrugged and stood where he put me in front of him. “Here comes Snowden,” Jamison announced. My head jerked around to see the redhead hunk from earlier coming our way.

  Snowden’s green eyes widened in surprise when he noticed me. I guess he didn’t expect to see me with his friends. Too bad. What could I have done, anyways? Drex had dragged me with them. This was not a typical situation for me. Snowden’s mouth quirked up after a moment. He was pleased.

  "Hey, Snowden," Jamison called out, their fists pounding together in greeting.

  "Hey." Snowden glanced to Drex and lifted his chin, then grinned at me. "Babe."

  I bristled at that. “Not your ‘babe,’ you red-headed-step-child.”

  “Ooo! Burn!” Drex cackled, slapping Snowden on the back.

  Jamison glanced between Snowden and me. “You know her?”

  Snowden shifted his backpack higher up on his shoulder and fell in line with us. “I guess you could say that.”

  I snorted.

  “Wait, how do you know Jumper? From the party?” Drex asked, surprised.

  I waved my hand around. “Guys, guys, I’m right here.”

  Drex caught one of my hands in his, holding it still.

  “No. She’s in-”

  “We’re in class together,” I butted in.

  Snowden frowned at me then looked thoughtful.

  “Well, that makes sense,” Jamison surmised.

  “Jumper?” Snowden asked, then it was as if the light bulb had turned on in his head. His eyes narrowed as he pointed a finger at me. “You’re the girl that decided to jump off the Pool hou-”

  I lifted up on my toes and with my free
hand covered his mouth quickly as my eyes darted around, wondering if anyone had heard. “Let’s not talk about that,” I suggested. “I don't want people to know.”

  His big hand engulfed my wrist loosely and freed his mouth as he laughed. “You did it in front of a million people, but whatever, Jumper girl.”

  “Hey, don’t call her that. It’s mine,” Drex said as he moved us in line. “Get your own name for her.”

  Snowden smirked and his eyes twinkled as he gave my wrist a soft squeeze before letting go. “I get to come up with my own name for you.”

  I shook my head, dismissing him. I slid my hand out of Drex’s then shifted my bag further up my shoulder. Jamison gave me a small smile. “You don’t have to worry. You’re good.”

  “But why?” Snowden went on. “Why did you...”

  I grinned. “Thrill.”

  Snowden’s gaze pierced mine. “No, it’s something more.”

  I frowned. “Don't want to talk about it.” The guys glanced at each other, but I kept my mouth shut.

  The line moved forward, and so did we. As the guys talked to themselves, I swallowed, looking at the menu. I was distracted before with the guys, but now studying it, I realized there wasn't anything I could eat. I didn't want to look like I was being choosy or snobbish but when it was my turn, I chose a salad along with the bottled water, which I absolutely hated. I wished that I could have brought my lavender infused water with me to school, but I wanted to try to act normal. I didn’t want anyone to know about my condition. I subconsciously checked my side, feeling the weight of the pouch when the lady handed me my salad and my water.

  I smiled and gave her my money then proceeded to walk away, but Snowden caught my arm. “Wait for us. We won’t be too long.” I shrugged and he released my arm.

  Standing beside Snowden and Jamison, Drex was the next to order. “Salad, babe? I know you can’t be deep into that,” Snowden said with a grin. Drex came to wait with us. He held a soda and pizza in hand. Snowden gestured to Drex’s choice of food. “You could’ve had pizza.”

  I shrugged. “Not up for it.”

  Jamison came up after he had ordered with a hot dog and chips in hand, and Snowden went to up to order. “We’re headed to grab some condiments,” Jamison called out, and Snowden waved us on.

  At the condiment counter, Snowden caught up to us with a huge hamburger and fries on his tray. How did these guys keep their shape? All they seemed to eat was junk food.

  Snowden eyed my tray and salad, scrunching up his nose. “Are you one of those girls?”

  I gave him a blank look. “What do you mean?”

  He shifted uncomfortably. “The kind of girl that worries about her weight.”

  “Smooth.” Drex snorted.

  I laughed. “Are you serious?” I gestured to my curvy body. “Do I look like I need to cut calories?”

  Snowden's eyes drift down my torso and back up again and gave me a Cheshire cat grin. “My bad.”

  “He means ‘the ones who only eat salad,’” Jamison cut in.

  Amused, I answered, “Nope. There’s chicken in there somewhere.”

  Drex laughed and moved ahead of us. “She got you there.” Then he pointed to a table in the middle of the cafeteria that we were walking towards. “We always sit over that way.”

  I was unsure if that meant that I would now always eat there or if he was stating a fact.

  Chapter Eight

  The table was half-full with a mix of guys and girls, and Quinn and Miles were there. Was the universe against me today? Quinn saw me first, and he wasn’t happy. He hooked a finger at me, signaling me to go over to him. Dang. A small war raged inside of me: should do as he asked or ignore him?

  “Hannah,” Quinn called when he realized my debate, and I caved. He knew my name. I walked over to where he was and Miles moved over so that I could sit in between them. I sat down, irritated at myself that I did his bidding. It was my curse, too- I was too curious. Curious enough to see what he wanted. After all, taking chances was my forte.

  Quinn wrapped an arm around my shoulders in a loose hold and leaned in. “Thank you, and we’re going to talk.”

  It was final. Curiosity hated me.

  He gave me a squeeze and let go. This whole group of guys confused me. Snowden sat across from me and next to Drex. I lost Jamison somewhere.

  Someone came up behind us and tapped Miles’ shoulder. “Switch me places.”

  My head whirled and my mouth popped open. Win, Snowden’s twin, was standing there. The difference between the two was blatantly obvious. With Win’s short red hair and their style choices, it was like they were going for complete opposites.

  The corner of the replicator’s eyes crinkled. “Close your mouth, Doll, unless you want me to take advantage.”

  Miles glanced between Win and I before answering, “Sure, man.”

  As Miles got up to move, I leaned closer to Quinn to make room and felt his body tense. When Win sat, I twisted my lips with annoyance and greeted him. “Hey, Win.”

  Those same green eyes twinkled back. “Hannah,” he replied.

  When he settled in, I straightened away from Quinn then reached into my bag.

  Snowden glared at his brother before moving his gaze back to me. "You know Win?"

  Jamison, who was sliding into a seat next to Snowden, snickered.

  My hard gaze shot to Jamison before answering, "Barely."

  Win grunted.

  I pulled out an apple and set it beside my salad as everyone talked around me.

  A guy who had overheard our earlier conversation snickered and gestured to my apple. “She is one of those girls.”

  Win bumped my shoulder, separating a tiny slice of pizza from his large one. “I’m sure she’s not. Here” - he lifted up the slice of pizza and aimed for my mouth - “take a bite.”

  I shook my head, backing into Quinn. “I don’t eat pizza.”

  Win’s hand dropped as his eyes grew big. “Like, ever?”

  “Leave her alone,” a familiar voice called out. I glanced down to the end of the table and saw Serena sitting there with some friends. “You know how us girls have to watch our figure,” she finished sweetly before she narrowed her gaze my way with a promise of retribution. “Some of us more than others.”

  What the hell?

  “So, Hannah,” Serena’s friend next to her started, “you’re new?”

  My eyes narrowed at her, my mouth pressed. “Yeah,” I answered. “I am.” I turned back to my salad and grabbed the dressing. As I opened the packet, the friend spoke again.

  “Weird. Where did you move from?”

  I drizzled the barest amount on top of my lettuce then grabbed my water bottle, taking a swallow. I grimaced at the same boring, tasteless liquid. I was delaying my answer.

  “I came from Maine,” I replied and then picked up my fork to mix my salad and chicken, waiting for the next question to roll.

  “Do you-”

  “Beth, leave Hannah alone. Can’t you see we’re eating?” Miles, who sat further down, cut in, and he gave me a sympathetic glance.

  “She can talk and eat at the same time. It's called having lunch,” Beth sassed back with a sickly grin. Jamison rolled his eyes.

  “So why did you move here?” Snowden asked as he bit into his hamburger. “It’s not a place people tend to move to.”

  “Yeah,” Drex added. “It’s not really a place people move to.”

  I glanced to Drex then around the table, seeing others waiting for my answer as well. Serena and Beth were attentive too. “For a change," I replied, being vague, and stabbed my fork into a strip of chicken.

  “Come on. It’s gotta be more than that,” Beth drawled. “What happened? Did you get kicked out of school?”

  Quinn and Win tensed beside me and glanced to Miles.

  “Cool it, Beth,” Miles barked. “You don’t want to start this.”

  My eyes shot up and narrowed at Beth. “No. My dad was offered a job here.”r />
  “Mm-hm,” Serena murmured, eyeing me. “A job.”

  “So, is it just you or do you have any brothers or sisters?” Nosy Beth asked.

  “You ask a lot of questions, but no, it’s just my dad and me.” I was annoyed by this interrogation and decided to ask some questions of my own.

  I gestured loosely around the table. “You all seem to be friends. Did you grow up together?”

  Serena tapped her bright red nails against the table and smirked, her eyes sliding from everyone at the table and resting on me last. “We are. I guess you could say that we’re descendants of the founders. We're a class all on our own... which is why it’s interesting,” she said, peering at Jamison, “that you were invited to our small, elite group for lunch.”

  My shoulders tensed. I was pretty sure that was a backhanded compliment. Or not a compliment at all. I was not a fan of Serena.

  “Not so elite if you're hanging out in the cafeteria,” I retorted then stabbed my fork into another chunk of lettuce. Maybe I’d eat somewhere else next time.

  Quinn squeezed my knee from beneath the table, and my head popped up. Wide eyes met amused ones. Did he just...

  “It’s a closed campus, Hannah,” he explained. "It’s against the rules to leave during lunch unless you have special permission.”

  “Oh.” I nodded and turned back to my salad. So much for my come-back.

  Beth and Serena snickered.

  Jamison spoke. “So what are we going to do this weekend, guys?” I think he was trying to sway the conversation away from me.

  “Why don’t we go down to Blackfoot again?” a blonde on the other side of Beth suggested with a smirk. “They haven’t drained the lake yet, and we could take the jet skies.”

  That piqued my interest.

  “No,” Drex said, dashing my hopes. “How ‘bout a party?”

  Snowden grunted in agreement.

  Serena beamed. “That's a great idea. Maybe we’ll have as much fun as last time. Did we ever figure out who the jumper was?”

  “No,” Jamison barked. “But we’ll do a party.”

  “Another party? Hell yeah!” Win piped in. “We can have it down at Mark’s place.” He glanced over at another guy in the group who winced.


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