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The Bridge Over Snake Creek

Page 20

by Nikki Bolvair

  “Go,” Rick said. “I’ll let them know why you left and where you went. I believe the solution that Hannah has presented is fine.” He gave me a slight nod to the side which caused me to smile. “I’ll second it.”

  “Good,” Jamison muttered under his breath. “Someone with a fuckin’ brain.” Then the three of us scooted around the corner to an empty hallway and shimmed.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Jamison left June and I at my house and then went to grab the taquitos and the others. By the time he came back, I had taken another dose of medication and changed out my medication vial.

  When in the kitchen with June, I listened to the door open followed by sounds from the guys all talking. I inhaled a fresh masculine tang as arms wrapped around me from behind and held me close. Snowden was still in deep water with me, but I wasn't about to give up the warmth of his awesome hug to satisfy what I pretty much knew. He was sorry.

  "Babe." I had to chuckle. He'd gone from baby to babe. It wasn't much better, but it would do.

  "Thing two."

  He grunted and kissed the top of my head. "No, get a better name.”


  He chuckled then sighed. “I’m sorry.”

  A pain pierced my heart. I twisted around and peered into his eyes. “You hurt me.”

  Emerald green eyes held remorse as his hands came up to cup my face. “I’m sorry. Lots of girls try to get close when they learn about the guys and our bond. They want that, but not forever. They use me. Used them. Fuck.” He let out a breath and put his head to mine. “I thought you were like them. I’m sorry.”

  I tiptoed up and kissed him. Letting our lips stay like that for a moment before pulling away, I smiled at him. “Okay.”

  Quinn patted Snowden on his back, as if to say ‘good job’ and rounded us as he made his way to the counter by the sink, setting down grocery bags."How’s your father?”

  “Hooks said he's doing as expected, but better," I answered, twisting around in Snowden’s embrace to find Quinn had opened his arms.

  Snowden dropped his, moving aside as I moved into Quinn's hug.

  Wrapping my arms around his bulky torso, sensations of warmth and love filled me as I inhaled his earthy scent. His strong hands rubbed my back, attempting to soothe me. "He'll be okay," he rumbled.

  Then Win, Jamison, and Drex poured in with food, but I was content to stay where I was. My head lay on Quinn's chest as I watched everyone move around us. They greeted me in passing, briefly putting a comforting hand on my head or back, letting me know they were there if I needed them.

  Drex came over with a taquito, bringing it up to my mouth.


  I raised my head and opened up, taking a bite. My mouth burst with spicy flavor as I chewed. "It's good."

  Quinn chuckled. "Of course it is. Jamison made it. He's pretty good in the kitchen."

  I stepped away from Quinn, taking the rest of the tasty food from Drex. "Thanks. I'm gonna get some more."

  "No you aren't," Win called out from the table on the other side of the kitchen where they were setting up. "I already made you a plate. I was just waiting for you to stop hanging on Quinn."

  "Jealous much?" Quinn teased back.

  "Naw, I'll get her later."

  I made my way over to Win, June, and the other guys and sat down, listening to them tease each other. My eye caught Snowden's and his intense gaze hadn't lessened from before, but it told me that we needed to talk. I agreed.

  When we finished eating, everyone moved into the family room. We were just sitting down when the doorbell rang. It was only a matter of time before the rest came. I was still uncomfortable with the thought that Hooks might be my mate; however, seeing the look on Young’s face when he came in with the others, I knew it was true.

  Hooks stayed apart from the rest of us, brooding in the corner, watching. More people came into my home, filling the space. People I'd never met.

  The council had heard about my father and issued another meeting, apparently.

  There seemed to be a mob of Lydents wanting to know what was going on. Were Lydent’s inner lights being stolen? They blamed me.

  Young settled them down. "Our inner lights have not been stolen. They are still being inherited like they have been for ages, but they are also being given away by the holder of the light, it seems."

  "How can you be sure?"

  "A human can become Lydent?"

  Carly was at the meeting and attempted to tell them that things were changing. Some guy named Saul spoke up and explained their experiences because my father was the second human to gain a Lydent's light.

  "New times are coming and we should embrace it," Saul heeded.

  I barely understood, but I knew that the Lydents here were divided. Not all had warmed up to the new idea, the change. They weren't okay with my father and I.

  "I think it's an interesting concept," a tall, willowy woman with a straight back and narrowed eyes voiced. That must be my grandfathers’ wife, Marrain. I recognized her from my mom’s memories; she looked nearly the same but older. Her whole aura seemed to breathe pristine, precise, perfectionist. I shivered at the thought of her raising my mom. Childhood with Marrain seemed like there would be no room for play, but rules-on-end to be obeyed. I did not like her.

  Saul turned to her. "It's not a concept, but fact and truth. Like Carly has stated, she was once human and received the light of a boy who died and chose to give it to her. And now it’s occurred again with Hannah's father. This is happening. Along with humans becoming Lydent, mate marks have been changing for those who have no mate to adjust for a new female."

  Whispers filled the room and more questions were raised. Instantly, the men had perked up when they realized that it was possible for human females to become Lydent. However, even with that interest, the woman who had raised my mother kept her attention on me. There were two men standing beside her: David and my biological grandfather Adam.

  They paid no heed to the discussion, nor did Marrain speak again. It wasn't until the meeting was coming to a close that the woman nudged my real grandfather, and he spoke up.

  "As you are all aware, we will be releasing my daughter's spirit this weekend. I would like my granddaughter to be with me during that time and spend the weekend with me so she can know her family."

  All eyes turned my way and my uncomfortable meter shot way up. "I'm not sure..."

  The guys all spoke their opinions, as did Hooks.

  "I believe I expressed my concerns on that, Young." Hooks said sharply while moving out from his corner.

  "Well, I think that's a good idea," Young admitted, glancing between me and them.

  "Well, I don't," I spoke up. "What makes you think forcing me to spend time with them would be appropriate right now?"

  "Maybe because you'll never give us a chance otherwise," Adam suggested. "Come visit us. Let us get to know you and let me know what kind of daughter mine raised. Tell me about her."

  "You can't do that, not now," Deb spoke up, Dr. Churchill right behind her. "David was awful to her when he found out. He declared that he had to warn the others. Warn you. I know he wasn’t her biological grandfather, but he claimed Ann just the same. He gave her the impression Hannah wasn’t wanted. What kind of grandfather does that? "

  "A shocked one," Marrain primly returned. "It's only a weekend, child. After that, if you never want to speak with us, so be it, but allow us a chance first."

  "I'm making it an order," Young declared. "This weekend should be about family. Hannah, you will go to your grandparents’ house after school tomorrow until Sunday night.

  What? I glanced over to my grandparents, who looked pleased, Marrain more so with a slight lift to her lips like she had won.

  I glanced back to Young. “No.”

  A gasp came from Marrain. “Well, I never.”

  Young’s eyebrows lifted in surprise as he met my gaze. “I’m sorry, child, but you don’t have a choice in the matte

  Jamison, who had slid up beside me, took a hold of my hand and gave it a squeeze and I went on, “Why not? They’re strangers. People I don’t know. Even in the real world a teen of divorced parents can decide where they want to live. Why is this any different?”

  “It’s because you’re not living with them,” Jamison answered.

  Young nodded. “That’s right. I’m not asking you to live with them, but to visit them for a weekend during this time of mourning.”

  I was still uncomfortable about it.

  “Now that that's settled,” he continued on. “I want everyone to know that Hannah is mated to Quinn Abbott, Tarragon Drex, Winter and Snowden Churchill, and Jamison and Lamont Hooks."

  The whispering started up again.

  "Why so many?”

  “I think the largest group recorded is four."

  "That's just how the Spirit Whisperer has laid things out,” Dr. Churchill explained, then turned around to Hooks, who had returned to his corner position. “How’s getting the vaccine coming?”

  "They are low on ingredients, and we have to wait until they receive another shipment," Hooks explained. "Apparently, they've had a high need for it but the outcome of Lydent females doesn't match. You should have the Warriors check it out."

  Others murmured as Young nodded. "Thank you for letting us know; I'll have them investigate the matter. Alright, everyone. Let's excuse ourselves and prepare for Saturday. Hannah, I'll keep in touch with you to see how your father’s condition progresses. It may be that both of you will attend Hydrent together," Young said with an amused smirk. “This meeting is adjourned."

  "Well, I don't agree," I muttered under my breath.

  "It won't matter," Deb whispered as everyone shimmed out. The only ones left that I hadn’t met yet and were still here, I assumed, were the Drex’s and Abbotts. "So... you have six mates. Hooks being the last one."

  My gaze strayed to Hooks and watched as he talked to Carly and her mates. "So it seems." I looked back to her. "Did you find my mom's ring?"

  She dug it out of her purse and handed it back to me. “Yes. But all the memories are gone. It’s just a ring now.”

  I took it, waiting for the memories, but they never came. What happened to it? “Thanks.”

  After a short introduction to Quinn and Drex's parents, I recognized one of Drex's dads as the police officer that had welcomed us to the neighborhood when my dad and I ate at the diner.

  “So I guess you’re staying,” he cracked, his gaze going between all of us.

  Drex’s mother smacked him in the stomach and moved my direction for a brief hug. “Don’t listen to him. He’s just being... Well, Andy.” She drew away. “You’ll meet my other husbands later. Thank you for being my sons’ bondmate.”

  I gave her a smile. “Um, sure.” Like I had a choice.

  Then it was Quinn's mom, who was extremely beautiful, standing before me. “I’m glad they found you.”

  It was then that I realized that she was human; I was curious to know how she felt about the new changes in the Lydent world.

  After everyone left, except June and the guys, I wanted to go to the clinic and see my dad. June informed me that they hadn’t moved him yet, and it was too late to visit at the hospital. I thought briefly about one of the guys shimming me into the room, but I didn’t want to get caught. So we started to set up for the night. The guys rolled out sleeping bags in the living room; I was going to take the couch.

  I went to my room to grab what I needed and decided to check my UTimes inbox. The guys followed.

  Another message from Maleficus was waiting. With everything going on, being introduced to the council and my dad falling sick, I had completely forgotten about M being one of the guys. I decided this was my chance to find out who it was, since they were all here. With some pep back in my life, I opened my UTimes opponent’s message.


  Find your balls yet?


  A grin slowly spread across my face as I glanced back to the guys. They were talking about how unfair Young was being, demanding I spend time with relatives I wasn't comfortable with, when I answered the message and sent my response.

  Moments later, a phone gave two jingles alerting someone that they had a new message. I swiveled around in my computer chair, searching for who it was.

  Snowden, who had thrown himself across my bed along with Quinn, plucked out his phone from his pocket. He swiped at the screen, turning it on, and snorted.

  Drex paused his conversation with Jamison. “Hey, is that the fucker Knox again?”

  Snowden gave an unpleasant laugh. “Yeah. Confident asshole.” He typed something on his phone then dropped it on his chest and sighed.

  I smirked, finally knowing who M was. Snowden was going to pay.

  “What did he say this time?” Win asked.

  “Something about having my balls so far up my ass. The guy has no clue.”

  My computer dinged and all heads turn my way.

  My gaze met Snowden’s as his eyebrows furrowed. Then his eyes widened with a deer-in-the-headlights stare. My grin grew as I pointed to him. “I'm guessing that reply is not going to be a nice one.”

  His mouth popped open, but he stayed silent. I'd like to think it was due to shock.

  “No fucking way,” Drex uttered, darting a glance between me and Snowden.

  “You didn't even bother to see where Knox was from.” I rotated to my computer and pulled up my UTimes page. “Oh look, it’s right here on my profile.”

  I circled back to him, clicking the pen I held in my hand. “Someone should do their homework.”

  “Dude,” Jamison chuckled. “This whole time you've been competing with her.”

  “Do you know how hot that is?” Win asked me.

  Snowden was still so shocked that Quinn had to push him. “Say something.”

  He lifted his hand to scratch the back of his neck nervously. “Ah, you don’t have balls?”

  Everyone laughed. I was amused. Shaking out of his funk, he jumped up from my bed and sauntered over to me. His arms curled around my sides and planted themselves on the top of my desk, caging me in. His eyes were dancing with amusement. “You told me I had no guts.”

  “And you told me to grow some balls.”

  “That shouldn't bother you. You don't have any.”

  I smirked. “You just called me an asshole, thing two.”

  His gaze narrowed. “You just called me an adrenaline prick, baby.”

  My mouth curved into a grin. “Maleficus.”


  I laughed and leaned back, throwing my pen at him.“You are an adrenaline prick.”

  He dodged it with a grin. “To think all this time it is was you.”

  “Yep. Now we can be adrenaline junkies together.”

  He leaned in close with the intent to kiss. “Sounds good to me.”

  The rest of the guys groaned. “Oh no.”

  I snickered and Snowden kissed my laughter into silence.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  After trading stories and getting real, I brought up the mate word.

  I was on the couch next to Jamison, laying out with my head in his lap. My free hand was in Win’s hair as he sat on the floor with his back to the bottom of the couch and Drex was next to him by my feet. Across from us on their makeshift bed were Snowden and Quinn. We were all sort of in a half circle.

  “So what does it mean to be a mate to all of you? You guys kind of tiptoed around it.”

  They all looked to one another before Drex bluntly answered, “Don’t get pissed off but, you’re ours and we’re yours. No one else - ever.”

  My hand slipped from Win’s head as he shoved Drex. “Really? That’s how you explain it?”

  “Yeah, I kind of got the gist of that, but what does that mean for all of us? Do we get, like, married? Do we live together? Is there... um...” I glanced everywhere except any of them as my cheeks went red hot.

bsp; “Sex?” Snowden put bluntly. My gaze swung to his heated one. “Hell yes.”

  “Maybe not right now,” Quinn eased, shooting Snowden a glare. Snowden rolled his eyes.

  “There will be a wedding of sorts,” Jamison explained, putting a hand on my head. “But not soon. We’ll have to wait until we’re out of high school and have life figured out.”

  “Yeah,” Drex agreed, turning his gaze my way and tossing me a smile. “Maybe grab some dates in there too.”

  “Yeah, like mini golfing.” Snowden snickered as he threw his pillow from his makeshift bed at Jamison.

  Jamison caught it before it hit my face and everyone chuckled. He scooted out from under me and went a tackle Snowden.

  I laughed. This - this was good. This was great. I wanted this fun and easy-going camaraderie between all of us to last. Forever.


  Exhausted from today's events, I conked out while the guys talked continued to talk. And while I slept, I dreamed.

  I was in a never-ending white room. Windows bracketed by green leaf curtains showed clouds floating by outside. The feel of dirt between my toes had me glancing down to a white, shimmery powder akin to the scented bath shimmer my mom used to put in her bathwater. I shuffled it around to find a solid dirt floor beneath.

  The walls held framed pictures of my life, my dad and mom. I stepped up to one photo, taking in my mom who was laughing as my dad smiled. They were at the pizza place where she had worked. She looked so young. I lifted my hand up to the picture and touched the glass. It began to play like a movie.

  “What's a pretty girl like you workin’ here for?” My dad's corny line made me wince. It must have been the first time they met.

  Mom’s face was impassive. “The same reason a guy like you is eating here. Because it’s good pizza.”

  “I eat here because it’s cheap and close to the college,” he volleyed back.

  She leaned. “I work here because people need to eat... and because it’s close to the college.” She pulled away. “Now, are you ready to order?”


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