Catch of a Lifetime: A Cricket Creek Novel

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Catch of a Lifetime: A Cricket Creek Novel Page 20

by LuAnn McLane

  She raised the bag. “To bring you this food.”

  “But . . .”

  “Ty, this is the part where you invite me in,” Jessica said, and she pointed with her free hand to the shopping bag. “There is some good stuff in here.”

  “Madison was supposed to bring that,” Ty repeated with a hint of embarrassment, but stepped back for Jessica to enter. As he caught a whiff of her perfume and the aroma of diner food, his body immediately responded. His stomach grumbled and his dick stood at attention. He smiled at this unexpected pleasure, but then the truth hit him. “Wait. Let me guess. . . . You were coerced into lugging this over here,” he said as he followed Jessica into the kitchen. Damn, she made jeans and a casual green sweater look amazing. Her hair was pulled back in a sensible ponytail, and her makeup was minimal, and she had never looked better. “I’m really sorry.”

  “I can leave.”

  “No, I mean I’m sorry that you were coerced into coming here. Not that you’re, you know . . . here. I don’t want you to be here if you don’t want to be. . . . Damn, I’m bumbling like an idiot,” he rambled, while she took plastic containers from the brown shopping bag. “Sorry. Must be from lack of rest and nourishment.”

  “You can quit apologizing.” Jessica paused and looked over at him with concern. “Have you been sick?”

  “Yes, in a manner of speaking.” Ty decided to lay it on the line. “Jessica, I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. I’m a total train wreck.”

  “Opening-day nerves?”

  “Hell, no.”

  She looked across the table at him as if daring him to say what was on his mind. “Then what?”

  “Apparently, I can’t function without you. So no pressure or anything, but you have my health and the future of the Cricket Creek Cougars resting on your shoulders.” He reached up and raked his fingers through his hair. “I’m really trying to give you your space or whatever, but I have to tell ya that it isn’t really working out for me.”

  “It isn’t really working out for me either.”

  “Really?” he asked in a voice chock-full of hope. “How so?”

  “Well, today Madison handed me a bottle of Midol.”

  “Oh, so that’s the problem?”

  She blushed, but then gave him a wry smile. “No . . . not that time of the month for me.”

  “Oh . . .”

  “Apparently, I’ve been, well . . .”

  “A little cranky?”

  “A lot cranky. That’s a polite way of putting it.”

  “So, this whole space thing isn’t what you needed?”

  “Not at all.”

  Ty felt a warm wave of happiness wash over him. “Any suggestions?”

  Jessica nodded. “A few,” she replied, and pulled a bottle of wine out of the bag. “I thought we might start with some Shiraz and some chicken-liver pâté. Oh, and hmm, I have some artichoke dip and a block of Havarti cheese. Oh, look!” She pulled a plate of dark chocolate truffles out of the bag, along with a generous slice of apple pie. “Imagine that.”

  “You have no idea the things I have been imagining.”

  “So, you’ve missed my cooking?” Her smile widened.

  “Yes.” Ty’s neglected stomach rumbled loudly in appreciation, making Jessica laugh. “Oh, damn. I sure love it.”

  She looked at him with a soft expression in those lovely amber eyes. “Madison reminded me that I know all of your favorites.”

  “I was referring to your smile.” He closed the gap between them. “Screw more space. I want to get as close to you as I possibly can.” He reached down and tilted her face up. “I missed you beyond belief. Jessica, my sorry ass simply can’t live without you in my life.” He chuckled. “I feel like I should burst into song or something, but I really suck at singing.”

  “Then why don’t you just shut up and kiss me?” she demanded, but there was a quaver in her voice that went straight to Ty’s heart.

  “That was my next option,” he said with another low chuckle, and then dipped his head and captured her mouth with his. The mere touch of his lips on hers sent a jolt of pure desire surging through him. He groaned and deepened the kiss. God, he loved the way she smelled, the way she tasted, and it felt so damned good to have Jessica warm and willing in his arms. While the food smelled amazing, he didn’t know if he could stop kissing her long enough to eat. A few minutes ago he had felt depressed and drained, and now he was full of energy. Ty didn’t just want Jessica in his life.

  He needed her.

  When his stomach betrayed other body parts and growled, Jessica pushed at his shoulders. “You need to eat.”

  Ty shook his head. “That means I have to stop touching you.”

  She arched one delicate eyebrow. “Not necessarily.”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  Jessica put her palms on his chest and moved her hands suggestively. “How would you like a picnic in bed?”

  “I would like that a lot!” he answered with so much enthusiasm that Jessica chuckled.

  “Good. I brought mostly finger foods.”

  “Ah, finger foods.” Ty tapped his temple. “Smart thinking. We could multitask.”

  “Why don’t you head into the bedroom, put on some music, light some candles, and turn down the bed? I’ll fix a tray and be in to join you shortly.”

  “Anything you say, as long as you’re on the menu.”

  Jessica tipped her head back and laughed.

  Ty put his thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose. “Sorry. That was pretty corny.”

  “Maybe . . .” Jessica said, and then pulled a can of whipped cream from the bag. “But accurate. I hope I’ll be the main course.”

  “Oh, dear God,” Ty said when a mental image of Jessica naked and slathered in whipped cream and drizzled with chocolate popped into his head.

  She pulled out a tray of plump red strawberries. “Something to dip with.” She shooed him with her hands. “Go on and get ready.”

  Ty looked down at the big bulge in his pants. “I am ready.”


  “Okay, I’m on it. Just don’t take too long,” he pleaded.

  “I won’t. I’ll just be a few minutes.” She pointed to the wine. “Just take the bottle and glasses for me and I’ll be right in.”

  Ty nodded and hurried to his bedroom. His heart thudded and his poor dick was hard enough to hit a baseball out of the park. Still, he took extra pains to light candles that, luckily, Jessica had brought over weeks ago. He put on some soft jazz to set the mood and then turned down the bed. He uncorked the wine and poured two glasses before climbing into bed.

  Ty sat there sipping his wine and thinking that he had never felt such heightened anticipation. This was worse than waiting on deck in the bottom of the ninth with two outs and down by one run. His heart pounded and his blood hummed.

  And then she entered the room.

  “Hungry?” she asked as she set the artfully arranged tray of food down on the bed.

  “I am a starving man,” he said in a husky voice. “The food looks delicious, but you look even better.”

  “Do you mind if I slip into one of your shirts? These jeans and this sweater aren’t meant for lounging around in.”

  “Help yourself to anything you want,” he offered, and nodded toward the closet.

  “The ties?”

  “Hell, no. I want my hands free to touch you, Jessica. Hurry. You’re killing me.”

  She chuckled as she disappeared into the walk-in closet. Ty loved hearing her laughter, loved hearing her moan. . . . Hell, he simply loved her. She seemed different, more relaxed, confident and ready. He only hoped that fear didn’t rear its ugly head once more and chase her away, but if it did, Ty wasn’t going to retreat and give her any more damned space. He was going to stay the course. Giving up on Jessica Robinson wasn’t an option.

  He looked down at the array of food and was trying to decide what to try when Jessica entered the room, and he knew just w
hat to sample first. Damn, she looked good in his faded flannel shirt. She had rolled up the sleeves, and the tail hit her at midthigh. He wanted to know if she had shed her bra and panties. Her ponytail swayed back and forth as she made her way across the room, and he couldn’t wait to tug the band free and slide his fingers through her hair. “How come you look so good in my shirt and I’d look silly in yours?”

  She stopped in her tracks and laughed. “Well, now. I prefer you in no shirt at all.”

  “Get over here, woman!”

  “Your wish is my command.”

  “Oh, that’s a dangerous offer.”

  “I’m feeling dangerous.” The flickering light of the candles made her complexion appear golden, and he couldn’t wait to slide his tongue all over her warm, smooth skin. “Bring it on.”

  “Oh, don’t get me started.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked as she climbed up onto the bed. “I intend to get you started, and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. At least, that’s the plan.”

  Ty handed her a glass of Shiraz. “I like it when a plan comes together.”

  “Me too,” Jessica said, and sat cross-legged on the bed. She took a sip of the wine and then unfolded a cloth napkin over her lap. “Hmm, I wonder what to sample first?” she pondered, and then picked up a deep red strawberry and dipped it in a dark chocolate sauce in a dainty little dish. But instead of putting it in her mouth, she cupped her hand beneath the berry to keep the sauce from dripping and said, “Open wide.”

  The chocolate was thick, rich, and warm, but the strawberry was refreshingly cold on his tongue. The flesh was firm and sweet but slightly tart, and the two flavors together were a party in his mouth. “Mmm,” he moaned, and licked the sauce from the corner of his bottom lip. “Did you make that sauce?”

  “Yes. Do you like it?”

  “Love it.”

  “Good. It’s going to be part of my fondue night at the lounge. I wanted the texture to be creamy and thick enough not to drip too much, and a semisweet flavor to complement the strawberry.” She dipped a smaller strawberry into the sauce and popped it into her mouth. “Yeah, I think this is pretty much perfect.”

  “Me too,” Ty agreed, but he wasn’t referring to the strawberry. He watched her tongue lick across her full bottom lip and almost groaned. He was having a difficult time not pushing the food aside and pressing Jessica into the bed, but she had put so much work into the buffet that he didn’t want any of it to go to waste. Still, you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. He took a sip of the wine that tasted tannic on his tongue after the sweet fruit. He picked up a round cracker and spread some pâté on it, but took Jessica’s lead and reached over to feed her. After she took a bite, he ate the other half. “Mmm, good stuff.” He looked at the smear on his thumb, and when he lifted it to his mouth, she reached over and took his hand.

  “Allow me,” she said in her sultry voice, and when she licked the dab from his thumb, Ty thought he was going to melt into the mattress. She fed him a slice of creamy Havarti cheese, letting her fingers trail down his chin, and when he leaned closer for a kiss, she popped a green grape into his mouth. The juicy sweetness squirted over his tongue, and, God, he needed to kiss her, but she tipped up her glass, preventing him access to her luscious lips.

  Ty decided that two could play this game. He picked up a thick slice of banana and dipped it in the chocolate, deliberately soaking his fingers in the sauce. He ate the banana but frowned at his fingers and then arched an eyebrow at her.

  “Wow, you’re a mess,” she cooed, and slowly licked the sweetness from his thumb. She leaned forward, allowing her shirt to gape enough for him to see the soft swell of her breasts . . . and no bra was in sight. She shifted on the bed and the tail of the shirt rode up her thigh, barely covering her bottom. “Another strawberry?” she asked. When he nodded, she dipped it into a bowl of whipped cream. She leaned over and let the cream slide from the strawberry onto his chest. “Silly me!” Jessica said with fake innocence, and proceeded to come up to her knees and lick the fluffy cream from his chest. The pleasure of having her warm, wet tongue on his skin had Ty trying to swallow a moan, but he didn’t succeed. “Sorry,” she said with the lift of one shoulder. “I’ll try to be more careful.”

  “No problem,” Ty replied gruffly, and decided he was a point behind in this very fun game of trying to drive each other crazy. He slathered a slice of apple with a dark golden sauce. “Is this caramel?” he asked, and then accidently-on-purpose dropped the fruit onto her shirt. “Oh, look what I’ve done.” He clicked his tongue. “Guess that shirt is going to have to come off.” He popped the apple into his mouth and shrugged.

  “I think you’re right,” Jessica agreed, and reached for the buttons.

  Ty watched as each button revealed tantalizing glimpses of her bare skin. The mellow wail of a saxophone seemed to set the sultry mood, and the candlelight flickered off the walls, making shadows dance as if swaying to the music. Jessica took her sweet time, and when she was finished, she turned her back to him and shrugged the shirt off, letting the flannel pool at her waist.

  The gentle slope of her shoulders and delicate curve of her back were so damned sexy that it took his breath like he had been hit with a solid punch to his gut. He tossed the shirt onto the floor, not wanting anything in his way. “My God, Jessica, you are one lovely woman.” He then gently tugged the rubber band from her ponytail and watched her golden tresses cascade down her back. “I love having my hands in your hair.” When he massaged her scalp, she moaned and tilted her head into his hands.

  “That feels amazing.” Her voice was a low purr that sent a hot shiver down his spine. Wow . . .

  Jessica was naked. In his bed.

  He moved the tray out of his way to his nightstand. “Jessica, lean back against the pillows. I want to feast my eyes on you.” When he felt her stiffen slightly, he put his hands on her shoulders. “Why did you hesitate?” Ty didn’t want any doubt on her part. He wanted her to come to him with all of her heart and with no regret. No fear.

  “Ty, I’m forty years old. The bloom of youth is long gone.”

  Ty was so relieved that he almost laughed, but the seriousness in her tone gave him pause. “That’s your concern—your body?”

  She nodded slowly. “The women I saw you with . . .”

  “Have got nothing on you,” he said firmly. “Jessica, I’ve seen your body from head to toe. You’re physically beautiful.”

  She snorted. “For my age?”

  “For any age,” he said with conviction. “But even better yet, you are gorgeous from the inside out.” He brushed her hair to the side and kissed her bare shoulder.

  “You make me feel beautiful,” she said with a breathy sigh, and tilted her head to the side.

  “Because you are.” Ty kissed the tender inside of her exposed neck and then pulled back and said, “You know the night of your birthday, when Logan was all over you? Well, I was having those same insecure feelings.”

  “What? You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “Come on, he’s a young stud. I have gray in my hair and crow’s-feet around my eyes.”

  “That’s crazy.”

  “Ah, so I’m still ruggedly handsome?” he asked low in her ear, but he was making a point.

  “Of course . . .” she sputtered, and then shook her head. “You have to know that you are incredibly handsome.”

  “I’m past my prime, and for an athlete, it’s hard to take. Seeing these young kids working out every day only reinforces that fact.” He shrugged. “Oh, but, Jessica, you have no worries there. You have a natural sensuality about you that just blows me away. Why would you even begin to think otherwise?”

  She toyed with the edge of the sheet. “I guess I started feeling self-conscious about my body when I was sixteen and pregnant. It seemed like everybody was staring at my growing belly. And then my young body changed in ways that I never expected.” She sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m ruining the moment

  Ty shook his head. “No. I want to know everything about you, Jessica. I’m glad that you’re opening up and telling me things that bother you.” He trailed a fingertip over her shoulder. “I want to be your shoulder to lean on. Your soft place to land at the end of a tough day. To wrap you in my arms and make all of your troubles disappear.”

  Her shoulders rose and a sigh escaped her. “I’ve never had that in my life,” she admitted.

  “Me neither. And I want that.” When he wrapped his arms around her from behind, she leaned back into his embrace. Hot emotion welled up in his throat and he had to pause before he could continue. “Jessica, I want to always be your friend first and then your lover.” He tightened his arms around her. “Hey, I know you’re still a flight risk, and that puts my own heart on the line. But I am willing to take that chance,” he said and then felt her shoulders tense up. “You’ve thought of that, haven’t you?”

  She nodded.

  “I understand. Jessica, I never wanted a lasting relationship for those very reasons. I never, ever wanted to hurt someone. I have seen firsthand the destruction it can cause. . . .”


  Ty put his hands on her shoulders and gave her a gentle squeeze. He knew what he was about to confirm would be a risk, but he decided to go for broke. “But I fell in love with you.” There . . . he’d said it, and now he held his breath waiting for her response. “Now that I know what it feels like, I can’t live happily without you by my side.” When she remained silent, he added, “Again, no pressure or anything. Just, you know, my happiness is on the line,” he added, trying for humor. But instead of laughter, her shoulders started to shake.

  Oh, dear God, is she crying? “Oh, Jessica. Damn, I was joking! Well, not really joking, because I really am good for nothing without ya. . . . Well, damn I’m blowing this all to hell.” When her shoulders shook harder and he saw her swipe at her eyes, it tore him up. “Aw, Jessica, stop. Baby, look at me. Please! I didn’t mean to upset you! I never meant to make you cry. I take it back.”

  “That you love me?”

  “No, not that . . . Hell, I don’t know. Just stop crying!”


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