Paradise Falls: A Bassett Hotels Novel

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Paradise Falls: A Bassett Hotels Novel Page 5

by AJ Riley

  His mind drifted from their meeting in the bar to wondering what she was doing. Was it possible she was looking forward to their date tomorrow? Maybe she was lying awake in anticipation of seeing him again? It still surprised him that she had agreed to have dinner with him so quickly after making it clear that she wasn’t interested in a fling. He would have kept asking her and finding ways to see her until she relented and went out with him, but he was glad she had agreed.

  The thought of their goodnight kiss brought a smile to his face. When was the last time he had been satisfied with a simple kiss goodnight? Leaving the bar, he had wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her until she agreed to spend the night with him but as they walked to her room it hit him that he wanted more with her, something more than a one-night stand. He couldn’t put his finger on what that more was but that nameless feeling had him asking her to dinner and then giving her an all too brief good night kiss.

  It fascinated him that he didn’t just want her for her body. He was interested in getting to know what made her tick and he especially wanted to know why she ducked her head at the thought that he was using her to get to her sister. The feeling that it had happened to her enough times to make her shy angered him. It made him want to pull her close and protect her from the slights life had obviously dealt her. After only knowing her less than a day he could tell just how special she was, and he was determined to show her just how special he was starting to find her.

  Something in him had shifted when he met her. Suddenly everything about her brought a smile to his face. Like how she blushed every time she became embarrassed. How her laugh was so infectious that the men all turned in their direction in the bar. He loved the laugh, just not the male attention she had gotten. He shook his head, hell when had he gotten so possessive? He loved to show his dates off, making it clear to everyone that they were with him, but with Amanda it was different. He was different when he was with her and it shocked him.

  The thought of being with Amanda, of spending time with her made Russ want to shift all his priorities around. He didn’t want to be tied up in planning meetings tomorrow. He didn’t want to have a hand in running his hotel right now, he wanted to be able to hand everything over to the managers. He wanted to find her and have some fun for the first time in a long time. The thought that the hotel was not his priority shocked him. When he was with her he felt slightly out of control and one thing Russ never was, was out of control. His hotels ran like clockwork and that was how he liked it.

  He had a timeline for everything and thoughts of Amanda were throwing everything off. He couldn’t just put all he had worked for on the back burner until she left but damn he wanted to. He wanted to make sure that she had his undivided attention, but he had everything mapped out to the day for this hotel. He wanted this hotel launched yesterday and maybe he was feeling out of control because this hotel was just taking a little longer than he thought necessary. Maybe it had nothing to do with Amanda but his own feelings of control slipping through his fingers.

  Russ leaned back over the keyboard, stared at the numbers on his computer and tapped his pen. Fuck, I give up, he thought as he tossed the pen on his desk. This was getting him nowhere, thinking about the new ad campaigns and the financials had kept his mind off Amanda for a few minutes but he had to burn off some of the restless energy that he had. Pushing back from his desk he decided to call it a night, maybe he would hit the gym for a while then turn in. With any luck, a hard workout would help him sleep tonight.


  On his way to the elevator Russ stopped to chat with some hotel guests that were regulars. He buried his impatience at the delay behind a warm smile and restaurant recommendations. As he excused himself from the last guest as politely as possible his thoughts were on Amanda, where they had been all day. This preoccupation with her was crazy, he just met her. The need to know where she was and what she was doing was causing him to make mistakes. Mistakes that he never made, hell Greg had to call him this morning to remind him of a conference call that he had insisted on.

  His emphasis on making every detail perfect was what made his resorts stand out and kept the repeat guests coming back. So, while he hated that he was delayed getting up to Amanda’s room for their dinner date, he knew he had to take the time to greet his guests, they had come to expect it.

  As he stood waiting for the elevator he checked his reflection. Pulling on the cuffs of his white dress shirt to straighten the sleeves he wondered if he should have made reservations outside of the hotel. Maybe she would want a change of venue for their date. He had decided to play it safe staying at the resort. At least this way no one would accidentally let it slip that he was not an employee. He hadn’t gone out of his way to perpetuate the lie, but he wasn’t correcting it either, at least not yet. Not until he could figure out what the hell was going on between them.

  The doors opened on her floor and Russ strode toward her door. Impatience had him walking faster than normal. He couldn’t wait to see her. He smiled to himself and lifted his hand to knock as the door was snatched open as Amanda reached out, grabbed his arm, and yanked him into the room. Guess she was just as anxious as he was. That thought had his smile spreading. He couldn’t wait to get her into his arms again but the look on her face had his smile faltering.

  “What…?” he started to ask but she put her finger to her lips signaling for him to be quiet. He watched amused as she pressed her ear up to the closed door. Watching her press herself against the door had images of him pressing her naked body up against that door floating across his mind. Images of his body pinning her in place as he drove in and out of her, her head tilted back in ecstasy as she came apart in his arms. He had to shake his head to clear the lust that had clouded his vision and quickly rearraign his now hard cock. He had to get her out of this room before he forgot they were supposed to go to dinner.

  He felt his hand reach for her almost without thought and then quickly dropped it back to his side. Before he could start to ask her again what she was doing she turned away from the door and smiled at him.

  “Finally.” Amanda said walking away from the door and toward her purse that was sitting on the table. “Sorry I was making sure that Janice left before we did. She called and wanted to know what I was doing tonight. I told her I was just staying in and watching a movie.”

  “Why, did she want to go out?” Russ had to tamp his impatience down, he didn’t understand why it was a big secret that they were having dinner together.

  Oblivious to his rampant thoughts she responded “Yes, and she had just hung up when I thought I heard you at the door. I didn’t want her to see you. Otherwise we would not have gotten rid of her.” Amanda laughed as she looked into his eyes. “I didn’t feel like sharing you tonight if I could help it.”

  Mollified by her answer his gaze roamed over her. Taking in the little black dress that hugged her body, making him want to run his hands over the soft curve of her hips and pull her in close to him. She looked damn good. The strappy black heals that she had on had given her at least a three-inch boost. If he lowered his head slightly their lips would meet. He saw that knowledge reflected in her eyes and she didn’t make a move to step out of reach. Was it possible that he was right, and she did want him as badly as he wanted her?

  Just as he had imagined doing only moments before, Russ reached his hand out, laid it on her hip and gently pulled her in toward him. Pressing her snuggly against him he could feel her breasts rise and fall with each shallow breath she took. Lowering his head slowly, Russ pressed his lips gently against hers. Sliding his arm around her waist he pulled her lower body flush against his. He didn’t want her to ever doubt the affect she had on him. Her lips parted on a quiet moan and he took that as an invitation to deepen the kiss.

  He slowly slid his tongue into her mouth and explored the soft cavern. He felt her tongue start to wrap around his and he surrendered control of the kiss. He let her taste and explore him all she wanted but h
e couldn’t help but slid his hand down from her waist to cup her ass, bringing her solidly in contact with his hardened cock. He felt her rub against him and he couldn’t tell if he moaned that time or she did.

  He felt her slid her hand from his shoulder around to the nape of his neck sending desire roaring through him. He kissed her harder angling her head to give him better access, taking control of the kiss back. A second moan had him sliding his hand from her ass up over her ribs to gently cup her breast. This was madness, but he would give her whatever she wanted.

  Amanda’s head was spinning, the only thought racing through her mind was to get them moved to the bed. She wanted to feel his weight on top of her. Feel him inside of her. If her panties were this wet from a kiss she could only imagine how she would feel if he made love to her. As much as she wanted him the cautious part of her brain was screaming at her to break this kiss, to get them out of this room or they would never make dinner.

  Not wanting to fully step out of his embrace she leaned back slightly until she could meet his eyes. She tried to tell him with a look that she wanted him, but the need to slow things down had her stepping from his arms. Turning her back to try to regain some semblance of control she ran an unsteady hand down the side of her dress trying to straighten it from where his hand had bunched the fabric.

  “Ready?” she asked as she bent down and picked up her purse from where she had dropped it during their kiss. She was trying not to show how he had affected her, but her legs felt unsteady and her heart was pounding in her chest. If this was how he made her feel with a single kiss she couldn’t imagine what sex with him would be like.

  She heard Russ clear his throat, she loved that she wasn’t the only one affected by their kiss.

  “Yeah. After you.” He said as he stepped around her to open the door.


  Walking toward the elevator Russ took her hand in his and laced their fingers together, while neither of them felt the need to talk she felt close to him, almost cherished. Even as they walked through the hotel lobby toward the restaurant Russ never once released her hand. It was nice to be able to walk hand in hand. The feeling of his big hand wrapped around her smaller one gave her goose bumps. She wanted him like she had never wanted anyone. As they entered the dimly lit restaurant Russ released her hand and to her surprise placed it at the small of her back.

  Amanda had a moment to take in the restaurants romantic atmosphere. Each table was set with crisp white table cloths and navy-blue linens. Tall taper candles were lit on the tables and the romantic candle light shimmered on the china and crystal. White and Navy seemed to be the color scheme for the hotel and it was reassuring on some level. It brought the ocean colors in but from where she was standing the restaurant could be one of many five-star restaurants she would find back home in Los Angeles.

  As Russ moved her forward she noticed the hostess look up, start to offer a greeting and then stopped. Her eyes widened, and her eyes quickly darted from Russ to Amanda. Without a word they were immediately shown to a table in the back corner. The table they were being led to was set in the back of the restaurant, as they walked toward it Amanda let her eyes drift taking in the beautiful restaurant. As they walked by the other diners she saw how the women watched Russ. A spark of jealously flared in her.

  As they reached the table the hostess retreated without a word and Amanda noticed that she seemed to put a bit more sway in her hips than she had before. Glancing at Russ his eyes were trained on her. Not once glancing in the hostess’ direction. He stepped behind her chair and pulled it out for her.

  No sooner had Russ seated himself a waiter appeared out of nowhere and brought over a bottle of wine for Russ to taste. Once he had given his nod of approval the waiter turned to Amanda with a smile, poured some into a crystal goblet and then quietly melted back into shadows.

  Unconsciously she started twisting the pretty linen napkin in her lap, the wave of lust still hadn’t subsided completely, and she wondered if everyone in the restaurant could sense her sexual frustration. Russ was a gorgeous man and while she couldn’t fathom a man like him being interested in her she wasn’t going to complain. What did people talk about on a date? It had been so long since she had considered going on one.

  Her go to topic, work, was off limits because she didn’t want thoughts of work intruding on her time with him. If he found out what she did for a living that could lead to all types of questions that she didn’t want to answer. Thinking about why she had been forced to come here and look over the resort left her feeling ashamed. She had let not only the client down but her grandfather as well, and she hated knowing that he was disappointed in her even if he never came out and said it.

  Bryce Garret never had to come directly out and say anything. All that man had to do was give you a look and you knew you were in trouble. It wasn’t often that she had been on the receiving end of one of his famous you screwed up looks but when she was it was awful.

  “Nervous?” Russ asked breaking into her thoughts.

  She laughed quietly, “What gave you that idea?”

  “Well you haven’t said a word since we were seated, and you are twisting the life out of the poor defenseless napkin.” He said with a kind smile.

  Taken aback that he had noticed she dropped the napkin and rested her hands on the table. “Sorry, I just feel a little awkward.”


  “Well if you want the truth I don’t date much. Sitting here with you I’m at a loss of what to talk about or what the normal expectations are.”

  She couldn’t miss the disbelieving look that crossed Russ’ face. “What is considered much? I can’t believe you don’t have a boyfriend or a husband”. He paused. “You don’t do you?”

  “Well, much is considered at all. I haven’t been on a non-business-related date in the last three years. And no, no boyfriend or husband.”

  “Well that’s a relief.”

  “What’s a relief, the no husband or the no boyfriend? You don’t want to deal with a jealous husband busting in here?” she said on a laugh. She was starting to feel more at ease sitting here joking with him. He had that effect on her. A smile or a flippant comment could have her relaxing even in tense situations such as this conversation.

  “I meant the no date in about three years. I knew there was no significant other or else you wouldn’t be here with me. You don’t seem like that type of person. So why don’t you date?”

  Amanda picked up her wine and took a long sip letting the silence linger. He was right she wasn’t the type of person to have a romantic dinner with a desirable man if she was already in a relationship. That was why she didn’t date. The last thing she had ever wanted to do was make someone feel like she had felt when she found out about Richard.

  “The last person that I thought I could get serious about was a colleague, we were actually engaged. He worked in one of our other offices and we had talked all the time and gone out whenever we were in the same city. One night he was passed out and his cell phone wouldn’t stop ringing. Thinking it was the office with some type of emergency I picked it up. Big mistake. It was his girlfriend letting him know that their twin daughters were in the hospital with complications from chicken pocks.” She didn’t know why she had blurted that all out. She rarely spoke of what happened between her and Richard.

  Before she had time to sink into a black hole of embarrassment the waiter came back to the table to deliver food that they had not ordered. Amanda’s eyes met Russ’.

  “Sorry, I took the liberty of ordering for us. I hope that’s ok. I’ve eaten here many times.” He smiled his thanks at the waiter as he started to move away.

  It was a bit perturbing that he would order for her, after all they barely knew each other. Normally she would have told him that, but for some reason it didn’t seem to bother her as much as it should have. Looking into his eyes it dawned on her that he hadn’t ordered ahead to be controlling, it seemed that it was more that he wanted to
share his favorite things with her. Instead of putting her off, it sort-of endeared him to her. She liked that he felt comfortable enough to share personal likes with her.

  Determined to be brave and not let past hurts define her she smiled. “No that’s fine. Let’s see what you have.”

  He watched as she struggled to put the smile back on her face. It made him want to wrap his hands around the throat of the person that had hurt her, he couldn’t imagine having someone as amazing as Amanda was turning out to be and letting her go. He didn’t know if he was going to be able to let her go when her vacation was up. That thought startled him. She had told him that she didn’t want a vacation fling but the thought that he wanted more with her wouldn’t let go of him. He still hadn’t been able to say what that something was but each moment he sat there with her brought the truth closer and closer.

  It was not possible to fall in love with someone after the small amount of time they had spent together. This was not love, this was lust pure and simple. It was something that he had experienced on too many occasions to count and this time would be no different he tried to reassure himself. He had to distract himself from that line of thought and watched as she sampled the dishes that he had ordered for them.

  It had been a risk ordering for her, he could tell that she was the one used to being in charge but he couldn’t help himself. He wanted to show her the best the resort had to offer. By the look on her face, he had done an okay job in the food selection. As they sat there and enjoyed the food and wine, they made polite conversation. Making sure not to delve too deeply into any one subject. He kept the conversation off cheating ex’s, off work, because he didn’t want to tell her yet, and off her sister. Anything that had the potential to kill the mood he stayed away from.


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