Paradise Falls: A Bassett Hotels Novel

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Paradise Falls: A Bassett Hotels Novel Page 7

by AJ Riley

  “That sounds good. I’ll be here just come get me when you’re ready.” She mumbled still half asleep. Rolling over without a good-bye kiss Russ watched as she snuggled into the pillow.

  As much as he needed to go he couldn’t stop himself from watching the soft rise and fall of her chest under the sheet wishing he could blow off work and climb back into bed with her. The idea was appealing but he wouldn’t. Gathering up his clothes that had been discarded around the room last night he quickly dressed. It surprised him that work wasn’t the first thing on his mind as it usually was. That fact alone told him what he had suspected yesterday, she was coming to mean more to him than just some fling. The knowledge should have scared him but instead it etched a smile onto his face.

  The need to show her something special had an idea forming, he wanted to whisk her away somewhere they could be alone, but he also figured she would want to see something of the island. After all she hadn’t had much time to go sightseeing.

  He wasn’t sure how long she was staying and the plans that were racing through his mind would keep her selfishly all to himself. He wanted her not only in his bed, but he wanted her in his life. What troubled him was if he let her into his life and if he could convince her that they were good together and she decided to stay he would have to tell her who he was. That was a scary thought. Lost in the ramifications of that thought he almost didn’t recognize the woman stepping off the elevator.

  “Shit” Russ muttered under his breath the minute his brain realized who she was, the woman had horrible timing and from the look on her face she knew where he had come from.

  “Doing the walk of shame?” Janice asked coldly, he could feel her eyes raking over his rumbled clothes.

  “Morning.” Russ replied politely trying to continue walking down the hallway past her.

  She stepped directly in his path and stopped him. “I haven’t seen you lately. I’d ask what you had been doing but I guess I already know who, you have been doing.” She said heatedly.

  “Janice this really isn’t any of your business. This is between Amanda and I. Look I have to go, I have work to do.” He tried once more to walk around her without shoving her out of his way, but obviously she wasn’t ready to let it go.

  “I don’t know what you see in her other than as a meal ticket. We would have a much better time together. I could feel the chemistry between us the first time we met. I could tell from that first meeting that things between us would be, amazing.” She purred suggestively trailing her fingers down the front of his chest.

  Thoughts of doing anything with Janice after the night he had just spent in Amanda’s arms just seemed wrong. Her comment about using Amanda as a meal ticket intrigued him and he wanted to know what she meant but not enough to prolong their conversation. Reaching up he removed her hand from his chest gently, even though he wanted to bat it away as if she could infect him, “Look Janice I’m sorry but I’m just not interested. I like your sister, and I really have to get to work.” With that she finally let him step around her and walk toward the elevator. Her next words had him turning to face her once more.

  “You know all you people are the same. It really is pathetic.” She said with a sneer. “Wine and dine the princess hoping that it will lead to bigger and better things for you, but in the end, it will end the way it always does. With her stringing you along until something or someone bigger and better comes along so I wouldn’t get my hopes up of a sugar mama. All she cares about is her work.”

  Stunned by her vehemence he watched as Janice flung her hair over her shoulder and stomped toward her room, which just happened to be on the opposite side of the hallway from Amanda’s. Great, that was going to make it harder to avoid her.

  Russ scrubbed a hand over his face, it seemed no matter how hard he concentrated on the information in front of him his mind kept wondering to Janice’s parting shot this morning. What did she mean by wine and dine the princess? Or about the meal ticket? He could only hope it meant that she hadn’t yet figured out he didn’t work at the hotel, he owned it.

  In his experience when it became common knowledge that he owned a few hotels they tended to treat him differently and he didn’t want that to happen with Amanda. He wanted a future with her, he would have to tell her eventually, but he just prayed she felt the same way by then. The biggest hurdle he could see would be if she would forgive him for not being totally honest with her about who he is. This could possibly be the biggest gamble of his life, even bigger than making deals to purchase multimillion dollar hotels. While that was a thrill in the short term, he had the feeling that anything lasting with Amanda would be a thrill of a lifetime.

  The feeling of Russ’ strong arms around her as he lowered her to the sand had her moaning in desire. The sun was shining behind him casting him into shadows, “I can’t live without you” he whispered to her as he lowered his mouth to hers. Her heart was racing, and it was difficult to catch her breath. Wasn’t this exactly what she wanted to hear?

  “Amanda” his voice muffled against her neck as his lips moved in a trail from her ear to her collar bone.

  “Amanda” suddenly his voice didn’t sound like his own. It wasn’t as muffled, her name kept repeating, growing louder and more instant, someone was shouting for her. Jolted awake she realized someone was pounding on her door. Groaning she rolled over to look at the clock. 8:30am stared back at her.

  Whoever was outside her door had better have a good excuse for waking her. As she threw the covers back the breeze from the balcony glided over her naked body made her shiver slightly. Confused for a moment, she didn’t sleep naked so why was she so cold? It took her sleep addled mind a moment to realize that was actually naked. Grabbing her robe on her way to the door she slid it on as she peered out the peep hole. Groaning she tied the sash a bit tighter than necessary.

  “Good morning Janice” she said opening the door. Whatever had put the scowl on her sister’s face, she just didn’t want to know. She wanted to go back to bed and pick her dream back up where she had left off. She could feel the tingle run though her body as thoughts of last night came back to her.

  She tried to school her features, not wanting to give too much away but she couldn’t help the silly grin that crossed her face every time she thought of Russ. It was silly, she should be preparing for whatever Janice was going to throw at her but instead she was caught off guard as Janice pushed her way into Amanda’s room.

  She watched the expressions that flittered across Janice’s face as she took in the rumpled bed and Amanda’s clothes that were still strewn over the room. Never one to go to bed with a messy room she couldn’t bring herself to care to that her clothes were still in the same spot Russ had dropped them last night as he peeled them from her body.

  “No need to ask how you spent your night.”

  She was grown woman, she didn’t have to explain to anyone how she spent her evening, but even as the thought crossed her mind she was tempted to lie. She didn’t want Janice to try and sour the incredible night she had. Clamping her lips together to hold the lie in she tried to hold her ground. Waiting for Janice to get to the point of her outrage. Amanda had a suspicion what had her all bent out of shape, but she would try and wait her out.

  There had to be something more behind this outrage. Her sister typically didn’t involve herself in her love life unless it was to make some pointed remark or snide comment so what was she up to?

  Amanda watched as Janice strode toward the balcony then turned to face her. “Don’t even try to deny it. I caught him sneaking from your room this morning. Looking ashamed I might add.” She said with a sneer.

  Her comment that he looked ashamed to be caught coming out of the room made her breath catch. He couldn’t regret what they had shared last night did he? She was second guessing all the words that passed between them last night. Had she misread the situation?

  She shook her head; no Janice’s words were meant to have her feeling insecure. It was a game that Ja
nice always played when Amanda had something that she wanted. She had to hold her tongue, not give her the confirmation that Janice was looking for. If she tried to defend herself or Russ her words would be warped and used against her later, so she stood there and let Janice prowl the room. The only thing she could do was stand there and let Janice continue her rant.

  “You know he is just using you. Working for the hotel must give him access to the guest registry. I bet you he knows who you are and wants a free ride. He is just like everyone else you have ever dated. He just wants your money!”

  Amanda ran a hand across her eyes, she was so tired. She loved her sister but sometimes it just became too much. The snide come backs raced across her mind but she refused to let them cross her lips. What was the point? It would only prolong the exchange and what she really needed was a cup of coffee, or a whole pot, so she just stood there stoically until Janice’s pointed looked clued her into the fact she was waiting for a response. Well damn, “Look I don’t know what you saw” Amanda started “But it really isn’t any of your business what I do or who is or is not after my money. But just to put your mind at ease I’m not registered under my name”.

  Clearly that was not the answer Janice was looking for because to Amanda’s amazement she saw Janice’s eyes soften and the anger drained from her face as she said “You’re my sister I’m just trying to look out for your best interest. I don’t want to see you get taken advantage of.”

  Taken back by the sincerity in her voice Amanda didn’t know what to say. Her first instinct was not to trust it. She had been burned too many times to fall for it, but she wanted to believe it. She felt herself start to cave toward her, sighing she told her “I know you’re just looking out for me. I understand that but at the same time, I am a big girl. I have no intention of letting things get that far. Now if you will excuse me I need coffee and a shower.”

  Watching the emotions that crossed Janice’s face would have been comical if she wasn’t still trying to work out Janice’s angle. Was she really trying to be sincere and look out for Amanda’s best interest or was she still looking out for her own? She was still pondering the question when Janice stomped toward the door and flung it open.

  She had to get her sister out of her head. Russ had said that he wanted to spend the day with her. She had better get moving so she was ready when he got there. Thoughts of Russ brought back to mind her dream and it wondered back to their night together.

  She had told him that she didn’t want a vacation fling but right now work was the last thing on her mind. She was more than content to let him be the distraction that she had predicted he would be. She could justify her actions any way she wanted but the truth was she liked him, she like how she felt when she was with him. Like she was the most beautiful woman at the resort, like she was special.

  Feeling special wasn’t something she had much experience with. She had always been surrounded with people that saw her as a way to impress her father when she was younger and then after his death as a way to get on her grandfather’s good side. She didn’t have the special spark that Janice did. The one that drew people to her.

  Janice was blessed with the ability to make people notice her and Amanda was blessed with a brilliant mind for business. That had always been enough for her until she met Russ, now she would switch abilities with Janice in a heartbeat.

  Amanda shook her head to clear all thoughts of her grandfather and Janice from her mind then headed to the shower. She needed to be ready when Russ showed back up. She vaguely remembered that he wanted to spend the day with her. She didn’t know what that would entail but she wanted to be ready for anything.

  The thought of spending the day with him had her doing a little twirl on the way to the shower. A smile she couldn’t shake was plastered to her face. She hadn’t felt anything like the rush of knowing she would see him soon before.


  The ticking of the clock had been mocking him all day. Every time he dared to glance at it, it seemed to be going backwards. Never moving closer to a time when he could see Amanda and the list of things that had to be accomplished that day seemed to get longer with every passing minute. The urge to hurl something across room in his frustration was almost greater than his control. Risking a glance at the clock he swore.

  One o’clock it mocked. He had wanted to be out of here long before now. His plan of spending the day with Amanda was quickly evaporating. The hotel was important to him, he had deadlines to meet and watching the clock on the wall was not going to get anything accomplished. He needed a break to try and refocus his attention but what he ended up doing was dialing Amanda’s room.


  Just hearing her voice on the other end of the phone had him growing hard. He sifted in his chair and tried to keep his voice from showing his frustrations. “Hi, it’s Russ.”

  He heard her intake of breath and wondered at her greeting. Was she thinking of their night together? “Oh, Hi.”

  Hearing the smile in her voice made him want to forget work and go see in person, but he had to make work a priority. He consoled himself with the fact that if he could get this accomplished then he wouldn’t have anything else pressing on his plate and he could spend the rest of her vacation with her. If she let him. “Look I’m stuck in the office. I have somethings that are taking longer than I thought”.

  He could hear the disappointment in her voice when she told him that it was okay, and she understood. The problem was he hated that she sounded disappointed.

  “No, it isn’t okay” came is frustrated response. “I wanted to spend the day with you. I wanted to show you something and now,” he huffed out a sigh, “How about dinner? I should be done by then. Hell, even if I’m not, I’m not missing dinner with you.”

  “Oh, um yeah dinner sounds good. What time?”

  “What’s the matter? You don’t sound so sure about dinner with me. Are you having second thought?”

  “Oh, it’s nothing. I’m looking forward to it. Do you want me to meet you somewhere?”

  “No, I’ll come to your room and get you. How about six again? Does that work for you?”

  “Sounds great I’ll see you then.”

  Russ hung up the phone with a frustrated sigh. Now that he knew he would see her in a few short hours maybe he would be able to concentrate, but first he had to make plans for dinner. He knew just what to do, picking up his pone he dialed the concierge desk and gave them a list of things to accomplish before his dinner date.

  Hanging up the phone with a smile he leaned back in his chair, laced his fingers behind his head and let his mind wonder back to Amanda. When he had seen her on the plane he had been looking for a distraction. Now that he had gotten to know her he was looking for so much more. The issue was he didn’t know where she stood. He would have to find out before he revealed who he is, and he was running out of time.

  As Amanda rushed toward her hotel room she knew that spending the afternoon at the pool would keep her from watching the clock until it was time for Russ to come pick her up for dinner, but the day had gotten away from her. Now she had to hurry in order to be ready in time. The idea of him showing up while she was in the shower both terrified and excited her. Would she be bold enough to start something when he got there?

  She reached for the handle to turn the water off when she heard the knock on the door. Damn he’s early, again she wondered if she had the nerve to invite him in when she was still wet from her shower. As bad as she wanted to open the door in nothing more than a towel and see where that would lead them she was just too shy. She shrugged into a silk robe that she had left lying over a chair and opened the door. Her greeting stuck in her throat when she registered it wasn’t Russ standing in the hallway in front of her.

  The waiter standing there in his crisp black tuxedo held her speechless. Her brain stuck on the fact that the rolling cart he had with him had so many covered dishes that there was no possible way they could all be food. Shaking
her head to clear the stupid thought she was surprised that she was as rattled as she was.

  Where was her legendary take control of any situation persona? Her only consolation was normally she wasn’t caught standing in the door way still wet from the shower only covered by a thin robe. At the gentleman’s throat clearing it registered that she hadn’t said anything.

  “Miss Jenson?” he inquired politely.

  “Yes.” She replied as she tried to shield herself behind the door. She was only in a robe for crying aloud. So much for trying to look seductive for Russ. Now she was standing here barely dressed looking anywhere but in the waiter’s eyes.

  “Mr. Bassett sent this up.”

  “Mr. Bassett?” she asked questioningly. Something nagged in the back of her mind, but her mind couldn’t process anything past her embarrassment. Hell, she wasn’t embarrassed she was mortified. Not only was she practically naked but she must seem stupid as well.

  “Yes.” He replied hesitatingly as if afraid he had the wrong room. “Russ Bassett. He said you were expecting him for dinner at 6.”

  “Oh yes, Russ, of course. Please come in,” she said as she stepped away from the door and let him enter. Now she felt stupid, she spent the night with Russ and didn’t even know his last name. Worst of all now his co-worker knew it too. At least she could comfort herself that only he would know what type of person she was, but that comfort was short lived because what she hadn’t seen from her position shielded behind the door was that he was not alone. A woman in similar attire followed him with the biggest bouquet of roses that she had ever seen. The woman sent a smile in Amanda’s direction and placed them on the dresser. Then helped the man move the small table and chairs from inside her room onto the balcony.

  Amanda watched in fascination as they then proceeded to set the table with linens and candles. The same linens that had decorated the hotel restaurant last night. They filled crystal wine goblets and set out beautiful china dishes. He placed the covered service dishes on the table but then left them covered. She assumed to keep the food warm until Russ arrived. When they finished they moved back into the room, gave her a polite smile, and headed toward the door.


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