Can't Take My Eyes Off You

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Can't Take My Eyes Off You Page 12

by Kait Nolan

  Because she couldn’t quite forget the fact that this was her clinic, and she had staff and patients all over the place—not to mention the fact that she truly couldn’t remember if this door locked—Miranda eased back. “There. That should hold me for a few hours anyway.”

  His expression was positively feral, and Miranda loved it. “Christ, woman, how am I supposed to get through the rest of the day without thinking about taking you to bed?”

  Smiling sweetly, she grabbed another cupcake and offered it to him. “Better Than Sex?”

  Keeping his eyes on hers, he took a bite and swallowed. “I should write Carolanne up for false advertising.”

  Rising to her toes, Miranda licked at the icing on the corner of his mouth. “You could. Or you could devote some of your day to carving out time in your schedule to actually take me to bed.”

  “We need to schedule it?”

  “Two busy people, respectively on call a lot of the time? Yeah. Because once I have you in my bed, Ethan, I don’t intend to let you out for quite a while.”

  He groaned. “Have I mentioned, I really love the fact that you’re direct?”

  “Life’s complicated enough without adding guesswork about things that are really pretty basic. I want you. You want me. That’s simple. Elemental.”

  “I’ll check the duty calendar as soon as I get back to the station.”

  “Good. Now what did you actually come here for, besides to deliver my car and cupcakes?”

  “To talk to you about who might have slashed your tires.”

  Well that was a nice arousal killer. “Did you to talk to Ralph?”

  “Yeah. He doesn’t have a verifiable alibi. Claimed to be home with his wife, but he’s sleeping in the recliner so his tossing and turning doesn’t keep her awake. After meeting him, I’m inclined to agree with your assessment that he may not be physically able to do the deed.”

  “Which leaves us where? I already told you last night, I can’t think of anybody who’d do something like that.”

  She saw the subtle shift into cop mode. “Ralph can’t be the only doctor shopper you’ve had. Can you get me a list of everyone you’ve had any kind of similar run-in with for, say, the past six months?”

  “I’ll have Shelby pull something together for you. She keeps the records for that kind of thing. But I’ll go ahead and tell you, nobody stands out.”

  “It might not have anything to do with that, but it’s an avenue I want to explore.” He paused. “What about Delaney?”

  Miranda’s back went up in a second. “Excuse me?” She shoved out of his arms. If this was going where she thought it was going, she needed some distance.

  “I read her file today. Are you aware she has a criminal record? That she was arrested for stalking and vandalism?”

  Miranda lifted her chin. “Yes.”

  That seemed to surprise him. “You knew all that and hired her anyway?”

  “People can change.”

  “That was some pretty destructive behavior. I saw the crime scene photos of the damage she’d caused.”

  Irritation began to bubble and stew. He was doing his job, following leads. It was no wonder someone had mentioned Delaney to him. He didn’t know her, didn’t know Wishful. So it was on Miranda to help balance out that automatic suspicion. If she wanted him to take her opinion on this seriously, she had to remain calm. Taking a firm grip on her temper, she shoved it down and locked it away.

  “Some of it was justified, given how that asshole treated her. But that aside, she was ill. The judge sent her to treatment, where she was accurately diagnosed and properly treated for the first time in her life. Since that incident, she’s been on the straight and narrow, without a single blip of a problem. That whole sordid mess seriously fucked up her life, Ethan. All she wants is to get everything back on track. I gave her a job and chance when no one else would, and she’s never given me cause to regret it. She has absolutely no reason to target me.”

  “You haven’t had any tiffs? Any frustration with rate of pay or problems with her performance in any way?”

  “Not a one. She’s an exemplary employee. Look, I appreciate that you’re being thorough here, and I know you’re used to looking for the worst in people. But you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

  She waited for him to tell her she was being foolish, seeing good where there was none. It’s what Stephen would’ve done. Instead he angled his head, studying her. “She’s really got your loyalty, hasn’t she?”

  “She’s earned it.”

  He lifted his hands in surrender. “All right. Well, until I figure this out, you need to be extra careful. No being on the phone on the way to your car. Pay attention to your surroundings. If somebody is targeting you, you don’t want to make it easier for them to attack.”

  His concern was sweet, but his big city was showing. This was Wishful. More than likely, it was some kind of malicious prank. One and done.

  “I appreciate the concern, Ethan. I know the drill. I did live in Chicago for a number of years.”

  “Maybe so, but being back here’s made you soft. There’s been a string of robberies in Lawley, the last few months. Pharmacies and doctor’s offices. So far there’s no sign it’s expanded here, but you can’t be too careful.”

  Miranda opened her mouth to respond, but the break room door burst open and her brother strode in. “What the hell is this about your tires being slashed last night?”

  She fixed him with a bland stare. “Hello to you, too, Mitch.”

  “Seriously, why did I have to hear about this at The Grind instead of directly from you?”

  “Because it’s taken care of,” she said dryly.

  Mitch shifted his attention to Ethan. “You’ve found the person responsible?”

  “I’m working on it.”

  Her brother made some monosyllabic grunt and turned his attention back to her. “I don’t like the idea of leaving the country without somebody watching your back.”

  “First off, I have absolutely no bearing on your plans to go to that conference in France. You’ve been looking forward to this for nearly a year. If you cancel over something this minor, you’re an idiot. Secondly, I don’t need anybody watching my back, as I am a grown-ass woman—”

  Ethan interrupted her. “No one’s going to lay a hand on her. I’m going to get to the bottom of this. You have my word.”

  They eyed each other, a couple of big, tall, over-protective males. The testosterone in the room was almost enough to choke her. Miranda rolled her eyes and made shooing motions at them both. “Okay, you know what? I still have patients to see, and I would like to get out of here sometime this century. You two go take your male posturing outside and let me get back to work. I can take care of myself, thank you very much.”

  Ethan shifted his gaze to her, and she saw a hint of heat under the serious cop expression he’d put on as soon as Mitch barged in. “I’ll be in touch, Doc.”

  “Fine. Fine. Thanks for helping with my car. Now, both of you get out.”

  Chapter 11

  Miranda’s brother followed Ethan out. “She’s pissed at us.”

  “Yep,” Ethan confirmed, slipping on his aviator glasses and scanning the parking lot.

  Mitch stepped up beside him, hooking his thumbs in the pockets of his khakis and rocking back on his heels. “Is that my sister’s lipstick on your mouth?”

  Well, shit. He resisted the urge to wipe his mouth. “That a problem for you?”

  “Don’t know yet.” He shot Ethan an appraising look out of hazel eyes that were so like his sister’s.

  Ethan sighed. “Is this the part where you threaten to break me in half if I hurt her?”

  Mitch’s look was part amusement, part pity. “Nope. My sister’s got claws, and she fights dirty. You hurt her, she’ll take care of you herself. I’ll just be there to help hide the body.”

  Ethan couldn’t decide whether to smile or scowl. “You do remember I’m the chief of police, right

  “My money’s still on her.”

  “Good to know. In all seriousness, though, do you know of anybody who’s pissed at her? Somebody who’d want to get back at her like this?”

  “You don’t think this is just petty vandalism?”

  “I’m not sure what to think. Somebody keyed her car a few weeks back. Now this.”

  “You think they’re connected?”

  “Timing seems pretty coincidental if it’s not. Maybe, if there had been multiple vehicles targeted last night, I’d’ve bought the idea that it was some kind of random vandalism. But all four of just her tires? That screams personal to me. I just have to figure out who and why.”

  Mitch considered. “Miranda’s not any kind of a shrinking violet, but she’s not the kind of woman who has a lot of enemies.”

  “It only takes one.”

  Her brother frowned. “Fair enough. I can’t think of anybody. But Norah might have better ideas. Miranda talks to her more.”

  “She was gonna be my next stop.”

  “Do you think she’s in any legitimate danger?”

  “No. It’s a long damned way from vandalism and harassment to bodily harm, and I can assure you I won’t let anybody lay a hand on her.”

  “Except you,” Mitch observed.

  “That’s a whole other thing and none of your business.”

  After a long moment of silence, he nodded. “You might be all right, Greer.”

  Ethan smirked. “High praise.”

  “Hey. Take what you can get. Can I ask you something?”

  “You can ask. I won’t commit to an answer.”

  “Did you really end up with marriage proposals from your performances back in the day?”

  At this Ethan did smile. “Yeah.”

  “How many?”

  “I stopped counting at twenty.”

  Mitch whistled. “Damn. Were you ever tempted?”

  “I appreciate a forward woman on most fronts, but on this, I’m still old fashioned. They were doomed to disappointment.”

  “Fair enough. I’d best be getting on. I appreciate you keeping an eye out for my sister.”

  “I’ll keep her safe.”

  After Mitch left, Ethan wiped his mouth and considered his next move. Whether Miranda believed it was a thing or not, nobody went around slashing random people’s tires without a reason. He and Miranda had already started a list last night of who’d been at the bonfire, but he knew it wasn’t complete. With that in mind, he walked the three blocks to City Hall to track down Norah. In his short time in Wishful, he’d learned that the city planner had a mind like a steel trap when it came to people. She ought to be able to flesh out the guest list considerably. Ethan knew the perpetrator might not have been someone everybody saw at the party. Somebody could have arrived and left without ever joining the group, but it was the next logical step.

  Man on a mission, he greeted Jerry Noble, the guard stationed at the front of City Hall who was old as Croesus, then loped up the stairs to the third floor. Norah’s door was closed, so he knocked and waited.

  “It’s open! Come on in.”

  Turning the knob, he stepped inside. “Hey Norah, I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions.” The sentence faded by the end because she wasn’t alone. Miranda’s mother was seated in one of the guest chairs across from Norah’s desk. “I’m sorry. You’re tied up. I can come back later.”

  When he made to beat a hasty retreat, Norah just waved him to the other chair. “Sit. Aunt Liz and I were just finishing up. You remember Lisbette Campbell?”

  Ethan inclined his head, wishing he had his Stetson to take off, so he had something to do with his hands. “Yes, ma’am.”

  The woman was a shorter, older version of her daughter, albeit with slightly darker hair and blue eyes. Those eyes were fixed on him with an intense scrutiny that made him wonder if he’d managed to get all the lipstick off his mouth. Was he just going to run into all of the Campbells today?

  “You’ve been seeing my daughter.”

  The back of his neck itched. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Liz nodded. “You’ll come to family dinner on Thursday.”

  Ethan recognized an order when he heard one, no matter how much of a smile went along with the delivery. “That’s a kind offer, Mrs. Campbell, but I’m on duty Thursday.”

  She waved that away and rose from her chair. “Nonsense. You have to eat. If you have to leave early, so be it. You should meet the rest of the family.”

  He’d seen all of them at Norah and Cam’s wedding back in the fall. There were a lot of Campbells. It looked like he was gonna get trotted out for their inspection to deem if he was worthy of one of their own. Recognizing there was no graceful way out of the situation, short of manufacturing a call on the day of the event, Ethan conceded. “Yes, ma’am. A home-cooked meal would be nice. I’ll look forward to it.”

  “Good. Miranda will let you know the time and place.” She patted him on the arm. “See you Thursday, Chief Greer.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Norah’s eyes were sparkling with unrestrained amusement as her—What the hell was Lisbette Campbell to her? Aunt-in-law? Was that a thing?—walked out of the office. Once her footsteps had faded, he let out a careful breath.

  “You have any survival tips for that?”

  Her mouth bowed. “Oh, no. You get to navigate this on your own. I’m just gonna enjoy it all from the cheap seats.”

  Ethan offered her a bland stare. “Thanks for that.”

  She laughed. “What can I do for you, Ethan?”

  “Were you aware that Miranda’s car was vandalized at the bonfire last night?”

  All humor fled. “What?”

  “Her tires were slashed. I was hoping you could help me compile a list of who all was there last night. I know you left before we did, but I figure you can add some names to the existing list.”

  “Yes, of course.”

  He pulled out his little notebook and they went over the list. She added quite a few more, offering up little vignettes about each person to give him an idea of their character.

  “But I can’t imagine any of these people doing something like this.”

  “What about Delaney Newell?”

  Norah blinked. “I know she’s had some issues. But from what I understand, she’s been medicated since her stint in treatment, and hasn’t stepped a toe out of line.”

  “What exactly was Delaney treated for?”

  “Bipolar disorder, I believe. Miranda would be able to tell you more about it.”

  “You and I both know she won’t.”

  “True enough. She’s very protective of Delaney. Either way, I’d have a really hard time imagining her targeting Miranda like that. Miranda has done a lot for her, when nobody else would.”

  “That’s essentially what Miranda said.”

  Norah’s expression turned thoughtful. “Although...”


  “It’s just that she seemed a little upset last night.”

  “Upset how?”

  “Well, honestly, it was when you were singing to Miranda. Nicely done, by the way. Delaney just looked a little sick and left not long after. Maybe the hot dogs didn’t agree with her or something and the timing was coincidental, but I remember thinking it was a little odd. We were all enjoying you and Clay performing.”

  It wasn’t a lot, but it was enough to make Ethan hang on to the suspicion nagging at the back of his brain. He’d do his due diligence to chase down any other leads, but whether Miranda liked it or not, Delaney Newell needed a closer look.

  Nodding, he closed his notebook and rose. “Thanks for your help, Norah.”

  “No problem. If I think of anything else, I’ll be sure to let you know.”

  “I guess I’ll be seeing you Thursday.”

  “I promise Grammy’s pie will make the whole experience worth it.”

  “I’m sure pie would make all interrogations go better.”
r />   “Oh, they won’t interrogate you. Probably. Aunt Liz knows Miranda would wait forever to bring you around because she never brings guys to family dinner. She’s just circumventing for the chance to see the two of you together.”

  “So it’s a recon mission.”

  Norah laughed. “Something like that. You’re a smart man, and you’re legitimately into her. You’ll be fine.”

  “You don’t have any warnings to issue? Mitch already had his shot today.”

  “Nope. I saw everything I needed to see last night at the bonfire.”

  Ethan realized he had, perhaps, shown too much of his hand with that performance. “She’s an amazing and appealing woman.”

  “Yes, she is. It’s good that you can see that. See you Thursday, Chief.”

  “Let me just say again how sorry I am she shanghaied you into family dinner.” Miranda bustled around the kitchen, gathering plates and utensils so she didn’t quite have to look at Ethan. Of course, of course, her family couldn’t let her bring him around in her own time. Of course, they bypassed her entirely. “I love my family. I really do, but there’s a reason I haven’t introduced anybody to them in years. It’s one of the perils of dating in the same small town where you grew up. I have an enormous family, and they all really like to meddle. I mean, I really shouldn’t say anything. I meddled all over the place with Cam and Norah, but I totally had ulterior motives.”

  Before she could grab the tamales, Ethan stepped into her path, tipping her chin up so he could look into her eyes. “I don’t mind, Legs. My interest in you isn’t a secret.”

  And he’d apparently impressed the hell out of her mother with his easy manners. “I know. I just…this doesn’t fall under the heading of what we agreed to. Meeting the family is decidedly not part of the Fun and Simple Plan, and I don’t want you to be overwhelmed.” She also really, really hoped that her mother’s interference didn’t blow the other plans she and Ethan had for tonight.

  Those gunmetal gray eyes warmed. “I’m a big boy.” He brushed a quick kiss over her lips and got out of her way. “Anyway, I may have a small family, but because I grew up on a ranch, I had a whole big honorary family who felt it was their duty to look out for me. I don’t overwhelm easy.”


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