A Knight Such as This: Enhanced with Interactive Content: (Time Travel Romance) Book 1 & 2 (Ravenhurst Series)

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A Knight Such as This: Enhanced with Interactive Content: (Time Travel Romance) Book 1 & 2 (Ravenhurst Series) Page 22

by Lorraine Beaumont

  “Yes, Milford,” Sebastian sighed again.

  Milford closed his eyes and said a silent prayer.

  Sebastian pulled on the rope, checking the tautness and then tied it around his waist. Satisfied it was secure…he grabbed hold of Milford’s ankles and began to push him forward on the ice towards the edge.



  ESCAPE was in our sight. There was a light in the distance. That had to be the way out. Devlin’s injury made our progress slow, but I refused to leave him behind. I heard a noise and stopped abruptly.

  Devlin’s step faltered and he stifled a groan of pain.

  “Someone is coming,” I whispered hotly in his ear as I steadied him.

  Devlin grabbed hold of my shoulders and tried to push me back. “Stop!”

  “I will not. They are crazy. I will divert them so you may run,” Devlin argued.

  “I am not leaving you here.”

  “Yes, you must. You can get help,” he urged.

  “I said I am not leaving you, so just get over it already.”

  He tried to push me behind him.

  Even though he was hurt, he was still too strong. I gave up trying to overpower him and did the only thing I could think of to silence him. I grabbed his face, and kissed him soundly on the lips.

  Devlin was stunned at first but quickly acclimated himself to the change of circumstance. He pressed his own lips more firmly against hers, kissing her back as he gathered her pliable body closer to his own. His tongue teased her lips until she opened her mouth for him. He delved deeper, tasting her sweetness, savoring the moment.

  A shadow raced past the entrance before disappearing farther down the passageway.

  The kiss was soft, sweet…absolutely perfect. Devlin pulled away.

  Dazed, I opened my eyes. I completely forgot what we were even doing. I almost ducked back in for another kiss before remembering where we were. The kiss was not what I expected in the least. He was no Sebastian, but he did have something. That thought left me unnerved.

  “Sorry,” I whispered lamely.

  “No problem,” he whispered back.

  “I needed you to be quiet, so do not think there was anything to that, okay?”

  “I know,” he said, but smiled into the darkness nonetheless.

  Leaning back against him, I put my arm around his waist. We only made it a few steps when I stopped abruptly.

  Devlin groaned once more, it was barely audible.

  I cringed, hating I was causing him undue pain. Two distinct voices echoed in the darkened tunnel. Devlin was right. I reached down and felt around for anything to use as a weapon. My hand touched a rock and I picked it up.

  Devlin was in too much pain to fight her this time.

  I pressed back against the wall until I saw the flickering torchlight pass just enough, and then I struck out with the rock with all my might. Whatever I hit fell to the ground.

  Someone screamed.

  I jumped back against Devlin.

  “Bloody Hell,” Devlin moaned, in agony once more.

  “Devlin, I am so sorry,” I whispered. He squeezed my hand.

  I peeked around the corner. A woman was bent over a man, sobbing, and uttering sweet words to him as she brushed his hair away from his face.

  My stomach clenched at the sight. Oh, what had I done? It wasn’t the Looney tune from earlier; no, this was someone altogether different.

  Devlin pushed past the pain in his leg, and leaned forward, trying to see around Katherine as he listened to someone sobbing uncontrollably and proclaiming love and devotion to the room at large. How did he know that voice? Dawning hit him like a ton of bricks. Bloody Hell it was Isabelle! The ‘why’ of what she was doing down here was not something he wanted to ponder at the moment. He was getting an earful of her declarations of love for whoever was in her lap.

  Good Lord, that was quick. Was she not just saying the same to him? She was certainly a capricious wench. Then he remembered that was before he locked her down in her cellar. Apparently, that did not slow her much though. He leaned against the back of Katherine and peered around her shoulder, watching Isabelle coddle the man in her lap. He rolled his eyes. “My God, woman, leave off. The man is not dead.”

  Isabelle gasped in surprise. “Devlin!” she narrowed her eyes. “You fiend! What are you doing here?” she demanded.

  “May I say the same to you?” he asked smartly.

  Isabelle finally noticed the girl beside Devlin. “Marguerite, dear child, what are you doing with him?” she asked acerbically. “I hope you know Sebastian is insane with worry. And here you are with him. You ought to be ashamed of yourself!”

  “My God, Isabelle, there you go again. Blathering on and on about that blasted do-gooder. Where is he, Isabelle, if he is so worried about her? Let me guess…he is in his library trying to drink himself into a stupor. Has he finished his brandy then? And moved on to his scotch?” Devlin asked, his ire rising.

  Isabelle gasped. “Devlin, you know that is a horrible thing to say about Sebastian.”

  “Well it is true. That is what he does. Blames everyone but himself…the poor, tortured soul,” Devlin said mockingly. “And this is not Marguerite, Isabelle,” he added for good measure.

  “Devlin, you are such a liar. I know Marguerite. I am looking at her right now. What game are you playing?”

  “Look again, Isabelle. Obviously, your eyes are not what they once were, when you were younger. But of course, I would not know about that, would I?” he scathed.

  Isabelle visibly flinched. Devlin’s sarcasm hit its intended mark. She ignored him. “So that is the way of it then. You are with him now?” she questioned accusingly.

  I watched her look me up and down, like Amelia had done, except her expression revealed a bit more loathing. At first, I didn’t know what to say. Listening to the woman and Devlin argue as though they knew one another intimately and then she turned her vehemence on me. It took a moment but I finally found my voice, buried somewhere under a pile of apprehension and shock.

  “No, I am not with him,” I defended. “He is hurt. We were escaping.”

  Isabelle looked doubtful. “Ridiculous. There is no one down here. Why are you lying for him?”

  Devlin rubbed his forehead. “Isabelle, do you truly think we would be down here had that not been the case?”

  “Well, with you, Devlin, one never knows,” she snapped. “You did lock me in my own cellar. And if she is not Marguerite, as you say, then what did you and Judith do with her?”

  “Who is Judith?” I asked, looking back and forth between the two. Neither seemed to hear me, they were too busy arguing with one another.

  Isabelle kept on. “Where is your trollop, Devlin?” Isabelle seethed. “Oh my, Devlin, did your little whore lock you down here?” She laughed. “Now, that would certainly be poetic justice. You do so readily deserve that and more, you know?” Isabelle glared up at them both.

  Sebastian was looking for me. My stomach flipped at the thought. I didn’t know what to make of the conversation with the woman called Isabelle, or Devlin for that matter. I was obviously out of some giant loop, which was fine with me. I had enough to deal with but when they kept arguing, I lost it. “Are you two kidding me with this? Your leg is broken.” I pointed down at Devlin’s leg. “And you…” I glared at the woman named Isabelle. “The man you apparently love is passed out, bleeding. We’re still stuck in a pit, and if you are not the ones that put us here, then there is still someone out there who did.” They both stared at me like reprimanded children.

  Devlin felt the truth of her words weighing down upon him. “You are right,” he sighed. “Isabelle, I deserve everything you have said and more.” He looked at her imploringly, hoping she could see how sorry he was. “I am sorry, Isabelle. I do hope someday you will be able to forgive me,” he said with sincerity. He took a deep breath, and for once, the constant tightness in his chest subsided a little

  Isabelle turned her head away and wiped a stray tear from her face. She was quiet for a moment. If he had not put her in the cellar, she would have never run off into the night. Nor would she have ever met Grayson. Could she find forgiveness in that? She looked at Grayson once more, her heart nearly bursting with love. She took an unsteady breath. “I may not be able to forgive you for all you have done, but I will call a truce for now. Is that acceptable?”

  Devlin could not believe it. She did not hate him, or think he was a monster. All the contempt he felt for her began to disappear. He only just now realized how angry he was at her for the way she treated him. “Of course, it is all right,” he supplied eagerly. “A truce then?”

  “A truce…for now,” she agreed.

  “I will take it,” he smiled meekly at Isabelle.

  “Great, now that you two have cleared the air, why don’t we get the hell out of here while we still can?”

  Isabelle leaned over Grayson as he started waking, moaning softly. She lifted her hand and caressed his brow. “I am going to get you out of here. Can you stand my love?” she said, leaning down, cradling his face in her hands before she kissed him lightly where his brow furrowed.

  I could hear Devlin mumbling and elbowed him gently in his stomach.

  He gasped in mock horror and I turned around. Our eyes met and for a breathless moment and everything else fell away.

  “I could use some help,” Isabelle called out from behind, breaking the spell.

  I gave Devlin a small smile. “Can you stand alone for a moment?”

  He smiled back. “Of course, go on; help her please, before she starts screaming.” He rolled his eyes and inflated his cheeks, making a face.

  “You…” I said laughingly and then stepped forward to help Isabelle.

  Then we all headed out of the hellhole and into the light.




  SEBASTIAN pulled Milford back from the edge.

  “I told you there was no one down there!” Milford seethed, brushing snow from his greatcoat and jerking it back in place.

  Sebastian leaned over and braced his hands on his knees, pulling large gulps of air into his lungs. “I had to be sure she was not down there.”

  Milford gave him a sidelong glare, not really sure what all the heavy breathing was about. He was not that damn heavy. Even if he was, it was not his fault…well, at least not completely. He did suggest they check for her at the ravine. However, he thought it would be a simple ride, and once Sebastian was satisfied the girl was not there they could turn around and go back to Ravenhurst.

  Sebastian was overcome with relief at not finding her in the ravine… He did not know what he expected. In his heart, he had already given up hope. What did that say about him? Was he so afraid of being hurt that he would readily conjure up such dark thoughts? Would he truly rather kill her off in his mind than to have her leave him of her own accord? He looked across the horizon. In another hour, the light would be gone from the sky, completely replaced by darkness. He found the same effect was happening within himself. He straightened and turned away from the ravine, walking back towards his horse. He bent down, untied the rope from the boulder, and fastened it back to his saddle. He looked over his shoulder at Milford. “Come on man, the light is fading fast and everything will begin to freeze again.”

  Milford opened his mouth and shut it again. What was the point? He climbed up the steep incline, purposefully digging his heels into the snow with each step he took back to his mount so he would not slide back into the pit from hell he had just been hanging over. He climbed up on his horse and shifted uncomfortably in the saddle.

  “Comfortable?” Sebastian asked acerbically.

  Milford glared at him. “No, I am not.” He fought the urge not to roll his eyes, and then clicked his reins, following Sebastian back to Ravenhurst.



  THE hidden door groaned in protest as we shoved our way back into Ravenhurst’s formidable walls.

  I was so relieved to be out of the pit, I nearly fell down on my knees and kissed the floor.

  Of course, I couldn’t since I was holding Devlin up. The house was stoically silent as we made our way through the kitchen, down the hall, and finally ended up in the library where I managed to get Devlin situated on the settee.

  “He needs his leg set soon.” Grayson nodded his head towards Devlin.

  “Who is going to do that?” I asked.

  “I have some experience with that sort of thing from my time in the military. I can do it.”

  “Not before I tend your wounds,” Isabelle cut in.

  “Your wish is my command.” Grayson smiled at her warmly and extended his hand.

  Isabelle reached out, clasped his hand, and then led Grayson off to the kitchen to take care of his head.

  I watched them leave the room and smiled. It was hard to believe they were not man and wife. They seemed so perfect for one another.

  Walking across the room to the sideboard, I lifted the bottle and poured a hefty amount of Sebastian’s brandy in a glass. I glanced over at Devlin; he had his eyes shut and his head pushed back on the cushions. Lifting the drink, I downed it in one gulp. The burn felt good this time.

  Instinctively, my eyes found their way back to Devlin. He looked so young suddenly. His sandy-blonde hair had fallen back from his face and revealed his profile. Dark lashes were in contrast to his pale complexion and cast shadows across his cheeks. Now I knew firsthand that although he was thin, he also had muscle. His chest rose and fell with his breathing and as I continued to watch him, I was surprised to realize he was extremely handsome as well. My heart went out to him. I had an overwhelming urge to protect him. I did not know what from, but wanted to just the same. The feeling made no sense—it was crazy. I should probably seek protection from him instead of protecting him but he seemed to be a lost soul. There was no one to look out for him, no light in his life. He needed someone to be his beacon.

  Devlin adjusted his weight and closed his eyes, hoping the darkness would take him back to oblivion, but instead unanswered questions paraded through his mind. Isabelle had agreed to his truce down in the pit but what would she do now that they were not in it any longer. He knew he deserved whatever fate was meted out to him, but he was not looking forward to it. And just who exactly was this Katherine? Why did she look so much like Marguerite? Why was she here? She was just another reminder of what he could not have. The pain he was feeling now was much worse than the pain in his leg. It would not go away…ever.


  A short time later, Grayson strode back into the library with Isabelle right by his side.

  Devlin slanted open one eye and glanced over at them. He closed it quickly. He was not looking forward to what was about to be done to his person. He was not sure he could take it. A cool hand slid into his. He opened his eyes and stared at an angel.

  “Here, drink this.” I handed him the glass of liquor.

  Devlin took the drink and downed it, not losing sight of her lovely visage the entire time. He noticed Grayson looming over her shoulder and the moment vanished.

  Grayson reached down and used a knife to slice open Devlin’s pant leg. He pulled out a handkerchief and handed it out to Devlin. “This is going to hurt,” Grayson said.

  And hurt it did—Devlin screamed out in agony as the excruciating pain brought the darkness upon him.



  THE night had turned cold and bleak. The full moon was peering down from its lofty perch in the sky. There was no wind whispering in the trees. Icicles clung to branches, wanting to fall, but not quite able. Sebastian normally found some beauty in the night’s bleakness, but not tonight. Instead, a bone chilling numbness spread throughout his body, threatening to shatter his very soul.

  Milford stood idly by holding the reins of his horse, waiting fo
r Sebastian to dismount so he could take the horse to the stable with his own. Sebastian looked so forlorn in that moment. He reminded Milford of Darias, his liege, how he looked so long ago when he was battling his own demons. He shook his head and stepped forward as Sebastian finally dismounted. He reached out, took the reins from him, and led the horses away.

  Sebastian climbed the stairs to Ravenhurst, the crisp air stealing his breath as the weight of the day closed in on him. A scream shattered the stillness of the night.

  His heart slammed against his ribcage and he took the stairs two at time, running through the front door as quickly as his feet would carry him. He was halfway through the library doors when he came to an abrupt halt. His breath now rushing from his lungs in broken gasps, his chest heaved. He could not believe what was right before his eyes. She was right there, not twenty feet in front of him. He took a step forward, relief flooding his body and then stopped just as suddenly. He felt like the air was being ripped from his lungs. In agony, he watched as the girl who had tormented his thoughts leaned over Devlin on the settee, holding his hand and brushing his hair from his face.

  I felt him. I did not need to look to know he was there. My heart slammed in my chest. I let my fingers slip from Devlin’s grasp and stood, keeping my eyes cast to the ground, my head hanging low. I felt so ashamed, even though I really had done nothing wrong, well, except kiss Devlin. I felt sick.

  “Oh thank goodness, Sebastian, you have returned safe and sound,” Isabelle, gushed. “And look who Grayson and I found in our search…” she trailed off. Sebastian brushed past her and walked directly in front of the woman who was not Marguerite.


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