Taken (Thornton Brothers Book 3)

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Taken (Thornton Brothers Book 3) Page 13

by Sabre Rose

  After taking all of him that I could into my mouth, I froze and lifted my eyes up his body, coming to rest on his steel eyes burning with desire. His hands tightened their grip and he urged me forward. I relaxed my throat and closed my eyes as he fed himself into my mouth until I could take no more. I pushed against his thighs. He spilled from my mouth and I gasped for air once again.

  Tyler ran his thumb over my bottom lip roughly. “Open,” he said, his voice like gravel.

  Obediently I did what he said, the moisture now trickling between my legs. He twisted my hair into a knot at the top of my head and used the leverage to rock me back and forth, my mouth sliding over his hardness. The intensity throbbing between my legs was almost unbearable. I needed to feel him inside. I needed his hardness. I needed him.

  As if able to read my mind, Tyler pulled my head back, tugging on my hair until I looked up at him, and then he was on the ground with me, over me, pulling my dress off, tearing at my underwear and lifting my legs to his shoulders. The sound that fell out of his mouth when he entered me was animalistic. It was one of satisfaction, desire, want and need.

  He pushed inside so deeply I lost myself. Removing my legs from his shoulders, he allowed himself more access by bending my knees and pinning me down with his hands on the back of my thighs. He grunted with each thrust. Sweat beaded across his skin as he wrenched me across the carpet, my skin on fire with the friction even as his hands tried to hold me in place. It felt as though he was trying to crawl inside, plant himself as deeply as he could. My hair caught sharply under my head and I cried out as it snagged. Tyler withdrew himself, placing his mouth where his cock had just been. His hands moved under my rounded cheeks, tilting my pelvis towards his mouth as he sucked hungrily. There was nothing gentle about the way he touched me. Everything spoke of his need, his desperation. With his mouth on me, the desire to come rose quickly. Sensing my need, Tyler sat up and plunged inside.

  Holding himself still, he lifted my legs to his shoulders once again, but this time, his hands wrapped around each foot and pulled them apart widely, pushing into me further. I cried out again as he towered over me, arms wide, shoulders rippling with muscles. He tipped his head back and I marvelled at his body, stretched and exposed. The way his chest rose and fell with each fervent breath. The undulating curves of his muscles. The fine trail of dark hair that highlighted the way down to his cock plunged inside me.

  “Play with yourself,” he said. I was so close, just on the edge. “I want to feel you come.”

  I didn’t need any further encouragement and barely touched myself before I cried out, overcome by the powerful sensations rippling through my core. I had to close my eyes against the intensity and, when I opened them again, Tyler was staring into my eyes, lips slightly parted, brow damp with sweat and creased with strain.

  “I love the way you feel,” he whispered darkly. “The way you quiver and tremble.” He moved within me and I whimpered, attempting to pull my legs together, unsure if I could handle the steel-like hardness of him, but he held them open firmly. “Don’t,” he said when he felt my resistance.

  Every part of me was done. My limbs had turned to jelly, my insides to a quivering mess.

  He moved out and then slammed back with force, causing a grunt of air to escape my mouth. He repeated the action over and over, pulling out slowly, only to slam into me again with enough force that my skin burned against the carpet. The sensation was almost too much. I was tender and sore but the feeling of him so hard inside me created an effect that was hard to deny. The quivering need was mounting again, and Tyler was relentless.

  I’m not sure how to describe the sounds that were coming from me. They were uncontrollable. Caught somewhere between desire and pain, they fell out of my mouth with each thrust.

  “I want you to come for me again,” Tyler said.

  I shook my head and mumbled out a no. It wasn’t possible. I was done. Tyler pulled my legs further apart, then released them, leaning forward to press a kiss to my neck, and my body responded. Desire mounted. Pleasure trembled.

  “I can feel you tensing,” he whispered into my ear. “You’re close again, aren’t you?”

  I didn’t know if the answer was yes or no. Tyler was everywhere and everything. He filled and surrounded me. His mouth found mine and I was surprised by the ardour with which I could return his kiss. His hands pressed to the carpet either side of my face and I wrapped my arms around his neck, my legs around his hips.

  “Fuck, Lauren,” he panted. “Why do you do this to me?” He started moving faster, thrusting in and out with urgency.

  I dug my nails into his shoulder as I came again. My release triggered his and we cried out together, collapsing back to the floor when our bodies finally surrendered and relaxed.

  Tyler rolled off me, his hand resting on his forehead and his chest rising and falling with exertion. He lay still, staring at the ceiling as I crawled over to him, laying my head on his chest until his breathing returned to normal. His hand brushed over my face, pulling away the hair that covered it.

  “I don’t want this to end,” he said, and his voice rumbled in his chest. “I want to wake up to you every morning. I don’t like it that you’re this far away.” One finger twisted in my hair, wrapping the strand around and around. “Move in with me.”

  Peta’s words rattled through my mind.

  “Tyler,” I admonished gently. “It’s too soon.”

  A line creased his brow. “Why?”

  “My whole life is down here.”

  He ran his fingers down my side and I shivered under his touch. “Not your whole life, I hope.”

  I didn’t reply. Instead, I let silence overwhelm us again, the only sound being the steady thud of his heart. I didn’t know what to say. Part of me wanted to leap at the chance to be with him more, but another part was scared of giving that much of myself. Again.

  When Derek and I broke up, I realised my whole life revolved around him and with him gone, there was very little of me left. I didn’t want that to happen again, and with the way I felt about Tyler, I was worried he would swallow me whole.

  Tyler took a deep breath and my head rose and fell with his chest. “You know you don’t have to prove anything, don’t you?”

  I twisted to look at him.

  “What I said before.” A smirk covered his face. “Before this.” His arm wrapped around my shoulder and squeezed me against his hard body. “You don’t have to prove anything. I was just caught up in the moment. Desperate for you. I’m the one with the problem. I chased you while you were with him. I’m the one who needs to prove something. I need to prove that it was worth it, worth putting you through all this.” His finger traced patterns on my bare shoulder. “I’m sorry for what Dad said. I know it’s my fault you have to hear things like that. I promise to make it up to you. I promise that one day this will all be behind us.”

  I tilted my head and pressed a kiss to his chest. “I hope not all of this will be left behind. There are certain aspects of our current relationship I’m very fond of.”

  From the corner of the room, Tyler’s phone rang from the pocket of his jeans. He stretched across the floor but couldn’t reach, so I lifted myself from where I lay sprawled across him.

  “Don’t worry,” he said as he got to his feet. He leaned down and planted a kiss on my nose. “I’m not sure if that aspect will ever dull.” He winked. “The need is too strong.” By this time he had pulled his cell phone from the pocket of his pants. Glancing down at the screen, he scowled. “I’ve got to get this.”

  He moved into the hallway, shrugging his shirt over his head, but leaving the bottom half naked. I leaned back against the wall and watched him. His body moved with agitation as he spoke. He paced the hall, only to stop periodically, no words coming out of his mouth. He glanced at me occasionally and moved further down the hall as the frustration in his voice rose. I wished I could take it all away from him. I wished that for just this one weekend his work, his f
ather, everything that was keeping him from me would disappear.



  We spent the remainder of our time together naked, twisted in each other’s arms, a delirious combination of leisurely love-making, lazy eating and lingered conversation. The time for him to leave came all too soon again. I found my throat tightening as he packed his scattered clothing and collected his toothbrush from the bathroom.

  I huddled into his chest when he pulled me close and breathed in his scent. Mint and musk. “I don’t want you to go,” I said.

  “Come with me.”

  I looked up into his steel-grey eyes. There was no demand there, only a plea. “I can’t,” I stammered. “I’ve got shifts this week.”

  “Quit. Work for yourself. Work for me. Do anything you want, just move to the city. Live with me.”

  I pulled away as a car rolled into the driveway. I frowned when I noticed the dark station wagon and moved to get a better look. My sister, Morgan, got out of the front seat, pulling a large bag with her.

  “What is she doing here?” I whispered even though there was no way she could hear.

  “Who?” Tyler joined me to peer out the window.

  “My sister. Shit,” I cursed.

  Tyler raised a single brow. “Not pleased to see her, I take it?”

  “Shit,” I said again, running my hands through my messy hair. “Shit, shit, shit.”

  “Am I missing something?” Tyler looked out the window. “She’s almost at the door.”

  How did I tell him that my family still thought I was with Gabe? That I never plucked up the courage to tell them that we broke it off, or that I was now dating his brother.

  Morgan banged on the door loudly. “Lauren?” she called out, not giving me the time to answer.

  I reached for the handle of the door and froze, looking over my shoulder at Tyler and wincing. “I’m sorry,” I said.

  Tyler narrowed his eyes. “For what?”

  “I haven’t told my family about you.”

  Disappointment hovered across his features for a fraction before he covered it with a tight smile. “No time like the present.”

  Taking a deep breath, I pulled open the door. “Morgan!” I embraced her. “What are you doing here?”

  Morgan stormed past and dumped her bag onto the floor. “It’s over,” she said. “I’m done.”

  I glanced over at Tyler. She hadn’t noticed him yet. “What’s over?”

  “My marriage. I’ve left him.”

  “What?” Surprise skyrocketed my eyebrows. “But—”

  “It’s okay if I stay here a few days, isn’t it? If I have to look at that pathetic face of his for one minute longer I think I might end up strangling him. Do you know what he said to me?”

  Tyler moved and it caught Morgan’s eye. Confusion flashed, then curiosity, which was quickly followed by the twitching of the corners of her mouth. “And who do we have here?” A light bulb smile spread across her face and she walked over to Tyler, hand extended.

  “Tyler Thornton.” He shook her hand firmly.

  Morgan looked back at me, her expression a mix between a question and a smirk. “Thornton?” she repeated. “Any relation to the gorgeous Gabe Thornton?”

  Tyler cleared his throat. “My brother.”

  “Oh.” The word was littered with intent. “His brother?”

  I pulled her away from Tyler and she stumbled after me, a stupid grin on her face. “What happened?” I hissed.

  “Who is he?” she hissed back, her eyes still stuck on Tyler. “He’s gorgeous. I mean, I thought Gabe was divine and believe me he is, but this guy?” She let out a low whistle. “Is he single?”

  I whacked her arm. “Stop it!”

  “What?” she said innocently, but still with a coy smile on her face while staring at Tyler. Unsure what to do, Tyler pulled out his phone and started tapping on the screen.

  “Tell me what happened?” I said again.

  “Don’t get your knickers in a twist. He thinks I’m just down visiting for the weekend. I haven’t actually done anything yet.” Her eyes moved back to Tyler. “But I’ll tell you something I would like to do.”

  “Morgan!” I tugged her arm again to get her attention back, but she sauntered away from me, her focus firmly set on Tyler.

  “So tell me, Tyler Thornton, what are you doing here?” She ran her eyes over his body, not ashamed as she blatantly ogled him.

  Tyler merely looked over at me.

  Morgan spun around, narrowing her eyes. “Where’s Gabe?” It was said as an accusation.

  “Gabe and I broke up,” I said quietly, meeting Tyler’s eyes over the top of her head.

  “And?” Morgan prodded.

  “And now I’ve got to take Tyler to the airport.”

  Morgan crossed her arms. “Great. You can fill me in on the way.”

  Tyler’s eyes burned into mine across the room. “Lauren and I are together,” he said, his gaze never slipping from mine. “She and Gabe broke up a few months back and now we are together.”

  Morgan’s eyes grew round. “You moved from Gabe to this?” Her thumb jutted in Tyler’s direction.

  “This?” Tyler and I said at the same time.

  Morgan turned to Tyler. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to refer to you as an object, but you are, well…” She paused. “Quite delightful.”

  Tyler smiled at her though his eyes remained hard. “Well, it is delightful to meet Lauren’s sister.”

  I opened the door wide, indicating for Morgan to walk out so we could drive to the airport.

  “Where do you find these men?” she whispered as she passed. “And where can I get one?”

  During the trip to the airport, Morgan peppered Tyler with questions from the backseat, leaning forward between us so she could engage him in conversation. Tyler kept his answers short, but polite. His hand slid between us to rest on my thigh. When Morgan sat back in the seat, no longer invading the space between us, he slid it between my legs, working his way up until he brushed over the material of my underwear. Morgan continued to chat from the back, complaining about Alistair, updating me on Madison’s life.

  I told Morgan to stay back when it was time to say goodbye. Tyler had been quiet. Quieter than usual, which was almost impossible. He pulled me to him and planted a kiss onto my scalp, inhaling deeply.

  “When will I see you again?”

  “I’m not sure.” My reply was muffled into his shoulder.

  “I hate leaving.”

  “You’re not annoyed with me for letting my family believe I was still with Gabe?”

  He kissed my head again. “Yes, I am.”

  I pulled away, tears immediately welling to my eyes. I blinked rapidly, annoyed with myself. “It wasn’t intentional. It was just because—”

  “Do you know the worst thing about being annoyed with you?” His voice was low. “All I want to do is be inside you. Claim you. Remind you who you belong to.”

  “Belong?” Even as the word rubbed against my conscience, it excited me.

  Tyler looked around the crowded airport as the intercom buzzed with the final boarding call for his flight. Placing a finger under my chin, he tilted my head upwards, lowering his until our mouths met in a blinding kiss of passion and urgency. “Don’t make me wait too long,” he said, and then he was gone, the door left swinging in his wake.

  I lifted a trembling hand to my mouth, running my finger over my crushed and bruised lips, relishing the relived memory of him.

  I was jolted out of the reverie by the door banging against the wall and a gleeful Morgan holding it open.

  “Start talking. Now,” she demanded.

  On the way back to the house I explained, in the briefest way possible, what had occurred between Gabe, Tyler and I. Morgan devoured the information like she would a soap opera, eyes wide and wicked, hands clasped in enthrallment. When we walked back inside the house, she threw herself onto the couch dramatically.
  “Well,” she said, eyes glittering with the scandal of it. “Your life has certainly got a lot more interesting.”

  “You could say that,” I agreed.

  “You could say that?” she mocked. “Have you seen the man you are currently bedding? He is panty-dropping gorgeous, Lauren.” She said it as though it was something I was unaware of. It wasn’t. “And those eyes! Have you seen those eyes?” She held her hand to her chest, clutching at her heart. “How they burn!” She sat up suddenly. “Are there any more Thornton brothers? Can I have one?”

  “Morgan,” I admonished.

  “What? As I said, I’m done with Alistair. If I have to see the stupid expression that crosses his face as he grunts on top of me one more time, it will be too soon.”

  I covered my ears with my hands. “Morgan you’re my sister,” I said loudly, emphasising the fact that I didn’t want to hear what she said. “Alistair is my brother-in-law. I do not want to hear what he is like in bed.”

  “But seriously,” Morgan said. “Is there?”

  I cautiously removed my hands. “Is there what?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Any more brothers?”

  “For goodness sake, Morgan!”

  Her eyes lit with realisation. “There is, isn’t there? Spill. Tell me all the details now. Is he older? Younger? Like Gabe, young, carefree and beautiful, or like Tyler, dark, intense and brooding?” She shuddered. “I don’t know which I’m hoping for more.”

  “Jake is nothing like his brothers. He’s not long returned from a stint with the army, though he looks more like a caveman than a soldier.”


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