by Bianca D'Arc
Later that afternoon when they’d taken their leave of the Redstones and found their way back to Kate’s pretty little house, Kate reopened the topic of his move.
“It was kind of you to uproot yourself and move here to be with me, but are you absolutely certain that’s what you want? I can just as easily move to be where you are.”
“While I appreciate the offer, we both know you’re needed here right now and for the foreseeable future. This Clan needs you like no other, Kate. I couldn’t ask you to leave them. It wouldn’t be fair to you or to them.” He kissed her brow, loving the feel of her in his arms. “Besides, I might be able to help too. I have a lot of skills that a Clan this large and diverse can use. And now that I’ve found you, my roaming days are over. This is as good a place to settle as any. Better than most, in fact. I already like the people and best of all, you’re here and you’ve already decorated a guest room for my great-grandmother.” He dodged her hands as she tried to tickle him.
They laughed and he felt the freeing feeling of hope for the future bubbling up from his soul. She was good for him and he swore to the Goddess they both served that he would do all in his power to make Kate’s life as fun-filled, happy and loving as he could possibly manage.
“I love you, Kate.” He nuzzled her cheek and took her down to the couch in her sparsely decorated living room. There was still a lot to do to make this house a home, but with Kate in it, the hardest part was already solved.
“I love you too,” she whispered, and that was the last thing either of them said for quite some time while they christened the comfy new couch in the most delicious way .
# # #
A Word From Bianca D’Arc
About Her Paranormal Series
Since I started writing paranormal romances in 2005, much has happened behind-the-scenes to affect the way in which these stories have been released. Originally, there were two very separate series—the Brotherhood of Blood for vampires, and the Tales of the Were for werewolves and their werecreature friends.
The main reason for this separation was that each series was with a different publisher. The publisher that originally had my vampire short stories and novellas went out of business some years ago and I began the process of bringing those stories over to Samhain Publishing, which had been publishing my Tales of the Were novels. I took the vampire short stories and novellas, expanded them—in some cases significantly—and republished them with Samhain, where they remain as of this writing. Those stories are: One & Only, Rare Vintage, and Phantom Desires.
I have since added to that series at Samhain with the novella Forever Valentine and the crossover novel, Sweeter Than Wine, which is the point where it became quite obvious that all of these stories happened in the same contemporary paranormal world. Matt Redstone plays a significant part in that book.
Those five stories are united by the fact that they follow the love stories of five female college friends. All five find that they are mated to vampires. But there is a sixth college friend and her story is told in the RT Book Award nominated novel, Wolf Hills. She is mated to Jason Moore, who is mentioned briefly in the book you just read. He is the Alpha of a large werewolf Pack in Wyoming, and his brother, Jesse, heads up the Ghost Squad.
At this point, the Brotherhood of Blood series will begin to follow that story line, and the next novel in the series, the upcoming, Wolf Quest, is Jesse Moore’s story. There is quite a bit of crossover now between the Brotherhood of Blood and the Tales of the Were, but the timing is tricky. The internal chronology of the stories has been at times, difficult for me to reconcile because of all this confusion in the way the initial stories came out, went out of print, then were re-released.
The Tales of the Were series will branch off from this point and follow the five Redstone brothers in a sub-series I’m sub-titling Redstone Clan. You’ll notice a little graphic to that effect on the next five covers in the series, starting with Griffon Redstone’s story, coming later this Spring.
I think I’ve finally reached the point where the internal chronology will straighten out. The pivotal point for all of these stories is the Redstone matriarch’s death. From here, we’ll follow Grif as he takes his little sister out into the wilds to heal and the mysterious woman he finds fighting her own battles out there.
We’ll also catch up with Mag and his vampire friend. And we’ll see Steve find the love of his life. As will Bobcat and Matt. With any luck, these stories will come out every few months during the rest of 2013 and into 2014. Where we go from there, I’m not sure yet, but I can guarantee, it’ll be a wild ride!
Come over to The D’Arc Side…
One & Only
By Bianca D’Arc
Brotherhood of Blood, Book 1
A deadly crash changes the fate of one lonely vampire.
Vampire enforcer Atticus Maxwell stands at the edge of his own oblivion…until the faint heartbeat of a desperately wounded mortal woman calls him back. The terrible crash that almost took both their lives has brought him a charming, intriguing woman who just might give him a reason to live again.
Lissa was headed for a conference at a resort in a last-ditch attempt to find a job. Instead, on a rain-slick mountain road that almost killed her, she finds the love of her life. A love with the most eligible, reclusive vineyard owner in Napa Valley—one that isn’t quite human.
No barrier—not even breaking the news to Lissa’s friends—seems too great to hold back their blossoming love. Until they learn the accident that brought them together wasn’t an accident at all, but a murder attempt by an unknown enemy.
Atticus saved Lissa once. Can he keep her that way in the face of a renewed threat?
Lords of the Were
By Bianca D’Arc
Tales of the Were, Book 1
An ancient evil is stalking the twin alpha rulers of the werefolk and the half-were woman who is destined to be their mate…if she lives long enough.
Fulfilling her mother’s dying wish, Allie climbs a wooded hill just before midnight on Samhain—All Hallow’s Eve. At the top, she finds an overgrown, magical stone circle, and her destiny. Waiting for her there are twin alpha werewolves who will be her sworn protectors, her mentors…and the loves of her life. If she lives long enough.
Overprotective is just one word to describe Rafe and Tim. Sexy is most definitely another. But their newfound love and all their skills-both mundane and magical—will be tested by an ancient evil. A hostile human mage and a misguided vampire hunt them, servants to secret plans of the ancient Venifucus, a society dedicated to destroying women like Allie.
They will earn unlikely allies, including a half-fey knight imprisoned Underhill for centuries, but will it be enough to battle the evil that stalks them? Will Allie’s men be strong enough to let her aid them in her own defense? Only together can were, fey and vampire defeat this latest threat and learn that love does truly conquer all.
Keeper of the Flame
By Bianca D’Arc
Dragon Knights, Book 7
A warrior, a maiden...and a passion that could set the whole world aflame.
Despite the fact he is the largest of his half-dragon brothers and better suited to fighting, Hugh has been sent on an undercover mission. Forced to stay in human form, he must discover if the land of Helios is truly the Draconian ally it pretends, or something more sinister.
When he witnesses injustice in the form of a misshapen baby gryphlet kicked out into the cold, he cannot remain in the shadows and watch the child suffer. All he can hope for is that his act of kindness will go unnoticed so his mission can continue.
But someone does notice. When Lera cautiously approaches Hugh, she is drawn to his strange, foreign magic. She is entranced by its irresistible allure -- until assassins come calling and reveal her true identity.
She is Valeria, queen of Helios, Keeper of the Flame. And she has been betrayed. Together they must risk everything to uncover the traitors and r
eforge the alliance between their lands. Yet beneath their blazing passion, both are still keeping secrets. Secrets that the Sacred Flame will reveal—if their love survives its cleansing fire.
Warning: When a dragon prince and a Flame Keeper come together, the conflagration is definitely too hot to handle!
King of Swords
By Bianca D’Arc
Arcana, Book 1
David is a newly retired special ops soldier, looking to find his way in an unfamiliar civilian world. His first step is to visit an old friend, the owner of a bar called The Rabbit Hole on a distant space station. While there, he meets an intriguing woman who holds the keys to his future.
Adele has a special ability, handed down through her family. Adele can sometimes see the future. She doesn’t know exactly why she’s been drawn to the space station where her aunt deals cards in a bar that caters to station workers and ex-military. She only knows that she needs to be there. When she meets David, sparks of desire fly between them and she begins to suspect that he is part of the reason she traveled halfway across the galaxy.
Pirates gas the inhabitants of the station while Adele and David are safe inside a transport tube and it’s up to them to repel the invaders. Passion flares while they wait for the right moment to overcome the alien threat and retake the station. But what good can one retired soldier and a civilian do against a ship full of alien pirates?
Note: This novella was previously available in an anthology titled Fortune’s Fool, which is now out of print.
And here’s a peek at a new book by a friend of mine…
Enforcer’s Redemption
By Carrie Ann Ryan
Adam Jamenson has suffered through the worst loss known to man. The only reason he lives day-to-day is to ensure the safety of his Pack. As the Enforcer of the Redwood Pack, it is his job to protect all in his path, though he was unable to protect the ones he held dear. The war with the Centrals is heating up and Adam must try and grit through it in order to survive. Though the broken man inside of him may not want to…
Bay Milton is a werewolf with a past. And a secret. She’s met the Redwood’s Enforcer only once, but it left a lasting effect. Now she needs to find him or everything he had thought he lost, may be lost again.
Together, they must struggle and find a way to fight their pasts and present in order to protect their future. But the Centrals have a plan that might make their path one of loss and destruction.
For more information visit
Titles by Bianca D’Arc
Now Available:
Brotherhood of Blood
One & Only
Rare Vintage
Phantom Desires
Sweeter Than Wine
Forever Valentine
Wolf Hills
Tales of the Were
Lords of the Were
The Purrfect Stranger
Dragon Knights
Maiden Flight
Border Lair
The Ice Dragon
Prince of Spies
Wings of Change
Dragon Storm
Keeper of the Flame
Resonance Mates
Hara’s Legacy
Davin’s Quest
Jaci’s Experiment
Grady’s Awakening
Jit’Suku Chronicles
Arcana: King of Swords
Arcana: King of Cups
Arcana: King of Clubs
End of the Line
Sons of Amber: Ezekiel
Sons of Amber: Michael
Gifts of the Ancients: Warrior’s Heart
String of Fate: Cat’s Cradle
StarLords: Hidden Talent
Guardians of the Dark
Half Past Dead
Once Bitten, Twice Dead
A Darker Shade of Dead
The Beast Within
Dead Alert
Print Anthologies
Ladies of the Lair
I Dream of Dragons Vol. 1
Brotherhood of Blood
Caught by Cupid
Coming Soon:
Tales of the Were – Redstone Clan
Spring 2013
Jit’Suku Chronicles: Arcana
King of Stars
Summer 2013
Dragon Knights
The Dragon Healer
July 2013
Dragon Knights
Master at Arms
August 2013
Brotherhood of Blood
Wolf Quest
December 2013
For all upcoming book releases, be sure to check Bianca’s website.
About the Author
Bianca D’Arc has run a laboratory, climbed the corporate ladder in the shark-infested streets of Manhattan, studied and taught martial arts, and earned the right to put a whole bunch of letters after her name, but she’s always enjoyed writing more than any of her other pursuits. She grew up and still lives on Long Island, where she keeps busy with an extensive garden, several aquariums full of very demanding fish, and writing her favorite genres of paranormal, fantasy and sci-fi romance.
Bianca loves to hear from readers and can be reached through Facebook, her Yahoo group or through the various links on her website.