Molly's Cop

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Molly's Cop Page 7

by Joannie Kay

  "I just want to get this over with so I can get some sleep, Lloyd. You are pissing me off with this corner bullcrap!" she declared.

  "What you need is a sound spanking so you can get serious about corner time, Kat. You can forget about going to bed anytime soon. And, you can forget about sitting with any comfort anytime soon. Come here!"

  "You know I hate being put in the corner, Lloyd, so what did you expect? Me to fall all over you with remorse? The hell with that! Don't put me in the corner unless you want attitude. I don't do well with that, never have, and I, by God, never will! It makes me feel like I am less in some way, and if you think that spanking me is going to make me change my mind about being stuck in the corner, then you'd best think again. All you are doing is royally pissing me off!"

  Kathleen was raging at Lloyd in a way that reminded him of when they were first dating. He had definitely ignored her lately and she was out of control. It was time to stop asking her to slow down and eat healthier and get more rest; it was time to put his hand to her pretty backside and get her attention for a good talking to. He knew that further conversation in the moment would only escalate her temper. It was time for action. He marched over to where she stood, defiantly facing him, and took her hand, pulling her over to the bed. He took a seat and dragged her down over his left thigh so that her upper body was resting on the bed itself. He knew Kat's temper well, and he quickly pinned her calves beneath his right leg, and he pulled her close to his body and pinned her right arm to her side while he held her down with an arm over her back. The position worked well to control an angry woman bent on escaping a hard spanking, and Kat wasn't getting up any time soon.

  Kathleen cursed fluently when Lloyd's right hand landed on her left cheek with a loud smack. She was positive her creamy white skin was wearing a red handprint; Lloyd was very strong and he spanked hard. There was no such thing as a warm up to a spanking. He started full force, and spanked with a steady rhythm, setting one cheek on fire before moving to the right side and creating the same fire there. Once both sides of her bottom were a fiery red and she was crying, he paused to ask, "Do you think you can stand in the corner now and think about your behavior today?"

  "I am not going to stand in the corner, damn it!" Her temper reared again. "This is enough of a punishment for what happened today," she added, crying harder. "I just want to go to sleep, Lloyd!" Kathleen was in pain, and she already knew that sitting down tomorrow was going to be very painful. It would make working on designs that much harder, and she had three proposals to make to local businesses; she had no choice but to sit at her desk and work on the plans to landscape their outdoor spaces.

  "Kat, we haven't begun with the punishment for the way you behaved today, and we haven't discussed a few other things that need to be discussed. This spanking was because you were not making use of your time in the corner. You can either get your butt in the corner and do some serious thinking, or we can go round two with this spanking. Just remember, you are due a good dose of hairbrush, and your temper and attitude are going to make that punishment a good deal worse if you keep arguing with me." He gave her time to think, then asked, "Well? What is it going to be, Kat? Another spanking or some time in the corner to think about today?"

  "Spending time in the corner does not work for me, Lloyd. Why aren't you listening to me? It only makes me feel anger and resentment. I don't think while I am there, and I never have. I've only said what you wanted to hear to get it over with... Don't you think it a waste of time when I am being honest with you?"

  Lloyd abruptly realized she was telling him the truth. "Very well," he agreed. "We won't do corner time." He felt her body sag in relief. "Instead, we will try something else." She stiffened again.

  "But, Lloyd... I am really tired, and I want this to be over. Please, can't we just go to sleep and talk about this later?" Kat asked, trying to sound sorry.

  "No, Kat, we can't. You aren't feeling one bit of remorse."

  "I told that woman I am sorry."

  "You said 'sorry' because Michael was sitting there getting in your face. You did not mean the apology, and you are going to mean the one you give tomorrow." He lifted her to her feet and walked her over to the small desk in the sitting area of their bedroom. He pulled out the chair and plopped her down on the seat.

  "Owwww!" Kat complained, trying to get up. The patterned fabric covering the seat was uncomfortable on bare skin, and downright painful on spanked bare skin! To her dismay, Lloyd put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back down.

  "Sit still, Kathleen. You are being punished," he reminded her.

  "You know this chair is uncomfortable!" she reminded him.

  "Yes, which means it is perfect for what I have in mind. Now sit still or you are going over my knee again until you do sit still."

  Kathleen hated the firm note in Lloyd's voice. It meant that he was determined to see her punished, and that she was not going to sway him from his purpose. It was one of the things she hated most about him, and it was one of the things she loved most about him. Years ago, when she was going to college and working in a nursery part time, her employer sent her out to a job site on a Saturday morning with a van full of plants and instructions on where she was to put them in the ground. Kathleen loved the work, but since she was new in the business, she had no experience in dealing with clients. She was nearly finished with the job, having spent hours making everything look great, when the owner pulled up and came over to her and said, "These aren't the flowers I ordered, Miss. There has been a mistake." Kat was highly insulted. The landscaping looked beautiful. She told the man so. He patiently explained that while the flowers were pretty, they were the wrong ones, and he wanted the situation corrected immediately. Kat gave him a dirty look, called her employer and explained the situation, only to learn that yes, there was a mistake. She was instructed to hand the man her telephone and overheard her boss apologizing and promising to correct the problem immediately. The man was pleasant, gave the cell phone back to Kathleen, and then said, "Looks like you'll be spending some more time here today, Miss." She wanted to hit him, but knew how her Pop would react if she lost her temper with a customer, and while she didn't think Mrs. Conner would spank her, she would probably fire her! Kathleen drove all the way back to the nursery, picked up the right plants, fuming that her plans to go shopping that afternoon with her friends were ruined. It didn't make her any happier when the client came outside to check on her every so often. Kat finally lost her temper with him and picked up one of the plastic trays and threw it at him. She got wet dirt all over his suit and the look on his face reminded her of her Pop when he was on the verge of spanking! To her dismay, the man reached down to jerk her to her feet and within seconds he'd taken her inside his business, which was closed for the weekend, and into his office. "You need a damned good spanking, young lady," he stated, and to her horror, he pushed her down over his desk, picked up a ruler, and started spanking the seat of her dirty, worn jeans! He didn't stop until she was crying and insisting she was sorry for losing her temper. Then, to her surprise, he offered comfort, holding her while she cried and said she was sorry again and again. He said the incident was forgiven, and then he gave her a gentle kiss, taking both of them by surprise. That kiss shocked Kathleen to the very core of her being. She immediately recognized the man she would marry. The same man who was still spanking her when she was naughty!

  Kathleen looked up at Lloyd and her temper melted away... just that quickly. She reached for his hand. "Lloyd, I love you so much," she whispered, her eyes filling with tears.

  "I love you, too, Kat, and that is why I am not going to permit you to act the way you did today. And that is why I am going to take you in hand and set some ground rules for work, too. You are brittle all the time because you have too much on your plate. You are exhausted; it is time to make a commitment to hiring someone to help you. You are successful enough you can do that now." Lloyd knew that his lovely wife was actually hearing what he had to
say. "I love you, and I refuse to permit you to work yourself to death. The kids and I need more of your time. When you are too busy to return a telephone call to your Mom, then you are trying to do too much."

  "Michael said he recognized Molly; I cannot believe I was so rude to her!" Kat whispered sadly. "Do you think she will give me another chance?" she asked, the worried look in her eyes genuine.

  "I believe she will," Lloyd said, praying he was right. "She seems like a nice young woman to me. You know your brother would never bring her home if she wasn't special."

  "I know." She made a face and then admitted, "I think I was a bit jealous of her. I'm used to Michael coming to me when he needs a female point of view."

  "He was a bit protective of you when you brought me home the first time; do you remember?" Lloyd asked with a grin. He nearly killed me with that basketball in the face.

  "He apologized," Kathleen said with a watery smile. "He was afraid that you'd talk me out of going to school, but when he realized you were going to make me finish college before we discussed wedding plans, he decided you were okay."

  "And he ran a background check on me," Lloyd told her. "If he gives you any grief over today, I'll remind him of that," he promised, and then asked, "Do you think it necessary to sit here and write about your behavior today or do you have it sorted out now?"

  "I have it sorted out, Lloyd. I will apologize," she promised.

  "To Molly, to Michael, and to your folks, your Mom in particular," he stated in an uncompromising tone of voice.

  "Yes," she agreed, knowing her husband was right.

  "You can get your hairbrush now and meet me at the bed."

  "It isn't necessary to spank me again, honey. I am already very sore," Kathleen insisted. "I am sorry, and I will apologize."

  "You will also accept the spanking you earned today, young lady. Now, no more sass. We need to get this matter settled, and then we are going to talk about work related matters."

  "Why can't we talk first?" she asked.

  "Because you are going to be punished separately for both," he stated calmly. "Now that you know that, perhaps you will do as you are told and take this spanking well." Kathleen was horrified at the thought of two more spankings, just as he wanted her to be. It would make the discussion over her work hours a lot less argumentative if she knew he intended to give her another spanking after the one she was going to get right now.

  Kathleen stood up and kicked off her sleep pants. She didn't want to trip over them as she walked to her dressing table and picked up the old-fashioned hairbrush that Lloyd gave her for Christmas the year they met. He told her that he loved her long, dark hair, and he thought the other side of the brush, made of solid cherry wood, would be perfect for her bottom. The brush was used daily for her hair, and the back of the brush was used much too often on her seat. Still, the last time had been months ago... She picked it up and bravely walked over to the bed where Lloyd was waiting for her. He held out his hand, and she handed him her hairbrush before getting into position.

  Lloyd could tell that Kat's attitude had changed completely. This spanking would be difficult for her to endure, but it would get rid of the guilt she was feeling, and once the apologies were over with, his lovely lady would be herself once again. He made sure he had a good hold on her so she couldn't jerk her hand away from him and put it in harm's way. A spanking was meant to be delivered to her sit upon, and not her delicate hands where a bone could be broken. "Why is this spanking going to happen, Kat?" he asked formally.

  "Because I was horrible to Michael and Molly today. Because I jumped to conclusions and made a fool of myself. Because I didn't call Mama back before I assumed all sorts of things that are not true. Lloyd, do you believe me when I tell you I deeply regret my behavior and I am sorry...?" she asked in a small voice.

  "Yes, honey, I believe you. Do you believe me when I tell you that I am giving you this spanking because you need to be spanked and because I love you enough to know it is needed?"

  "Yes, Lloyd. I believe you and I trust you," she admitted the simple truth. While she hated a spanking while it was happening, once it was over the guilt was gone, and she felt truly loved, safe, and cherished by her husband. That knowledge did not make the next few minutes any easier to endure, however. Her bottom was already stinging and sore from his hand, and Lloyd did not show her any mercy just because she said 'sorry'. He gave her a very long and very hard spanking with the hair brush, her pleas and tears making no difference at all. When he finally stopped, he held her right there, letting her feel the pain and making sure she couldn't put her hands back to rub and try to relieve the sting in any way. He did not offer comfort of any kind, but allowed her to cry until she was able to compose herself.

  "Are you ready to discuss work now?" Lloyd asked quietly.

  "Yes," she said, and wasn't surprised when he helped her up.

  "I will warn you right now that I have been unhappy for some time now with the hours you've been putting in. You are going to cut back drastically, Kat. Your children need to see more of you; they have been in bed every night for the last two weeks before you came home. The only time they've seen you is on Sunday, and in the mornings before they go to school or daycare. You are their Mother."

  "I know. It's been so crazy lately, Lloyd. My business has grown so much!"

  "You need to hire an assistant; someone who is just out of school and is interested in learning the business from someone successful."

  "I think you are right, but if I choose the wrong person, I could ruin the business I've worked so hard to build."

  "Kat, you need to trust yourself more. You will know when the right person comes in and interviews for the job. Hire them on a probationary basis. If it doesn't work, you let them go, and hire someone else. In the meantime, don't take on more work than you can handle and still be home by six in the evenings. I know that you need to be available on Saturday mornings, and I will give you that, but you will come home at noon, and you will call me if there is a problem and you are going to be late. Is that understood?" he asked, his voice firm and the look on his face stern. She nodded, but he could see that she was not convinced. "Kat, let me tell you how this is going to work... Unless I okay your being late you will be punished with ten hard spanks for every minute past the time you are due home. That means, my darling, ten minutes will cost you one hundred hard spanks on your bare seat. I think a few days of that will make you a bit more time conscious, don't you agree?"

  "What if it is unavoidable, Lloyd?! I get calls right at the last minute sometimes!"

  "So do I," he said calmly. "I tell them I will return their call in the morning, and that is what I do. Of course, there are times you must take a call. I am not without understanding, but it won't happen every day. Is that clear?"

  Kathleen nodded. "I guess I should feel flattered that you want to spend more time with me...?" she smiled and then moved forward to put her arms around him and kiss him.

  "I love you, my darling," he said. "Now you can go to the bathroom and get yourself ready for bed. I'm going to tuck you in with a spanking to seal our bargain."

  "Please don't spank me again, honey," she begged. "I promise I will start looking for an assistant tomorrow."

  "I am sure you will," he agreed. "Go pee and get back here. You'll make this spanking harder if you keep standing here trying to talk me out of it."

  There was that firm, uncompromising tone of voice again! Kat did as she was told, wincing when she sat on the toilet seat. She knew she would start crying again the minute Lloyd spanked her. She was already in so much pain she knew it was going to be difficult to go to sleep. When she left the bathroom she saw that Lloyd had already turned down the covers. She decided that her t-shirt was long enough to sleep in, and when he pointed at the bed, she crawled in and closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable spanking. She'd been through this before, and was confident that Lloyd wouldn't give her more than ten or fifteen swats. He knew she was in pain, a
nd all he would do was ignite the previous spankings so she would feel them as she went to sleep. It was more of his way to remind her that she'd been naughty and naughty did not fly in this household. But, instead of the sharp spank she expected, she felt him apply something cool and soothing to her sore cheeks. He rubbed in the cream and she was grateful for the brief respite of the cooling agent... until it started burning! That is when his hand slapped against her left cheek and then her right. The spanking made the cream burn even more, and Lloyd didn't stop spanking until he had covered every inch of her bottom and sit spots! She felt like she was on fire! She jumped to her feet, and ran for the bathroom.

  "Oh no you don't," Lloyd said calmly, turning off the shower she intended to jump under to get rid of the cream burning her skin. "That capsaicin cream is to stay on your butt until it wears off naturally."

  "It burns, Lloyd! I can't stand it!" she cried out. "Please! It hurts too much!"

  "It hurts your children when you don't come home night after night. They go to bed sad because you aren't here to read them a story and tuck them in. This cream is a punishment you will endure, Kathleen. Now get your butt into bed and go to sleep!"

  "I won't be able to sleep with this burning, Lloyd! Please, you don't understand! It feels like I sat on a stove burner. Please let me bathe!"

  "It won't wash off, Kat. You will wear it until it goes away in a while."

  "You know I can't tolerate that stuff on my skin! It burns. I can't believe you are doing this!" She started bawling, feeling sorry for herself.

  Lloyd took her by the arm and led her back to bed. He gave her two more hard smacks to her fanny and said firmly, "Stay put and go to sleep, young lady."

  * * *

  Molly was surprised when Michael showed up to drive her to work the next morning, and was even more surprised when he said he would be by later to take her to lunch. "It isn't necessary for you to do that, Michael. I am not used to eating lunch."


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